Lily Continues to Fight and Jill Comes Clean to Cane!!
Lily awoke again to find her to find her capture once again standing over her. Lily groaned and squinted up at the figure looming above her...
"Well since I have to keep you healthy enough to give birth to that baby I suppose that I am going to have to feed you," came the altered voice. Placing a gloved hand to the tape that covered Lilys' mouth - Lily tried to cringe away but her restraints kept her from moving very far. "Tsk tsk, you should realize by now that you can not escape me - you can not avoid my touch. Now (chuckling) this might hurt a bit but I don't really care and don't bother to scream - no one where we are will care if you do." And with that Lilys' assailant ripped the tape from her mouth...
At the mansion...
Everyone was crowding around Cane trying to figure out what next thing to do was. Jill weaves through the crowd to get to her son. She placed a hand on his forearm and said, "sweetheart, I really need to talk to you for a moment. Do you think that we could step into the dinning room so that we may talk alone?"
Cane looked at his mother with concern and said, "sure Mum." Looking at everyone else he said, "excuse me but I will be right back." And Cane stepped into the other room with Jill...
Meanwhile in the room...
Her lips stung from the tape being ripped off and as much as Lily wanted to scream her throat and mouth were so dry that she could barely rasp out the questions she had to ask. "Who are you? Why do you want to hurt me and my family? Please, please I won't even press charges if you just let me go," Lily begged.
Her capture began to laugh hysterically. "Oh, Lily. You stupid, stupid girl. Do you really want to know who I am because I think that may answer some of your other trivial questions." And her assailant began to lift the black mask from around their neck...
At the mansion...
Jill had closed the door when they had entered the dinning room. She began to ring her hands and pace back and forth before her son.
"I knew I should have told you this months ago when I had first started to hear about it. But I didn't want to cause you and Lily unnecessary concern and I thought that it was just crazy nonsense from a bitter person. But now that this has happened I am not so sure that it was..."
Cane didn't think that he could take anything more today and the way that his mother was making no sense had her treading on his last nerve. With the unbelievable stress and worry that he was under he found himself snapping at his mother. "Mum," he shouted. "What are you trying to tell me? What person?" He asked as he grabbed his mother by the shoulders to stop her pacing. Taking a deep breath to calm himself he asked his mother again, "Mum what are you trying to tell me, do you know who has Lily?"...
Meanwhile in the room...
Lily watched as her assailant removed the voice altering machine and then continue to lift the mask over their head. In the dim light she still couldn't see their face but she could now hear their voice - a vaguely familiar female voice when she said, "so Lily. Now do you recognize me?"
Realization began to dawn on Lily but it was confirmed when her assailant put her face directly in front of her. "Chloe!?" She gasped in shock and horror...
At the mansion...
Jill looked at her son and tears slipped from her eyes. She shook her head yes and said, "Cane it's Chloe. I think Chloe kidnapped Lily."...
Crazed Chloe!!
Cane looked at his mother directly in the eyes and said very slowly, "tell me everything that you know."
Jill told him as quickly as possible everything that she had heard about Chloe over the past few months since they had fired her...
A few minutes later Cane jerked open the dining room doors drawing everyone's attention. J.T. and Paul approached him and Cane told them everything that his mother had just told him. Paul got on the phone to Maggie and informed her of the latest...
Cane grabbed his keys and headed for the door but not before Neil put a hand on his shoulder and asked, "Cane where are you going?"
Cane looked at Neil directly and said, "I am going to find my wife."
"I'm going with you," Neil said with no room for argument.
With a nod Cane agreed. They turned to go but not before Drucilla said, "Please, bring back my baby safe and sound and for Gods sake be careful." They assured her they would and then walked out the door...
Meanwhile in the room...
Lily whispered, "why Chloe? I don't understand. Why would you want to hurt me?"
"Why? WHY??" Chloe shrilled. And Lily caught sight of her eyes when she went near the lamp in the room and Lily realized that she was insane that she had snapped somewhere down the line.
"I'll tell you why. You and your precious husband destroyed my life, my career when you had me fired. I couldn't get another decent job in the industry because of you I was blackballed. I became so enraged - you were all I could think about. Little miss perfect Lily Winters, you get everything that you want - you got everything that I wanted - that I deserved and now I am going to take the greatest pleasure in taking it all away from you."
Chloe came back towards Lily and leaned close to her face where Lily couldn't miss her booze laced breath, her once sleek hair was now stringy and unkept and her once perfect complexion was spotty and pasty. Lily couldn't believe that Chloe had fallen so far...
"Please Chloe, please don't do this," Lily tried to plead with her once more.
Chloe mocked her in return as she put a new piece of tape across her mouth, "please Chloe, please. Not on your life Lily, I am going to take the greatest pleasure in destroying you. I will give back to you ten fold what you did to me." Laughing like a truly insane person, Chloe took her leave and left the room.
Lily, left lying there, once again alone - her muffled sobs echoed around the room...
Cane to the Rescue!!
Cane and Neil were driving down the highway heading towards the other side of the city where Paul and J.T. had tracked Chloe through her records and latest credit card statement. The police weren't far behind but Cane had every intention of getting there first - he wanted a few moments of alone time with Chloe before the cops carted her away...
Neil had one hand braced on the dashboard the other on the door as Cane sped through the city. "Now son I know you want to find Lily as much as I do but I would like to get to her in on piece if you don't mind." Neil said as Cane tore around another corner.
"Don't worry Neil we'll get there in on piece and we will get there fast. I will not leave Lily in that maniacs possession for one moment longer." Cane said as he continued to drive as fast as traffic would allow.
Neil realized that it was pointless to argue further and decided it was best to just hang on because they would be there soon - heck he would probably being driving in the same way if he were behind the wheel...
Meanwhile in the room...
Chloe came back into the room that she held Lily in and slammed the door. A look of rage and panic in her eyes as she approached Lily and started to scream at her...
"You stupid little bitch! How did they find out it was me? How did they find out where I was so quickly?"
Lily - her mouth still taped shut just looked at her with confusion but in her head she was jumping for joy. But that quickly ended when she saw Chloe pull out her gun.
"If anyone tries to come in here they will pay with your life." She stood near the door her gun swinging back and forth between Lily and the door. Sirens could be heard in the distance now. Lily pleaded with Chloe with her eyes and struggled against her restraints...
Outside the building...
Cane sent gravel flying as he slid to a stop in the parking lot outside the building. Jumping from the SUV he took off at a dead run leaving Neil behind to try and catch up. Cane was heading for the apartment on the second floor, he took the stairs two at a time. Reaching the floor he saw the numbered door at the end of the hall but it was the screeching voice of Chloe threatening Lilys' life that him charging the door with his shoulder braced...
Chloe heard a noise in the hallway and had turned towards the door when it suddenly smashed open hitting her full force and sending her flying across the room. She was out cold before she hit the floor...
Cane so full of rage didn't even see Lily at first. He went over to Chloes' crumpled body on the floor and lifted her up by the lapels of her shirt. Seeing her limp form and realizing she could do nothing more in her present condition he dropped her carelessly back to the floor. Lily moaned and he ran to her side...
"Oh my God, Lily. It's ok, it's over now." Lily was bawling in uncontrolled relief. Cane gently removed the tape from her mouth and taking a knife from his pocket, Cane gently cut the ropes that bound her.
Cane gathered her into his arms and consoled her until her sobs subsided. He stroked her hair and softly wiped the tears from her cheeks. "Oh, God Lily. I thought I had lost you. I have never been so scared in all my life. I love you so much." Cane said as he placed tender kisses all over Lilys' face.
When she had calmed down enough to talk she glanced over at Chloe, still crumpled on the floor and said, "is she - is she dead?"
To which Cane replied with steel and honesty in his voice, "if she were a man she would be." Taking his eyes off the repulsive sight of Chloe, he looked at Lily and said, "when the police and prosecutor is finished with her she will never, ever be able to hurt you again." Promised Cane.
"Cane, I thought I was never going to see you again. Chloe had every intention of killing me. I was so scared. I prayed that you would find me in time." Lily caressed his cheek loving the feel of his skin beneath her fingers. "My dear heart, please take me out of here."
Neil arrived in the doorway at that moment and was filled with joy at the sight of his daughter.
He could here the police coming up the stairs...
But before anyone could move Lily groaned in pain and a shock filled her face as a wetness soaked the bed - her water just broke...
Excitement Abounds!!
Neil approached his daughter as the police, with their guns drawn entered the room. Finding their suspect unconscious they lowered their weapons and Maggie went to talk to Lily to see if she was ok...
Lily was clutching her belly as another contraction hit her. Cane supporting her back had lost all colouring in his face as it truly dawned on him that his children were coming - that they were coming early...
Neil was at Lilys' other side he brushed her hair back and whispered in her ear that it was going to be ok...
Maggie took in the scene and radioed to the awaiting paramedics that they were needed up here immediately...
"Lily did Chloe hurt you in anyway?"
"No, Detective Sullivan she threatened too but didn't have a chance to follow through," Lily said between panting breaths.
Maggie said, "I will take your statements after you have had time to get through the birth of your children." With that she went back to join the other officers handling Chloe.
Lily clutched Canes hand as another contraction hit. "Ohhhh..." she groaned. "Cane the babies are coming but it's too soon. I am scared..."
Cane regained control of his fears and tried to sooths Lilys', "shhh," he said. "Remember the doctor said to be prepared for an earlier delivery. That most multiple pregnancies won't go to term." He gently kissed her temple and continued, "with all the stress and turmoil you have been through over the past couple of weeks - well I guess the girls decided that they wanted to see their Mum now."
Lily knew that Cane was just trying to make her feel better but she was panicked. "I don't know Cane it seems to soon... what if I'm not ready?"
Cane realized what her true panic was all about and said, "honey, you know you're ready for this. It will be ok. It's about time that we meet our little angels don't you think?" Cane said as he smiled tenderly at his beautiful wife. The paramedics arrived and started to prep Lily for transport.
Neil got on the phone to Drucilla and informed her that they got to Lily in time and that she was ok but that she might want to meet them at the hospital along with the rest of their friends and family because they were going to be grandparents very shortly...
The police had cuffed the unconscious Chloe as a precautionary measure but now they were glad that they had she was coming around and she was spitting nails mad...
She started cursing and struggling against the officers that now held her. "This isn't over yet - Lily," she screamed. "I will get you for this." The police thought it was a good idea to hall her out of there when Cane approached and put a hand up to stop them momentarily...
He leaned down close to a squirming Chloe and with ice and steel in his voice he said close to her ear, "your lucky it was only the door that had smashed you into unconsciousness. If I had less control, it would have been the coroner taking you out of here in a body bag, not the cops walking you out." Cane stepped back and the officers dragged a still struggling Chloe down to the awaiting patrol car...
The paramedics, having tended to Lilys abrasions on her wrists and ankles had her prepped and ready to go to the hospital. They were monitoring her contractions closely which were now coming much more frequently. One of them said, "Uh... Mr. Chancellor we need to get your wife to the hospital straight away. I assume you will be riding with us?"
"Yes. Let's get going," Cane said as he walked at Lilys' side clutching her hand in his.
Neil following close behind would take Canes SUV to the hospital. Watching Cane tend gently to his daughter, Neil shook his head in realization - they were going to be parents and he a grandfather in just a short while...
Everyone We'd Like to Introduce You to...!!
The ambulance ride seemed to Cane like it was taking forever when in actuality it was only minutes. Lily gripped Canes' hand with such a fierce physical strength he had not known that she possessed. It was tearing him up inside to see her in such agony but he also knew it was for the greater good and soon he would be holding his tiny daughters in his arms...
Cane wiped the sweat from Lilys' brow and continued to encourage her proper breathing that they had learned only in recent weeks at the birthing classes they had attended...
The paramedics had radioed ahead to the hospital and Lilys' doctor and a team of nurses were on hand preparing an O.R. for the twins impending delivery...
Cane just kept telling Lily how much he loved her over and over again. Lily returned the sentiment in between contractions...
They arrived at the hospital and were greeted by all their friends and family joyfully awaiting their arrival. Through well wishes and tears of joy Lily was whisked into the delivery room. Cane was held back to wait while they prepped her. He softly kissed her fingers as they slid from his grasp and whispered I love you as she went by. A nurse took him to get into some scrubs...
Neil embraced Drucilla as she thanked God that they were all ok. When he had witnessed all that had went on with Cane and Lily today, Neil had come to the realization that he no longer wanted to be apart from Dru. So in front of everyone he dropped to his knee and tearfully asked if Drucilla would marry him all over again...
Dru had come to pretty much the same conclusion and was greeted with cheers and shouts of joy as she happily said yes...
Then they all hunkered down to endure the wait for the all important news...
At precisely 12:40 and 12:41pm, Cane and Lily welcomed into the world, Katherine and Drucilla Ashby-Chancellor respectively. To their mother and fathers' delight both girls were born healthy with a full head of soft dark brown curls and rosy cheeks...
At about one o'clock Cane joined everyone in the waiting room. Pulling the mask and cap from his head he told everyone the good news and that he and Lily would introduce everyone to the newest members of the family just as soon as she was cleaned up and settled in her room...
The joy and love on Canes' face was apparent to everyone to see...
A little while later...
Lily settled into her hospital bed was handed her daughters - one in each arm by the nurse in the room. Lily cooed and kissed there soft little heads. Cane kissed their tiny fingers that gripped his with surprising strength...
Cane and Lily looked into each others eyes, love flowed so fully between them...
"I am so proud of you Lily. They are perfect and so beautiful. I love you and them with all my heart."
"I know. I can't imagine my life without you or them in it. I never thought it was possible to love someone so much that I just met but I do so very much. And I love you too Cane." Unshed tears sparkled in each of their eyes.
"Uhm-hum." Cane and Lily lifted their heads at the sound of Neil clearing his throat to see all of their family and friends gathered in the doorway to their room. The nurse gave them all a stern look but decided not to say anything for the time being...
"How are all of you? We were getting a little anxious out here," Neil said.
Cane looked lovingly at his wife and children and then back at the crowd gathered at the door. "We're wonderful, just wonderful. Everyone allow me to introduce to you to our daughters Kate and Cilla..."

Lily & Cane bringing the romance back to daytime...
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I loved this story. I just came across your site and I am having such a good time reading all the stories you have come up with for Cane and Lily. Great Job!!
Kate and Cilla, how cute!!!! And I could have really believed the story about Chloe!!!
Love this. Here's a storyline, how about making Tyler a Phsyho who kidnaps Lilly and ties her up because he loves her and she won't return his feelings. He has pictures of her everywhere in his room and stalks her. Cane comes to the rescue.
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