The Test Results Are Back!!
Neil sat in the chair beside Lily's hospital bed, clasping her hand in his. Lily began to stir...
"Cane," she whispered.
"No, honey it's your father." Lily opened her eyes to look at him. "You gave us all quite a scare sweetheart."
"Sorry," she whispered.
"That's alright sweetheart, we're all just so glad that you're ok."
"Where is Cane? Can I see him?"
"I believe Cane is outside this door pacing a hole in the linolium waiting for the opportunity to see you," Neil said a small smile upon his face. "I'll go get him."
"Thank you Daddy."
Just then the doctor walked in...
"I am sorry but your visit will have to wait. I need to go over a few things with Miss Winters."
Neil stood up and with concern he asked, "everything is ok isn't Dr. Riley?
"Uh... yes I just need to go over Miss. Winters test results and check her vitals."
"Alright then." To Lily he said, " I will be right outside if you need me." He kissed her tenderly on the forehead and left...
Meanwhile outside the room...
Cane stopped his pacing when Neil came into the hallway and said, "is Lily ok? I saw the doctor go in. When can I see her?"
Neil put his hand on Cane's shoulder and said, "not for a while I'm afraid. Dr. Riley wants to go over her test results and re-examine her. But she is awake and she asked for you."
Cane took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Ok, ok. I - I need to leave for a little bit then. I will be back in less than an hour. If the Doctor comes out before I am back please tell Lily that I will be in to see her in just a little while. You'll still be here (at Neils' nod he continued) good because I need to talk to you when I get back," and with that Cane left.
Karen approached Neil and said, "what was that all about? Where did Cane go?"
Puzzled Neil responded, "I'm not sure Karen but apparently I will find out soon enough."
Meanwhile back in the room...
Dr. Riley checked Lilys' vitals. He was a portly man with glasses which he now peered over as he started talking to her...
"Well Miss. Winters besides being exhausted and dehydrated when I ran some tests I noticed some abnormalities in your hormone levels which prompted me to run a few more tests."
Lily swallowed.
The doctor continued, "tell me Miss. Winters when was your last period?"
Lily had to think about it for a minute. "I am not sure. I have been under a lot of stress um... maybe two months ago, I think."
"Well that would confirm my calculations. Are you on any birth control?"
Not sure where the doctor was going with this she said, "yes I am on the pill. But what does this have to do with anything?"
He took off his glasses and staired at her with an obvious look and said, "Miss Winters - your pregnant, you're about eight weeks along now."
"But that's impossible as I said Dr. Riley I am taking birth control." Lily was in shock.
"Miss. Winters you should know that no one birth control method is 100% infact the pill only has a 97.8% success rate. Perhaps during this time of stress might you have forgotten to take it a couple of times?"
"I - (oh, no) yes, I think I did a couple of times," Lily whispered in disbelief.
"Well I am afraid that, that would have lowered the success rate even further. Look Miss Winters, I know this is completely unexpected but this is a good thing isn't it? Because of course you do have options."
Lily placed her hand gently over her stomach. She was in complete shock and wonder. So many emotions, feelings and thoughts running through her head. A soft smile slowly spreading across her face she said, "I won't be needing any other options Dr. Riley - I think this is going to be a wonderful thing."
"Good then," he pulled out his perscription pad and started writing he continued, "here is a persciption for prenatal vitamins," and reaching into his pocket of his coat he said, "and here is a couple of bottles to get you started." He went over to the cupboard in the room and pulled out a small paper bag, he placed the bottles in it then put the bag on her bedside table he continued, "now make sure you get plenty of rest and keep the stress in your life to a non-existent level - shall we."
Lily smiled and agreed to do her best. Afterall there was only one major stressful thing in her life left to do - she had to tell Cane he was going to be a father...
Cane Brings Lily Home!!
Lily had yet to find the right time to tell Cane. She didn't like that she had to keep it from her friends and family either but she thought that Cane should be the first to know. After a relatively comfortable night in the hospital, Lily was released and allowed to come home after lunch the next day...
A hand at her back Cane and Lily reached there front door. "You know," he said. "I was really lucky I was able to bring you home, your Dad really wanted you to come and recouperate at his place."
"Well you know Dad. I am just glad that you convinced him to allow me to come back here." Turning to look at him she continued, "because there is no other place I'd rather be." Lily placed a soft kiss on his lips then turned to the door.
Cane secretly smiled...
The door opened before either one could unlock it and their stood Colleen. A shocked Lily was wrapped in a warm hug from her...
"What are you doing here?"
Colleen looked at her best friend and said, "I am so glad that you are ok. I've been so worried about you." And stepping aside so that Lily could finally see into the apartment she continued, "and well Cane asked me to take care of a few things."
Lily's breath stilled in her throat as she looked around. She didn't even notice the hug of thanks Cane gave Colleen and the mumbled words 'good luck' as she slipped out the door...
Lily was in awe as she stepped into the apartment. Everywhere she looked there were lit pillar candles and there was soft music playing in the backround reminding her of a Valentines Night in the not so distant past when they had first made love...
Cane brought Lilys stuff in and set in on the table beside the couch - the paper bag among her things.
Lily still breathless said, "what is all this? Everything is so beautiful. I can't believe you went to all this trouble just for my homecoming..."
Cane took her hands in his and settled her on the couch. He wrapped the cashmere throw around her legs. Cane sat down beside her, his arms going around her, he put his lips to her temple and whispered..."Lily I thought I had lost you. I was so scared and when you collapsed you brought me to my knees before you and well..." Cane stood up and once again fell to his knees before her...
A shocked Lily put her hand to her mouth as Cane knelt before her he continued, "I came to a few conclusions while you were in the hospital Lily. I mad some decisions about my life - about are life together and well I knew what I had to do..."
Lily couldn't believe this was happening...
"I love you Lily Winters," and reaching into his pocket Cane pulled out a velvet box and opened it before her, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you merry me?"
Lily looked at the beautiful solitaire nestled in the velvet box and then back at Cane. She promptly burst into tears...
Was That a Yes?!!
Cane didn't know what to think. Was that a yes? Maybe she needed some of her medication. Cane new it was here somewhere - he spotted the bag on the table and said, "Shhh... Lily it's ok." He got up. "Let me just get you your medication." He reached for the bag...
Lily realizing his intentions at last tried to stop him. "No, wait Cane I have to tell you - "
But it was to late Cane had reached into the bag and pulled out one of the bottles he read aloud, "prenatal vitamins?" Starring at her with a questioning look realization dawned...
"Your pregnant, Lily?" Cane asked in shocked disbelief.
Lily wiped the tears from her face and stood up before him. With a hesitent smile upon her face she said, "yes - yes I am. I found out at the hospital. I'm about eight weeks along."
"You're really pregnant?" Cane grasped her by the shoulder and brought her flush against. And for the third time he said, "you're really truly pregnant?"
Lily giggled. "Yes, I really am. You're going to be a father."
Cane leaned back and cupped her face in his. He wiped away the freshly shed tears on her cheeks and realized that his cheeks were wet...
"And you Lily. You are going to be my wife as well as the mother of my child. I love you so much." Cane reached over for the abandoned box on the table. He took out the ring and gazing at Lily he said, "say it."
Tears unchecked streaming down her face she said, "Yes Cane - yes I am." And with that he slid the ring onto her finger.
In the next instant he scooped her up and carried her into there bedroom...
Once there Cane set Lily down before him and wasted no time divesting them both of there clothes. When they were both naked he pulled back the sheets and laid her gently on the bed, then he lied down beside her...
While she was on her back Cane turned on his side to gaze loving down upon her. Cane started by covering her face with kisses. In between each kiss were whispered words of love...
Cane explored every inch of her body... leaving nothing untouched...
Her breast, ever so slightly fuller and so newly sensitized had Lily moaning and gasping beneath his touch...
He slid down her body and placed his head next to her stomach and staired at it with wonder. Where it was once hallow, now the very slightest mound was visable. He placed his hand gently upon it and said, "I still can't believe our child rests there."
Lily smiled and dug her fingers into his hair, massaging his scalp. "I know but just wait in a couple of months no one will miss it."
Cane glanced up into her eyes and said, "I think you will become more and more breathtaking the rounder you get."
"Yeah you say that now but just you wait," Lily said with a laugh.
Cane slid back up to tower above her. Gazing into her eyes he said, "Lily I mean it now and I will mean it then. I love you, so much. You have made me so happy."
Smiling softly Lily reached up to cup his face, her ring glittering in the candle light. "I love you too. I can't imagine a happier moment." Lily staired into Canes eyes and whispered, "Make love to me Cane, God how I need you inside of me."
Cane hesitated for a moment and asked, "are you sure it's safe? I don't want to hurt you or the baby."
"I'm sure."
Cane slid into her, slowly rocking his hips. The slow and gentle movements of there love making took them to new heights that they had never before reached. There moans and whispered words of love echoed around the room...
Two Months Later...Spring is in the Air!!
Lily sat on there couch flipping through the latest issue of Restless Style. Cane was in the kitchen tidying up when they caught each others eye...
Cane approached Lily. Lily let the magazine fall. Cane leaned down and softly kissed her temple, his hand gently cupping her rounded belly...
Leaning back he said, "are you excited about today?"
"Yes. Are you?" Lily said with a smile.
"You better believe I am. We get to see our child for the first time. Do you um... want to find out what 'it' is because I don't know about you but I would really like to start calling it something other than 'it'," Cane said with a chuckle.
"I know what you mean but don't you want to be surprised? How about we play it by ear, ok?"
"Ok. Listen so there has been something else that I've been thinking about."
"Oh, yeah and what is that?"
"What do you think of the Chancellor Estate?"
"It's beautiful. Why do you ask?"
"Well... what do you think about getting married there? June is just around the corner and the gardens will be in full bloom then. I know this may seemed rushed but I want you to officially be my wife before this little one comes along," Cane said as he rubbed Lilys' tummy.
Lily leaned over and kissed him pulling back she said, "really? I - I love that idea. It doesn't give me that much time to plan but I think if we all put our heads together we can come up with something that is simple, elegant and romantic. Lets do it."
They flipped open the calender and both there fingers landed on June 28th. "Perfect." They both agreed.
"Well shall we get going. We don't want to be late."
They gathered up there things and headed out the door hand in hand...
At the check up...
Lily lied down on the table and the technician moved her top up and out of the way.
"This will be a little cold," she said as she squirted some gel on her exposed belly.
The monitor was turned away from Lily as the technician placed the wand on Lily's stomach. She clicked away as she took measurements and notes - she didn't say anything to Lily.
Lily was getting nervous. Why wasn't she saying anything to her? Was there something wrong with the baby? Cane must be pacing another hole in the hall outside. God she hoped there was nothing wrong...
"Is everything ok?" Lily asked panic entering her voice.
Distracted the technician said, "Um.. yes. Ok that was the last measurement. Shall I go get your fiance and bring him in?" At Lilys nod she did just that .
Once an anxious Cane was seated at Lilys side. The technician had turned the monitor towards them but had yet to put the wand back on Lilys' stomach. Lily and Cane looked at each other then back at her. Cane was the first to speak.
"Is everthing ok? Is there something wrong with the baby?"
"Well," she said trying to keep a straight face. "You have a healthy baby with twenty fingers and twenty toes." No longer able to contain her smile she said, "congradulations your having twins."
She then placed the wand on Lilys stomach and showed them...
Back at there apartment...
Neither one said much on the way home shock and amazement still on there face. They let themselves in and both went and sat down on the couch.
"Twins," Cane said.
"Yeah, twins," replied Lily
They turned and faced each other smiles spreading across their faces.
Tears welling in Lilys eyes she exclaimed, "Oh My God! We are going to be the parents of identical twin girls..."
The Chancellor Name!!
Cane was in his office trying to get some work done but not really succeeding. He spun in his chair to face the window. The smile that could not be knocked from his face was once again in place. A knock at the door had him turning in his chair once again...
Jill was standing in the doorway...
"Hey sweetheart. You wanted to see me?"
Cane got up to great his mother after kissing her cheek he said, "hey Mum. Yeah there was a couple of things I wanted to talk to you about, some things that I 've been thinking about lately."
Coming in to sit down Jill said, "sure. What is it?"
"Well for one Lily and I have set a date. It's June 28th. And I would also like to ask you if we could get married in the gardens on the estate."
"Oh, Cane that would be wonderful. Katherine and I would be honored. But June 28th? That doesn't give us to much time to plan, oh there are so many things to do - we have to hire a caterer, she needs to -"
Cane put up his hand to stop his mother from getting carried away. "Mum, slow down. Lily and I just want something simple and romantic," Cane chuckled.
"Well I'll call her and we'll figure things out then."
Cane getting serious said, "Mum, there is something else I want to talk to you about - something important."
"Ok. What is it?" Jill asked concerned.
"Well, I know that I am your son but I have gone by Cane Ashby for my entire life thus far."
"I also know that there has been no pressure to do this but I've been thinking that I would like to change my name."
"Really?" Jill couldn't hide the joy in her voice
"I want to keep my name as Cane - I think it would be weird to answer to anything else. But I sort of liked the way 'Cane Ashby - Chancellor' sounded. I want Lily to bare the Chancellor name - I want our children to carry it as well. So what do you think?"
"What do I think? I couldn't be happier Cane. Your grandmother is going to be ecstatic about this as well. I will contact my lawyer and see what needs to be done to have this become official." Jill said and she got up and embraced her son.
Leaning back from there embrace Cane said, "and by the way Lily had her first ultrasound yesturday."
"And am I going to have a healthy grand-baby?"
"No Mum. Your going to have two healthy grand-daughters. Lily and I are having twins." Cane laughed at her shocked expression thinking that, that was what he must of looked like when he was told the news...

Lily & Cane bringing the romance back to daytime...
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