Twice is Nice!!
Cane still found it strange when people found out who he was, how quick they were to do his bidding. With just one phone call he had movers and packers taking care of all the details of moving Lily's things into his - no wait he thought, their condo. Within a few hours everything was packed moved and unpacked again. He would ask Lily when she got back from spending a relaxing afternoon with Colleen if she liked where everything was placed and if she didn't then he would rearrange it to her liking. If Cane had his way Lily would be doing nothing but relaxing for the next seven and a half months. Although he knew that his Tiger-Lily would never go for that, he thought with fondness...
Now that he was alone and the movers gone. Cane decided it was time to put 'operation marry me Lily, plan B' into action. So he set about planning a simple meal that he could cook by himself and decorating the condo in a romantic way...
Lily was spending the afternoon with Colleen. They had decided to get pedicures and were blissfully enjoying the spa treatment while they chatted and caught up with one another...
Colleen dropped the magazine she was flipping through when Lily said, "so ummm... Cane asked me to marry him yesterday."
"Cane proposed to me. He got down on one knee and everything."
"Oh, my God." Colleen glanced at Lily's left hand. Noting the ring less third finger, she asked, "Lily, what did you say?"
"It really threw me for a loop, Colleen. I was totally surprised, I didn't expect it at all. And well I told him I wasn't ready to answer that question yet."
"Why, Lily? It's so obvious to anyone who even looks at the two of you, how much he loves you."
"I know that. And I know that he loves me. It's just with finding out about the baby and deciding to keep it - well I thought maybe he did it because he felt he had too."
"So what did he say when you told him you weren't ready to give him an answer?"
"Well he told me he wasn't going to stop asking me until I believed in his utter sincerity and love for me. And I would know no other answer to give him but yes."
Colleen looked at Lily for a moment before she said, "Lily that sounds like a man in love with you, to me. A man who is most certainly not doing this out of obligation. A man who is determined to spend the rest of his life with you."
"Yeah, I know, right? Then why do I still doubt it then?"
"Well because this is still a big shock to you. And you have had so many life changing things to get used to in such a short time that I think you still feel really overwhelmed."
"Yeah, I guess you're right. I just don't want things to be uncomfortable between us. I just want time to get used to the idea of everything."
"Well tell him that. Because if I know Cane he is going to keep on asking and pulling out all the stops to do it too."
"Yeah, you're right. I better have a talk with him when I get home later. I don't want to hurt him again. It nearly brought me to my knees when I saw his expression when I told him I wasn't ready. Maybe he will hold off for a bit and not ask me again for a while and then when he does I'll be ready to give him the answer that he wants."
Lily got back to the condo just before dinner. Her stomach growled in acknowledgement of the fragrances that greeted her at the door. Soft music could be heard from inside and Lily used her key that Cane had given her just that morning to open the door. She let out a gasp when she did...
Lily couldn't believe her eyes when she entered the condo. Pillar candles were lit everywhere. Their table was set for dinner. Romantic music was playing softly. And there stood Cane in the middle of the room, wearing a form fitting black button down shirt and trousers. He never looked more handsome. He was holding a bouquet of lilies in his hand. He came to greet her where she stood...
"Hey, baby. Welcome home. I made dinner for us, nothing fancy but I wanted everything to be just right." Then he kissed her tenderly.
And without a doubt Lily knew that Cane was going to ask her to marry him again. She didn't know what to do, she just knew she wasn't ready for him to ask her again...
"Wow. I can't believe you went to all this trouble."
"It was no trouble, for you. Let me take your coat. Come sit down at the table, everything is pretty much ready. Are you hungry?"
"Famished. It smells delicious." Lily said as she sat down at the table.
"It's just a salad, seasoned steamed vegetables and grilled chicken. Simple. But good."
"Well it sounds great. I can't believe you went to all this trouble just for me. Just for our first official night here together."
Cane didn't miss the anxiety in her voice or the emphases Lily put on the word 'just'. Cane fingered the black box in his pocket as he went to get the salad from the kitchen. If he judged it right and he thought he had he wouldn't be slipping this ring on Lily's finger tonight. So Cane resolved to put her at ease and just enjoy being with her in their home.
They enjoyed a good meal together. Cane had done a really great job on it. But all the while Lily kept thinking in the back of her mind 'I wonder when he is going to ask me. I wonder what I will say.' But as the night progressed and the meal was cleared away and things were tidied up and they retired to the couch to talk about their day and cuddled in each others arms the question never came. And as they went to bed that night, kissed each other with a pent up passion and snuggled down to sleep, Lily was left feeling the strangest sense of disappointment...
But the Third, is the Charm...!!
Cane did not say anything about marriage again. Two days had past since their dinner together and still he said nothing. Oh, he was still so tender and loving towards Lily. Cane never missed an opportunity to say 'I love you'. He never missed an opportunity to show her how much he cared, yet he still did not ask again.
This was all that Lily could think about, that and the fact that they hadn't made love since they found out about the baby. Oh, they still kissed and caressed one another but every time Lily thought it was going to go further Cane visibly held back, almost as though he were waiting for something...
Lily huffed and put down the text book that she was trying to read. She made her decision and she was going to do her best to seduce her love tonight...
Cane was at the office trying to get some work done, trying but failing miserably. He once again found himself facing the window in his office but not seeing the view. No, the only thing Cane saw was the sparkling diamond in his hand, still in it's box and not one the third finger of Lily's left hand where it should be. Cane snapped the box closed in frustration. It was time to pull out all the stops. Cane made the decision to do his very best to seduce Lily into becoming his wife tonight...
Lily was relaxing in the large soaker tub. Candles adorned the room. Music was playing softly on the stereo in the living room. The condo was filled with her favorite fragrance that she had poured into the tub...
It was the first thing Cane noticed as he came through the door...
Lily's scent was everywhere and it filled his nostrils and teased his senses as he closed the door behind him...
"Lily?" He called out.
"In here," came her voice from the bathroom.
Cane started undoing the buttons on his dark shirt as he headed that way...
Lily looked up as Cane entered the bathroom and her breath caught at the sight of him. His shirt undone and hanging open and a wild look in his eyes as he took in her naked form floating in the tub...
He did not hesitate to rip his shirt the rest of the way off as he looked at her, never once breaking eye contact...
Lily didn't know anymore who was seducing who - she didn't care. Lily stood up and let the water cascade down her naked and heated flesh. It was Cane's turn to gasp...
Her breasts pebbled under his gaze...
Cane could stand the distance between them no longer and reached her in a heartbeat. He cupped her face and fused his lips to hers, sliding his tongue past to explore her mouth fully...
Cane slid his hands down her naked and wet form. He cupped her buttocks and lifted her to him...
Lily slid her legs around his waist and locked them around him. Never once breaking the contact of their mouths...
Cane took her effortlessly into the bedroom and laid her gently on the bed. Finally breaking the contact of their lips but never their gaze...
Lily watched with hooded eyes as Cane removed the rest of his clothes and exposed his magnificent form to her...
"I don't want to hurt you," Cane said ruffly with barely constrained passion. "But I need to make love to you, to be inside of you."
Lily's own voice was ruff with passion when she replied, "you won't hurt me Cane. I promise. I need you inside of me too..."
That was all Cane needed to hear. He lay down beside Lily and placed his legs in between hers. Lily spread hers further apart to accommodate him. Cane kissed her again...
Cane slid into Lily's body. No barriers between them anymore. None were needed. His hand cupped her cheek. His thumb caressed her bottom lip. He locked his eyes with hers and wouldn't let go as he continued to stroke her from with in...
"Marry me, Lily..." Cane said as he continued to move within her bringing her closer to the edge with every stroke...
Lily gasped in shock and at the impending explosion within her...
Cane would not let her look away. He held her with such completeness within his gaze that Lily couldn't look away even if she wanted to...
"Marry me, Lily. I love you. You are the missing part of me. You make me whole like no one ever has, like no one ever will. Marry me, Lily..."
Lily gasped as Cane sent her over the edge with one final stroke and she shouted, "yes Cane. Yes I will marry you. I love you..." Lily said as she clawed at his back in the throws of passion.
Cane joined her and tumbled with her over the edge. His body shook with his own explosion. But his soul shook with her words...
Cane wrapped Lily in his body from behind. He kissed her neck and ran his hands up and down her arms...
His left hand stopped on hers where he played with her fingers and settled on the third one...
"Did you mean what you said, Lily? Will you become my wife?"
Lily turned in Cane's arms to face him and looked him directly in the eyes. She touched her fingers to his face and ran them over his lips. Cane kissed each tip...
"Yes, Cane I meant every word. I will marry you."
Cane turned away from Lily for a moment to retrieve the little black box from his discarded pants on the floor. He opened it and retrieved the ring from inside. Cane locked his gaze with Lily's and slid the ring onto her finger...
"You will never regret saying yes to me Lily. You are a part of me just like I am a part of you. There is no turning back for me. I love you."
"I love you, too."
Again Cane leaned down and kissed her tenderly. His hand slid from her cheek, down her arm to her stomach where their child slept. Breaking the kiss he gazed at her and said, "our child will know nothing but love and happiness. We will be a family now. I will protect you always."
It was those soft and sweet words that carried them off to sleep...
A New Day!!
Cane had left early that morning to head into the office. He had kissed Lily softly before he left and told her he was going in early so he could get home to her sooner...
Lily smiled fondly at the memory and the look of promise in his eyes...
She padded out to the living room in her bare feet, wrapped in an oversized robe that Cane had purchased for her recently. She turned on the stereo to find a jazzy song called 'Feeling Good' playing on the radio. She hummed along with the words..."it's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me..."
A new day indeed Lily thought as she went into the kitchen to brew some tea and put together a plate of dry toast, fruit and cheese. She took her meal back into the living room and sat down on the couch to enjoy it...
As she nibbled on her food her eyes kept being drawn to the sparkling diamond on her left hand.
Lily still couldn't believe all that had happened over the past few weeks. First the shock of discovering that she was indeed pregnant, then everything with Chloe and then her father. The gift she received from her mother's former dance teacher and finally the gift of true realization of Cane's complete and utter devotion and love for her and their unborn child...
Lily enjoyed the solitude of the morning since she didn't have anywhere to be for a couple of hours. Lily got up from the couch and placed her dishes in the sink and headed for the bathroom to take a shower. She actually felt pretty good today and was hopeful that her mourning sickness was drawing to an end.
Lily dropped her robe and looked at herself in the floor length mirror. She took in her form from top to bottom. Noting the sparkle in her eyes, the glow in her cheeks, her slightly fuller breasts and lastly as she turned sideways the slight bump where her formerly flat belly was.
Lily placed her hand protectively there and looked down at where her sleeping child lay. "Hello, baby." Lily whispered. "I know that I was shocked and confused when I first heard about your impending arrival but I want you to know that your father and I want you very much and - and we love you very much," Lily said as she started to tear up. Blinking them back she thought, so this is what the surge of hormones felt like. This made her smile. "Sleep well baby, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe." With a last look at her reflection, Lily stepped into the shower to start her day...
Cane was enjoying a productive day at the office. He, Jill, Katherine, Nikki, David and Brad had a meeting that he was headed into right then...
It was a meeting to discuss the future of the 'Fresh Faces Campaign' and Cane was bracing himself for the reaction of the others involved but he was confident that they would be understanding and that they would like his idea on what to do. Thankfully he already had his mother and grandmother on board...
"Hello everyone." Cane said as he closed the boardroom door. "Shall we get started." Cane continued as he got an encouraging look from Kay and Jill. The two women were absolutely thrilled at the impending arrival and loved Cane's ideas on what to do with Lily and her current situation.
Cane stood at the front of the room, he took a deep breath and began...
"My mother and grandmother are already aware of this situation and it's time that the rest of you become aware of it as well. Lily is pregnant."
There were sharp intakes of breath around the room...
Nikki was the first to speak. "Cane, are you umm... sure?"
"Yes, she took a test and had it confirmed by her doctor. She is two and a half months along."
David and Brad looked uncomfortable with the announcement but kept silent. Nikki was the one who continued to talk.
Nikki glanced over at Jill and Kay and seeing their pleased expressions tread carefully with her next words. "So what does this mean for 'Fresh Faces'? I know we have the other winners to work with but Lily has become the 'it' girl of this campaign. I mean everyone wants to work with her. What are we going to do?" Nikki asked with concern.
Luckily Cane had devised a solution. "Well Nikki, as you mentioned we do have the other winners which we could utilize a little bit more. But I know just as well as you that Lily stood out from the bunch and I have an idea, I think we could and should still use Lily because this is an inner beauty campaign. What is more natural and more beautiful than the glow of a pregnant woman. To showcase that kind of beauty could spin this campaign in a whole new direction."
"I think it's a great idea." Jill said.
"And I agree," said Katherine.
Nikki looked uncomfortable at having to say what she had to say next. "Ah... well Cane that sounds wonderful and all but I don't know how well it is going to go over with the public having a young, single, pregnant woman as a spokes model."
"Well for one, this is a cosmetics campaign so when she starts to show we could focus on upper body and head shots. Also we have a lot of photographs of her already that we could spread out through the next few months. Forrester Creations has already confirmed with me that they have enough to get through the next two campaigns. So I know that we can work with this." The next thing Cane said with such pride. "And you don't have to worry about any backlash regarding Lily being young, single and pregnant because I have asked her to marry me and she has accepted."
"Well, ummm... ok. I guess we could give this a try and see how it goes. Congratulations by the way."
"Yes, congratulations." David said as he shook Cane's hand.
"One woman man indeed. Congratulations, Cane." Brad said as he too shook Cane's hand.
Cane thanked them as they left the room. He sighed in relief as he looked at his mother and grandmother and said, "well that went well."
"We knew it would. We are so proud of you Cane. Your grandmother and I are going shopping to pick up a few things for the baby this afternoon."
"Now mum, I am not sure that's such a good idea yet. I mean all of it is still really just soaking in for Lily and I don't want to overwhelm her even more. Could you maybe hold off, for a little while?" Cane asked.
"Well don't expect us to hold off for to long, after all what kind of doting grandparents would be." Katherine said, smiling at her grandson as she and Jill left the room. Leaving Cane alone with his thoughts...
Cane knew that they meant well and that he expected nothing less from his family but he and Lily had both decided that they didn't want to buy anything yet because it was still early on in her pregnancy. They wanted to wait until her second trimester before they started going crazy. Cane grabbed his cell and placed a call to Lily...
"Hey baby. How are you?"
"I am great. I just finished having lunch with Colleen and she is planning an engagement party for us. She insisted."
"Well I am up for it, if you are."
"Yeah, I think it will be fun. I also talked with my doctor today and I have an appointment for my first ultra sound next week."
"That's great and you just name the day and the time and I will be there. I wouldn't miss it for the world."
"Good because I really wanted you there too."
"By the way I just finished up the meeting regarding 'Fresh 'Faces' and everyone is on board. You can model for as long as you feel comfortable."
"That's great. I am still feeling guilty about what I have done to this campaign."
"There is absolutely no need to. So I have to go to another meeting but I will see you at home in a couple of hours."
"You bet."
"Love you, Lily."
"Love you too. Bye."
Cane hung up the phone and thought to himself, how did he ever get to be so lucky...
A Date, A Time!!
The week flew by and finally the day had arrived for Lily and Cane to go and see their unborn child for the first time...
"How do you feel?" Cane asked Lily as they drove to the hospital.
"Anxious, excited, nervous. You name it, I'm feeling it. What about you?"
Cane squeezed Lily's hand in comfort and support. "I am excited. I know it's still very early on in it's development but I don't know, seeing and hearing the heartbeat for the first time is going to blow my mind."
"Yeah and I think seeing and hearing the baby's heartbeat for the first time is really going to cement how very real this is for me."
Cane glanced at Lily while they were stopped at a red light. He touched her cheek and said, "I understand, sweetheart. But you know we are going to be just fine. We are going to make this work." The light changed and they continued down the street.
"When you say things to me like that, it makes me really believe in it."
"That's because it's true." This made Lily smile. They turned into the underground parking garage and found a spot. Cane took Lily's hand as he opened her door. "Shall we?" And hand in hand they headed into the hospital...
They checked in at the nurses station and waited for their turn. Cane never once letting go of Lily...
After a few minutes a technician came out to get them and took them into the room with the ultrasound machine. "Mr. Ashby, if you could just wait outside for a few minutes-"
Lily held onto Cane's hand even tighter. "Please, is it ok that he stays here with me? I want him to hear the heartbeat for the first time when I do." Lily pleaded.
The technician looked at them for a moment and did not miss the determination in either of their faces. And seeing how much this meant to them both she relented. "Alright, you can stay."
"Thank you." Cane answered for them both.
Lily got up on the table and laid down. While Cane sat in a chair to her left and the technician and the ultrasound machine were on her right. Lily rolled up her t-shirt exposing her belly. The technician warned, "this may be cold." Before squirting a blob of gel onto Lily's stomach.
Grabbing the wand the technician placed it on Lily's belly and moved it around.
Moments later... "Ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump..." Could be heard echoing around the small room. Both Cane and Lily held their breath as they listened. Cane squeezed her hand and kissed her temple as they both stared at the monitor as a blurry image of a tiny fetus appeared...
"Wow," Cane whispered in awe.
Lily glanced up at him and said, "it's our baby. We're really having a baby."
"I know and I couldn't love you more, if it were possible to love you less."
"I love you too." Lily said tearing up.
The technician tried to keep the smile from her face as she listened to the young couple. She moved the wand around Lily's belly and continued to take measurements. Suddenly the technicians face turned to one of concern as she moved the wand around every few moments you could hear a second echoing heart beat. "That's strange."
"What?" asked Lily.
"Is there something wrong?" Cane asked at the same time.
"Well I can't be sure because I am not getting a visual but I am picking up a second heartbeat."
"A second heartbeat?" They asked in shocked unison.
"As I said I can't be 100% certain. So I am going to need you to schedule another appointment for two weeks from now and we should be able to find out for sure then." The technician said with a sympathetic smile.
"Twins?" Lily asked in a high pitched squeak as she looked at Cane.
And Cane being the ever present voice of reason said, "now Lily. She said she didn't know for sure. It's just a possibility."
Lily didn't seem to register what Cane had said as she again looked at the technician and asked, "twins?"
"Ms. Winter's please, don't stress yourself out. I could not confirm or deny a multiple pregnancy. I said it was a strong possibility." The technician squeezed Lily's shoulder, sympathetically.
"We'll know for sure at your next appointment. Please try not to worry about it to much until then." And with that she left the room.
Cane helped Lily down from the exam table.
"Cane, I have just come to terms with being pregnant with one child. I - I, twins?"
"Lily, please let's not worry about this. We don't want to put undo stress upon you or the - well let's just leave it at you. Let's put this out of our minds until we know for sure. Ok?"
"Ok." But silently neither one of them did...
On the drive home, Cane tried to take Lily's mind off of things by talking about the engagement party that Colleen was throwing for them at Indigo's. Thanks to her father's kindness he had gladly volunteered the club when Colleen had graciously asked him if they could use it. Lily felt that he did it to as away of holding out the olive branch and showing his gradual acceptance of their upcoming nuptials. It helped for a bit as they joked and laughed. But as they grew closer to home they once again found themselves in thoughtful silence...

Lily & Cane bringing the romance back to daytime...
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