An Hour Later...!!
Cane felt her presence a moment before he heard the key turn the lock...
The door opened and there stood Lily - looking a little unsure and in awe of everything all at same time. "Hey," she said as she stepped into the entrance way.
Cane walked over to greet her. "Hi Lily," he said as he cupped her face and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. Lifting his head he said, "I am so glad that you came. I missed you."
Once more he took her mouth with his, needing to feel her against him he placed a hand at the back of her neck, the other around her waist and brought her completely against him. He groaned - she moaned...
Lily was the first to break there kiss. Placing her forehead flush with his and breathing heavily she said, "Wow, that was quite the welcome... well... home."
Cane traced her lips with his thumb - he couldn't seem to take his eyes from hers. Finally he grabbed her hand and gently lead her into the living room and to the couch. Sitting down together he started to explain as best he could. "Lily the other night when we were together all I could think about was that I never wanted to be away from you again," looking down at their joined hands then back into her eyes. "The thought of dropping you off at your Dad's place instead of waking with you in my arms nearly brought me to my knees. So I spent all of yesturday finding this place and getting moved in - so that I could surprise you with it."
Lily was so moved that Cane would go to all this trouble just for her. Cane took her silence to mean that she was hesitating. So he said, "Look Lily, I know all this seems really fast but I hope you know that I am not rushing into this - I have had feelings for you for a long time now. And now that we have admitted our feelings for one another...well..."
Lily put her fingers to Canes lips to silence him. Searching his eyes with hers she said, "Cane, my darling Cane." Lily got to her knees before him and straddled his lap - cupping his face in hers she continued, "I don't think that you are rushing me - rushing this. I want to be here with you just as much as you do. I mean my Dad might have a few issues with this but we'll deal with him together just like we'll deal with anything else that comes up - together."
Cane was overwelmed with the love he felt for this woman - his woman. He pulled her face to his and kissed her with such passion, such heat that once again conversation was forgotten...
Pulling his lips from hers Cane whispered, "Would you like to see the rest of our place?"
"Yes," replied Lily and with a light in her eye she continued, "But could we do that later... there is only one place that I want to see right now and that is our bed. Make love to me Cane..."
Thinking that there was nothing in the world that he wanted to do more he said simply, "Anything for you, my love." Cane swept her off the couch and effertlessly into his arms and carried her down the hall to there room...
Lily Packs Her Bags!!
Lily was pacing the living room of her Dad's place, nervously looking at the clock and back at the door. She new that he would be home soon and she new what she had to tell him. What she didn't know was how he was going to react to her telling him about hers and Cane's new living arrangement. Well she was about to find out...
Lily heard the key turn in the lock and her heart started beating faster and her breathing became laboured. "Calm down Lily, you can do this," she said to herself as Neil walked through the door...
"You can do what Lily?" Neil said as he came into the apartment.
"Um...hi Daddy. Could you sit down for a minute? I need to talk to you."
Neil took off his coat and came over to join Lily on the couch. "Sure sweetheart. What is it you need to talk to me about?"
"It's about Cane and I. We um...well," Lilys voiced trailed off as she started to lose her nerve.
Neil getting more concerned by the minute said, "Lily is there something wrong? Did Cane hurt you?"
"What? Oh, no Dad. Cane is great - we're great, fantastic infact." Lily took a deep breath and continued, "Dad I am moving out of the apartment."
"What? Why? Don't you like living here?"
"No of course Dad, I loved living here this was my home with you and Mom. It's just that Cane and I ... well we got our own place together. I am moving in with Cane." There she said it and you know once it was out she felt better for it, infact stronger, more grown up and independant.
Neil was shocked. "Lily I didn't know you were that serious. I was just getting used to the idea that the two of you were dating. Don't you think you are going to fast? I don't want you to get hurt, Lily."
"Oh, Dad. Thank you for caring about me so much." Lily leaned over and hugged him tightly. Pulling back she said, "I am making this decision with my eyes wide open, I am 100% sure about this. Cane is truly the love of my life and I am so happy Dad."
Neil tucked a strand of Lilys hair behind her ear and said, "I know you are sweetheart. Just promise me that you will come to me if you need anything."
"I promise."
"Oh and Lily remember your room will always be here if you need it."
"Thank you Daddy but I won't need it." Lily looked down at her watch and said, "I better get packing the movers are going to be here in a couple of hours." She hugged her father one more time and once more said, "Thank you, for everything. Cane and I want to have you and Karen over for dinner as soon as we are settled." Lily kissed his cheek and went back to her room to start gathering up her stuff.
Neil sat there lost in thought, he didn't even notice when Karen walked in. "Earth to Neil," Karen said as she sat down. "I called your name twice as I walked in. You looked like you were a million miles away."
"What? Oh, sorry Karen I was just thinking about Lily and the conversation we just had."
"And?" Said Karen her worry showing for Neil.
"And she told me that she and Cane are moving in together," Neil said with a sigh.
"Are you ok with that?" Karen asked stroking Neils arm.
"As much as I may want to argue I am going to have to be aren't I?"
Karen leaned over and kissed his lips, pulling away she said, "It will be ok Neil, she will be ok."
Standing up Neil grabbed her hand and pulled her up with him. He gathered their coats and headed with her to the door. Turning to look at her again he said, "I hope your right Karen." And with that they headed out the door on there way to the office...
In Walks Chloe!!
Lily placed another box by the door just as the doorbell rang. "Great the movers are finally here." Lily opened the door and in walked Chloe talking a mile a minute...
"Lily good I am glad I caught you we really need to finalize your make-up selection for the press junket next week and I was really hoping..." Chloe's voice trailed off as she looked around. "What is this is someone moving?"
"Yes actually," said Lily as she subconsciously fingered her locket. "I am."
"Well isn't that great, getting your own place and all." Chloe said while looking her up and down with a critical eye.
Lily blushed at Chloe's close scrutiny and felt the tiny hairs on her arms stand up. There was something about the way she was watching her so closely that Lily felt unnerved by it - maybe Devon was right. Shaking the thoughts away Lily said, "actually Cane and I are moving into together."
"Oh, I knew there was something going on between you two. You couldn't fool me. Especially since he barely noticed me. Apparently there was no one else in the room when you were around." Chloe said with a slight edge tinging her voice.
Feeling a little uncomfortable Lily said, "yes, well we wanted to keep things quiet for a while and see how it would go."
"I see, didn't want the judges to know so they wouldn't feel obligated to vote for you, heh?"
"What no, it was nothing like that," Lily said becoming more defensive and wondering where this underlying hostility was coming from. "Do you have a problem with Cane and I being together?"
"What? No of course not hon, I am after all here to look out for your best interests. But you know you might want to keep this relationship low key after all the public is going to want an available Lily and we do need to give the public what it wants."
"Um...ya how about we play that by ear, not that I throw my relationships in peoples faces but on the other hand I don't hide it behind closed doors either."
"Fine Lily what ever you say, I am here for you after all."
"Listen Chloe, do you mind if we reschedual this for later. The movers are going to be here any moment." Lily said once again looking at her watch.
"Sure, that won't be a problem but we can't leave it for to much longer." Chloe said once again picking up her bags and heading back towards the door. Chloe turned looking Lily over again she said, "Yes definately I am going to set you up with my personal trainer - he is a dream and will sweat every extra pound off of you. After all we can't have you busting a seem of one of those fabulous gowns I am going to have to squeeze you into. Chow." With that Chloe walked out the door.
Lily looked down at herself and sighed. Well I guess no lunch for me after all I can't go popping any seems now can I. The doorbell rang...the movers had finally arrived...
Come With Me...!!
The movers brought the last boxes in and placed them where they were directed to. Cane grabbed some bills out of his wallet, handed it to the movers and with a thank you sent them on there way...
Cane closed the door behind them and leaned against it gazing at Lily. "Alone at last," he said.
Cane stepped away from the door and walked towards Lily to take her in his arms. He kissed her tenderly and breaking away he said, "is everything ok, Lily?"
Lily, not wanting to burden Cane with her latest encounter with Chloe simply said, "No just a long day what with telling my Dad and getting everything packed and moved."
Concerned Cane caressed her cheek and said, "he wasn't to angry was he Lily? I wish you had let me be there to tell him with you like I wanted to be."
Lily stroked his neck and shoulder in return. Looking into his eyes she said, "no, no surprisingly he wasn't that angry. He was worried but (chuckling) what father doesn't worry about his daughter. I had to tell him on my own, I think it showed him how much I wanted this."
Cane kissed her again trying to convey his need for her through his lips. "I love you, Lily."
"I love you , too." Lily looked around there apartment boxes placed everywhere and she groaned inwardly.
Cane looked around too. "Don't worry about unpacking we'll deal with that later. Come, take a shower with me..." He took Lilys' hand and lead her to the bathroom...
Cane got the water to the right temprature and with steam swirling around them he turned to Lily and whispered, "take your clothes off for me Lily."
Cane watched as Lily slowly undid her blouse, sliding it over her shoulders she caressed her arms as she took it off. Cane swallowed and his breathing became more shallow. Lily noticing his discomfort, secretly smiled then reached behind her to unzip her skirt. She let it fall to the floor and stood before Cane in the barest of undergarments the colour of the bluest ocean.
Cane didn't think he could contain his need for her much longer. He reached for her but Lily avoided his grasp. "Now Cane," whispered Lily. "Take off your clothes for me."
Happy to oblige he quickly divested himself of his clothing. This time when he reached for her, Lily did not step away. "Lily," he gasped and kissed her with all his passion. Cane reached around and gently undid Lily's bra. Next he slid her panties down her legs until he knelt before her. Cane placed a kiss upon her belly and outlined her bellybutton with his tongue.
Looking down at him tenderly, Lily ran her fingers through Canes' hair. "Come," she said. And stepping back she took his hand and pulled him under the warm spray...
There mouths fused together, the water beating down upon them, steam swirling around them. Cane pressed Lily against the tiled wall of the shower. He grasped her hips and lifted her. Lily holding tightly to his shoulders wrapped her legs around his waste. He pressed into her, there breath mingled with there kisses. They cried out together...
Wrapped in robes, Lily towel dried her hair as Cane watched. "You must be starving, I know I am."
Lily looked away and said quietly, "no, I am not really that hungry actually just a little tired."
"Ok, if your sure."
"I am. You go ahead and get something to eat, I might lie down for a bit and rest." Lily placed a light kiss on his lips as she exited the bathroom.
Cane watched her go, a puzzled expression on his face...
What a Workout!!
"Come on, Lily push it. I want to see five more minutes," commanded Richard.
The sweat was running off Lily drenching her clothes. "Ok," Lily panted. "I'll try."
"You will have to do more than try, Lily darling. Especially if those outfits are going to fit you right. Chloe has given me my mission and I will not fail."
Lily roled her eyes but kept on running...
Meanwhile, Cane entered the GCAC and Chloe followed...
"Hello Mr. Ashby," Chloe said as she walked up behind him.
Cane having just spied Lily was on his way to greet her when he reluctantly turned around. "Hi, Chloe. Come for a workout too?"
"What? Oh, no," Chloe placed her hand on Canes' arm. "I just came to check on Lily and see how her workout is going with Richard. I have to say he is a dream - trainer that is," Chloe said with just enough pause to make Cane wonder.
Cane turned back towards Lily in time to see Richard grasp her around the waste as she left the treadmill... Cane extricated himself from Chloe's grasp and headed towards them. Chloe remained where she was for a moment, a smirk lighting her face before she too followed...
Lily spotted Cane coming towards her. She turned as he reached her and before she could even say 'hi' she found herself in his arms, his lips on hers...
Cane reluctantly broke the kiss. He turned to the man still watching them, his arm around her shoulders. "Hello," Cane said with a touch of edge to his voice.
Lily looked up at Cane curiously and said, "Ah...Cane this is my new personal trainer, Richard. Richard this is my boyfriend, Cane."
"Nice to meet you," Richard said.
Chloe then came up to join there group. "Hello, Lily (she turned) Richard. How are the training sessions coming along? Remember we want Lily in the best - ah- shape as soon as possible," she said as she once again gave Lily a head to toe look. Again making Lily feel uncomfortable.
"I think Lily is beautiful just the way she is," Cane said proudly.
"Thanks," Lily said softly blushing.
"Um... it's going great Chloe. Lily is proving to be very dedicated." Turning to Lily he said, "That was a great workout today I will see you tomorrow at 7am sharp." Turning to Cane he said, "It was nice to meet you, Cane have a great day everyone." And with that he left.
Lily looked at Cane and Chloe and said, "well that was pretty intense workout so I am going to hit the showers and then head to school." To Cane she said, "so I will see you later?"
"Actually I am headed towards the locker rooms myself so I will walk with you."
With a shrug Lily said, "ok."
"Ok, so I will see you for our meeting at four Chloe?"
"You bet hon, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Have a good day Mr. Ashby."
"Chloe, seriously you can just call me Cane. See you around."
"Ok, Cane," she said with a hint of lust in her voice. Chloe watched them head towards the locker rooms, sensing some tension she thought she couldn't have planned it better if she had tried. With a smirk on her face she turned to leave...
Alone in the hallway, Lily turned to Cane...
"Ok, what was all that about?" Lily asked. "That was quite the public display, Cane."
"What, can't I kiss the woman I love hello?"
Softening Lily said, "of course you can. It's when it comes off as a display of posession, that's when I might have a problem. No 'green eyed monster' please Cane."
Cane sighed. "Look Lily, I'll admit when I saw Richard with his arm around you I felt a little pang. The thought of another man touching you - well I have told you before, I don't like it. I am just being honest. But Lily I have never - not once thought of you as my posession." Cane cupped her cheek and looked into her eyes and continued, "I love you. He kissed her to punctuate. "You are my partner." Again he kissed her. "And my equal. Don't ever forget that."
Lily had her hands on his shoulders and gazed at him in return. "Was that our first fight?"
"I wouldn't call that a fight, just a minor disagreement," Cane said with a smile.
"Oh," Lily said with mock disapointment. "Here I was thinking that we could make up later tonight in a hot and sweaty kind of way. Oh, well..."
"," Cane swallowed hard, "perhaps," he said as he wrapped his arms around her and brought her close. "We could practice making up in a hot and sweaty kind of way..."
"Ok, your on. Now if you will excuse me I really do have to get going or I am liable to miss my first class. I will see you at home tonight." Lily kissed him once more and reluctantly pulled away.
"I love you," said Cane.
"I love you too.
And they each went off into the locker rooms...

Lily & Cane bringing the romance back to daytime...
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