What Happens in New York...!!
Lily gazed out the window of the airplane, lost in thought...
"You're going to New York? When?"
"I leave in a few days. Please, please be excited for me. This is a big deal, it's a major agency that is interested in me and I have Chloe to thank for their interest."
"Chloe? You mean the same Chloe who threw herself at me like a dog in heat? I don't trust her Lily, look at how she disrespected you by throwing herself at me. Are you sure this is on the up and up?"
"Yes, I'm sure. Listen I know I was really mad at the time but Chloe was drunk, I'm sure she won't do anything like that again."
Cane just gave her a look that said anything but...
"Earth to Lily. God what is with you? I swear you better snap out of it before we get to New York or the agency is just going to laugh at you then slam the door in our faces. This is way to important to screw up - for both of us."
Lily just gave her a slight smile and said, "I am sure everything will work out how it is supposed to." Then Lily turned her gaze back to the window.
Chloe starred at Lily for a moment before she added, "just as long as it's getting you signed and launching our - I mean your career will be fine by me."
Lily didn't miss the slip in terms Chloe used but she chose to say nothing and continued to think about and miss Cane. It was to bad he couldn't come with her...
Later at the hotel...
Adam was sitting at the bar in the hotel lobby. He was early for a meeting he had and was just killing time when he saw her. The Fresh Face of Jabot. He recognized Lily Winters from the beautiful pictures of her in the Jabot ads in Restless Style. Neil Winters daughter. Adam smirked and got off of the bar stool he was sitting on and approached her...
Lily had gone into the lounge to wait for Chloe to come down from her room, they were going out to dinner to celebrate their successful first interview with the agency. Lily didn't want to be out to late because they had a follow up one tomorrow and a round of test shots to get through and Lily wanted to look her best. She was deciding what she wanted to drink when someone cleared their throat to her left. Lily looked up into the face of a distinguished looking young man who was starring down at her...
Adam stuck out his hand and said, "Lily Winters, right? I saw your ad campaign in Restless Style and I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you are."
Lily was flattered. Is this what was going to start happening on a regular basis? Being recognized was kind of... interesting. Lily put her hand in his. "Umm...yes that's me. And you are?"
"Oh, sorry. Adam Wilson." Adam said as he continued to hold Lily's hand in his grasp.
"Adam...Adam...I know you from some where don't I? Oh, wait. You're Victor Newman's son right? You work with my father Neil Winters." Lily said trying not to notice that he was still holding on to her hand.
"That's me, guilty as charged." Adam chuckled and finally with reluctance let go of Lily's hand.
"May I?" As he gestured to the seat across from Lily.
"Sure I am just waiting for someone and she is running late."
Adam was happy to hear that it was a 'she' and not a 'he' that kept Lily waiting. "So what brings you to New York?"
"Well, I'm interviewing with a modeling agency that is thinking of representing me."
Adam could not take his eyes off of Lily. She was so beautiful. "That sounds very exciting but don't you have some sort of exclusive with Jabot?"
"Yes, well sort of. But that contract isn't going to last forever and I am just looking out for future interests. What about you? What brings you to New York?"
"Oh, what else but work. I am just killing some time before I have to meet with a client. So if you're not - "
Chloe approached Lily and Adam and interrupted what he was going to say. "Hey Lily." Her eyes swung to Adam with interest. "Hello. Who do we have here?"
Lily cringed slightly at Chloe's bluntness. "Chloe, this is Adam Wilson. Adam this is Chloe Mitchell, my fashion coordinator. He was kind enough to keep me company while I waited for you."
"I'll bet he was." Chloe wasn't blind and she saw the way Adam was looking at Lily. "Since you were so kind to keep Lily company. Would you like to join us for dinner? We are hitting one of New York's hottest spots."
Adam glanced at Chloe but then starred at Lily. "As much as I would love to join you ladies, I can't. It's time for me to head to my meeting." He reached across the table and squeezed Lily's hand. "It was a pleasure to meet you Lily. I hope we meet again very soon."
"Umm...yes it was nice to meet you to, Adam." Lily said as she removed her hand from his grasp.
Adam stood. "Nice to meet you Chloe. Have a wonderful evening ladies." And with that he exited the lounge but he did glance back to catch Lily's eye once more before walking away...
Chloe sat down in the seat vacated by Adam and looked at Lily and said, "wow!"
Lily looked at her puzzled. "What?"
"That Adam guy was really taken by you."
"Chloe I am very happy in my relationship with Cane, thank you."
"Geez, Lily I was just making an observation. Besides it doesn't hurt to keep your options open."
"Chloe just drop it or you can enjoy dinner by yourself."
"Ok. Ok." Chloe said as she held up her hands in mock surrender...
Adam had discovered what room was Lily's thanks to a generous tip to the concierge and had just arrived on her floor where he saw a man with a large bouquet of flowers entering her room. He heard Lily giggle and exclaim how happy she was to see him before the door closed...
Chloe also witnessed this since her room was one down and over from Lily's. It also made it easy for her to see that guy Adam she had met earlier watching as well. This gave Chloe something to think about and she thought it wasn't such a bad idea to have a one on one chat with Adam. She stepped fully out of her room to do just that...
Does it Stay in New York?!!
Cane set the bouquet of flowers down on the table in Lily's room. He drank in the sight of her. It had only been a day but he had missed her so much. He didn't like how they had left things with each other. Not that they were fighting, they just didn't agree exactly on the issue of Chloe. But Cane didn't want to think about that right now. He wanted Lily, just Lily...
Lily was so happy that Cane had decided to surprise her in New York. They had not made love since the loss of their baby. They had slept in each others arms but they had not made love and Lily was determined to see that rectified tonight...
Cane reached her in a moment. They could talk later, right now all he could think about was touching her - kissing her - making love to her...
Cane cupped her face in his hands. He starred deeply into Lily's eyes. He asked her without words and she answered...
"Yes, Cane. Make love to me. I need you now."
Cane continued to search her eyes. "I love you. I love you so much." His head swooped down to claim her mouth with his in a searing kiss...
Clothes were removed quickly. Breaths hitched. Passions rose. They landed on the bed in a tangle of limbs. They could not get enough of each other. It was doubtful that they ever would...
Chloe and Adam were seated at a secluded table in the bar of the hotel lobby. They were eyeing each other, sizing one another up. They were of like mind and knew how the game was played...
"So you said that there was something that we needed to discuss?" Adam said as he clasped his hands on the table.
"I saw how you looked at Lily. I know that you want her and I think that I can help you get her." Chloe said as she watched him.
"Really? And why would you do that? It wouldn't have anything to do with that guy I saw go into her room now would it?"
Chloe sat back in the booth. "Yes and no. Sure he is a sweet piece and it would be fun to play with him for a while but mainly I want him out of Lily's life. He has to much control and I don't like it."
"I see, so is this because you want the control?"
"Look, Lily has a very promising career. She could reach the top of her game if she weren't constantly distracted by Cane and with her I could reach the top too."
"Cane...? As in Cane Ashby, Jill Abbott's son? Lily is dating a Chancellor?"
"Yeah so what does that have to do with it?"
Adam said nothing for a moment, lost in thought as he was. Thanks to not being thorough enough he had bought a company for Newman currently being sued by Jabot for a copy right infringement. Needless to say his father wasn't very pleased. This - this could work to his advantage but he needed to think.
"Listen, you have put a very interesting idea out there and I have to go and think about it. We will be in touch." Adam handed her his business card, threw some money on the table for their drinks and left, leaving Chloe to her own thoughts and ideas...
Cane and Lily were in each others arms basking in the aftermath of their love. They softly caressed each other and Cane placed gentle kisses upon her temple.
"I love you." Cane whispered against her ear.
Lily pulled back slightly so she could look into his eyes. She touched her finger tips to his lips. "I love you too. I am so happy that we were able to connect with each other this way again. I have missed it. I've missed you."
Cane grabbed her fingers in his before pulling them away from his lips he kissed each tip. "I couldn't have said it better myself. I would have waited as long as you wanted, until you were ready. I am so happy to have you in my arms this way again. I just wish that the real world didn't have to intrude."
"You don't have to go already do you?" Lily asked with disappointment in her voice.
"No sweetheart. Not tonight. Tonight is all ours but I will have to leave tomorrow. There is some legal stuff that I have to deal with which apparently involves Newman now so it will be a little stressful at work until it gets resolved. But I don't want to talk about that now. Tonight I just want to focus on us - no one else. Come with me."
Cane took Lily's hand in his and he drew her up and with him into the bathroom where he started a bath...
Back in Genoa City!!
Cane was back at the office. He didn't want to leave Lily in New York but he had to, there was to much going on right now. Thankfully she would be back in a couple more days...
Cane tried to get the files in order for his meeting with his Mum, Nikki, David, Heather and Brad but his mind kept drifting to last night and the bath that Lily and he shared, so for a moment he let his mind wander...
Once the tub was filled, some candles found in the room lit and a beautiful fragrance supplied by the hotel drizzled into the tub Cane picked up Lily and stepped into the bath together...
Sliding down into the warm and fragrant water, Lily in between his long legs in front of him. Cane scooped up handfuls of water and let them run down Lily's back. He then placed his warm hands on the wet skin of her shoulders and gently rubbed them eliciting a groan from Lily. She leaned back in his embrace and Cane's fingers slid to her neck to move the soft tendrils of her hair out of the way so he could trail kisses down her neck.
Lily turned in his embrace and placed her wet palms upon his chest. She slid her hands up and around Cane's neck, her fingers digging into the hair there. She looked at him through half closed lids then pressed her lips to his...
All thoughts of having a relaxing bath were forgotten as they moved together as one. Their joined motions causing the water to splash over the sides of the tub...
Cane brought himself back to the present, if he didn't get a handle on his thoughts he could swear he would find himself on the next flight back to New York and Lily's arms...
Cane managed to put thoughts of Lily aside for the next hour while he organized and made notes on the files concerning this lawsuit. He checked his watch and saw that he had about twenty minutes before he had to meet everyone in the boardroom. Perhaps he had time to make a quick call to Lily. Cane was reaching for the phone when there was a knock on his door...
"Come in."
The door opened and a man stood in the doorway.
"Yes, can I help you?"
"Cane Ashby?" The man asked as he entered Cane's office, his hand reaching out to shake Cane's.
"Yes." Cane said as he came around his desk to meet him half way.
They reached each other and with a firm handshake. "I'm Adam. Adam Wilson, Victor Newman's son."
"Ah, ok. I've heard Nikki and Victoria mention you a few times. It's nice to put a face to the name. So Adam, what can I do for you?"
"Well I am here for a couple of reasons. One of them is the impending lawsuit. I was hoping that we could come to some sort of deal, a set number if you will."
Cane leaned against the edge of his desk and crossed his arms. He nodded his head slightly as he said, "I see. Well we are about to have a meeting in regards to that very suit so I will have to get back to you on whatever decision we make. And the other reason you came to see me?"
Adam got that slight smirk on his face that always appeared when he was about to hit someone with his signature sarcasm. "Ah, yes the other reason. Well that one is slightly more personal. I want to talk to you about Lily Winters. I want her..."
What Did You Say?!!
Cane bent his head for a moment, his chin almost touching his chest. His jaw flexed and he played with the corner of his mouth with his tongue. He lifted his head and looked directly at Adam. He pressed his lips together and his jaw visibly clenched.
Taking a step towards Adam he said in a low voice, "I'm sorry I don't think I heard you right. What did you just say?" Cane took another step closer to Adam so that Adam had to look up at him. "You want Lily?"
Adam's chuckle was equal parts sarcasm as it was nervous at the look on Cane's face. Adam put up his hand to stop Cane's further approach and said, "listen. I met Lily in New York yesterday when I was there on business and I'll admit I was quite taken with her. I think she would be perfect for some Beauty of Nature ads that I am working on, that's all I meant. Sorry if you took it another way."
Cane slid his hand across his mouth, his index finger going above his upper lip, his other fingers going below his bottom one. He slid his hand back and forth a few times, the way he did when he was thinking. Then he said, "funny but she never mentioned you I guess you didn't make that big of an impression on her. And you know that's really funny because the way you said that first statement I would think that you were implying something completely different. I'll see if we have time after we finish discussing this impending lawsuit, I may bring that up for the rest of the Jabot team to consider."
"It would be in Lily's best interest for her career if you did. But, I'm glad we got that all cleared up. Thank you for your time." Adam headed to the door. In the doorway he turned back to look at Cane once more. "You know, I almost wonder if you are secure in your uh...relationship with Lily after that reaction. A little piece of advice my friend, you better get used to men wanting her especially as her modeling career takes off. It's going to take quite the guy to deal with that on a daily basis. Not sure if I could do it, is all I 'm saying."
Cane stood before him in the doorway in a heartbeat, his arms crossed he leaned in the doorjamb mere inches from Adam forcing him once again to look up at Cane. "Well friend - not that it is any of your business about my relationship with Lily but I will have you know that I am very secure in it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting to get to." Cane said dismissing Adam.
Adam headed to the row of elevators, his smirk once again firmly in place...
Meanwhile in New York...
Lily had just finished the round of test shots. Everyone was gushing over them, she looked fabulous.
Chloe pulled Lily to the side. "They love you. I am sure they are going to sign you - I can feel it. This is it Lily, you are about to hit the big time."
"Well, they haven't signed me yet Chloe - lets wait and see ok?"
"Well aren't you a 'Debbie Downer'! Where is your positive thinking? We are on the brink of the big time here. Can you imagine fashion weeks in Paris, Milan and New York. You are going to be traveling everywhere and as your fashionista extrodinare - I will be going with you cause after all you've said it yourself, you can't do this without me." Chloe said with a smug smile on her face.
"Umm...yeah sure. Lets just see where this goes, ok?" Lily stepped away from Chloe and went over to the snack table and grabbed a bottle of water. She was taking a sip when Chloe approached her again...
"So that Adam guy really wants you."
This made Lily nearly spit the water out of her mouth. After swallowing it she said, "really Chloe. Can you just drop this Adam business, he's nice and all but the feeling is not mutual."
"Well good. That's good to know cause you can't have all the hot guys pinning after you. It would be nice if one or two noticed me." Chloe said sulking.
"Chloe are you interested in Adam?"
"Maybe but since he is interested in you I don't stand a chance but maybe if you talked to him - you could convince him to look my way."
And against Lily's better judgement she said, "ok. I'll talk to him for you."
Which was exactly what Chloe wanted her to do...
Meanwhile at Newman...
Adam knocked on the door to his father's office and entered...
"Good afternoon, sir."
"Adam, good to see you son."
"Thank you sir. I just came from Jabot. I tried to talk to Cane Ashby about the impending lawsuit but he was on his way to a meeting to about it. I am hopeful that they will want to settle and decide on a number that we can agree upon."
This news changed Victor's demeanor quickly. "I will not settle this son. I, Victor Newman will not pay for your mistakes. So I suggest you find a way to make this ridiculous lawsuit disappear and you do it quickly."
"Yes sir." Adam said before he left his father's office...
Lily's Back!!
The flight back to Genoa City was uneventful. Lily was just happy to be heading home and back to Cane...
She was waiting for her bags at the luggage carousal thinking about how quickly she could get back into the city and see Cane when a beautiful flower was put in front of her from behind. Lily spun around and immediately found herself swept up into Cane's welcoming embrace. They buried their heads in each others necks and just breathed each other in...
"Hey there beautiful." Cane said as he stroked her cheek tenderly after setting her down. "I've missed you so much and I am so glad that you are home."
"Awww... I've missed you too. And I am really happy to be back as well." Lily stood on the tips of her toes to reach Cane for a searing kiss.
It was upon hearing an insistent clearing of a throat that they finally separated to find Chloe standing there with her hands on her hips. Starring daggers - especially at Cane. Lily didn't notice but Cane sure did...
"Chloe, I'm sure you have things to fill Nikki in with. So while you find your way to the office, Lily and I will find our way home." Cane said as he picked Lily's bags up to go.
Giving a sarcastic salute Chloe replied, "Yes, sir. Mr. Ashby, sir."
"Chloe, if I were you I would remember your place in the grand scheme of things." Turning back to Lily he said, "are you ready to go sweetheart?"
Lily's eyes darted back and forth between Cane and Chloe, she felt the tension between the two. "Ummm...sure Cane. I'll talk to you later Chloe."
"You can count on it." Chloe said as watch the two leave hand in hand.
As they were walking away, Lily said to Cane quietly so they weren't overheard, "Cane did you really have to be so harsh to Chloe?"
Cane stopped and turned to face Lily to give her his answer. "Yes, Lily yes I did. That girl is up to something and I have a feeling that neither one of us is going to like it."
"I don't know Cane, Chloe is just Chloe."
"That's exactly my point. Now lets drop this subject for now. We have more important things to think of at the moment." Cane smiled that special smile for Lily only. "Lets head over to the mansion. There is something we need to do."
Intrigued Lily smiled in return and followed him out to his SUV...
At the mansion...
Cane pulled Lily by the hand through the door and closed it behind them. He wrapped his arms around her and said, "alone at last." He then dipped his head towards hers and tasted her sweet lips.
"Mmmmm..." Lily responded. When she finally pulled away from Cane's tempting mouth she said, "what about your mother and grandmother?"
"Both are at the office until late this evening."
"And Esther?" Lily asked while running her fingers through his hair.
"It's her day off. We are very much alone." This last part was said with a slight growl as he once again swooped in for her delectable mouth.
When Cane once again finally lifted his head from hers, he slid his hands down her arms to clasp her hands, he then began to lead her up the stairs to his private wing of the house...
Once inside his beautifully remodeled, masculine bedroom - thoughts of the outside world were forgotten for a little while and it was just them. It was just Cane and Lily...
Cane leaned back against his door and just watched Lily for a moment. She walked around his room gazing at everything, running her fingers across different pieces of furniture, feeling there different textures...
Lily looked up to find Cane watching her and she smiled. "You know," she said. "I never get tired of seeing this beautiful room - of being in this beautiful room."
"Well the offer still stands for you to move in here with me." Cane said as he put his arms around here.
Lily looked up into his eyes. "I know," she said softly. "But I'm still not ready yet. I want to enjoy just being with you and being courted by you," she said with a soft laugh. "Someday in the near future, ask me that question again. I believe I will have a different answer for you then."
"You better believe I will Miss Winters." Cane cupped her face in his hands and slowly lowered his mouth to hers. He parted her lips with his tongue and elicited a low moan from Lily...
They each peeled the others clothes from their bodies in a slow and sensual way. Kissing and caressing each new piece of exposed skin until finally no clothes remained...
Cane scooped Lily up into his arms and carried her over to his bed. He laid her gently down upon the sheets. He gazed at the beautiful woman lying there, wanting him. Lily reached out a hand to pull him down with her. Their mouths once again fused together. Their bodies pressed close - as close as two humans could get. It wasn't long before their mutual cries of passion echoed around the room...
After finally getting a cab into the city a tired and disgruntled Chloe was at the Jabot offices. And after learning that Nikki was in meetings all day and would talk to her tomorrow, she realized that she had waisted her time coming here - that Cane had waisted her time. Chloe pulled out her cell phone and the business card containing Adam's number. He picked up on the third ring...
"Hey, it's Chloe. We should talk..."
Back at the mansion...
Cane and Lily were lying in each others arms basking in the after glow of their love. Cane hated to ruin the moment but he wanted to talk to Lily while they were alone. He sat up slightly to look into her eyes and said, "so I met Adam Wilson for the first time the other day and it was made quite clear to me by him that..."

Lily & Cane bringing the romance back to daytime...
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