Cane's Confession, Lily's Dream!!
"Lily there is something that I have to tell you..." Cane said as he gently touched her cheek. It was a week and a half after the accident and her bruises were fading away...
Lily looked at Cane, she studied his face for a moment and watched the different emotions flash in his eyes. There was something that she had to tell him too...
Cane took a deep breath and tried to keep himself in control, his body trembled slightly with the effort...
"Lily when you were in the hospital and unconscious, we discovered something that, for a moment made me so happy but then there were complications and a decision had to be made - a decision that I had to make without you and -"
Lily touched his lips with her finger tips to silence him. She needed to tell him this, to relieve some of his obvious pain and guilt. "I don't know how to tell but when I was unconscious, I had this dream - a vision really and I knew - I knew something wasn't right so I asked the doctor about it a few days ago and he told me -"
Cane was stunned. "You knew?"
Lily sighed. She touched his arm and pleaded with him through her gaze to understand. "Ummm... yes but I didn't want to say anything to you, until I knew that you were ready to talk to me about it." Lily's eyes filled with tears as it fully hit her at what Cane had to do to save her life and that of one of their unborn children. "Cane, I can only imagine what you had to go through what you are still going through and I am so very sorry that you had to make that kind of decision without me."
Lily took Cane's hand and placed it on her ever so slightly rounded belly with hers covering it. "Cane what you did saved this baby's life. You helped keep this precious gift safe and I could never, ever hold something like that against you."
Cane looked at their joined hands on her belly and lost the battle to hold back his tears. "Lily, I feel - I feel like, I feel like I lost someone I loved with all my heart and I never had a chance to meet them -"
Lily touched the tears that slid down Cane's cheeks. "Oh, sweetheart I feel exactly the same way. You shouldn't have to go through that alone, we shouldn't go through this alone. And thank God we don't have to." They wrapped themselves in each others arms and mourned the loss of someone who never was...
After a little while they pulled slightly apart to look into one anothers eyes. They caressed each others faces and truly felt their love for one another all around them. Cane told Lily about the other baby charm that he had gotten for her but had never given to her and together they decided to burry it in the flower garden on the estate and mark the spot with a flat stone so they could go there whenever they needed too...
They were sitting on a bench in the garden near the spot they chose. Lily was cradled in Cane's arms, her feet up and resting on the other end of the bench when they started talking about something else that was on their minds...
Lily was looking at their entwined fingers when she said, "I don't want to wait any longer."
"Wait for what, sweetheart?"
Lily turned slightly so that she could look up at him and meet his gaze. "I don't want to wait to be your wife any longer. If there is one thing that all of this has taught me, it's that life is to short and to precious to waist anymore time."
Cane cupped Lily's face and looked at her with such unconditional love. "I love you Lily and nothing could make me happier than giving you my name and granting you every wish that I can give you."
They kissed with such tenderness. When Lily pulled back she said, "you have already given me so much. I love you too, Cane. With all my heart. All I need is you, our love and our family..."
To Have and To Hold...!!
Four weeks later, daylight broke on a glorious, early June day...
Cane and Lily's wedding day...
'My Love... I am counting the minutes until you take my name...My senses are filled with you, always you...My heart beats for yours...
I Love You...Now and Forever...
Lily's heart filled with the words of love from Cane. She wondered if he was awake yet and if he had read the note she left for him...
Cane had slept in the east wing of the house that night. They were now fully recovered from their injuries and would be going back to their own place after the wedding. Cane was just wondering if Lily was up yet and if she had read his note that he had slid under her door when he noticed a letter on the floor in front of his. Cane got up to retrieve it...
'Cane...What words could I use to describe how you make me feel...Loved, Cherished, Respected, Happy... But there is one word that I feel sums it up in no other way and that is... Complete... We complete each other... I Love You...
Cane could not have agreed more. He hoped Lily would like the surprises he had in store for her...
Lily had just finished her breakfast when there was a knock on the door. She opened it to find Katherine standing there...
"Good morning Lily, dear. I hope that you slept well." Katherine said as she entered the room.
"Good morning Mrs. Chancellor, I -"
"My dear, Lily after all we have been through and the fact that today is the day that you are marrying my grandson, I think that you can call me Kay or Katherine as Cane does."
Lily blushed softly. "Of course Mrs. - I mean Katherine. Would you like some tea? I was just having some myself."
"Thank you dear, but I'm fine. Now , Lily I didn't just drop by to exchange pleasantries, I brought you something." Katherine said as she brought a large black jewellery box from behind her back.
"Oh, Katherine. You shouldn't have."
"Nonsense dear girl, now open it."
Lily did and her breath caught in her throat for nestled in the box was a stunning blue sapphire pendent surrounded by diamonds. Lily looked at Katherine, speechless.
"I thought, in sticking with tradition that this would be your perfect something blue. It is a family heirloom. I hope that you wear it in love and good health. And someday when your child is getting married that you will pass it on to them. Welcome to the family, Lily." Katherine said as she held out her arms to embrace Lily.
Lily embraced her back. "Thank you so much Katherine. It's so beautiful. I will treasure it always."
"I hope that you do, just as we treasure you Lily." Katherine gave Lily one more hug before leaving her once again alone...
Cane opened his door to find his mother standing there.
"Morning Mum." Cane said with a smile that could not be removed from his face.
"Good morning sweetheart. I just wanted to see if you needed anything and perhaps have a few moments alone with my son before the celebration began."
"There is nothing that I would like more." Cane said as he stepped aside to let Jill into his room.
Jill just looked at her son for a moment, she cupped his cheek and tears lit her eyes. "My son, you have brought such immense joy and happiness to my life. The day that I found out who you really were... well I have not stopped celebrating it since. I am so happy for you and Lily. And I just know that the two of you are truly meant to be together together."
Cane grabbed his mothers hand and leaned down to kiss her cheek. "Thanks Mum, I don't say it nearly enough. I love you."
"I love you too." And they hugged one another...
The time for the ceremony was approaching. Colleen had arrived and together she and Lily got ready. Lily's hair was piled on top of her head and two jeweled clips held it in place. Her dress was a Forrester Creations original. It was an ivory silk sheath with lace cap sleeves and a short lace train pooled about her feet. Diamond studs adorned her ears, the necklace Katherine had given her at her throat and her charm bracelet and engagement ring completed her out fit. She was stunning.
Colleen looked lovely in a simple lilac coloured dress. Colleen was gushing over how beautiful she thought Lily was when there was a knock at the door. Lily opened it to find Cane standing there in his classic black tux and a blindfold over his eyes.
"Umm...Cane what are you doing here?"
Cane held out his hands and Lily grabbed them. Cane smiled when he felt her hands in his. "You look breathtaking."
Lily was confused. "But you can't see anything. Can you?"
"No but I can imagine. I'm here because I have a surprise for you."
"You do? You umm... didn't find your way through the house like that did you?"
"No I had help." Cane stepped aside to reveal Olivia standing behind him. "Surprise sweetheart."
"Aunt Olivia!"
"Hello, Lily. I am so happy that I could be here." Olivia said as she wrapped Lily in her arms.
Lily looked from a blindfolded Cane to her aunt. "Oh, this is so wonderful but how - I mean I'm just so excited -"
Just then Neil entered the room. "Cane and I put our heads together and we talked to Olivia and made all the arrangements for her to come."
Cane and Colleen knew that the three of them needed a moment together so with Colleens help the two quietly shut the door leaving the three alone. Once the door was safely closed Cane removed the blindfold and smiled at Colleen.
"I will see you in the gardens, shortly." With that Cane left to await his future bride...
Neil and Olivia gazed at Drucilla's daughter and truly saw the beautiful woman that stood before them. "Sweetheart, your mother would be so proud of you today."
"Thank you Daddy. I wish with all my heart that she could be here but you know I think she is here. I can feel her presence all around me. I am so thankful that you could be here too Aunt Olivia."
Olivia touched Lily's cheek. "So am I sweetheart, so am I." Olivia glanced at father and daughter and she allowed her heart to hurt for just a moment at what Drucilla was missing. "I am going to go and find my seat in the garden. Lily you have truly grown into such a beautiful woman. I see so much of your mother in you."
"Thank you." Lily said with deep emotion. Olivia excused herself and headed downstairs.
"Are you ready sweetheart?"
Lily picked up her bouquet of orchids and lilies. She put her hand in the crook of her father's elbow and said, "I've never been more ready..."
To Love and To Cherish...!!
Lily and Neil met Colleen at the doors leading out into the garden. Colleen turned and gave the signal to the cellist and music began to play. Colleen started to walk up the isle. It was an intimate gathering with Cane and J.T. waiting under the arch of beautiful flowers with the minister. And sitting together in two rows of chairs were; Karen, Devon, Roxanne, Adrian, Victoria, Katherine, Jill, Langley, Olivia, Sharon and Jack. When Colleen reached the front and stood off to the right everyone turned and stood awaiting the bride to walk down the isle...
Lily took a deep breath and Neil squeezed her arm. Together they walked out into the warm sunshine and started up the isle...
Everyone was taken in by her radiant beauty that emanated around her. But Lily only saw one person, as soon as she and Cane made eye contact there was no one else. They held each others gazes until she stood before him with her father. Cane held out his hand and Neil placed hers within it. Neil kissed Lily's cheek then took his seat beside Karen.
Cane leaned down to whisper to Lily, "I was right, breathtaking." The low timber of his voice vibrated through Lily.
Lily stood on her tip toes to respond, "and if I didn't know better I would swear I am standing next to 007 himself. You've never looked more handsome."
The minister cleared his throat. Lily and Cane shared one more glance before stepping up to join him under the arch.
"Let us begin. We are gathered here to join Cane Ashby-Chancellor and Lily Winters in holy matrimony. Who gives this woman away?"
Neil stood and looked to the sky and said, "her mother and I do." Lily's smile was bittersweet as she looked at her father in thanks.
The minister nodded in acknowledgement. "Lily and Cane have written their own vows for each other. So let us begin, Cane?"
Cane gazed down at Lily, their hands clasped together, he squeezed hers gently as he began to speak. "Lily, I search for the right words to express what you mean to me. When I told you that I wanted to shout our love from the roof tops I was not lying. You are the love of my life. For me there is no other. Like your note you left for me said, we complete each other."
A single tear slid past Lily's lashes, Cane caught it with his thumb. "Cane, once upon a time I thought I knew what true love was but I was wrong. My love for you is so complete, so true that I can never imagine wanting or needing anything more. You truly are my prince."
"Cane, repeat after me. I, Cane take you Lily to be my lawfully wedded wife..."
Cane looked deeply into Lily's eyes and began to recite, "I, Cane take you Lily to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold, to love and to cherish from this day forward as long as we both shall live."
"Lily repeat after me. I, Lily take you Cane to be my lawfully wedded husband..."
Lily took a calming breath and just basked in the love of this man as she began to recite, "I, Lily take you Cane to be my lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, to love and to cherish from this day forward as long as we both shall live."
"May I have the rings, please?" J.T and Colleen handed the minister the rings.
Cane took the ring for Lily first. He looked down at it and read the engraving he had put there. "Forever," he whispered. He took Lily's left hand and slid the platinum band on to her third finger and said, "Lily, with this ring I thee wed."
Lily took the ring for Cane next. She looked at the engraving she had done on his. "My Love," she whispered in return. Lily took Cane's left hand and slid his simple yet elegant band on his third finger and said, "Cane, with this ring I thee wed."
"Well by the power vested in me on this glorious spring day. I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Cane cupped Lily's face in his warm hands and just looked at her before slowly lowering his head to have his lips meet hers in the softest most tender of kisses the group gathered had ever witnessed.
Everyone broke into applause. And the minister said, "ladies and gentlemen. May I be the first to present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Ashby-Chancellor." ...
Everyone enjoyed a lovely meal. Neil, Jill, Katherine and Langley all gave toasts to Cane and Lily. As night fell the gardens became illuminated with torch lights and lanterns. Cane and Lily shared their first dance as husband and wife under the stars. A wonderful time was had by all but Cane couldn't wait to get his new bride alone, so when they were able to make their escape they did...
They made there way arm in arm back to their condo. They paused outside of their door and Cane leaned down to kiss Lily. He pulled back and caressed her cheek. "My wife," he said.
"My husband," and their lips met again...
Cane unlocked their door and let it fall open. He scooped Lily up into his arms and carried her inside. Cane continued to kiss Lily to distraction as he walked with her in his arms to their bedroom where he finally set her down by letting her slide down his body to stand before him. Cane turned her in his arms and listened to her breath catch as she took in all that he had done for her...
"My love," he said by her ear. "This time I've brought Paris to you."
"Oh, Cane. I love this, it's so thoughtful and romantic. Thank you."
"Well I thought it would have to do for now until we could go there together next summer, all three of us."
Lily ran her hands up and down Cane's arms. "I can't wait but in the mean time what shall we do to occupy ourselves in our very own Paris." Lily said with a mischievous quirk to her brow.
"Well, my darling wife," Cane said as he slid his fingers into her hair to remove the clips and let it fall about her shoulders. "I am sure I can think of one or two things to do."
Cane cupped Lily's face and leaned in to kiss her. When his lips touched hers, her mouth opened and they explored each others mouths fully.
Lily grasped the lapels of Cane's jacket and brought it down his arms until he was forced to let go of her to remove it completely. Next Lily pulled at his bow tie until it was undone and hanging around his neck. The buttons to his shirt were next, they never once stopped kissing. Lily opened his shirt and pulled it from the waist of his pants, exposing his firm smooth chest. Lily ran her hands over his upper body.
Cane groaned. He let go of her mouth to trail his lips down the column of her throat. Cane spun Lily around and moved her hair to the side to give him better access to her throat. He slid the hidden zipper to her gown slowly down her back. Then he placed his hands on her shoulders and moved the capped sleeves down her arms. Lily stepped out of the dress and turned to face him wearing a demi push up bra and matching boy cut panties in warm peach with chocolate trim.
It was Cane's turn to be speechless as he looked at her from head to toe. Taking in every change, missing nothing...
"Your so beautiful," he said with raw emotion. Cane reached for her and wrapped her in his arms. Their mouths once again fused together as he walked her backwards to the bed. Cane laid her gently down and he stepped back to remove the rest of his clothing until he stood proudly before her. "I love you so much, Lily."
"I love you too, Cane." And she held out her hand for him to join her. Cane did not hesitate to do so...
They joined together in such utter tenderness. They moved as one. They whispered words of love to one another. From this day forward they would walk this earth as one...
The Next Generation!!
The next six months flew by for Cane and Lily. They turned the spare bedroom in their condo into a lovely nursery and attended weekly check-ups at the doctors to ensure that everything was still going well with the pregnancy.
They basked in their love for one another and spent as much time together as they could. Lily did a couple of photo shoots here and there but none that would take her away or cause her any undo stress. Cane felt more and more comfortable in his role as Chancellor Industries VP and Katherine and Jill began to groom him to one day run the whole company.
Every once and a while Cane and Lily would talk about the child that they had lost and it was getting easier every time to do so. They tried to no longer dwell on the pain and sadness but instead talked about their impending arrival. Lily and Cane knew what it was going to be but had decided to keep it to themselves as a surprise for everyone...
Karen and Colleen threw Lily a lovely baby shower where she recieved many wonderful gifts. She had a great time and shared many laughs and stories of impending motherhood with her family and friends...
What made them most happy though were the nights. The nights where they would lay in the darkness, Canes arms would be wrapped around her. Both of their hands would be caressing her rounded belly and laugh in amazement and wonder when their baby would give a hearty kick. They would talk softly together well into the night about their hopes, dreams and yes even their fears for what their future held...
Then on a cold, crisp November day, Lily was trying to get comfortable on the couch when her contractions began. Cane had gone into the office for a few hours because since Lily was due anytime he didn't want to be away from her for to long, his phone rang...
"Hey, baby. Everything ok?" Cane heard a groan and some short panting breaths.
"Cane? It's time -"
"It's time? Ok - ok. I - I'm on my way. Just hang in there ok?"
Lily continued to breath the way she had learned in class. "Ok. Just please hurry."
"I will. I love you Lily."
"I love you too."
Cane grabbed his jacket and started running out the door. He nearly ran his mother over when he came barreling out.
Jill put up her hands and said, "Cane what's wrong?"
Cane looked at his mother with a sort of dazed expression. He had a funny smile on his face as he said, "Mum, I'm so sorry but I have to go."
"Have to go?"
"It's time Mum. Lily is having the baby."
"Oh, my God. I will see you at the hopital. Tell Lily I love her and I will call everyone else to meet us there."
"Thanks Mum." Cane said as he took off down the hallway...
Jill put a hand over her mouth and tears formed in her eyes. She grabbed her phone and started making calls...
Cane made it back to the condo in record time. He found Lily pacing their living room...
Cane rushed to her side and said, "Oh, sweetheart. I'm here. How are you feeling?"
Lily looked at her husband for a moment. "I feel like I am having a baby. What did you do, break all possible speed limits in getting here? I swear I just talked to you five minutes ago." Lily said with a ruefull smile on her face. Then another contraction hit her, stronger then the rest had been.
Cane's complextion paled a little more and he grabbed her by the shoulders and said, "come on baby. We got to get you to the hospital." With that Cane helped the love of his life out to his waiting SUV and he prayed that everything was going to be ok...
Drew Phillip Ashby-Chancellor, weighing 6lbs. 9oz. came into the world with a hearty cry two hours after Lily and Cane had arrived at the hospital. Cane entered the waiting room to share the joyous news will all that had gathered there. He told them that mother and child were doing just fine and that they could all see Lily and Drew very soon...
A little while later...
Jill, Katherine, Neil, Karen, Devon, Langley and Colleen stood in front of the window of Lily's hospital room. They all gazed in love and amazement at the wonderful gift that lay in her arms. Cane kissed her temple softly then leaned over to kiss his son. Love poured from his gaze as he took in the sight of his family. Ever so gently he lifted Drew from Lily's arms and held him for the first time. He walked to the window where everyone stood and proudly introduced them to the next generation...

Lily & Cane bringing the romance back to daytime...
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Katydid - Love the blog! Having all of the stories in one place is a great idea. Will revisit soon!
I love love this one.... I can't figure out which one I like better this one or the first one.... Loved cane's reaction in the hospital when he was looking for Lily . SO heartbreaking ...that is sooo him.
They are sooo many things I love about this one I can't even name them all. Great job...
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