Drucilla is Baaaaack!!
Neil was astounded, this couldn't be. He rubbed his hand over his eyes, thinking that he must be seeing things but when he removed his hand Dru still stood beside their daughter.
"Dru?" He again asked in disbelief. "How can you be here? How can this possibly be real?"
Lily had to put some space between herself and the woman she still thought was a ghost. She went to stand beside her father, putting her arm around his waist for support. Lily staired dumb-founded at the person who looked just like her mother. Her voice constricted with emotion came out in a hoarse whisper when she asked, "Mom? Is that really you? But - but how? After all this time, Mom if it's really you - where have you been?"
Drucilla took a tentative step towards them both and said, "I promise you I will explain everything to the best of my knowledge to the two of you. But please, please can I just touch you?" Looking from Neil to Lily she continued, "oh, my baby girl. Your married," Dru glanced down at Lilys' expanding tummy, "your having a baby?" In agony now and with tears streaming down her face she gasped, "oh, I have missed so much - I have missed you both so much," Dru held out her arms to Lily, "Lily - please."
Lily looked up at her father, he still hadn't said anything, his mouth still hung open in shock. She looked back at her mother and in her heart she new without a doubt that it was her. "Oh, Mamma," Lily sobbed as she threw herself into her mothers open arms. "I have missed you so much, if this is a dream I don't want to wake up."
Dru wrapped her arms around her baby girl and stroked her hair. "No baby, it's not a dream - your Mamma is here," she said as she continued to hold Lily tight.
Just then there was a noise outside of the partly opened door. Karen and Cane approached. The door opened the rest of the way...
Cane said, "Lily? Neil? Karen and I were wondering what was taking so long. Do the two of you need some more father daughter time?" Just then Cane noticed the shattered glass and said, "hey why is there broken glass, is something wrong - ?"
Karen shreiked and jammed a hand over her mouth to stop it. Cane stood there in shock not believing the scene before him. Neil jolted back to reality he turned towards Karen the shock and despair all over his face...
"Karen, I - "
With a shake of her head Karen didn't let him finish and with tears in her eyes she turned and fled the room. Neil didn't know what to do, he felt like he was litrally ripping in half. He stood neither facing Dru or the door where Karen had stood a moment ago truly wishing that he could be in two places at once...
Lily lifted her head from her mothers shoulder and looked at Cane. She held out her hand to him to come and join her. "Cane," she said glancing at him and then back at the unbelievable sight of her mother and continued, "this is my mother - this is Dru."
Drucillas' Story!!
Cane smiled slightly at Drucilla and nodded his greeting still to shocked and unsure of what to say. He turned his attention to Lily and said, "Are you ok, baby? This must be an incredible shock for you. Do you want to sit down? Then maybe we could give your...um...mother a chance to explain things." He went over to Neil and placed a hand on his shoulder and said, "Neil, are you ok? How about I go and get Devon? I think that the four of you should sit down and try to come to terms with everything."
"Uh, yeah Cane would you mind? Devon needs to be here." Neil looks breifly at Lily and Dru still huddled together and he turned back to Cane and continues softly, "and Cane could you - maybe -"
Cane squeezes Neils shoulder and leans in to say, "don't worry Neil I will try and find Karen and see if she is ok. I know that you need to be here right now and even though this is a terrible shock to her I am sure she knows that you need to be here too."
Neil swallows back tears and says ruffly, "thank you Cane."
Cane goes over to check on Lily once more and with her assurance that she is ok, he kisses her gently on the temple and whispers 'I love you' in her ear before he goes off to find Devon...
A few minutes later... Devon charges into the room...
He stumbles to a stop and takes in the scene before him. Dru stands up and walks towards him... "I couldn't believe it when Cane told me - I - had to see for myself... Is it really you Dru?"
Dru nods her head, "yes Devon it really is me." And with that she wraps him in her arms and says, "come sit down with us, please I was just about to explain everything that I can and answer your questions to the best of my abilities."
Everyone sits down and Drucilla begins her tale...
"I don't remember everything... somethings have been filled in for me and somethings I have learned since I came back."
"How long have you been back?" Neil asked.
"For a little while. I was trying to figure out the best way to approach you but when I saw that you had moved on with your life - I chickened out and stayed in the backround and just watched you all and I was truly torn as to wheather or not to even approach you at all - you were all doing so well - I thought maybe you were better off if I just stayed 'dead'." Dru bowed her head in defeat and misery.
Lily put a hand on her mothers and said softly, "how could you think that Mom? We were devastated when we thought you were dead - we didn't want to even accept it - it was the hardest thing that we had to do..."
"I know baby. And when I watched your beautiful wedding. I knew I couldn't stay silent any longer." With a deep breath Dru told them her story from the very beginning as best as she could...
Neil, Devon and Lily sat in stunned silence and listened...
They found out that Drucilla had been swept miles down stream after she had fallen over the cliff. Unconcious and suffering from severe hypothermia she had been found by a reclusive miner and taken back to his shack where she had laid unconcious for weeks kept alive by him pouring broth and water down her throat. When she had awoken she didn't remember anything or anyone for quite a while. The miner, Jake was his name was the lonely sort and had fancied himself quite in love with her and so had kept a tight hold on Dru and had never let her go far out of his sight. After about six months or so Drucilla had started to remember things, people and events from her life in flashes. Soon all her memory had returned and she knew she had to find a way to escape Jakes hold on her. So one night she planed her escape, when Jake had fallen asleep she hit him over the head with a log of firewood knocking him unconcious. Dru then took off in his boat and rode in it down the river until she saw a road that came up beside it. She made her way to the road and walked along it until a truck came by and took her to the nearest town. Some kind strangers took pity on her and gave her some food and a change of clothes and that was when she made her way back to Genoa City where she had been watching her family with there new lives trying to find the right time to approach them and wondering if she even should...
"Oh, Mom it is just so amazing that you survived," Lily said sobbing.
"Yeah, Dru - I am so happy that you decided to come back to us," Devon said reaching for her hand.
Neil sat there silently taking it all in, he was so confused, "I don't know what to say or what to think. Dru I loved you so much and it took me such a long time to even begin to get over you. I - I'm sorry but I think I just need a little time to myself to really come to terms with all of this." He got up to leave but he paused by Drucillas' side and said, "I am truly happy that you are alive and ok. I just hope you understand..."
"I do," Drucilla replied softly.
Neil opened the door to leave. He found Cane waiting patiently in the hallway they exchanged glances and Cane gave him a nod letting him know that he had found Karen and that he had spoken to her. Neil left and Cane stepped into the room...
He reached Lily in record time and wrapped his arms protectively around her and asked, "Lily are you ok?"
Lily gazed at her mother and then back into Canes eyes and replied, "I will be."
The bar was dark lit only by a single candle. Neil sat on one of the bar stools lost in thought rolling a glass of amber liquid between his hands. A noise from the entrance jarred him. He turned to see Karen standing in the doorway...
Karen slowly approached Neil. "Hi," she said softly. "I thought I might find you here. How are you holding up?" She didn't want to ask but the words were out of her mouth before she could stop herself, "where is Drucilla?"
Neil sighed and stood up leaving the glass behind, Karen eyed it but said nothing. Neil gently took her hand in his and said, "come here and sit down - we need to talk." He took her over to a table and they sat. Neil continued, "I am so sorry Karen. I was in such shock at Drucilla standing there, please, please forgive me for not going after you to explain."
Karen put her hand on top of his and leaned forward slightly and said, "of course I forgive you Neil. Cane explained everything to me as best as he could and I knew that I would have a chance to talk to you at some point." Karen glanced over at the abandoned glass and asked again, "so how are you holding up?"
Neil did not miss the path of her gaze so he replied, "I'm hanging in there and to answer your unasked question - no I did not take a drink - I - I wanted to and I mean really wanted to but I didn't. I don't want to go down that road again."
Karen visibly relaxed and she said again, "so where is Drucilla now?"
"Before I left I sought Sharon out and pulled her aside and explained everything to her and after her initial shock wore off she thought that maybe it would be best if she took Dru back to the mansion until we could figure things out. Plus we didn't want to shock everyone at the wedding nor did we want to overwelm Dru with everyone clammering to see her and to find out what happened."
"So what did happen to her if you don't mind me asking?"
"No of course not," and Neil went on to explain what happened to Drucilla...
"Wow, that is amazing. It is truly a miracle that she survived," Karen said in awe.
"I know it is all just so amazing and confusing and devistating all at the same time." Neil gazed at Karen, he truly cared about this woman but he didn't know what to say. "I just don't know what to do."
But Karen did. She took a deep breath and with tears filling her eyes she said, "I know this must be so confusing for you and I am truly sure that you are torn about what to do, but I am not." Karen gently cupped his cheek and continued, "I have desided to take myself out of the equation," she held up a hand to stop Neils interuption, "please Neil, I have to do this for my own sanity. I love you but you and I both know that our relationship will not withstand this. The love you have for Drucilla is timeless, I knew that when I first got involved with you and I was ok with that but now that she is back - there is no way that I can stay here and confuse you even more or make you feel obligated in some way - I won't do that to you and I won't do that to me."
Tears had filled Neils eyes as well and he knew that she was right. So he asked, "what are you going to do now?"
Karen smiled sadly at him and replied, "I have decided to go and visit my parents for a while and figure out where I will go from there."
"But what about your job?"
"I have my letter of resignation here in my purse and after I leave here I am going to drop it off at the office." Karen stood to leave...
Neil stood as well. "Karen - please..."
Karen gently adjusted the collar of Neils suit coat. She looked into his eyes one last time and said softly, "you have my cell number if you ever feel the need to call but I think that I really should get going now."
Neil grasped her by the shoulders not wanting to let her go yet and said, "Karen, you were there for me when I needed you the most and I do love you - "
"I know but it's just not going to be enough, your family is really going to need you right now - Drucilla is really going to need you right now and I won't put myself in the way of that." Karen stood on the tips of her toes and kissed Neil softly on his lips. She pulled back sliding her hand down to his, drinking him in and commiting him to memory. "Good bye Neil." And with that her fingers slipped from his and she turned and left leaving Neil once again alone...
"Good bye Karen," he said quietly to the now empty room...
Cane and Lily!!
The reception was now finished and they had all some how managed to keep Drucillas' return under wraps for the time being and she was now resting comfortably at Jack and Sharons'. Lily and Cane had managed to hold it together long enough to say thanks and goodnight to their guests. It was with great relief that they now returned to there apartment...
They had said little on the drive back home both lost in thought...
When they had reached there apartment door Lily waited as Cane unlocked it. She was about to walk in when Cane's hand on her shoulder stopped her and she turned to face him.
"Lily," he said. "I know that this has been a difficult evening for you and there is absolutely no pressure but I had had plans for the two of us so I had sort of set the scene in our apartment and - "
Lily smiled softly at her new husband and caressed his cheek and replied, "oh, Cane you could never pressure me and I think that it was so thoughtful and romantic that you would do that. And I would love nothing more than to get lost in your arms for a while and concentrate on nothing but the two of us - I just don't want to think of anything else right now. Lets go inside."
Lily turned to go in but Cane stopped her once more, "uh - uh. Not so fast." And with that he scooped her effortlessly into his arms and stepped with her over the threshold.
Once inside he kissed her fully and thoroughly then gently slid her down his body until she stood before him. Lily turned and looked around the apartment. She gasped softly at the sight before her. Rose petals adorned every surface and bouquets of lillies and orchids graced every table in the room. Their apartment was filled with the scent of the fresh flowers.
"Oh...Cane, this is all so beautiful." Lily turned to look at him once again and said, "I am so lucky to have you as my husband, I love you so much." Lily, again sought out Canes' lips. They shared a searing kiss, each pouring there love for one another into it.
Cane broke away first. With his forehead pressed to hers and breathing heavily he said, "I love you too, Lily so very much. I can not imagine my life without you." Growing serious once again he continued, "Lily are you sure that you don't want to talk about everything I mean for Gods sake your mother is alive! Don't you want to - don't you need to talk about it?"
"Yes of course I do and we will just not tonight. Tonight I want you beside me - inside of me. I just want to focus on us tonight, let the kaos desend upon us tomorrow," Lily said as she began to lift Canes' shirt from his waistband.
Starting to undue the buttons Cane stilled her hands, stairing straight into her eyes he said, "you're sure Lily?"
To which Lily's only reply was to grab him by the lapels of his shirt and kiss him with such a fierce passion that Cane could not resist. Once again Cane lifted her into his arms and carried her to their room where the sounds of there lovemaking echoed softly around them...
Everyone Starts to Put Their Lives Together Again!!
Lily and Cane had talked and both came to the same conclusion that they should forgo their honeymoon until after the babies were born. What with Drucillas' miraculous return and the fact that Lily was now six and a half months along in a higher risk pregnancy they had both agreed it would be for the best. So they returned to work. Cane back to the office and Lily - at her doctors insistence was to conclude her modeling until after the birth of the twins - they comprimised with Lily doing one more shoot later this week...
As much as the family had tried to keep Drucillas' return under wraps, word soon spread and Dru thought it would be best to hold a press confrence to tell her story. Neil, Devon and Lily were at her side as she told the media her harrowing tale...
Drucilla was still staying with Jack and Sharon but she and Neil were making strides and slowly rebuilding their relationship. They both knew that they had a lot of hurt and obsticles to overcome but were determined to try and make things work again...
The fashion shoot was being held at the 'Restless Style' studio. Lily had invited her mother along to see all that she had acomplished. To show her how she loved to do something that her mother was once so good at - that infact had made her feel closer to her when she had thought her gone...
Drucilla thought Lily could not have looked more beautiful as she posed in a soft pastel pink strapless dress. Lily easily posed on a cream coloured sofa, one arm stretched across the back, her other hand caressing her swollen belly. When the photographer called it a wrap Dru joyfully walked over to her daughter and embraced her warmly. Pulling back she said, "oh, baby. You look so beautiful. I can't believe how natural you are infront of the camera."
Lily smiled at her mother and said, "well if there is anything natural about what I did it was because of you Mom."
"Oh, sweetie." Dru looked her daughter up and down and unshed tears made her eyes shine. "I just can't believe how grown up you are, that my baby is having a baby."
Lily blushed she couldn't believe that she had forgotten to tell her mother such a vital peice of information. "Uh, Mom."
"Yes, honey?"
"Um...I guess what with all the kaos of the past couple of weeks I forgot to tell you something very important." Dru was looking concerned now as Lily continued. "Cane and I aren't having one baby, Mom." Lily took a breath and continued, "Cane and I found out a couple of months ago that we are having twins - identical twin girls infact." Lily said with a smile spreading across her face at her mothers shocked expression.
"What? You're having twins? Oh my God. Oh my God. This is wonderful. What exciting news. I have to plan you a fabulous baby shower."
Lily laughed and said, "Mom, it's ok. You have enough to deal with right now, you don't have to add more to your plate."
"Lily, I insist. Please, I have missed out on so much this past year. Please let me do this for you," pleaded Dru.
Lily gave in. "Ok, Mom if you are sure."
"Oh, honey you bet I am." Just then Drucilla spotted Sharon. "Baby, there is Sharon I am just going to go and talk to her about some ideas I have about your shower."
"Ok, Mom." Drucilla got up and went over to talk to Sharon leaving Lily momentarily alone.
Just then a member of the crew approached Lily with a letter in her hands. She handed it to Lily and told her that it had just came for her. Thinking that it was from Cane, Lily thanked the girl and when she left Lily tore the letter open...
Lily turned pale as she read the note. She quickly looked around at everyone in the room, at that moment no one was paying attention to her. Lily scrunched up the paper and shoved it into her bag all the while continuing took look skitishly around the room. The first of several threatening notes had just arrived...

Lily & Cane bringing the romance back to daytime...
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