Chloe Gets Whats Coming!!
Lily was misserable. Cane was furious and he wasn't talking to her. In fact he was down right avoiding her. She couldn't really blame him that much. She could see things through his eyes and understood how all this looked. After sleeping on the couch he had once again left early for work so he had no idea that she was actually sick. That it wasn't food poisoning like she had thought but was some stomach bug instead. Lily hoped that he didn't get it too but then again maybe he would now know how she felt.
Lily had just left the GCAC, having had a miserable workout with Richard - if you could even call it that. She could barely do it what with being so nauscious, so instead she had to put up with him yelling in her ear to 'suck it up' and 'work through the pain'. Lily didn't think she would give it a second thought if she never had to deal with him again. Now she had to go and meet Chloe, put on a happy face and somehow make it through her latest photo shoot. She thought it might be a good idea to have a little chat with her inregards to the pressure that Chloe was putting on her. With a new found resolve, Lily took a deep breath and headed off to the photo shoot...
At the shoot...
Lily was being fussed over - hair and make-up being done. The make-up artist started 'clucking' when she noticed the dark circles that she was going to have to try and cover up. Lily apologized and said she was a little under the weather. She also kept looking around for Cane, he always showed up for her shoots - she hoped today wouldn't be an exception. Lily needed to talk to him, to make things right once again between them...
Just then Chloe came up and dismissed the people getting Lily ready. With grumbles and mutters they left.
Lily looked at Chloe and said, "that was a little rude and uncalled for don't you think?"
"No I don't actually. They are just little people who are to do what they are told without complaint. Infact you are to do what you are told without complaint - I spoke to Richard and he informed how unco-operative you were this morning," Chloe said with an undertone of rage and attitude.
Unnoticed, Cane and Jill arrived. They stood there listening. Shock, disbelief and finally anger filling there faces...
"Further more," continued Chloe. "If I tell you you need to lose a bunch of weight - you need to lose a bunch of weight and I don't care how you do it. If that means you skip meals - you do that. I don't care if you even take up smoking - just as long as you get it done."
Lily was stunned, she was about to say something but Chloe cut her off and continued...
"If you want to make it in this business, you better listen to me because you won't get anywhere in this industry without me. Infact -
Chloe was cut off by a very loud and angry male voice...
"CHLOE!! That is enough and if you know what is good for you you will stop talking to Lily that way, this instant." Cane was furious, he walked up to the two women grabed Chloe by the arm and spinning her away from Lily he continued, "obviously it is you who doesn't want to go any further in this business."
Jill put her hand on Cane's shoulder and said, "that's alright Cane I think I will take it from here. Why don't you talk to Lily," glancing at her she continued, "she is obviously upset - she needs you."
Cane stepped away from Chloe, glaring at her with hate - that she would ever go so far as to treat Lily that way. To treat anyone that way was absolutely apalling. He went to Lily - they needed to talk...
"Young lady and I use that term loosely. Your behavior here today disgusts me. Basically encouraging someone to develope an eating disorder is unbelievable. Your services are no longer required at Jabot - infact I will make certain that no one requires your services anywhere in this city. Your done here. Pack up your belongings and I will have security escort you from the building."
Chloe glared at her but she knew there was nothing she could say so with a huff she turned and stalked off towards the door - security meeting her there...
The Talk!!
Jill turned back and went over to Cane and Lily. "Lily, I am so sorry. I did not realise that Chloe was treating you this badly. Do you want to postpone the photo shoot for another day?"
"That is ok, Jill I really want to finish it but could I have a few minutes to collect myself." Lily glanced over at Cane then continued, "and to talk to Cane."
Jill reached over and squeezed her shoulder and said, "certainly my dear." Then turning to the crew and getting there attention she continued, "everyone would you all mind taking an early lunch?" There was a chorus of agreement. So Jill said, "thank you everyone we'll see you in an hour." And with that she smiled at Cane and Lily and gave them the needed time alone...
Cane looked down at Lily. She looked so small and frail standing before him. He couldn't stand the distance between them any longer so he said simply, "come here." And wrapped her in his arms. They stood that way for a few moments, Lily's head tucked under Cane's chin. Cane breathing in the familiar scent that was Lily's alone...
Cane leaned back and cupped her face in his large hands. Searching her eyes he said, "God Lily, I have been so worried about you. I mean I have literally been racking my brains trying to figure out how to talk to you about all this. Your family and friends - everyone has been walking around on eggshells around you, not knowing what to say. Just knowing that something had to be said." Cane sighed and continued, "why didn't you tell me that Chloe was treating you so badly? If you had only said something sooner we could have stopped her distructive ways."
Lily's eyes filled with unshed tears, she placed her hands over Cane's stroking them softly she said, "I know Cane I am so sorry. I thought I could handle Chloe - I really did. I didn't want you to have to fight my battles for me." Lily sighed and continued, "Cane I admit that I have been skipping meals and exercising compulsively. I didn't want to admit to anyone that Chloe's comments were having such a dire effect on me - I didn't want to admit it to myself either. I had even convinced myself that I was looking better than ever but when I see it through your eyes well - now I understand why you were so scared and upset. For that I am truly sorry, I never wanted to hurt you - not ever." A single tear slid down her cheek...
Cane leaned down and caught it with his lips. "Oh Lily," he whispered.
Before he could say more Lily continued, "Cane the other day when you thought you caught me in the washroom 'making myself sick', you need to know that I would never intentionally do that. What with all the stress and not looking after myself well I am afraid that I have caught a stomach bug - I'm so sorry for upsetting you."
Worried Cane asked, "Do you want to go to the doctors?"
"No, no I will be ok but if I don't kick it in the next couple of days I will - I promise. I just want to get through this photo shoot and the big one for Restless Style and then since there is nothing schedualed for a while I'd like to take a bit of a break and concentrate on school - and us."
"Ok, if you're sure and I am going to hold you to that." Cane leaned in to kiss Lily but she stopped him with two fingers on his lips.
"Wait. I don't know if this is contageous, I don't want you to get sick too."
Cane chuckled and removed her fingers after he kissed each one and said, "do you think I care about that? Besides what better way to recouperate - but in bed together."
To which Lily replied, "Or holding each others heads over the toilet." Then they both laughed. Sobering Lily said, "please don't sleep apart from me again. I missed the comfort of your body so much."
"I won't, I promise." And without a care of getting sick or not he placed his lips on hers and kissed her with a passion that left them both breathless...
Reluctantly pulling apart Lily said, "Um... since everone is off having some lunch. Would you like to do the same? Cause I'm starving."
Cane thought there was nothing better - his Tiger-Lily was back. "You bet."
And with that they left arm in arm to grab some lunch...
The Shoot for Restless Style!!
Lily was still sick - she just couldn't seem to shake this stomach bug. But she decided she had to suck it up. This was a big deal, this spread was going to be the focal point in their premier issue. Lily had already made a doctors appointment for the following day. She took a small sip of the ginger ale beside her, to help settle her stomach and let hair and make-up get to work...
Jack, Phyllis, Nick and Sharon were going over everything they wanted captured and portrayed by the photographer and director of the shoot...
Cane arrived followed by Jill. "Hey, sweetie," Jill said as she leaned in to give Cane a kiss on the cheek. "I figured I would find you here. How is Lily doing?"
Cane smiled in return at his Mom and said, "She is doing ok. I'm making sure that she is eating regularly but unfortunately she is having a hard time keeping things down, she has a stomach bug. I guess what with her immune system being run down what with the stress and not taking the best care of herself - well she just hasn't kicked it yet."
"Oh, that is terrible. Maybe I should go talk to Jack and Nick to see if we can reschedual," Jill said concern lacing her voice.
Cane squeezed Jills arm in thanks and said, "No, it's ok Mum. Lily insisted that she was ok to do this and she has already made an appointment to see the doctor tomorrow."
"Well ok, if you're sure," Jill said still concerned. "After what she went through with Chloe I don't want to push her to much."
"I know you feel bad about that Mum but it's ok. I am going to keep a close eye on her today and I promise I will step in if it's getting to be to much for her." They heard some noise and turned...
There was much ohhing and ahhing, Lily looked stunning in her first out fit. And with a few minor adjustments to the lights the photo shoot began...
A couple of hours later...
"That's right Lily look this way. Now over your shoulder... great, perfect, right there - yes... that's it... keep it coming... yes hold it right there..." The photographer continued with his directions...
Phyllis leaned over to Jack and whispered, "She looks beautiful, this is going to be a fabulous spread for our first issue."
"Yes," Jack looked closely at Lily, "is it just me or does she look a little flushed to you?"
Phyllis took a closer look at Lily too and replied, "now that you mentioned it she does, a little."
Lily standing under the lights was trying to concentrate on what the photographer was saying but it was getting harder and harder to do so. God she thought were the lights always this hot, I hope this will be finished soon. She didn't have to wait much longer...
"Great, Lily and that's a wrap," said the photographer. To which everyone started to applaud.
Lily still under the lights found the applause to be ringing in her ears. She put her hands up to cover them. Cane noticing that something wasn't right started towards her. Lily saw spots before her eyes and staggered. She reached out to catch her balance but there was nothing there to grab onto...
It was like it was all happening in slow motion. Cane was coming towards her. He shouted, "LILY!"
Lily never heard... everything turned black. She hit the floor in a dead faint...
Rushed to the Hospital!!
"LILY!" Cane dropped to his knees beside her and scooped her into his arms, she didn't stir. "Someone call 911," he shouted.
"I'm on it," replied Jack.
"Come on Lily please wake up," Cane said as he gently tapped her cheek.
"Yes operator. This is Jack Abbott. I am at the warehouse offices of Restless Style. A Miss Lily Winters has collapsed here. (a pause) Yes she is still breathing (with a nod from Cane) just please hurry."
Closing his phone Jack said to Cane, "they will be here in a couple of minutes just try and keep her comfortable until then."
Jill said, "can someone get some of these lights off of her - please."
"I'll grab her a couple of blankets," Nick said as he went off to find them.
"I'm going to call Neil so that he can meet us at the hospital," Sharon said grabbing her phone.
All the while Cane continued to hold Lily stroking her face and whispering over and over, "Please Lily - please just open your eyes for me..." A tear slid down his cheek. God he thought, please don't let anything happen to Lily - I'm begging you...
"Here are the blankets," said Nick gently covering Lily with a couple.
"Thank you," Cane replied hoarsly. Nick placed his hand on Canes' shoulder and gave it a comforting squeeze then once again he left him alone with Lily.
Sirens could now be heard in the distance...
Cane stroked Lilys' hair and said, "it won't be long now baby we'll get you to the hospital and everything will be ok. I love you so much..."
The paramedics came in one of them put a hand on Canes shoulder and said, "sir?" Can you please step back so we can examine her?"
Cane reluctantly got up. Jill was there and put her arm around him pulling him back further she said, "come on sweetheart let them do what they have to do."
Cane turned to her anguish filling his face he said, "I can't lose her Mum. I don't know what I would do without her." He turned back to watch the paramedics work. They got oxygen on her and got her strapped to the gurny all the while taking her pulse and making sure she was stable.
"Ok, we're ready to transport her."
"I'm going with you," Cane said no room for argument in his voice. With a nod they agreed.
"We'll meet you there. She will be ok," Jill said with renewed certainty.
"I hope you're right Mum."
All the way to the hospital Cane never left Lilys' side...
Waiting is the Hardest Part!!
Everyone arrived at the hospital at once...
Lily still had not regained conciousness...
The paramedics took her immediately into an exam room where a doctor and two nurses began examining her, drawing blood and running tests...
They wouldn't let Cane go in so he just stood there starring at the door while everyone arrived and moved around him. He was oblivious to it all, that is until Neil grabbed him by the shoulders and spun him around...
"Cane...What...Happened to...LILY? I get a phone call from Sharon saying that she collapsed!! I thought you were supposed to be looking after her. I thought you said she was getting better and now this!" Cane didn't notice and it seemed neither did Neil but he was shaking him by the shoulders as he demanded his answers.
Karen placed a hand on Neils' arm and said calmly, "Neil that is not the way to get your answers. Just look at him he is as devistated as you are.
Neil immediately stopped shaking Cane and apologized. "Sorry, I don't know what I was thinking."
To which Cane replied softly, "that's ok Neil I would probably do the same in your shoes." Cane sighed and ran his hand through his hair and continued, "she was doing better Neil but because she hadn't been looking after herself for so long she caught a stomach flu that she just couldn't shake. Ironically she had an apointment to see a doctor tomorrow. I mean she said she was fine to do this photo shoot. I shouldn't have listened to her I should have insisted she go to the doctors first but I didn't." Cane put his hand over his face...
"It's ok Cane. I know how assertive Lily can be. I don't blame you. I just hope to God that she is ok..."
"The doctor is examining her now so hopefully we will know something soon," Cane said.
Just then the doctor emerged from the examining room...
"How is she?" Cane asked.
"Can you tell me what's wrong with my daughter?" Neil asked at the same time.
The doctor raised his hand to silence them both and said, "it would seem that Miss Winters is suffering from exhaustion and dehydration. I have got her on a fluid drip and I have given her a very mild sedative to keep her comfortable while I await the results of some more tests."
Looking at Neil he continued, "you can go in and see her if you like just don't linger to long. Now if you'll excuse me..."
Cane stopped him again before he left and said, "so she's going to be ok? Isn't she?"
"Yes. Mr. Ashby is it? I am going to keep her overnight for observation but she should make a full recovery."
Canes' shoulders slumped as the tension left his body. "Thank you so much doctor."
Cane began pacing impatiently awaiting his turn to go in and see Lily...

Lily & Cane bringing the romance back to daytime...
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