The Photo Shoot With Forrester!!
Cane had gotten an early morning flight out. He hoped that he would make it in time for Lily's photo shoot. He also hoped that she would be happy that he'd came. Cane continued to think and to contemplate as he stared out the window and watched the clouds go by...
The shoot...
Lily was finishing getting her make-up and hair done. She sipped at a water while she waited. She didn't want anything in her stomach right now, she didn't want to take the chance of having to run to the washroom and people to wonder...
Chloe came over to see if she was done. She looked Lily over and tsked. "Lily, I just don't know what I am going to do with you. You look positively green," Chloe said with a smirk. "Are you under the weather? Is there anything you want to tell me?"
Lily looked at her sharply and said firmly, "no Chloe, there is nothing to tell."
Chloe gave Lily a look that she couldn't quite decipher. "All right then," Chloe said to the stylists. "Five more minutes then I want Lily in the wardrobe room. Let's get a move on people." And with that she walked away.
Lily visibly relaxed when Chloe left the room. God how I wish Cane were here, she thought. Lily had always secretly loved the fact that Cane had always come to her photo shoots to see her. She missed him. The stylists jarred her from her thoughts when they told her that she was ready to be fitted for her wardrobe so Lily got up and headed for the room and for Chloe...
Cane arrived at Forrester and was directed to a suite of studios where the shoot was being held. After thanking the receptionist he headed in that direction...
In the wardrobe room...
Chloe and Lily were alone. Chloe handed Lily the first dress she wanted to see her in...
Cane arrived at the studios and after finding out where Lily was he headed in that direction. He was about knock on the partially open door when what he heard froze him in place...
"You know," Chloe said as she helped Lily into the dress. "You could have a very successful career if you really wanted to. Mistakes happen but mistakes can also be taken care of."
Lily startled looked over her shoulder at Chloe and asked, "what are you talking about?"
Chloe came round to face Lily and continued, "look Lily, I saw that book you were carrying on the plane. I know that you have gone and gotten yourself pregnant."
Lily was angry. "You were snooping in my stuff? How dare you?"
"I dare because it's my career on the line too. We could be a big success. I could make you into a big success but not if you go through with having a baby." And before Lily could respond to that Chloe continued. "Listen to me Lily, I know what is best for you. We are in L.A. there are very discrete places that could take care of this little problem here and no one would be the wiser. It could all just go away and be back to normal before you know it. Tell you what, let me just make a phone call and I can have this all taken care of perhaps by the end of the day, after the shoot even."
Lily didn't know what to say she placed a hand protectively over her stomach and it was in that very moment that she knew that she truly wanted this child - Cane's and her child. There was no doubt any longer. She stared at Chloe for a moment before she answered trying to gain control of her emotions.
"Chloe," she said in her iciest of tones. "That won't be necessary. Maybe you could just callously destroy another life but I know that I never could. This child might have been completely unexpected but it is wanted very much. Now if you'll excuse me the very sight of you is about to make me sick and it has nothing to do with my pregnancy." And with that Lily turned and marched from the room with all the grace and class that she possessed.
Cane hadn't realized that he had been holding his breath while he had waited for Lily's response to that little bitch Chloe but he had and he let it out in a silent whoosh as Lily stormed from the room. She didn't notice him behind the partially closed door and for the moment that was fine by him for Chloe was now emerging from the room and he wanted a moment alone with the little monster...
Chloe had to do damage control before little miss perfect could run to her lunk head boyfriend and tell him what she had suggested. She was just leaving the room when a vise like grip wrapped around her arm dragging her back in...
"Going somewhere Chloe?" Cane said as he shut the door behind him. "Because I think we need to talk. Don't you?" Cane's every word dripped with anger.
"Cane, I-"
"That's Mr. Ashby to you. And you what Chloe? Are you honestly going to try and deny every single word that I heard you say to Lily? That I heard you say about my unborn child?"
Cane leaned down inches from Chloe's face where she could see the vein that pulsed at the side of his head and the anger that raged in his eyes and where she couldn't possibly miss his next words.
"You're fired Chloe. And I will make it my personal mission to see that you never work in this business again. Now I am going to walk out of this room before I do something that I may or may not regret and you are going to pack up your things and leave uneventfully and crawl back under the rock that you came from and we are never going to see or hear from you again. Right Chloe? Now nod your head yes if you understand because I don't know what I will do if I ever hear your voice again." Cane stepped back and waited.
Chloe nodded her head sharply in understanding and Cane turned and schooling his features walked out the door to go and see Lily...
Time Alone!!
Cane approached Lily from behind. The photographer had just finished with her. The shoot had gone fantastic and all were pleased. Lily had just reached into her bag to grab a soda cracker when she felt those familiar large hands on her shoulders and a soft heated kiss on her neck. Lily smiled and turned to greet the man she loved...
"You came?"
"I wouldn't have missed it for the world. You look positively breathtaking by the way."
Lily blushed softly at the compliment. Looking around Cane she said, "where is Chloe? I want to get out of this dress."
Cane's eyes flashed but his voice remained in control when he said, "Chloe's services were no longer required. I fired her."
"What? But I don't understand." Lily said confusion marring her face until she read the look in Cane's eyes and she knew. Lily knew that he had overheard what Chloe had said to her. "I -"
Cane cupped her cheek gently and said, "Lily I heard everything that was said, including what your response was and I am not the least bit sorry that I did. Nor am I sorry for removing that little monster from our lives."
"Well I am not sorry that she is gone either what she said to me was way over the line but at the same time it made me realize however unexpected this is, I want this baby. Our baby."
Cane brought her to his chest and wrapped his arms around her. "I know and I couldn't be happier about it." Pulling back to look down at her he continued, "what do you say to having one of the Forrester stylists help you out of that dress and well, I have a hotel room booked and I thought we could spend an extra night here together - alone. I thought it would be good for us so we could really talk this out without any interruptions."
Lily smiled up at Cane. "That sounds great. Anything to avoid telling my father just a little bit longer is fine by me."
"I know, I know we have to tell him as well as your family but Cane this is going to be so hard. He is going to be so disappointed." Lily said as her face fell.
"And that is why we are going to do it together. I won't let you down Lily. I made that promise to you when we finally decided to give this relationship a go and I am not going back on my word. I love you."
"Ok, ok." And with that Lily went off to get changed...
Later at the hotel...
They lay in the middle of the large bed nestled under the blankets. Lily in the crook of Cane's arm her head resting over his heart, listening to it's rhythmic beat as he stroked her arm, her hair. He laid a gentle kiss on the top of her head and breathed in her intoxicating scent...
They had talked a lot through out the evening, over dinner and desert. They talked about what they wanted from each other and what they expected from each other. They talked about moving in together and they talked about marriage but they had both decided to come back to the subject of marriage at a later date. They talked about their dreams and desires. They also talked about the best way to tell their families and each had come to the same conclusion of playing it by ear but that they were going to do it when they got back from L.A.
And now as they lay there in each others arms sleep starting to take hold Cane whispered once more, "I love you, Lily."
Lily surprised him by still being awake when she kissed his chest right over his heart and said, "I love you too, Cane."
As Cane drifted off his last thoughts were how he couldn't be happier...
Sometime in the middle of the night...
The dream came to Cane again. It was the same one he'd been having since he found out Lily was pregnant...
He couldn't have been more than four. Scared and alone. Having traveled half way around the world to a strange country to live with an uncle he had never met. After the only family he had ever known - his mother had died. The social worker took him by the hand and said, "Come on boy." Then he knocked on his uncle's door...
Cane jerked awake. He swung himself over to sit on the edge of the bed, his face in his hands. He was trying to calm his racing heart when he felt Lily's small hands snake over and around his shoulders to clasp together over his chest. Her slight frame pressed against his back and he immediately started to relax...
"Cane, are you ok?" Lily asked as she rested her head on his shoulder.
Cane leaned his head against hers and said, "yeah. It was just a dream, that's all. I am sorry that I woke you, I didn't mean to."
"That's ok. Do you want to tell me about it?"
Cane sighed and turned to face her on the bed. He took her hands in his and kissed her palms ever so gently. "Ok. It's a dream I have been having since I found out we were going to have a baby. It's about me and my childhood and it always starts the same way. My adoptive mother dies and I travel to my uncles place in Australia. I guess our situation has started to drudge up a lot of things from my past for me."
"Oh, Cane. I know your upbringing was not an easy one but you yourself have said that our child will never have to deal with that. And whenever you're ready to tell me more about your childhood, I will be listening." Lily said then she leaned forward and kissed him with all the tenderness that he deserved.
"Thanks baby. Now lets try and get back to sleep we have a morning flight to catch and we have some important things to do."
Unfortunately those things to do kept Lily awake for quite some time...
On the flight back...
Settled into their seats Cane and Lily spent the flight in quiet contemplation but never far from each others thoughts, their hands always clasped together.
Lily starred out the window and watched the clouds go by letting her mind drift back...
"We are lucky in so many ways. We have my family. We - we have your family."
"Wait, wait. My family? My father is going to kill me."
"Then we'll tell him together."
"Then he'll kill both of us."
"Cane, no. I can't, he will give me the look. The look that says he is disappointed in me. I hate the look. I can't tell him, I just can't."
"How do you feel?"
"Pregnant and overwhelmed. Don't you?"
"No, not a t all. There is only one thing I know with absolute certainty. I love you, I love you."
"I love you too."
"Hey, earth to Lily. Penny for your thoughts?" Cane said as he leaned over her seat rest and looked at her closely.
"What? Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about - well everything. I didn't mean to space out on you."
"No worries. We are going to be landing soon. There will be a car at the airport to pick us up. They can take us to your Dad's place," Cane said looking at her intently.
"Ok," Lily said fear edging her voice.
Cane kissed her temple then said, "it will be ok. We will be ok. You are not doing this alone."
"I know."
The elevator opens on Neil's floor. Cane and Lily step out hand in hand. They approach Neil's door...
"Are you ready?"
"No but I have to face him at some point right? We might as well get it over and done with now."
Cane kissed her and said, "that's my girl."
And together they knocked on her father's door...
Neil's Disappointment (a.k.a The Stank Face)!!
Cane's knuckles were fractions away from knocking on Neil's door when Lily grabbed his hand, stopping him...
Cane turned to look at her, silent questions lurking in his eyes. "What is it, sweetheart?"
"We can't do this."
"Lily... I thought we went through this already. I thought we both decided it was best to tell your father now."
"I know and he is going to find out." Lily looked down and and let out a breath. Looking back at Cane she said, " he is just not going to find out from the both of us."
"Lily, no..."
"Yes, Cane. I need to do this. I need to tell him myself. I need to face him myself. Please Cane, please understand," Lily pleaded.
But Cane wasn't ready to give up yet. "No, Lily I am not going to let you do this by yourself. I am not going to let you face your father alone - not when you are so scared of his reaction."
"You have to let me do this, Cane. I won't take no for an answer."
"But Lily - "
Just then Neil's door swung open. "Hey you two. What is going on out here?" Neil's eyes were darting back and forth between Lily and Cane, who both looked uncomfortable at what Neil might have over heard.
Lily was the first to speak up. "Nothing, Daddy. Cane and I were just ummm... saying good bye when you opened the door." Turning to Cane she said, "so I will see you later?" Lily asked with a silent plea in her eyes.
Cane wanted to stand his ground, he wanted to argue but he wouldn't do that to Lily, so he reluctantly agreed. "Sure, Lily. I will see you in an hour when I come to pick you up." The look he gave her said he would not waver on this. So Lily agreed. Cane squeezed her hand once more in silent support, kissed her softly on the temple and whispered 'I love you' by her ear before turning to Neil and saying 'good bye' and that he would talk to him later. With that Cane reluctantly turned and headed back to the elevator. Lily watched the doors close on him before stepping inside her father's place...
"Ok Lily, lets have it. There was more going on out there then a good bye." Neil said crossing his arms over his chest and staring at Lily with a knowing look.
Lily glanced around her father's place, her parent's place actually and took note of the subtle changes around her. Avoiding her father's question with one of her own, she asked, "so is Karen all settled in? She did move in with you, right Dad?"
Neil sighed and put his hands on his hips. Nodding slightly he said, "yes Lily. Yes she did. She was tired after unpacking so she is just resting right now."
"Oh, ok." And for once Lily was left thinking that having Karen here now wouldn't have been such a bad idea. Since she had always seemed so supportive of her and Cane's relationship. But she was alone with her father and she had to tell him - she made the choice to do it on her own. So if he really did blow a gasket Cane wouldn't be here to witness it...
"Lily, come and sit down please. When you phoned and said you were on your way over here - well I know something is going on Lily. I am your father after all."
Lily took a deep breath but before she could utter a word a wave of nausea hit her and she found herself dashing to the bathroom, leaving behind a startled Neil...
Oh God, Oh God. Lily thought as she splashed water on her face and tried to collect herself when there was a knock on the bathroom door...
"Lily?" Came Neil's muffled voice. "Lily are you ok? What is going on?" He asked as Lily opened the door.
Lily took a deep breath and just said it, "I'm pregnant, Daddy."
The look that Lily had been dreading so much was there in an instant and her heart plummited because even though she was expecting it deep down she had just a small kernel of hope that he would have somehow been understanding after the initial shock of it. She guessed it was just to much to hope for...
Neil stood ram rod straight and stared icily down at his daughter. "You're what?" Neil asked with controlled rage.
Lily was so devastated that her answer came in a whisper, "I'm pregnant." She said again.
"How could you go and do something so foolish and irresponsible? And with Cane, no less. Lily, I thought you were the one that told me how grown up and mature you were. And you go and do something as stupid as this? What about school? What about your so called modeling career? You can bet that there won't be to many designers wanting to work with a young pregnant model. I thought you were better than that Lily."
That last statement broke her and she just lost it. "Really Daddy? Why don't you tell me how you really feel? Is this what you said to Mom when she found out she was expecting me?" Lily put up her hand stopping Neil's response. "No wait, that's right I guess that would have been up to Malcolm, right?"
Karen came out of the bedroom...
"What is going on out here? Why are you arguing?" Karen asked looking at both Neil and Lily.
Lily was the first to answer. "Well you see Karen I have gone and done something to disappoint my father so much that he doesn't know what to think. I'm pregnant."
"What? Lily are you ok, sweetie?"
"No Karen. No I am not." And turning back to her father she continued, "how would you feel if Mom never had me? She made choices in her life and you know what? I don't have to make the same ones as she did. I can't take this anymore. I am out of here." And she grabbed her stuff and headed for the door...
"Lily, please wait," Karen pleaded.
But Lily kept on going slamming the door behind her.
Karen turned on Neil. "Neil Winter's, how dare you? That girl is going through one of the biggest changes in her life and you did nothing but ridicule her. I am ashamed of you, I am ashamed for you."
"Karen, she is not ready for this."
"And just who is Neil? Parenthood is life changing for everyone. I would have thought that you would have understood that."
"She is making a big mistake with her life, Karen. She is going to regret this."
"I honestly don't know what to else to say to you right now," Karen replied.
Just then there was a knock at the door. Neil went to answer it hoping it was Lily coming back to talk about this some more. He opened the door to find Cane on his door step.
"You have got one hell of a nerve showing your face around here after you did what you did to my daughter." Neil said with rage in his voice and he visibly tensed his muscles just waiting for Cane's response.
This did not go unnoticed by Cane who looked around Neil and asked, "where is Lily?" Noticing only Karen in the room.
Karen approached the two men and placed herself in between them. Facing Cane she said, "we don't know where she is." Glancing up at Neil she continued, "Ummm... Neil didn't take her news very well and he did not react in a very good way."
Now Cane visibly tensed. "What? How could you Neil? When she told me how afraid she was to tell you, I thought she was just overreacting. I didn't actually believe that you wouldn't stand by her."
"Oh, I have every intention of standing by my daughter. It's you that I don't believe who will."
"Me? Neil, I love your daughter with everything in me. We didn't plan this and we were careful. But things happen - life happens and I plan on being with her every step of the way. For God's sake Neil, I want to marry her."
The room was silent except for Karen's quick intake of breath. She looked at Cane and knew without a doubt that he meant every word and she had every intention of making sure Neil realized that. But right now Lily needed to be found. "I don't know where Lily went, Cane. She was obviously very upset when she left here. I don't think she would do anything rash but -"
"But what?"
"Well," again she glanced at Neil, "things got said in the heat of the moment and I am worried that she might not be thinking with a clear head right now."
"Well I won't rest until I find her and by God she better be ok." And with that Cane took off to find Lily...
A Heart to Heart!!
Lily had hailed a cab outside her father's building. Getting inside, when the cabbie asked her 'where to?' Lily just told him to drive...
Cane found himself at Jabot. He didn't know why he started his search for Lily here but he thought it was as good a place to start as any...
Going through the studios and offices, Cane found himself at his mother's door. He knocked softly and went inside...
"Hey Mum. Do you have a minute?"
Jill looked up from the file that she was working on and said, "sure sweetheart. I always have time for you."
"Mum, you haven't seen Lily around have you?"
"Come to think of it now I haven't seen here since yesterday. Is everything ok?" Jill asked with concern.
"Ummm...well I guess that depends on how you look at it, Mum."
"Cane, what do you mean? What are you trying to say?"
Cane took a deep breath and when he let it out the words just came tumbling from his mouth. "Mum, Lily got into a huge fight with her father. I can't find her and I am really worried about her -"
"Well I am sure she just wanted some time to herself, to cool off -"
"No Mum you don't understand. Lily is pregnant." There it was out in the open and it was getting easier and easier for him to say.
Jill gasped. "Pregnant? Are you sure?"
"Yes, Mum. She took the test and it was positive."
"And you're..." Jill said searching his face, feeling him out.
"To be honest Mum, this was completely unexpected but I honestly couldn't be happier."
"And Lily? How does she feel about all of this?"
"She was pretty shocked at first, understandably of course. But we had a chance to really talk about things when we spent that extra night in L.A. and I really thought we were on the same page." Cane sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. "But Neil didn't take the news very well and they got into a fight and I am worried that she might not be thinking clearly right now."
"Well I will keep my eye out for her and anyone I talk to, I will ask if they have seen her and I will call you and let you know if I find out anything."
"Thanks, Mum. I better get a move on. I really need to find her."
Jill asked Cane one more thing as he started to leave. "And what are you going to do when you find her?"
Cane turned back to his mother with the biggest smile on his face and said, "well Mum, if she'll have me. I am going to my very best to convince her to become my wife and spend the rest of my life making her the happiest woman on earth."
"That's all I needed to know. Congratulations son." Jill said and gave Cane a heartfelt embrace...
The cab driver had been driving around the city for quite a while now and was about to say something to the woman in the back seat when she suddenly said, "right here. Stop right here." Lily paid the fare and got out of the cab in front of her mother's old dance studio. Taking a breath she tried the door and to her relief it was unlocked, she went in...
There was no one around and there were only a couple of lights on. Lily started walking around the studio looking at the framed photos on the wall. Finding one of her mother she stopped and stared, touching the frame lightly, drinking in her mother's face.
"Is someone there?" A distinguished older woman stepped out from a room. She gasped at the sight of the young woman standing before her. Without a doubt she knew who she was. "You're Drucilla's daughter aren't you?"
" did you know?"
"I can see her very essence all around you, child. You have a great deal of your mother in you."
"I don't know about that," Lily said, blushing softly.
"Well I do. And you do. What brings you here today?"
"I - " Lily chokes back a sob. "Well I'm pregnant. And when I need my mother the most she's not here. I was driving around aimlessly in the back of a cab when suddenly I looked up and I was in front of her former dance studio. So I decided to come in - to feel closer to her I guess."
"I see. Do you know who I am Lily?"
"Yes, your Madame Chauvin. Are you not? My mother's former teacher."
"Yes. I was very close to your mother. She even brought you in here a few times when you were a little girl." Madame Chauvin smiled at the memories that washed over her.
"Madame can I ask you something?"
"Of course my dear. What is it?"
"Do you - do you think my Mom had any regrets about anything because she had to give up her modeling career to have me?"
Madame Chauvin looked at Lily thoughtfully then stepped towards her placing her hands on Lily's shoulders. "Lily. You were the love of your mother's life."
Tears glittered in Lily's eyes as she said, "I just wish my mother could give me a sign about what to do."
Lily's breath caught at what Madame Chauvin said next.
"Well normally I would have left the studio two hours ago, so maybe your mother is giving you a sign."
Lily placed a hand protectively on her stomach and said, " I think she is giving me a sign too. And there is no doubt in my mind what so ever as to what I am going to do." Lily hugged Madame Chauvin tightly. "Thank you so much for everything, Madame Chauvin."
"Come back and see me anytime, Lily. You are always welcome here."
"Thank you. I will. Good bye, Madame Chauvin."
"Good bye, Lily."
Lily left the studio and looked up and down the deserted street for a cab. Seeing only a SUV in the distance Lily looked in her purse for her phone. She was startled when she heard the screech of tires and looked up in time to see Cane jumping from the SUV he stopped in the middle of the street.
"Lily," he shouted as he darted across the deserted street to her.
"Lily," Cane said again as he wrapped her in his arms. He pulled back enough to cup her face in his hands and said, "I have been so worried about you. I went to your father's to pick you up and when you weren't there and Karen told me what happened - well I have been going crazy looking for you ever since. Why didn't you call me?"
"I am so sorry Cane but when my father - well I won't do it again. I promise. Do you mind taking me back there? There is something I need to tell him and this time I want you there with me."
"Baby, you couldn't get rid of me if you tried. Let's go." And Cane escorted Lily over to his vehicle. They got in and headed back to Neil's...
Neil had been pacing back and fourth in his apartment after Karen had given him what for and he knew he deserved it, he had been waiting to hear from Lily. He needed to know that she was ok. He had just decided to go and look for her himself when there was a knock at his door...
Neil opened it to find Cane and Lily once again standing on his doorstep. He grabbed Lily and wrapped her in a tight hug. "God, Lily I am so sorry. Karen and Cane were right I should have never reacted to you that way. Can you ever forgive me?"
"Yes. I forgive you Dad."
Neil looked over his daughter's shoulder at Cane. "Cane I owe you an apology too."
Cane held up his hand and stopped Neil from going further. "It's ok Neil, water under the bridge. I am just glad that Lily is ok."
Lily took a deep breath and told her Dad what she came here to say. "I keeping this baby Dad."
Cane's heart soared but he kept silent and let his Tiger-Lily finish what she had to say.
"I found myself at Mom's former dance studio and I had a wonderful conversation with her teacher Madame Chauvin."
"I remember her."
"Well I felt like Mom was speaking through Madame Chauvin and that she was telling me the right thing to do was to have this baby." She glanced at Cane. "Our baby. I know this is going to be really hard but I am ready."
"Well then sweetheart, I am thrilled." Neil's look grew serious as he looked at his daughter. "Now Lily, I think it would be best if you move back home with me and Karen and we'll help you raise this baby."
But before Lily could respond, Cane spoke up. "That won't be necessary Neil," Cane said. Then looking Lily directly in the eyes he continued, "I am going to be a father to this baby in every sense of the word. And I am going to be there for Lily every step of the way. And when she is ready I want her to move into my condo, with me."
Lily smiled at Cane in agreement...
The First Time!!
Lily spent the night at Cane's condo. She told him that she didn't mind going back to the campus house but Cane was having none of that and to be honest Lily had really wanted the comfort of his arms anyway...
She awoke the next morning wrapped in his arms. Lily didn't move though. She found that her nausea was better controlled if she just lied still for a while. Cane's head moved above hers and his arms tightened around her. He had sensed she was awake and awoke himself...
Cane kissed the top of Lily's head. "Morning, baby."
"How do you feel?"
"Well if I don't move and lay perfectly still, I won't have to run to the bathroom."
Cane gently eased his arm out from underneath Lily trying his very best not to jostle her. He sat up without bouncing the bed. "Well, we don't want that to happen, so why don't you lay here perfectly still, snuggled under the blankets and I will go make you some dry toast and tea to help settle your stomach."
Lily smiled in appreciation and said, "thank you. That would be great." And Cane headed to the kitchen to do just that.
A few minutes later Cane came back in with a tray and set it down beside Lily on the bed. Lily gingerly sat up and smiled in thanks at Cane. She grabbed a piece of dry toast and nibbled on it. Cane sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at Lily thoughtfully.
"I meant what I said last night at your father's. I want you to move in here with me." Cane leaned over and touched his hand to Lily's cheek. "I want to take care of you. I want to be here for you every step of the way. I love you, Lily."
Lily leaned her head into his touch. "I love you, too. But the thought of moving again is just so overwhelming right now."
"Let me take care of it. I want you here. I want to wake up with you everyday and feel you in my arms every night."
Lily could not say no to that logic so instead she said simply, "ok."
"So what do you want to do today?" Cane asked.
"Well, there is somewhere that I would like to take you today."
"Oh yeah, and where is that?"
"Ummm...well I would like to take you to my mother's former dance studio. I want to show you a part of my mother - a part of me. Will you go?"
"Of course, Lily. I will go wherever you want to take me." Cane said before he leaned in and kissed her lips.
A little while later...
Lily was in the bathroom finishing getting ready, while Cane did the same in the bedroom. Cane reached into his nightstand drawer and checking to make sure Lily was still in the washroom, he pulled out a small black box and shoved it into his pants pocket. Cane didn't know when or where but he had every intention of asking Lily to be his wife today...
Cane and Lily parked down the street from the studio and were walking hand in hand up the sidewalk when they were passing a little store with a selection of flowers in front of it. A simple yet beautiful peachy-pink coloured rose caught his eye. Cane picked up the flower with the pink ribbon tied around it. He raised the flower to his nose and breathed in the fragrant scent.
Starring at Lily he handed the flower to her. Lily accepted the sweet gesture with a soft blush.
Cane paid the shopkeeper for it as Lily too raised the fragrant flower to her face and rolled the soft petals over her lips all the while breathing in the beautiful scent.
"Thank you. It's beautiful." Lily said upon Cane's return.
"Not as beautiful as you." Then Cane cupped her face and kissed her lips with such tenderness Lily could feel his love for her resonating from him.
Eventually they continued on to the studio. "I hope Madame Chauvin is here today. I really want you to meet her."
"After you told me about your conversation, I really want to meet her too."
They arrived and walked inside. It was quiet, the next class wasn't due to start for another 45 minutes and no one had arrived yet.
Lily walked around taking it all in, again. And Cane watched her do it.
"I don't know what it is about this place but it's like I can really feel my mother here with me."
"I can see that. You have this sparkle in your eyes that is hard to ignore." Cane said as he shoved his hands into his pants pocket and fingered the little black box. It was in that moment that he knew he had to ask her. Maybe Drucilla was giving him a sign too.
Lily turned away from the picture she was gazing at to see Cane drop to his knee before her. An open ring box in his hand.
Lily gasped and her hand came to her heart. To say she was shocked and surprised was an understatement.
Cane stared at her with love in his eyes. He felt so sure of doing this but at the same time he had never felt so vulnerable.
"Lily. I love you. You are my first thought every morning and my last thought every night. I want to spend the next fifty years or so showing you just how much I love you. Lily, will you marry me?" Cane held his breath as he waited for her answer...
Lily was speechless. She didn't know what to say. A million thoughts started running through her head and the one that kept catching her attention the most was...was Cane doing this because of her or because of the baby...
Lily's eyes jumped from Cane to the ring again and again. And oh, it was a beautiful ring, a classic princess cut solitaire set in a platinum setting. It sparkled in the light of the studio...
"Cane, I - I don't know what to say."
"Say yes, Lily. Just say yes."
Lily felt overwhelmed. "Cane, I - I don't think I am ready to give you an answer like that, yet. I mean I am just coming to grips with having our child and - and to be honest I am not sure whether you are doing this because you love me or because you feel obligated to me."
Cane's chin fell to his chest as he lowered his head in defeat. He took a deep breath and slowly closed the ring box and stood up before Lily. He is sad but resolved. Cane cupped her face and kissed Lily with tenderness and understanding. He pulled back to look deeply into her eyes and said, "why can't it be for both?"
Lily just stared into his eyes, all her emotions and insecurities playing across her face.
"Well, Lily Winter's. I am not going to stop asking you until you are convinced of my utter sincerity and love for you. Until you realize that there is only one answer that you can give me and that is yes..."

Lily & Cane bringing the romance back to daytime...
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