What Happens in New York...!!
Lily gazed out the window of the airplane, lost in thought...
"You're going to New York? When?"
"I leave in a few days. Please, please be excited for me. This is a big deal, it's a major agency that is interested in me and I have Chloe to thank for their interest."
"Chloe? You mean the same Chloe who threw herself at me like a dog in heat? I don't trust her Lily, look at how she disrespected you by throwing herself at me. Are you sure this is on the up and up?"
"Yes, I'm sure. Listen I know I was really mad at the time but Chloe was drunk, I'm sure she won't do anything like that again."
Cane just gave her a look that said anything but...
"Earth to Lily. God what is with you? I swear you better snap out of it before we get to New York or the agency is just going to laugh at you then slam the door in our faces. This is way to important to screw up - for both of us."
Lily just gave her a slight smile and said, "I am sure everything will work out how it is supposed to." Then Lily turned her gaze back to the window.
Chloe starred at Lily for a moment before she added, "just as long as it's getting you signed and launching our - I mean your career will be fine by me."
Lily didn't miss the slip in terms Chloe used but she chose to say nothing and continued to think about and miss Cane. It was to bad he couldn't come with her...
Later at the hotel...
Adam was sitting at the bar in the hotel lobby. He was early for a meeting he had and was just killing time when he saw her. The Fresh Face of Jabot. He recognized Lily Winters from the beautiful pictures of her in the Jabot ads in Restless Style. Neil Winters daughter. Adam smirked and got off of the bar stool he was sitting on and approached her...
Lily had gone into the lounge to wait for Chloe to come down from her room, they were going out to dinner to celebrate their successful first interview with the agency. Lily didn't want to be out to late because they had a follow up one tomorrow and a round of test shots to get through and Lily wanted to look her best. She was deciding what she wanted to drink when someone cleared their throat to her left. Lily looked up into the face of a distinguished looking young man who was starring down at her...
Adam stuck out his hand and said, "Lily Winters, right? I saw your ad campaign in Restless Style and I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you are."
Lily was flattered. Is this what was going to start happening on a regular basis? Being recognized was kind of... interesting. Lily put her hand in his. "Umm...yes that's me. And you are?"
"Oh, sorry. Adam Wilson." Adam said as he continued to hold Lily's hand in his grasp.
"Adam...Adam...I know you from some where don't I? Oh, wait. You're Victor Newman's son right? You work with my father Neil Winters." Lily said trying not to notice that he was still holding on to her hand.
"That's me, guilty as charged." Adam chuckled and finally with reluctance let go of Lily's hand.
"May I?" As he gestured to the seat across from Lily.
"Sure I am just waiting for someone and she is running late."
Adam was happy to hear that it was a 'she' and not a 'he' that kept Lily waiting. "So what brings you to New York?"
"Well, I'm interviewing with a modeling agency that is thinking of representing me."
Adam could not take his eyes off of Lily. She was so beautiful. "That sounds very exciting but don't you have some sort of exclusive with Jabot?"
"Yes, well sort of. But that contract isn't going to last forever and I am just looking out for future interests. What about you? What brings you to New York?"
"Oh, what else but work. I am just killing some time before I have to meet with a client. So if you're not - "
Chloe approached Lily and Adam and interrupted what he was going to say. "Hey Lily." Her eyes swung to Adam with interest. "Hello. Who do we have here?"
Lily cringed slightly at Chloe's bluntness. "Chloe, this is Adam Wilson. Adam this is Chloe Mitchell, my fashion coordinator. He was kind enough to keep me company while I waited for you."
"I'll bet he was." Chloe wasn't blind and she saw the way Adam was looking at Lily. "Since you were so kind to keep Lily company. Would you like to join us for dinner? We are hitting one of New York's hottest spots."
Adam glanced at Chloe but then starred at Lily. "As much as I would love to join you ladies, I can't. It's time for me to head to my meeting." He reached across the table and squeezed Lily's hand. "It was a pleasure to meet you Lily. I hope we meet again very soon."
"Umm...yes it was nice to meet you to, Adam." Lily said as she removed her hand from his grasp.
Adam stood. "Nice to meet you Chloe. Have a wonderful evening ladies." And with that he exited the lounge but he did glance back to catch Lily's eye once more before walking away...
Chloe sat down in the seat vacated by Adam and looked at Lily and said, "wow!"
Lily looked at her puzzled. "What?"
"That Adam guy was really taken by you."
"Chloe I am very happy in my relationship with Cane, thank you."
"Geez, Lily I was just making an observation. Besides it doesn't hurt to keep your options open."
"Chloe just drop it or you can enjoy dinner by yourself."
"Ok. Ok." Chloe said as she held up her hands in mock surrender...
Adam had discovered what room was Lily's thanks to a generous tip to the concierge and had just arrived on her floor where he saw a man with a large bouquet of flowers entering her room. He heard Lily giggle and exclaim how happy she was to see him before the door closed...
Chloe also witnessed this since her room was one down and over from Lily's. It also made it easy for her to see that guy Adam she had met earlier watching as well. This gave Chloe something to think about and she thought it wasn't such a bad idea to have a one on one chat with Adam. She stepped fully out of her room to do just that...
Does it Stay in New York?!!
Cane set the bouquet of flowers down on the table in Lily's room. He drank in the sight of her. It had only been a day but he had missed her so much. He didn't like how they had left things with each other. Not that they were fighting, they just didn't agree exactly on the issue of Chloe. But Cane didn't want to think about that right now. He wanted Lily, just Lily...
Lily was so happy that Cane had decided to surprise her in New York. They had not made love since the loss of their baby. They had slept in each others arms but they had not made love and Lily was determined to see that rectified tonight...
Cane reached her in a moment. They could talk later, right now all he could think about was touching her - kissing her - making love to her...
Cane cupped her face in his hands. He starred deeply into Lily's eyes. He asked her without words and she answered...
"Yes, Cane. Make love to me. I need you now."
Cane continued to search her eyes. "I love you. I love you so much." His head swooped down to claim her mouth with his in a searing kiss...
Clothes were removed quickly. Breaths hitched. Passions rose. They landed on the bed in a tangle of limbs. They could not get enough of each other. It was doubtful that they ever would...
Chloe and Adam were seated at a secluded table in the bar of the hotel lobby. They were eyeing each other, sizing one another up. They were of like mind and knew how the game was played...
"So you said that there was something that we needed to discuss?" Adam said as he clasped his hands on the table.
"I saw how you looked at Lily. I know that you want her and I think that I can help you get her." Chloe said as she watched him.
"Really? And why would you do that? It wouldn't have anything to do with that guy I saw go into her room now would it?"
Chloe sat back in the booth. "Yes and no. Sure he is a sweet piece and it would be fun to play with him for a while but mainly I want him out of Lily's life. He has to much control and I don't like it."
"I see, so is this because you want the control?"
"Look, Lily has a very promising career. She could reach the top of her game if she weren't constantly distracted by Cane and with her I could reach the top too."
"Cane...? As in Cane Ashby, Jill Abbott's son? Lily is dating a Chancellor?"
"Yeah so what does that have to do with it?"
Adam said nothing for a moment, lost in thought as he was. Thanks to not being thorough enough he had bought a company for Newman currently being sued by Jabot for a copy right infringement. Needless to say his father wasn't very pleased. This - this could work to his advantage but he needed to think.
"Listen, you have put a very interesting idea out there and I have to go and think about it. We will be in touch." Adam handed her his business card, threw some money on the table for their drinks and left, leaving Chloe to her own thoughts and ideas...
Cane and Lily were in each others arms basking in the aftermath of their love. They softly caressed each other and Cane placed gentle kisses upon her temple.
"I love you." Cane whispered against her ear.
Lily pulled back slightly so she could look into his eyes. She touched her finger tips to his lips. "I love you too. I am so happy that we were able to connect with each other this way again. I have missed it. I've missed you."
Cane grabbed her fingers in his before pulling them away from his lips he kissed each tip. "I couldn't have said it better myself. I would have waited as long as you wanted, until you were ready. I am so happy to have you in my arms this way again. I just wish that the real world didn't have to intrude."
"You don't have to go already do you?" Lily asked with disappointment in her voice.
"No sweetheart. Not tonight. Tonight is all ours but I will have to leave tomorrow. There is some legal stuff that I have to deal with which apparently involves Newman now so it will be a little stressful at work until it gets resolved. But I don't want to talk about that now. Tonight I just want to focus on us - no one else. Come with me."
Cane took Lily's hand in his and he drew her up and with him into the bathroom where he started a bath...
Back in Genoa City!!
Cane was back at the office. He didn't want to leave Lily in New York but he had to, there was to much going on right now. Thankfully she would be back in a couple more days...
Cane tried to get the files in order for his meeting with his Mum, Nikki, David, Heather and Brad but his mind kept drifting to last night and the bath that Lily and he shared, so for a moment he let his mind wander...
Once the tub was filled, some candles found in the room lit and a beautiful fragrance supplied by the hotel drizzled into the tub Cane picked up Lily and stepped into the bath together...
Sliding down into the warm and fragrant water, Lily in between his long legs in front of him. Cane scooped up handfuls of water and let them run down Lily's back. He then placed his warm hands on the wet skin of her shoulders and gently rubbed them eliciting a groan from Lily. She leaned back in his embrace and Cane's fingers slid to her neck to move the soft tendrils of her hair out of the way so he could trail kisses down her neck.
Lily turned in his embrace and placed her wet palms upon his chest. She slid her hands up and around Cane's neck, her fingers digging into the hair there. She looked at him through half closed lids then pressed her lips to his...
All thoughts of having a relaxing bath were forgotten as they moved together as one. Their joined motions causing the water to splash over the sides of the tub...
Cane brought himself back to the present, if he didn't get a handle on his thoughts he could swear he would find himself on the next flight back to New York and Lily's arms...
Cane managed to put thoughts of Lily aside for the next hour while he organized and made notes on the files concerning this lawsuit. He checked his watch and saw that he had about twenty minutes before he had to meet everyone in the boardroom. Perhaps he had time to make a quick call to Lily. Cane was reaching for the phone when there was a knock on his door...
"Come in."
The door opened and a man stood in the doorway.
"Yes, can I help you?"
"Cane Ashby?" The man asked as he entered Cane's office, his hand reaching out to shake Cane's.
"Yes." Cane said as he came around his desk to meet him half way.
They reached each other and with a firm handshake. "I'm Adam. Adam Wilson, Victor Newman's son."
"Ah, ok. I've heard Nikki and Victoria mention you a few times. It's nice to put a face to the name. So Adam, what can I do for you?"
"Well I am here for a couple of reasons. One of them is the impending lawsuit. I was hoping that we could come to some sort of deal, a set number if you will."
Cane leaned against the edge of his desk and crossed his arms. He nodded his head slightly as he said, "I see. Well we are about to have a meeting in regards to that very suit so I will have to get back to you on whatever decision we make. And the other reason you came to see me?"
Adam got that slight smirk on his face that always appeared when he was about to hit someone with his signature sarcasm. "Ah, yes the other reason. Well that one is slightly more personal. I want to talk to you about Lily Winters. I want her..."
What Did You Say?!!
Cane bent his head for a moment, his chin almost touching his chest. His jaw flexed and he played with the corner of his mouth with his tongue. He lifted his head and looked directly at Adam. He pressed his lips together and his jaw visibly clenched.
Taking a step towards Adam he said in a low voice, "I'm sorry I don't think I heard you right. What did you just say?" Cane took another step closer to Adam so that Adam had to look up at him. "You want Lily?"
Adam's chuckle was equal parts sarcasm as it was nervous at the look on Cane's face. Adam put up his hand to stop Cane's further approach and said, "listen. I met Lily in New York yesterday when I was there on business and I'll admit I was quite taken with her. I think she would be perfect for some Beauty of Nature ads that I am working on, that's all I meant. Sorry if you took it another way."
Cane slid his hand across his mouth, his index finger going above his upper lip, his other fingers going below his bottom one. He slid his hand back and forth a few times, the way he did when he was thinking. Then he said, "funny but she never mentioned you I guess you didn't make that big of an impression on her. And you know that's really funny because the way you said that first statement I would think that you were implying something completely different. I'll see if we have time after we finish discussing this impending lawsuit, I may bring that up for the rest of the Jabot team to consider."
"It would be in Lily's best interest for her career if you did. But, I'm glad we got that all cleared up. Thank you for your time." Adam headed to the door. In the doorway he turned back to look at Cane once more. "You know, I almost wonder if you are secure in your uh...relationship with Lily after that reaction. A little piece of advice my friend, you better get used to men wanting her especially as her modeling career takes off. It's going to take quite the guy to deal with that on a daily basis. Not sure if I could do it, is all I 'm saying."
Cane stood before him in the doorway in a heartbeat, his arms crossed he leaned in the doorjamb mere inches from Adam forcing him once again to look up at Cane. "Well friend - not that it is any of your business about my relationship with Lily but I will have you know that I am very secure in it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting to get to." Cane said dismissing Adam.
Adam headed to the row of elevators, his smirk once again firmly in place...
Meanwhile in New York...
Lily had just finished the round of test shots. Everyone was gushing over them, she looked fabulous.
Chloe pulled Lily to the side. "They love you. I am sure they are going to sign you - I can feel it. This is it Lily, you are about to hit the big time."
"Well, they haven't signed me yet Chloe - lets wait and see ok?"
"Well aren't you a 'Debbie Downer'! Where is your positive thinking? We are on the brink of the big time here. Can you imagine fashion weeks in Paris, Milan and New York. You are going to be traveling everywhere and as your fashionista extrodinare - I will be going with you cause after all you've said it yourself, you can't do this without me." Chloe said with a smug smile on her face.
"Umm...yeah sure. Lets just see where this goes, ok?" Lily stepped away from Chloe and went over to the snack table and grabbed a bottle of water. She was taking a sip when Chloe approached her again...
"So that Adam guy really wants you."
This made Lily nearly spit the water out of her mouth. After swallowing it she said, "really Chloe. Can you just drop this Adam business, he's nice and all but the feeling is not mutual."
"Well good. That's good to know cause you can't have all the hot guys pinning after you. It would be nice if one or two noticed me." Chloe said sulking.
"Chloe are you interested in Adam?"
"Maybe but since he is interested in you I don't stand a chance but maybe if you talked to him - you could convince him to look my way."
And against Lily's better judgement she said, "ok. I'll talk to him for you."
Which was exactly what Chloe wanted her to do...
Meanwhile at Newman...
Adam knocked on the door to his father's office and entered...
"Good afternoon, sir."
"Adam, good to see you son."
"Thank you sir. I just came from Jabot. I tried to talk to Cane Ashby about the impending lawsuit but he was on his way to a meeting to about it. I am hopeful that they will want to settle and decide on a number that we can agree upon."
This news changed Victor's demeanor quickly. "I will not settle this son. I, Victor Newman will not pay for your mistakes. So I suggest you find a way to make this ridiculous lawsuit disappear and you do it quickly."
"Yes sir." Adam said before he left his father's office...
Lily's Back!!
The flight back to Genoa City was uneventful. Lily was just happy to be heading home and back to Cane...
She was waiting for her bags at the luggage carousal thinking about how quickly she could get back into the city and see Cane when a beautiful flower was put in front of her from behind. Lily spun around and immediately found herself swept up into Cane's welcoming embrace. They buried their heads in each others necks and just breathed each other in...
"Hey there beautiful." Cane said as he stroked her cheek tenderly after setting her down. "I've missed you so much and I am so glad that you are home."
"Awww... I've missed you too. And I am really happy to be back as well." Lily stood on the tips of her toes to reach Cane for a searing kiss.
It was upon hearing an insistent clearing of a throat that they finally separated to find Chloe standing there with her hands on her hips. Starring daggers - especially at Cane. Lily didn't notice but Cane sure did...
"Chloe, I'm sure you have things to fill Nikki in with. So while you find your way to the office, Lily and I will find our way home." Cane said as he picked Lily's bags up to go.
Giving a sarcastic salute Chloe replied, "Yes, sir. Mr. Ashby, sir."
"Chloe, if I were you I would remember your place in the grand scheme of things." Turning back to Lily he said, "are you ready to go sweetheart?"
Lily's eyes darted back and forth between Cane and Chloe, she felt the tension between the two. "Ummm...sure Cane. I'll talk to you later Chloe."
"You can count on it." Chloe said as watch the two leave hand in hand.
As they were walking away, Lily said to Cane quietly so they weren't overheard, "Cane did you really have to be so harsh to Chloe?"
Cane stopped and turned to face Lily to give her his answer. "Yes, Lily yes I did. That girl is up to something and I have a feeling that neither one of us is going to like it."
"I don't know Cane, Chloe is just Chloe."
"That's exactly my point. Now lets drop this subject for now. We have more important things to think of at the moment." Cane smiled that special smile for Lily only. "Lets head over to the mansion. There is something we need to do."
Intrigued Lily smiled in return and followed him out to his SUV...
At the mansion...
Cane pulled Lily by the hand through the door and closed it behind them. He wrapped his arms around her and said, "alone at last." He then dipped his head towards hers and tasted her sweet lips.
"Mmmmm..." Lily responded. When she finally pulled away from Cane's tempting mouth she said, "what about your mother and grandmother?"
"Both are at the office until late this evening."
"And Esther?" Lily asked while running her fingers through his hair.
"It's her day off. We are very much alone." This last part was said with a slight growl as he once again swooped in for her delectable mouth.
When Cane once again finally lifted his head from hers, he slid his hands down her arms to clasp her hands, he then began to lead her up the stairs to his private wing of the house...
Once inside his beautifully remodeled, masculine bedroom - thoughts of the outside world were forgotten for a little while and it was just them. It was just Cane and Lily...
Cane leaned back against his door and just watched Lily for a moment. She walked around his room gazing at everything, running her fingers across different pieces of furniture, feeling there different textures...
Lily looked up to find Cane watching her and she smiled. "You know," she said. "I never get tired of seeing this beautiful room - of being in this beautiful room."
"Well the offer still stands for you to move in here with me." Cane said as he put his arms around here.
Lily looked up into his eyes. "I know," she said softly. "But I'm still not ready yet. I want to enjoy just being with you and being courted by you," she said with a soft laugh. "Someday in the near future, ask me that question again. I believe I will have a different answer for you then."
"You better believe I will Miss Winters." Cane cupped her face in his hands and slowly lowered his mouth to hers. He parted her lips with his tongue and elicited a low moan from Lily...
They each peeled the others clothes from their bodies in a slow and sensual way. Kissing and caressing each new piece of exposed skin until finally no clothes remained...
Cane scooped Lily up into his arms and carried her over to his bed. He laid her gently down upon the sheets. He gazed at the beautiful woman lying there, wanting him. Lily reached out a hand to pull him down with her. Their mouths once again fused together. Their bodies pressed close - as close as two humans could get. It wasn't long before their mutual cries of passion echoed around the room...
After finally getting a cab into the city a tired and disgruntled Chloe was at the Jabot offices. And after learning that Nikki was in meetings all day and would talk to her tomorrow, she realized that she had waisted her time coming here - that Cane had waisted her time. Chloe pulled out her cell phone and the business card containing Adam's number. He picked up on the third ring...
"Hey, it's Chloe. We should talk..."
Back at the mansion...
Cane and Lily were lying in each others arms basking in the after glow of their love. Cane hated to ruin the moment but he wanted to talk to Lily while they were alone. He sat up slightly to look into her eyes and said, "so I met Adam Wilson for the first time the other day and it was made quite clear to me by him that..."

Lily & Cane bringing the romance back to daytime...
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Written May 13th - June 8th '08 Part One
At the Campus House!!
Chloe sat on the couch in the living room. A bottle of wine sitting on the table, almost empty. She picked up her favorite pair of Manolos and almost sobbed at the sight of there soggy ruins. Chloe then picked up the original Restless Style magazine with Lily on the cover and did indeed sob, which turned into a hiccup in her inebriated state.
Things were going so great for her. What did she do to deserve this down fall? "I am a fashionista extrodinaire." Chloe said as she saluted the empty room with her glass of wine. "I'm the best there is," she mumbled.
Chloe turned blurry eyes towards the door as there was a knock then Cane entered the campus house...
Cane looked uncomfortable as he entered the house finding only Chloe in the living room. "Uh, hey Chloe. Is Lily here?"
Chloe tried to focus on Cane but he kept waving in front of her. "Could you stand still? Lily's not here sssshhhee wanted to be alone - hiccup -" Chloe put her fingers over her mouth and giggled.
"Oh, ok. Will you tell her I came by and that I will see her later?" Cane said turning back towards the door.
"Cane, Cane. Come over here," Chloe said waving her hand. She patted the spot beside her on the couch rather emphatically. "Sit with me for a minute. Talk to Chloe."
Cane's hand was on the door knob when he sighed and thought what the hell. What's the worst that could happen...
"Sure, Chloe." Cane came over and sat on the couch putting as much space between them as he could. Mindful of her current condition Cane asked, "So what do you want to talk about?"
Chloe held up her index finger then proceeded to poke him sharply in the chest. "You! Don't like me very much." Chloe exclaimed once again with her finger in the air which she then swung past her nose hitting the tip. "I can tell."
Cane held up a hand to ward off any more sudden pokes at his chest. "Now Chloe it's not that I don't like you, exactly. It's just that we have a working relationship and I would like to keep it that way."
"Right, right," she said nodding her head in a sloppy fashion. "You already have the perfect girl anyway so why would you notice anyone else."
Cane gave her a look. "That's right Chloe. Lily is it for me. I have no reason to look anywhere else."
"I could give you a reason to look else where." Chloe mumbled under her breath.
Chloe gazed at him through squinted lids. "Oh, ummm... you know you're really hot, right?"
Cane was becoming more uncomfortable by the moment. Moving slightly further away he said, "Just relax and I'll get you some coffee." Cane started to rise when Chloe's vice like grip snagged him around the neck, catching him completely off guard. The next thing he knew, Chloe was pressing a slobbery kiss against his lips. He immediately tried to push her away but she had caught him off balance. He tried to get his leg under him but it was to no avail as Chloe pulled Cane felt himself falling on top of her...
What the...?!!
Cane fell on top of Chloe. She moaned. He nearly gagged as he continued to struggle to free himself from her surprisingly strong grasp. Finally he managed to reach his hands around the back of his head and pry her fingers from around his neck.
Cane shot off of Chloe like he had been burned. "What the hell was that?" Cane demanded as he wiped the back of his hand across his mouth to trying to remove the taste of her.
Chloe cracked open an eye, finally realizing that Cane's lips were no longer pressed to hers. "What?" She struggled to her knees on the couch. "Cane, Cane." Chloe reached for him, which this time Cane easily avoided. Chloe waved the hand in front of her as if brushing off the obvious rejection. "Listen I know that your heart and soul belong to Lily - I get that. But your body - that oh, so fine body needs some attention. Cause I know Lily ain't been givin' it to you."
Cane looked at her like she was crazy. "Lady - and I use that term loosely, you have got some nerve. Don't you? You say you're her friend? What kind of person throws themselves at their friends boyfriend? What kind of friend toasts to that friendship one moment and makes me gag by kissing me in the next? Can you answer me that, Chloe?"
"Yes Chloe. Can you answer any of those questions because I would like to know those answers as well." Lily said with ice in her tone.
Both Chloe and Cane turned to find Lily standing in the doorway...
Cane moved away from the couch and immediately approached Lily. "Lily, I -"
Lily held up her hand stopping him from saying anything further. "Cane you and I are just fine. I trust you. I love you. It's Chloe who needs to answer for her actions right now. So Chloe care to explain?" Lily walked slowly towards the couch. "Because last I checked I was the one who gave you a place to stay. Helped you out. Saved your butt. And this," Lily gestured towards Cane with her hand, "is how you repay my kindness? By throwing your sorry self at my boyfriend?"
Remarkably Chloe had sobered up rather quickly upon Lily's arrival. "Lily, I - I -"
"You, you what?"
"Lily, it was the alcohol. I was drunk, I still am drunk. It just happened -"
"Seriously. Your going to use 'the alcohol made me do it' excuse." Lily put her hands on her hips to bring her point home. "Chloe everyone and their mother knows that you have had the hot's for Cane since you first arrived in town. Do you think I am silly and naive? Did you think I didn't know? I just thought that you would never stoop so low. I guess I was wrong."
Lily marched over to the shelf that was currently housing Chloe's collection of 'psycho clowns' and started gathering them up into her arms.
Chloe finally got off the couch and stood there looking dumb founded. "What - what are you doing with my clowns?"
Lily turned and went to Chloe shoving the clowns at her. "I am giving your 'friends' the send off they deserve." She turned Chloe towards the door and proceeded to shove her across the living room and out the door which Cane politely held open.
A stunned Chloe turned back to face them. "Lily, I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry. Where am I going to go? I don't have anywhere to stay?"
"I guess you should have thought of that before you stuck your tired face to my boyfriends. Maybe if you're lucky Devon will show up sometime tonight and he will let your sorry butt back in." With that Lily closed the door on Chloe's dumb founded expression.
Lily and Cane looked at one another.
"Lily, I am so sorry. Can you forgive me?"
"I have nothing to forgive you for," she said touching his cheek.
Cane smiled at her tenderly. "Will you come and stay with me tonight?"
"Yes. I think Chloe needs some much needed time by herself. Whether that time will be in here or sitting outside in the dark remains to be seen."
"Yeah," Cane said. "I am in real need of using my toothbrush and mouth wash right now. I have this bad taste in my mouth that I need to get rid of. Let's go."
Cane and Lily left the campus house and Lily locked the door behind her. Neither one spared Chloe a glance as she stood there looking sad and pathetic, clutching her clown collection.
Chloe watched Cane and Lily drive away when the alcohol decided to turn on her and she barfed all over her precious clowns...
What a Lovely Shade of Green!!
Chloe had remained outside of the campus house in the dark and covered in her own mess for two hours before Devon showed up and let her back inside. After she had thrown out her ruined, precious clown collection and gotten herself cleaned up she came down stairs to find that Devon had made some strong black coffee...
"So are you going to tell me how you found yourself outside in the dark with your clowns?" Devon was kind enough not to mention and covered in puke...
Chloe poured herself a big steaming mug of coffee and sat down beside Devon on the couch. Her mind flashed back to a blurry scene of her throwing herself at Cane and being brutally rejected. Chloe didn't want to tell Devon about that humiliating incident so she chose to go with, "well I had to much to drink and I totally forgot that I didn't have a key and I accidentally locked myself out."
Devon knew there was more to it then that. "Didn't Cane and Lily drop you off? And that doesn't explain how you ended up outside with your arms full of crazy clowns."
"Yeah, well you see the thing about that is... Well they did drop me off and then Cane and Lily went to Cane's place for the night - I think and I was waltzing around in here and started looking at all my clowns and the next thing I remember I was locked outside with them in my arms and no way back in." Chloe said looking rather sheepish.
"O - kay..." Devon said disbelief still in his voice. "Well you better get some sleep because I have a funny feeling you are going to be hurting something fierce tomorrow." With that Devon got up from the couch and headed off to bed himself.
Left alone, Chloe said to herself, "nothing that I don't deserve." And headed upstairs herself where she immediately passed out...
Lily and Cane arrived at Jabot together the next morning. Lily had spent the night at the mansion with Cane. It had made each of them so happy to wake up together in each others arms that they vowed that they would do so more often. They had enjoyed a nice breakfast with Kay and Jill. They did not discuss Chloe, she in fact did not cross their minds until they entered the board room and found her sitting there wearing a pair of huge dark glasses and nursing the largest cup of coffee that you could get from Crimson Lights.
Cane slammed the files he was carrying onto the table making Chloe cringe and her complexion turn an even more ghastly shade of green.
"HEY CHLOE!" Lily said in a loud voice. "What a lovely shade of green you are. It's very becoming."
Chloe replied in a hoarse whisper, "please, please don't yell. I get it, you hate me. I did a horrible thing and I deserved being locked out of the house."
Lily looked at Chloe, at how pathetic she was and said, "I don't hate you. In fact I don't think one way or the other about you. Not anymore. From now on it is strictly business between us."
Chloe cringed some more and rubbed the side of her head as she nodded slightly. "I get it. Whatever it was it's over."
"Also, for the time being anyway I won't be staying at the campus house. I will be staying at my Dad's or with Cane. I suggest you find other accommodations quickly."
Cane's cell phone rang and he stepped away to take the call...
Coming back he had an odd look on his face.
"Is everything ok?" Lily asked with concern.
"Um...yeah. That was Phyllis."
"Yeah, she wants to do this big editorial spread in the next issue of Restless Style and she wants to do it on the three generations of the Chancellors. She wants to start the interviews in the next couple of days..."
Cane Learns About the Past!!
Cane had just shown Phyllis out of the mansion and had returned to the living room to find his mother and grandmother watching him closely...
"What?" Cane asked trying to control his feelings.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Jill asked.
"Now, Jill let the boy be. When he is ready he will ask." Katherine interjected.
"Mother, don't you think he has a right to know the truth?"
"Of course Jill and when he is ready we will tell him."
"What if I am ready now? Cause you know it's funny when a person who runs a magazine knows more about my history then I do. It was rather humiliating actually. I mean why bother to ask me anything?" Cane demanded, his control slipping further.
Jill and Katherine looked at one another. Silently they agreed to tell Cane whatever he wanted to know. No matter how painful or embarrassing.
"What do you want to know?" Jill asked her son.
"Everything." And Cane sat down on the chair opposite the couch the two women occupied to listen to how he came to be and to find out who his father really was...
Jill opened her mouth to speak but Katherine's hand on her arm stopped her. "Let me start this tale Jill. Cane needs to know this from the beginning. I only hope that he can forgive me when I am finished."
Katherine looked at her grandson. She saw so many traits of her late husband in him. Cane truly was his father's son...
"Your father and I were friends for a long time then one night we were both at this ball. I was in a beautiful gown and he never looked more handsome in his tux. He eyed me from across the room and beckoned to me. Neither one of us really wanted to be there so I didn't hesitate when he asked me to go for a walk with him. He took me out to the lake where he had set up this beautiful picnic with wine and cheese. And that was it from that day on we were together."
"Well if you were so in love how did he end up with Mum?"
Katherine looked at Jill again before she continued, "Cane you know a bit about my struggles with alcohol and well I made a lot of foolish mistakes. I cheated on Phillip and I was drunk all of the time and finally I think he just couldn't take it anymore. Jill was a live in stylist at the time and he turned to her and they fell in love. He wanted out of the marriage to marry your mother and he did but our divorce wasn't final when he did that. She was pregnant with you."
The silence in the room was uncomfortable but Katherine knew once they had started this tale there was no stopping it.
"One night after I had been drinking I decided to try and win Phillip back. So instead of Jill or the driver picking him up from work. I did. I begged him to take me back but he didn't want any part of that. He asked me to let him out of the car but I was so angry. I wouldn't listen and instead I sped up. I lost control of the car and there was an accident. When I came to it was to find that Phillip was dead."
Cane didn't know what to say. His own grandmother was behind the accidental death of his father. He would have to think about all of this later, for now he said, "so how do you explain Mum? And the fact that you didn't know she was yours?"
Katherine sighed. She could only pray that Cane would forgive her in time. "Well as I have said I have struggled with alcohol for a very long time. Over ten years ago an old drinking buddy of mine came back to town and she started jogging my memory about how I had gotten myself pregnant but, well I didn't know who the father was and since I couldn't explain that to society I gave the baby away." Katherine gestured with her hands. "Now, now you must understand I suffered from severe blackouts. There are large parts of my life that I don't even remember - that I had to be told about. At first I didn't even believe my friend but then I started having flashes of memory and I realized it was true. I figured out it was Jill and the woman that she knew as her mother admitted that she had adopted her. DNA later confirmed it."
"Do you realize Katherine, that because of what you did Mum and I had very similar experiences?"
"Yes, yes I do."
Jill gave Katherine's knee a gentle squeeze in support. Even though it was hard and they still had their issues, Jill had forgiven Katherine a long time ago. Jill got up and approached her son. She sat on the edge of the coffee table in front of him and clasped his hands in hers.
"Cane you need to understand something. Your grandmother and I loved your father very much. Do you know, you are just like him in so many ways. Phillip was a gentleman, gallant, charming, witty and smart. He was quiet yet out spoken. He was so handsome and distinguished. He was a great business man." Jill made Cane look her in the eyes before she continued. "Cane you did the best with what you had in the circumstances that you were given but you are so much like your father. And I truly believe that if he were here today that he would be so proud of the man you turned out to be."
This was so much for Cane to absorb. He needed sometime alone to think. He looked at the two women before him, his family and said, "thank you for telling me all of that. I am sure it was very difficult for you to do so but I am glad that you did. If you'll excuse me I need sometime alone to think about everything." With that Cane got up and left the mansion.
Jill and Katherine looked at one another. Katherine was the first to speak. "No matter what he says he shouldn't be alone. I think you should call Lily. He needs her now."
"Mother I actually agree." And Jill picked up the phone and dialed Lily's number...
Lean on Me...!!
"Ok, Jill. Thank you for calling me. Yes...I believe I know where Cane is. I will have him call you later. Ok. Bye." Lily hung up the phone and left Crimson Lights with a destination in mind...
Lily found Cane exactly where she thought he would be. He was in the secluded area of the park by the stream watching the water flow by obviously lost in thought...
Cane started the moment he felt to small hands slide around his waist but he relaxed instantly when he realized it was Lily. She pressed the front of her small body against his strong back as closely as she could. She breathed in his scent and tried to absorb some of the emotions she felt churning within him. Cane placed his hands over hers and finally let himself feel at peace for the first time that day...
"I knew I would find you here. When your mother phoned me, I knew this is where you would go. She and your grandmother are very worried about you."
"Oh and did she tell you why they are worried about me?"
Lily slid around his body to stand before him, so she could see his face. She did not let go of him...
"Your mother only told me that she and your grandmother explained a great deal of your past to you today and that it was perhaps very overwhelming to you."
Cane grunted. "Yeah overwhelming being the understatement of the year."
Lily slid her arms from around Cane's waist and slipped her hand into his. She gently tugged him over to the nearby bench where she urged him to sit. Seating herself beside him she asked, "Do you want to tell me about it?"
"Yeah, yeah I do. But I am not sure you'll believe me when I do."
Lily listened in silence as Cane went on to explain all that he had learned from his mother and grandmother today. She did not interrupt nor did she comment until he had finished telling her everything. Lily just held tightly to his hand and listened...
When Cane was finished, Lily sat for a moment, thinking... She turned on the bench to face Cane fully she reached up and touched his face gently with her fingertips. Then she leaned over and touched her lips to his...
"This must have been very hard to hear. This must have been very hard for Jill and Katherine to tell you. But you know this changes nothing about you. You are the wonderful, kind and caring man that you are because of all of this. Everyone has family secrets and things from their pasts that they aren't proud of - even me."
"Even you?" Cane asked with some surprise.
"Yeah, there is something that I have never told you. Something that was very hard for me to deal with, something that deeply affected me and my family."
Cane grew more concerned. Thoughts of his own pain momentarily forgotten at the haunted look in Lily's eyes. "Sweetheart, what is it?"
Lily had come to terms with this sometime ago but it still hurt to think about the way she found out...
"My Dad is not my biological father - his brother is." And Lily went on to tell Cane the story of how that came to be...
Cane stroked Lily's cheek and tucked her wind blown hair behind her ear. "Sweetheart, I am so sorry. I am sure that that was so hard for you to hear and to deal with."
"It was but I dealt with it. Cane we all have things in our past, in our families pasts that we have to deal with and accept or not accept. Have you decided what you are going to do with the information that you received today?"
Cane looked at the beautiful woman before him and thought about all that she had said. He wondered at what he had done in his life to deserve such a wonderful gift. "Thank you Lily, I will be ok. My family and I will be ok. I love you so much."
Lily blushed. "You don't have to thank me. We're in this together for the long haul, right? Through tears and cheers."
Cane cupped Lily's face in his hands. He leaned down and tasted her lips like he was tasting a fine wine. He didn't think he could ever get enough of this beautiful, enchanting woman.
Lily leaned into his embrace and enjoyed the loving moment between them. They still needed to talk more. Lily still needed to tell Cane that she was being courted by a modeling agency in New York. She still had to tell him that Chloe was the reason she was...
Chloe sat on the couch in the living room. A bottle of wine sitting on the table, almost empty. She picked up her favorite pair of Manolos and almost sobbed at the sight of there soggy ruins. Chloe then picked up the original Restless Style magazine with Lily on the cover and did indeed sob, which turned into a hiccup in her inebriated state.
Things were going so great for her. What did she do to deserve this down fall? "I am a fashionista extrodinaire." Chloe said as she saluted the empty room with her glass of wine. "I'm the best there is," she mumbled.
Chloe turned blurry eyes towards the door as there was a knock then Cane entered the campus house...
Cane looked uncomfortable as he entered the house finding only Chloe in the living room. "Uh, hey Chloe. Is Lily here?"
Chloe tried to focus on Cane but he kept waving in front of her. "Could you stand still? Lily's not here sssshhhee wanted to be alone - hiccup -" Chloe put her fingers over her mouth and giggled.
"Oh, ok. Will you tell her I came by and that I will see her later?" Cane said turning back towards the door.
"Cane, Cane. Come over here," Chloe said waving her hand. She patted the spot beside her on the couch rather emphatically. "Sit with me for a minute. Talk to Chloe."
Cane's hand was on the door knob when he sighed and thought what the hell. What's the worst that could happen...
"Sure, Chloe." Cane came over and sat on the couch putting as much space between them as he could. Mindful of her current condition Cane asked, "So what do you want to talk about?"
Chloe held up her index finger then proceeded to poke him sharply in the chest. "You! Don't like me very much." Chloe exclaimed once again with her finger in the air which she then swung past her nose hitting the tip. "I can tell."
Cane held up a hand to ward off any more sudden pokes at his chest. "Now Chloe it's not that I don't like you, exactly. It's just that we have a working relationship and I would like to keep it that way."
"Right, right," she said nodding her head in a sloppy fashion. "You already have the perfect girl anyway so why would you notice anyone else."
Cane gave her a look. "That's right Chloe. Lily is it for me. I have no reason to look anywhere else."
"I could give you a reason to look else where." Chloe mumbled under her breath.
Chloe gazed at him through squinted lids. "Oh, ummm... you know you're really hot, right?"
Cane was becoming more uncomfortable by the moment. Moving slightly further away he said, "Just relax and I'll get you some coffee." Cane started to rise when Chloe's vice like grip snagged him around the neck, catching him completely off guard. The next thing he knew, Chloe was pressing a slobbery kiss against his lips. He immediately tried to push her away but she had caught him off balance. He tried to get his leg under him but it was to no avail as Chloe pulled Cane felt himself falling on top of her...
What the...?!!
Cane fell on top of Chloe. She moaned. He nearly gagged as he continued to struggle to free himself from her surprisingly strong grasp. Finally he managed to reach his hands around the back of his head and pry her fingers from around his neck.
Cane shot off of Chloe like he had been burned. "What the hell was that?" Cane demanded as he wiped the back of his hand across his mouth to trying to remove the taste of her.
Chloe cracked open an eye, finally realizing that Cane's lips were no longer pressed to hers. "What?" She struggled to her knees on the couch. "Cane, Cane." Chloe reached for him, which this time Cane easily avoided. Chloe waved the hand in front of her as if brushing off the obvious rejection. "Listen I know that your heart and soul belong to Lily - I get that. But your body - that oh, so fine body needs some attention. Cause I know Lily ain't been givin' it to you."
Cane looked at her like she was crazy. "Lady - and I use that term loosely, you have got some nerve. Don't you? You say you're her friend? What kind of person throws themselves at their friends boyfriend? What kind of friend toasts to that friendship one moment and makes me gag by kissing me in the next? Can you answer me that, Chloe?"
"Yes Chloe. Can you answer any of those questions because I would like to know those answers as well." Lily said with ice in her tone.
Both Chloe and Cane turned to find Lily standing in the doorway...
Cane moved away from the couch and immediately approached Lily. "Lily, I -"
Lily held up her hand stopping him from saying anything further. "Cane you and I are just fine. I trust you. I love you. It's Chloe who needs to answer for her actions right now. So Chloe care to explain?" Lily walked slowly towards the couch. "Because last I checked I was the one who gave you a place to stay. Helped you out. Saved your butt. And this," Lily gestured towards Cane with her hand, "is how you repay my kindness? By throwing your sorry self at my boyfriend?"
Remarkably Chloe had sobered up rather quickly upon Lily's arrival. "Lily, I - I -"
"You, you what?"
"Lily, it was the alcohol. I was drunk, I still am drunk. It just happened -"
"Seriously. Your going to use 'the alcohol made me do it' excuse." Lily put her hands on her hips to bring her point home. "Chloe everyone and their mother knows that you have had the hot's for Cane since you first arrived in town. Do you think I am silly and naive? Did you think I didn't know? I just thought that you would never stoop so low. I guess I was wrong."
Lily marched over to the shelf that was currently housing Chloe's collection of 'psycho clowns' and started gathering them up into her arms.
Chloe finally got off the couch and stood there looking dumb founded. "What - what are you doing with my clowns?"
Lily turned and went to Chloe shoving the clowns at her. "I am giving your 'friends' the send off they deserve." She turned Chloe towards the door and proceeded to shove her across the living room and out the door which Cane politely held open.
A stunned Chloe turned back to face them. "Lily, I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry. Where am I going to go? I don't have anywhere to stay?"
"I guess you should have thought of that before you stuck your tired face to my boyfriends. Maybe if you're lucky Devon will show up sometime tonight and he will let your sorry butt back in." With that Lily closed the door on Chloe's dumb founded expression.
Lily and Cane looked at one another.
"Lily, I am so sorry. Can you forgive me?"
"I have nothing to forgive you for," she said touching his cheek.
Cane smiled at her tenderly. "Will you come and stay with me tonight?"
"Yes. I think Chloe needs some much needed time by herself. Whether that time will be in here or sitting outside in the dark remains to be seen."
"Yeah," Cane said. "I am in real need of using my toothbrush and mouth wash right now. I have this bad taste in my mouth that I need to get rid of. Let's go."
Cane and Lily left the campus house and Lily locked the door behind her. Neither one spared Chloe a glance as she stood there looking sad and pathetic, clutching her clown collection.
Chloe watched Cane and Lily drive away when the alcohol decided to turn on her and she barfed all over her precious clowns...
What a Lovely Shade of Green!!
Chloe had remained outside of the campus house in the dark and covered in her own mess for two hours before Devon showed up and let her back inside. After she had thrown out her ruined, precious clown collection and gotten herself cleaned up she came down stairs to find that Devon had made some strong black coffee...
"So are you going to tell me how you found yourself outside in the dark with your clowns?" Devon was kind enough not to mention and covered in puke...
Chloe poured herself a big steaming mug of coffee and sat down beside Devon on the couch. Her mind flashed back to a blurry scene of her throwing herself at Cane and being brutally rejected. Chloe didn't want to tell Devon about that humiliating incident so she chose to go with, "well I had to much to drink and I totally forgot that I didn't have a key and I accidentally locked myself out."
Devon knew there was more to it then that. "Didn't Cane and Lily drop you off? And that doesn't explain how you ended up outside with your arms full of crazy clowns."
"Yeah, well you see the thing about that is... Well they did drop me off and then Cane and Lily went to Cane's place for the night - I think and I was waltzing around in here and started looking at all my clowns and the next thing I remember I was locked outside with them in my arms and no way back in." Chloe said looking rather sheepish.
"O - kay..." Devon said disbelief still in his voice. "Well you better get some sleep because I have a funny feeling you are going to be hurting something fierce tomorrow." With that Devon got up from the couch and headed off to bed himself.
Left alone, Chloe said to herself, "nothing that I don't deserve." And headed upstairs herself where she immediately passed out...
Lily and Cane arrived at Jabot together the next morning. Lily had spent the night at the mansion with Cane. It had made each of them so happy to wake up together in each others arms that they vowed that they would do so more often. They had enjoyed a nice breakfast with Kay and Jill. They did not discuss Chloe, she in fact did not cross their minds until they entered the board room and found her sitting there wearing a pair of huge dark glasses and nursing the largest cup of coffee that you could get from Crimson Lights.
Cane slammed the files he was carrying onto the table making Chloe cringe and her complexion turn an even more ghastly shade of green.
"HEY CHLOE!" Lily said in a loud voice. "What a lovely shade of green you are. It's very becoming."
Chloe replied in a hoarse whisper, "please, please don't yell. I get it, you hate me. I did a horrible thing and I deserved being locked out of the house."
Lily looked at Chloe, at how pathetic she was and said, "I don't hate you. In fact I don't think one way or the other about you. Not anymore. From now on it is strictly business between us."
Chloe cringed some more and rubbed the side of her head as she nodded slightly. "I get it. Whatever it was it's over."
"Also, for the time being anyway I won't be staying at the campus house. I will be staying at my Dad's or with Cane. I suggest you find other accommodations quickly."
Cane's cell phone rang and he stepped away to take the call...
Coming back he had an odd look on his face.
"Is everything ok?" Lily asked with concern.
"Um...yeah. That was Phyllis."
"Yeah, she wants to do this big editorial spread in the next issue of Restless Style and she wants to do it on the three generations of the Chancellors. She wants to start the interviews in the next couple of days..."
Cane Learns About the Past!!
Cane had just shown Phyllis out of the mansion and had returned to the living room to find his mother and grandmother watching him closely...
"What?" Cane asked trying to control his feelings.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Jill asked.
"Now, Jill let the boy be. When he is ready he will ask." Katherine interjected.
"Mother, don't you think he has a right to know the truth?"
"Of course Jill and when he is ready we will tell him."
"What if I am ready now? Cause you know it's funny when a person who runs a magazine knows more about my history then I do. It was rather humiliating actually. I mean why bother to ask me anything?" Cane demanded, his control slipping further.
Jill and Katherine looked at one another. Silently they agreed to tell Cane whatever he wanted to know. No matter how painful or embarrassing.
"What do you want to know?" Jill asked her son.
"Everything." And Cane sat down on the chair opposite the couch the two women occupied to listen to how he came to be and to find out who his father really was...
Jill opened her mouth to speak but Katherine's hand on her arm stopped her. "Let me start this tale Jill. Cane needs to know this from the beginning. I only hope that he can forgive me when I am finished."
Katherine looked at her grandson. She saw so many traits of her late husband in him. Cane truly was his father's son...
"Your father and I were friends for a long time then one night we were both at this ball. I was in a beautiful gown and he never looked more handsome in his tux. He eyed me from across the room and beckoned to me. Neither one of us really wanted to be there so I didn't hesitate when he asked me to go for a walk with him. He took me out to the lake where he had set up this beautiful picnic with wine and cheese. And that was it from that day on we were together."
"Well if you were so in love how did he end up with Mum?"
Katherine looked at Jill again before she continued, "Cane you know a bit about my struggles with alcohol and well I made a lot of foolish mistakes. I cheated on Phillip and I was drunk all of the time and finally I think he just couldn't take it anymore. Jill was a live in stylist at the time and he turned to her and they fell in love. He wanted out of the marriage to marry your mother and he did but our divorce wasn't final when he did that. She was pregnant with you."
The silence in the room was uncomfortable but Katherine knew once they had started this tale there was no stopping it.
"One night after I had been drinking I decided to try and win Phillip back. So instead of Jill or the driver picking him up from work. I did. I begged him to take me back but he didn't want any part of that. He asked me to let him out of the car but I was so angry. I wouldn't listen and instead I sped up. I lost control of the car and there was an accident. When I came to it was to find that Phillip was dead."
Cane didn't know what to say. His own grandmother was behind the accidental death of his father. He would have to think about all of this later, for now he said, "so how do you explain Mum? And the fact that you didn't know she was yours?"
Katherine sighed. She could only pray that Cane would forgive her in time. "Well as I have said I have struggled with alcohol for a very long time. Over ten years ago an old drinking buddy of mine came back to town and she started jogging my memory about how I had gotten myself pregnant but, well I didn't know who the father was and since I couldn't explain that to society I gave the baby away." Katherine gestured with her hands. "Now, now you must understand I suffered from severe blackouts. There are large parts of my life that I don't even remember - that I had to be told about. At first I didn't even believe my friend but then I started having flashes of memory and I realized it was true. I figured out it was Jill and the woman that she knew as her mother admitted that she had adopted her. DNA later confirmed it."
"Do you realize Katherine, that because of what you did Mum and I had very similar experiences?"
"Yes, yes I do."
Jill gave Katherine's knee a gentle squeeze in support. Even though it was hard and they still had their issues, Jill had forgiven Katherine a long time ago. Jill got up and approached her son. She sat on the edge of the coffee table in front of him and clasped his hands in hers.
"Cane you need to understand something. Your grandmother and I loved your father very much. Do you know, you are just like him in so many ways. Phillip was a gentleman, gallant, charming, witty and smart. He was quiet yet out spoken. He was so handsome and distinguished. He was a great business man." Jill made Cane look her in the eyes before she continued. "Cane you did the best with what you had in the circumstances that you were given but you are so much like your father. And I truly believe that if he were here today that he would be so proud of the man you turned out to be."
This was so much for Cane to absorb. He needed sometime alone to think. He looked at the two women before him, his family and said, "thank you for telling me all of that. I am sure it was very difficult for you to do so but I am glad that you did. If you'll excuse me I need sometime alone to think about everything." With that Cane got up and left the mansion.
Jill and Katherine looked at one another. Katherine was the first to speak. "No matter what he says he shouldn't be alone. I think you should call Lily. He needs her now."
"Mother I actually agree." And Jill picked up the phone and dialed Lily's number...
Lean on Me...!!
"Ok, Jill. Thank you for calling me. Yes...I believe I know where Cane is. I will have him call you later. Ok. Bye." Lily hung up the phone and left Crimson Lights with a destination in mind...
Lily found Cane exactly where she thought he would be. He was in the secluded area of the park by the stream watching the water flow by obviously lost in thought...
Cane started the moment he felt to small hands slide around his waist but he relaxed instantly when he realized it was Lily. She pressed the front of her small body against his strong back as closely as she could. She breathed in his scent and tried to absorb some of the emotions she felt churning within him. Cane placed his hands over hers and finally let himself feel at peace for the first time that day...
"I knew I would find you here. When your mother phoned me, I knew this is where you would go. She and your grandmother are very worried about you."
"Oh and did she tell you why they are worried about me?"
Lily slid around his body to stand before him, so she could see his face. She did not let go of him...
"Your mother only told me that she and your grandmother explained a great deal of your past to you today and that it was perhaps very overwhelming to you."
Cane grunted. "Yeah overwhelming being the understatement of the year."
Lily slid her arms from around Cane's waist and slipped her hand into his. She gently tugged him over to the nearby bench where she urged him to sit. Seating herself beside him she asked, "Do you want to tell me about it?"
"Yeah, yeah I do. But I am not sure you'll believe me when I do."
Lily listened in silence as Cane went on to explain all that he had learned from his mother and grandmother today. She did not interrupt nor did she comment until he had finished telling her everything. Lily just held tightly to his hand and listened...
When Cane was finished, Lily sat for a moment, thinking... She turned on the bench to face Cane fully she reached up and touched his face gently with her fingertips. Then she leaned over and touched her lips to his...
"This must have been very hard to hear. This must have been very hard for Jill and Katherine to tell you. But you know this changes nothing about you. You are the wonderful, kind and caring man that you are because of all of this. Everyone has family secrets and things from their pasts that they aren't proud of - even me."
"Even you?" Cane asked with some surprise.
"Yeah, there is something that I have never told you. Something that was very hard for me to deal with, something that deeply affected me and my family."
Cane grew more concerned. Thoughts of his own pain momentarily forgotten at the haunted look in Lily's eyes. "Sweetheart, what is it?"
Lily had come to terms with this sometime ago but it still hurt to think about the way she found out...
"My Dad is not my biological father - his brother is." And Lily went on to tell Cane the story of how that came to be...
Cane stroked Lily's cheek and tucked her wind blown hair behind her ear. "Sweetheart, I am so sorry. I am sure that that was so hard for you to hear and to deal with."
"It was but I dealt with it. Cane we all have things in our past, in our families pasts that we have to deal with and accept or not accept. Have you decided what you are going to do with the information that you received today?"
Cane looked at the beautiful woman before him and thought about all that she had said. He wondered at what he had done in his life to deserve such a wonderful gift. "Thank you Lily, I will be ok. My family and I will be ok. I love you so much."
Lily blushed. "You don't have to thank me. We're in this together for the long haul, right? Through tears and cheers."
Cane cupped Lily's face in his hands. He leaned down and tasted her lips like he was tasting a fine wine. He didn't think he could ever get enough of this beautiful, enchanting woman.
Lily leaned into his embrace and enjoyed the loving moment between them. They still needed to talk more. Lily still needed to tell Cane that she was being courted by a modeling agency in New York. She still had to tell him that Chloe was the reason she was...
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Written April 5th - May 6th '08 Part Six
Cane's Confession, Lily's Dream!!
"Lily there is something that I have to tell you..." Cane said as he gently touched her cheek. It was a week and a half after the accident and her bruises were fading away...
Lily looked at Cane, she studied his face for a moment and watched the different emotions flash in his eyes. There was something that she had to tell him too...
Cane took a deep breath and tried to keep himself in control, his body trembled slightly with the effort...
"Lily when you were in the hospital and unconscious, we discovered something that, for a moment made me so happy but then there were complications and a decision had to be made - a decision that I had to make without you and -"
Lily touched his lips with her finger tips to silence him. She needed to tell him this, to relieve some of his obvious pain and guilt. "I don't know how to tell but when I was unconscious, I had this dream - a vision really and I knew - I knew something wasn't right so I asked the doctor about it a few days ago and he told me -"
Cane was stunned. "You knew?"
Lily sighed. She touched his arm and pleaded with him through her gaze to understand. "Ummm... yes but I didn't want to say anything to you, until I knew that you were ready to talk to me about it." Lily's eyes filled with tears as it fully hit her at what Cane had to do to save her life and that of one of their unborn children. "Cane, I can only imagine what you had to go through what you are still going through and I am so very sorry that you had to make that kind of decision without me."
Lily took Cane's hand and placed it on her ever so slightly rounded belly with hers covering it. "Cane what you did saved this baby's life. You helped keep this precious gift safe and I could never, ever hold something like that against you."
Cane looked at their joined hands on her belly and lost the battle to hold back his tears. "Lily, I feel - I feel like, I feel like I lost someone I loved with all my heart and I never had a chance to meet them -"
Lily touched the tears that slid down Cane's cheeks. "Oh, sweetheart I feel exactly the same way. You shouldn't have to go through that alone, we shouldn't go through this alone. And thank God we don't have to." They wrapped themselves in each others arms and mourned the loss of someone who never was...
After a little while they pulled slightly apart to look into one anothers eyes. They caressed each others faces and truly felt their love for one another all around them. Cane told Lily about the other baby charm that he had gotten for her but had never given to her and together they decided to burry it in the flower garden on the estate and mark the spot with a flat stone so they could go there whenever they needed too...
They were sitting on a bench in the garden near the spot they chose. Lily was cradled in Cane's arms, her feet up and resting on the other end of the bench when they started talking about something else that was on their minds...
Lily was looking at their entwined fingers when she said, "I don't want to wait any longer."
"Wait for what, sweetheart?"
Lily turned slightly so that she could look up at him and meet his gaze. "I don't want to wait to be your wife any longer. If there is one thing that all of this has taught me, it's that life is to short and to precious to waist anymore time."
Cane cupped Lily's face and looked at her with such unconditional love. "I love you Lily and nothing could make me happier than giving you my name and granting you every wish that I can give you."
They kissed with such tenderness. When Lily pulled back she said, "you have already given me so much. I love you too, Cane. With all my heart. All I need is you, our love and our family..."
To Have and To Hold...!!
Four weeks later, daylight broke on a glorious, early June day...
Cane and Lily's wedding day...
'My Love... I am counting the minutes until you take my name...My senses are filled with you, always you...My heart beats for yours...
I Love You...Now and Forever...
Lily's heart filled with the words of love from Cane. She wondered if he was awake yet and if he had read the note she left for him...
Cane had slept in the east wing of the house that night. They were now fully recovered from their injuries and would be going back to their own place after the wedding. Cane was just wondering if Lily was up yet and if she had read his note that he had slid under her door when he noticed a letter on the floor in front of his. Cane got up to retrieve it...
'Cane...What words could I use to describe how you make me feel...Loved, Cherished, Respected, Happy... But there is one word that I feel sums it up in no other way and that is... Complete... We complete each other... I Love You...
Cane could not have agreed more. He hoped Lily would like the surprises he had in store for her...
Lily had just finished her breakfast when there was a knock on the door. She opened it to find Katherine standing there...
"Good morning Lily, dear. I hope that you slept well." Katherine said as she entered the room.
"Good morning Mrs. Chancellor, I -"
"My dear, Lily after all we have been through and the fact that today is the day that you are marrying my grandson, I think that you can call me Kay or Katherine as Cane does."
Lily blushed softly. "Of course Mrs. - I mean Katherine. Would you like some tea? I was just having some myself."
"Thank you dear, but I'm fine. Now , Lily I didn't just drop by to exchange pleasantries, I brought you something." Katherine said as she brought a large black jewellery box from behind her back.
"Oh, Katherine. You shouldn't have."
"Nonsense dear girl, now open it."
Lily did and her breath caught in her throat for nestled in the box was a stunning blue sapphire pendent surrounded by diamonds. Lily looked at Katherine, speechless.
"I thought, in sticking with tradition that this would be your perfect something blue. It is a family heirloom. I hope that you wear it in love and good health. And someday when your child is getting married that you will pass it on to them. Welcome to the family, Lily." Katherine said as she held out her arms to embrace Lily.
Lily embraced her back. "Thank you so much Katherine. It's so beautiful. I will treasure it always."
"I hope that you do, just as we treasure you Lily." Katherine gave Lily one more hug before leaving her once again alone...
Cane opened his door to find his mother standing there.
"Morning Mum." Cane said with a smile that could not be removed from his face.
"Good morning sweetheart. I just wanted to see if you needed anything and perhaps have a few moments alone with my son before the celebration began."
"There is nothing that I would like more." Cane said as he stepped aside to let Jill into his room.
Jill just looked at her son for a moment, she cupped his cheek and tears lit her eyes. "My son, you have brought such immense joy and happiness to my life. The day that I found out who you really were... well I have not stopped celebrating it since. I am so happy for you and Lily. And I just know that the two of you are truly meant to be together together."
Cane grabbed his mothers hand and leaned down to kiss her cheek. "Thanks Mum, I don't say it nearly enough. I love you."
"I love you too." And they hugged one another...
The time for the ceremony was approaching. Colleen had arrived and together she and Lily got ready. Lily's hair was piled on top of her head and two jeweled clips held it in place. Her dress was a Forrester Creations original. It was an ivory silk sheath with lace cap sleeves and a short lace train pooled about her feet. Diamond studs adorned her ears, the necklace Katherine had given her at her throat and her charm bracelet and engagement ring completed her out fit. She was stunning.
Colleen looked lovely in a simple lilac coloured dress. Colleen was gushing over how beautiful she thought Lily was when there was a knock at the door. Lily opened it to find Cane standing there in his classic black tux and a blindfold over his eyes.
"Umm...Cane what are you doing here?"
Cane held out his hands and Lily grabbed them. Cane smiled when he felt her hands in his. "You look breathtaking."
Lily was confused. "But you can't see anything. Can you?"
"No but I can imagine. I'm here because I have a surprise for you."
"You do? You umm... didn't find your way through the house like that did you?"
"No I had help." Cane stepped aside to reveal Olivia standing behind him. "Surprise sweetheart."
"Aunt Olivia!"
"Hello, Lily. I am so happy that I could be here." Olivia said as she wrapped Lily in her arms.
Lily looked from a blindfolded Cane to her aunt. "Oh, this is so wonderful but how - I mean I'm just so excited -"
Just then Neil entered the room. "Cane and I put our heads together and we talked to Olivia and made all the arrangements for her to come."
Cane and Colleen knew that the three of them needed a moment together so with Colleens help the two quietly shut the door leaving the three alone. Once the door was safely closed Cane removed the blindfold and smiled at Colleen.
"I will see you in the gardens, shortly." With that Cane left to await his future bride...
Neil and Olivia gazed at Drucilla's daughter and truly saw the beautiful woman that stood before them. "Sweetheart, your mother would be so proud of you today."
"Thank you Daddy. I wish with all my heart that she could be here but you know I think she is here. I can feel her presence all around me. I am so thankful that you could be here too Aunt Olivia."
Olivia touched Lily's cheek. "So am I sweetheart, so am I." Olivia glanced at father and daughter and she allowed her heart to hurt for just a moment at what Drucilla was missing. "I am going to go and find my seat in the garden. Lily you have truly grown into such a beautiful woman. I see so much of your mother in you."
"Thank you." Lily said with deep emotion. Olivia excused herself and headed downstairs.
"Are you ready sweetheart?"
Lily picked up her bouquet of orchids and lilies. She put her hand in the crook of her father's elbow and said, "I've never been more ready..."
To Love and To Cherish...!!
Lily and Neil met Colleen at the doors leading out into the garden. Colleen turned and gave the signal to the cellist and music began to play. Colleen started to walk up the isle. It was an intimate gathering with Cane and J.T. waiting under the arch of beautiful flowers with the minister. And sitting together in two rows of chairs were; Karen, Devon, Roxanne, Adrian, Victoria, Katherine, Jill, Langley, Olivia, Sharon and Jack. When Colleen reached the front and stood off to the right everyone turned and stood awaiting the bride to walk down the isle...
Lily took a deep breath and Neil squeezed her arm. Together they walked out into the warm sunshine and started up the isle...
Everyone was taken in by her radiant beauty that emanated around her. But Lily only saw one person, as soon as she and Cane made eye contact there was no one else. They held each others gazes until she stood before him with her father. Cane held out his hand and Neil placed hers within it. Neil kissed Lily's cheek then took his seat beside Karen.
Cane leaned down to whisper to Lily, "I was right, breathtaking." The low timber of his voice vibrated through Lily.
Lily stood on her tip toes to respond, "and if I didn't know better I would swear I am standing next to 007 himself. You've never looked more handsome."
The minister cleared his throat. Lily and Cane shared one more glance before stepping up to join him under the arch.
"Let us begin. We are gathered here to join Cane Ashby-Chancellor and Lily Winters in holy matrimony. Who gives this woman away?"
Neil stood and looked to the sky and said, "her mother and I do." Lily's smile was bittersweet as she looked at her father in thanks.
The minister nodded in acknowledgement. "Lily and Cane have written their own vows for each other. So let us begin, Cane?"
Cane gazed down at Lily, their hands clasped together, he squeezed hers gently as he began to speak. "Lily, I search for the right words to express what you mean to me. When I told you that I wanted to shout our love from the roof tops I was not lying. You are the love of my life. For me there is no other. Like your note you left for me said, we complete each other."
A single tear slid past Lily's lashes, Cane caught it with his thumb. "Cane, once upon a time I thought I knew what true love was but I was wrong. My love for you is so complete, so true that I can never imagine wanting or needing anything more. You truly are my prince."
"Cane, repeat after me. I, Cane take you Lily to be my lawfully wedded wife..."
Cane looked deeply into Lily's eyes and began to recite, "I, Cane take you Lily to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold, to love and to cherish from this day forward as long as we both shall live."
"Lily repeat after me. I, Lily take you Cane to be my lawfully wedded husband..."
Lily took a calming breath and just basked in the love of this man as she began to recite, "I, Lily take you Cane to be my lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, to love and to cherish from this day forward as long as we both shall live."
"May I have the rings, please?" J.T and Colleen handed the minister the rings.
Cane took the ring for Lily first. He looked down at it and read the engraving he had put there. "Forever," he whispered. He took Lily's left hand and slid the platinum band on to her third finger and said, "Lily, with this ring I thee wed."
Lily took the ring for Cane next. She looked at the engraving she had done on his. "My Love," she whispered in return. Lily took Cane's left hand and slid his simple yet elegant band on his third finger and said, "Cane, with this ring I thee wed."
"Well by the power vested in me on this glorious spring day. I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Cane cupped Lily's face in his warm hands and just looked at her before slowly lowering his head to have his lips meet hers in the softest most tender of kisses the group gathered had ever witnessed.
Everyone broke into applause. And the minister said, "ladies and gentlemen. May I be the first to present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Ashby-Chancellor." ...
Everyone enjoyed a lovely meal. Neil, Jill, Katherine and Langley all gave toasts to Cane and Lily. As night fell the gardens became illuminated with torch lights and lanterns. Cane and Lily shared their first dance as husband and wife under the stars. A wonderful time was had by all but Cane couldn't wait to get his new bride alone, so when they were able to make their escape they did...
They made there way arm in arm back to their condo. They paused outside of their door and Cane leaned down to kiss Lily. He pulled back and caressed her cheek. "My wife," he said.
"My husband," and their lips met again...
Cane unlocked their door and let it fall open. He scooped Lily up into his arms and carried her inside. Cane continued to kiss Lily to distraction as he walked with her in his arms to their bedroom where he finally set her down by letting her slide down his body to stand before him. Cane turned her in his arms and listened to her breath catch as she took in all that he had done for her...
"My love," he said by her ear. "This time I've brought Paris to you."
"Oh, Cane. I love this, it's so thoughtful and romantic. Thank you."
"Well I thought it would have to do for now until we could go there together next summer, all three of us."
Lily ran her hands up and down Cane's arms. "I can't wait but in the mean time what shall we do to occupy ourselves in our very own Paris." Lily said with a mischievous quirk to her brow.
"Well, my darling wife," Cane said as he slid his fingers into her hair to remove the clips and let it fall about her shoulders. "I am sure I can think of one or two things to do."
Cane cupped Lily's face and leaned in to kiss her. When his lips touched hers, her mouth opened and they explored each others mouths fully.
Lily grasped the lapels of Cane's jacket and brought it down his arms until he was forced to let go of her to remove it completely. Next Lily pulled at his bow tie until it was undone and hanging around his neck. The buttons to his shirt were next, they never once stopped kissing. Lily opened his shirt and pulled it from the waist of his pants, exposing his firm smooth chest. Lily ran her hands over his upper body.
Cane groaned. He let go of her mouth to trail his lips down the column of her throat. Cane spun Lily around and moved her hair to the side to give him better access to her throat. He slid the hidden zipper to her gown slowly down her back. Then he placed his hands on her shoulders and moved the capped sleeves down her arms. Lily stepped out of the dress and turned to face him wearing a demi push up bra and matching boy cut panties in warm peach with chocolate trim.
It was Cane's turn to be speechless as he looked at her from head to toe. Taking in every change, missing nothing...
"Your so beautiful," he said with raw emotion. Cane reached for her and wrapped her in his arms. Their mouths once again fused together as he walked her backwards to the bed. Cane laid her gently down and he stepped back to remove the rest of his clothing until he stood proudly before her. "I love you so much, Lily."
"I love you too, Cane." And she held out her hand for him to join her. Cane did not hesitate to do so...
They joined together in such utter tenderness. They moved as one. They whispered words of love to one another. From this day forward they would walk this earth as one...
The Next Generation!!
The next six months flew by for Cane and Lily. They turned the spare bedroom in their condo into a lovely nursery and attended weekly check-ups at the doctors to ensure that everything was still going well with the pregnancy.
They basked in their love for one another and spent as much time together as they could. Lily did a couple of photo shoots here and there but none that would take her away or cause her any undo stress. Cane felt more and more comfortable in his role as Chancellor Industries VP and Katherine and Jill began to groom him to one day run the whole company.
Every once and a while Cane and Lily would talk about the child that they had lost and it was getting easier every time to do so. They tried to no longer dwell on the pain and sadness but instead talked about their impending arrival. Lily and Cane knew what it was going to be but had decided to keep it to themselves as a surprise for everyone...
Karen and Colleen threw Lily a lovely baby shower where she recieved many wonderful gifts. She had a great time and shared many laughs and stories of impending motherhood with her family and friends...
What made them most happy though were the nights. The nights where they would lay in the darkness, Canes arms would be wrapped around her. Both of their hands would be caressing her rounded belly and laugh in amazement and wonder when their baby would give a hearty kick. They would talk softly together well into the night about their hopes, dreams and yes even their fears for what their future held...
Then on a cold, crisp November day, Lily was trying to get comfortable on the couch when her contractions began. Cane had gone into the office for a few hours because since Lily was due anytime he didn't want to be away from her for to long, his phone rang...
"Hey, baby. Everything ok?" Cane heard a groan and some short panting breaths.
"Cane? It's time -"
"It's time? Ok - ok. I - I'm on my way. Just hang in there ok?"
Lily continued to breath the way she had learned in class. "Ok. Just please hurry."
"I will. I love you Lily."
"I love you too."
Cane grabbed his jacket and started running out the door. He nearly ran his mother over when he came barreling out.
Jill put up her hands and said, "Cane what's wrong?"
Cane looked at his mother with a sort of dazed expression. He had a funny smile on his face as he said, "Mum, I'm so sorry but I have to go."
"Have to go?"
"It's time Mum. Lily is having the baby."
"Oh, my God. I will see you at the hopital. Tell Lily I love her and I will call everyone else to meet us there."
"Thanks Mum." Cane said as he took off down the hallway...
Jill put a hand over her mouth and tears formed in her eyes. She grabbed her phone and started making calls...
Cane made it back to the condo in record time. He found Lily pacing their living room...
Cane rushed to her side and said, "Oh, sweetheart. I'm here. How are you feeling?"
Lily looked at her husband for a moment. "I feel like I am having a baby. What did you do, break all possible speed limits in getting here? I swear I just talked to you five minutes ago." Lily said with a ruefull smile on her face. Then another contraction hit her, stronger then the rest had been.
Cane's complextion paled a little more and he grabbed her by the shoulders and said, "come on baby. We got to get you to the hospital." With that Cane helped the love of his life out to his waiting SUV and he prayed that everything was going to be ok...
Drew Phillip Ashby-Chancellor, weighing 6lbs. 9oz. came into the world with a hearty cry two hours after Lily and Cane had arrived at the hospital. Cane entered the waiting room to share the joyous news will all that had gathered there. He told them that mother and child were doing just fine and that they could all see Lily and Drew very soon...
A little while later...
Jill, Katherine, Neil, Karen, Devon, Langley and Colleen stood in front of the window of Lily's hospital room. They all gazed in love and amazement at the wonderful gift that lay in her arms. Cane kissed her temple softly then leaned over to kiss his son. Love poured from his gaze as he took in the sight of his family. Ever so gently he lifted Drew from Lily's arms and held him for the first time. He walked to the window where everyone stood and proudly introduced them to the next generation...
"Lily there is something that I have to tell you..." Cane said as he gently touched her cheek. It was a week and a half after the accident and her bruises were fading away...
Lily looked at Cane, she studied his face for a moment and watched the different emotions flash in his eyes. There was something that she had to tell him too...
Cane took a deep breath and tried to keep himself in control, his body trembled slightly with the effort...
"Lily when you were in the hospital and unconscious, we discovered something that, for a moment made me so happy but then there were complications and a decision had to be made - a decision that I had to make without you and -"
Lily touched his lips with her finger tips to silence him. She needed to tell him this, to relieve some of his obvious pain and guilt. "I don't know how to tell but when I was unconscious, I had this dream - a vision really and I knew - I knew something wasn't right so I asked the doctor about it a few days ago and he told me -"
Cane was stunned. "You knew?"
Lily sighed. She touched his arm and pleaded with him through her gaze to understand. "Ummm... yes but I didn't want to say anything to you, until I knew that you were ready to talk to me about it." Lily's eyes filled with tears as it fully hit her at what Cane had to do to save her life and that of one of their unborn children. "Cane, I can only imagine what you had to go through what you are still going through and I am so very sorry that you had to make that kind of decision without me."
Lily took Cane's hand and placed it on her ever so slightly rounded belly with hers covering it. "Cane what you did saved this baby's life. You helped keep this precious gift safe and I could never, ever hold something like that against you."
Cane looked at their joined hands on her belly and lost the battle to hold back his tears. "Lily, I feel - I feel like, I feel like I lost someone I loved with all my heart and I never had a chance to meet them -"
Lily touched the tears that slid down Cane's cheeks. "Oh, sweetheart I feel exactly the same way. You shouldn't have to go through that alone, we shouldn't go through this alone. And thank God we don't have to." They wrapped themselves in each others arms and mourned the loss of someone who never was...
After a little while they pulled slightly apart to look into one anothers eyes. They caressed each others faces and truly felt their love for one another all around them. Cane told Lily about the other baby charm that he had gotten for her but had never given to her and together they decided to burry it in the flower garden on the estate and mark the spot with a flat stone so they could go there whenever they needed too...
They were sitting on a bench in the garden near the spot they chose. Lily was cradled in Cane's arms, her feet up and resting on the other end of the bench when they started talking about something else that was on their minds...
Lily was looking at their entwined fingers when she said, "I don't want to wait any longer."
"Wait for what, sweetheart?"
Lily turned slightly so that she could look up at him and meet his gaze. "I don't want to wait to be your wife any longer. If there is one thing that all of this has taught me, it's that life is to short and to precious to waist anymore time."
Cane cupped Lily's face and looked at her with such unconditional love. "I love you Lily and nothing could make me happier than giving you my name and granting you every wish that I can give you."
They kissed with such tenderness. When Lily pulled back she said, "you have already given me so much. I love you too, Cane. With all my heart. All I need is you, our love and our family..."
To Have and To Hold...!!
Four weeks later, daylight broke on a glorious, early June day...
Cane and Lily's wedding day...
'My Love... I am counting the minutes until you take my name...My senses are filled with you, always you...My heart beats for yours...
I Love You...Now and Forever...
Lily's heart filled with the words of love from Cane. She wondered if he was awake yet and if he had read the note she left for him...
Cane had slept in the east wing of the house that night. They were now fully recovered from their injuries and would be going back to their own place after the wedding. Cane was just wondering if Lily was up yet and if she had read his note that he had slid under her door when he noticed a letter on the floor in front of his. Cane got up to retrieve it...
'Cane...What words could I use to describe how you make me feel...Loved, Cherished, Respected, Happy... But there is one word that I feel sums it up in no other way and that is... Complete... We complete each other... I Love You...
Cane could not have agreed more. He hoped Lily would like the surprises he had in store for her...
Lily had just finished her breakfast when there was a knock on the door. She opened it to find Katherine standing there...
"Good morning Lily, dear. I hope that you slept well." Katherine said as she entered the room.
"Good morning Mrs. Chancellor, I -"
"My dear, Lily after all we have been through and the fact that today is the day that you are marrying my grandson, I think that you can call me Kay or Katherine as Cane does."
Lily blushed softly. "Of course Mrs. - I mean Katherine. Would you like some tea? I was just having some myself."
"Thank you dear, but I'm fine. Now , Lily I didn't just drop by to exchange pleasantries, I brought you something." Katherine said as she brought a large black jewellery box from behind her back.
"Oh, Katherine. You shouldn't have."
"Nonsense dear girl, now open it."
Lily did and her breath caught in her throat for nestled in the box was a stunning blue sapphire pendent surrounded by diamonds. Lily looked at Katherine, speechless.
"I thought, in sticking with tradition that this would be your perfect something blue. It is a family heirloom. I hope that you wear it in love and good health. And someday when your child is getting married that you will pass it on to them. Welcome to the family, Lily." Katherine said as she held out her arms to embrace Lily.
Lily embraced her back. "Thank you so much Katherine. It's so beautiful. I will treasure it always."
"I hope that you do, just as we treasure you Lily." Katherine gave Lily one more hug before leaving her once again alone...
Cane opened his door to find his mother standing there.
"Morning Mum." Cane said with a smile that could not be removed from his face.
"Good morning sweetheart. I just wanted to see if you needed anything and perhaps have a few moments alone with my son before the celebration began."
"There is nothing that I would like more." Cane said as he stepped aside to let Jill into his room.
Jill just looked at her son for a moment, she cupped his cheek and tears lit her eyes. "My son, you have brought such immense joy and happiness to my life. The day that I found out who you really were... well I have not stopped celebrating it since. I am so happy for you and Lily. And I just know that the two of you are truly meant to be together together."
Cane grabbed his mothers hand and leaned down to kiss her cheek. "Thanks Mum, I don't say it nearly enough. I love you."
"I love you too." And they hugged one another...
The time for the ceremony was approaching. Colleen had arrived and together she and Lily got ready. Lily's hair was piled on top of her head and two jeweled clips held it in place. Her dress was a Forrester Creations original. It was an ivory silk sheath with lace cap sleeves and a short lace train pooled about her feet. Diamond studs adorned her ears, the necklace Katherine had given her at her throat and her charm bracelet and engagement ring completed her out fit. She was stunning.
Colleen looked lovely in a simple lilac coloured dress. Colleen was gushing over how beautiful she thought Lily was when there was a knock at the door. Lily opened it to find Cane standing there in his classic black tux and a blindfold over his eyes.
"Umm...Cane what are you doing here?"
Cane held out his hands and Lily grabbed them. Cane smiled when he felt her hands in his. "You look breathtaking."
Lily was confused. "But you can't see anything. Can you?"
"No but I can imagine. I'm here because I have a surprise for you."
"You do? You umm... didn't find your way through the house like that did you?"
"No I had help." Cane stepped aside to reveal Olivia standing behind him. "Surprise sweetheart."
"Aunt Olivia!"
"Hello, Lily. I am so happy that I could be here." Olivia said as she wrapped Lily in her arms.
Lily looked from a blindfolded Cane to her aunt. "Oh, this is so wonderful but how - I mean I'm just so excited -"
Just then Neil entered the room. "Cane and I put our heads together and we talked to Olivia and made all the arrangements for her to come."
Cane and Colleen knew that the three of them needed a moment together so with Colleens help the two quietly shut the door leaving the three alone. Once the door was safely closed Cane removed the blindfold and smiled at Colleen.
"I will see you in the gardens, shortly." With that Cane left to await his future bride...
Neil and Olivia gazed at Drucilla's daughter and truly saw the beautiful woman that stood before them. "Sweetheart, your mother would be so proud of you today."
"Thank you Daddy. I wish with all my heart that she could be here but you know I think she is here. I can feel her presence all around me. I am so thankful that you could be here too Aunt Olivia."
Olivia touched Lily's cheek. "So am I sweetheart, so am I." Olivia glanced at father and daughter and she allowed her heart to hurt for just a moment at what Drucilla was missing. "I am going to go and find my seat in the garden. Lily you have truly grown into such a beautiful woman. I see so much of your mother in you."
"Thank you." Lily said with deep emotion. Olivia excused herself and headed downstairs.
"Are you ready sweetheart?"
Lily picked up her bouquet of orchids and lilies. She put her hand in the crook of her father's elbow and said, "I've never been more ready..."
To Love and To Cherish...!!
Lily and Neil met Colleen at the doors leading out into the garden. Colleen turned and gave the signal to the cellist and music began to play. Colleen started to walk up the isle. It was an intimate gathering with Cane and J.T. waiting under the arch of beautiful flowers with the minister. And sitting together in two rows of chairs were; Karen, Devon, Roxanne, Adrian, Victoria, Katherine, Jill, Langley, Olivia, Sharon and Jack. When Colleen reached the front and stood off to the right everyone turned and stood awaiting the bride to walk down the isle...
Lily took a deep breath and Neil squeezed her arm. Together they walked out into the warm sunshine and started up the isle...
Everyone was taken in by her radiant beauty that emanated around her. But Lily only saw one person, as soon as she and Cane made eye contact there was no one else. They held each others gazes until she stood before him with her father. Cane held out his hand and Neil placed hers within it. Neil kissed Lily's cheek then took his seat beside Karen.
Cane leaned down to whisper to Lily, "I was right, breathtaking." The low timber of his voice vibrated through Lily.
Lily stood on her tip toes to respond, "and if I didn't know better I would swear I am standing next to 007 himself. You've never looked more handsome."
The minister cleared his throat. Lily and Cane shared one more glance before stepping up to join him under the arch.
"Let us begin. We are gathered here to join Cane Ashby-Chancellor and Lily Winters in holy matrimony. Who gives this woman away?"
Neil stood and looked to the sky and said, "her mother and I do." Lily's smile was bittersweet as she looked at her father in thanks.
The minister nodded in acknowledgement. "Lily and Cane have written their own vows for each other. So let us begin, Cane?"
Cane gazed down at Lily, their hands clasped together, he squeezed hers gently as he began to speak. "Lily, I search for the right words to express what you mean to me. When I told you that I wanted to shout our love from the roof tops I was not lying. You are the love of my life. For me there is no other. Like your note you left for me said, we complete each other."
A single tear slid past Lily's lashes, Cane caught it with his thumb. "Cane, once upon a time I thought I knew what true love was but I was wrong. My love for you is so complete, so true that I can never imagine wanting or needing anything more. You truly are my prince."
"Cane, repeat after me. I, Cane take you Lily to be my lawfully wedded wife..."
Cane looked deeply into Lily's eyes and began to recite, "I, Cane take you Lily to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold, to love and to cherish from this day forward as long as we both shall live."
"Lily repeat after me. I, Lily take you Cane to be my lawfully wedded husband..."
Lily took a calming breath and just basked in the love of this man as she began to recite, "I, Lily take you Cane to be my lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, to love and to cherish from this day forward as long as we both shall live."
"May I have the rings, please?" J.T and Colleen handed the minister the rings.
Cane took the ring for Lily first. He looked down at it and read the engraving he had put there. "Forever," he whispered. He took Lily's left hand and slid the platinum band on to her third finger and said, "Lily, with this ring I thee wed."
Lily took the ring for Cane next. She looked at the engraving she had done on his. "My Love," she whispered in return. Lily took Cane's left hand and slid his simple yet elegant band on his third finger and said, "Cane, with this ring I thee wed."
"Well by the power vested in me on this glorious spring day. I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Cane cupped Lily's face in his warm hands and just looked at her before slowly lowering his head to have his lips meet hers in the softest most tender of kisses the group gathered had ever witnessed.
Everyone broke into applause. And the minister said, "ladies and gentlemen. May I be the first to present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Ashby-Chancellor." ...
Everyone enjoyed a lovely meal. Neil, Jill, Katherine and Langley all gave toasts to Cane and Lily. As night fell the gardens became illuminated with torch lights and lanterns. Cane and Lily shared their first dance as husband and wife under the stars. A wonderful time was had by all but Cane couldn't wait to get his new bride alone, so when they were able to make their escape they did...
They made there way arm in arm back to their condo. They paused outside of their door and Cane leaned down to kiss Lily. He pulled back and caressed her cheek. "My wife," he said.
"My husband," and their lips met again...
Cane unlocked their door and let it fall open. He scooped Lily up into his arms and carried her inside. Cane continued to kiss Lily to distraction as he walked with her in his arms to their bedroom where he finally set her down by letting her slide down his body to stand before him. Cane turned her in his arms and listened to her breath catch as she took in all that he had done for her...
"My love," he said by her ear. "This time I've brought Paris to you."
"Oh, Cane. I love this, it's so thoughtful and romantic. Thank you."
"Well I thought it would have to do for now until we could go there together next summer, all three of us."
Lily ran her hands up and down Cane's arms. "I can't wait but in the mean time what shall we do to occupy ourselves in our very own Paris." Lily said with a mischievous quirk to her brow.
"Well, my darling wife," Cane said as he slid his fingers into her hair to remove the clips and let it fall about her shoulders. "I am sure I can think of one or two things to do."
Cane cupped Lily's face and leaned in to kiss her. When his lips touched hers, her mouth opened and they explored each others mouths fully.
Lily grasped the lapels of Cane's jacket and brought it down his arms until he was forced to let go of her to remove it completely. Next Lily pulled at his bow tie until it was undone and hanging around his neck. The buttons to his shirt were next, they never once stopped kissing. Lily opened his shirt and pulled it from the waist of his pants, exposing his firm smooth chest. Lily ran her hands over his upper body.
Cane groaned. He let go of her mouth to trail his lips down the column of her throat. Cane spun Lily around and moved her hair to the side to give him better access to her throat. He slid the hidden zipper to her gown slowly down her back. Then he placed his hands on her shoulders and moved the capped sleeves down her arms. Lily stepped out of the dress and turned to face him wearing a demi push up bra and matching boy cut panties in warm peach with chocolate trim.
It was Cane's turn to be speechless as he looked at her from head to toe. Taking in every change, missing nothing...
"Your so beautiful," he said with raw emotion. Cane reached for her and wrapped her in his arms. Their mouths once again fused together as he walked her backwards to the bed. Cane laid her gently down and he stepped back to remove the rest of his clothing until he stood proudly before her. "I love you so much, Lily."
"I love you too, Cane." And she held out her hand for him to join her. Cane did not hesitate to do so...
They joined together in such utter tenderness. They moved as one. They whispered words of love to one another. From this day forward they would walk this earth as one...
The Next Generation!!
The next six months flew by for Cane and Lily. They turned the spare bedroom in their condo into a lovely nursery and attended weekly check-ups at the doctors to ensure that everything was still going well with the pregnancy.
They basked in their love for one another and spent as much time together as they could. Lily did a couple of photo shoots here and there but none that would take her away or cause her any undo stress. Cane felt more and more comfortable in his role as Chancellor Industries VP and Katherine and Jill began to groom him to one day run the whole company.
Every once and a while Cane and Lily would talk about the child that they had lost and it was getting easier every time to do so. They tried to no longer dwell on the pain and sadness but instead talked about their impending arrival. Lily and Cane knew what it was going to be but had decided to keep it to themselves as a surprise for everyone...
Karen and Colleen threw Lily a lovely baby shower where she recieved many wonderful gifts. She had a great time and shared many laughs and stories of impending motherhood with her family and friends...
What made them most happy though were the nights. The nights where they would lay in the darkness, Canes arms would be wrapped around her. Both of their hands would be caressing her rounded belly and laugh in amazement and wonder when their baby would give a hearty kick. They would talk softly together well into the night about their hopes, dreams and yes even their fears for what their future held...
Then on a cold, crisp November day, Lily was trying to get comfortable on the couch when her contractions began. Cane had gone into the office for a few hours because since Lily was due anytime he didn't want to be away from her for to long, his phone rang...
"Hey, baby. Everything ok?" Cane heard a groan and some short panting breaths.
"Cane? It's time -"
"It's time? Ok - ok. I - I'm on my way. Just hang in there ok?"
Lily continued to breath the way she had learned in class. "Ok. Just please hurry."
"I will. I love you Lily."
"I love you too."
Cane grabbed his jacket and started running out the door. He nearly ran his mother over when he came barreling out.
Jill put up her hands and said, "Cane what's wrong?"
Cane looked at his mother with a sort of dazed expression. He had a funny smile on his face as he said, "Mum, I'm so sorry but I have to go."
"Have to go?"
"It's time Mum. Lily is having the baby."
"Oh, my God. I will see you at the hopital. Tell Lily I love her and I will call everyone else to meet us there."
"Thanks Mum." Cane said as he took off down the hallway...
Jill put a hand over her mouth and tears formed in her eyes. She grabbed her phone and started making calls...
Cane made it back to the condo in record time. He found Lily pacing their living room...
Cane rushed to her side and said, "Oh, sweetheart. I'm here. How are you feeling?"
Lily looked at her husband for a moment. "I feel like I am having a baby. What did you do, break all possible speed limits in getting here? I swear I just talked to you five minutes ago." Lily said with a ruefull smile on her face. Then another contraction hit her, stronger then the rest had been.
Cane's complextion paled a little more and he grabbed her by the shoulders and said, "come on baby. We got to get you to the hospital." With that Cane helped the love of his life out to his waiting SUV and he prayed that everything was going to be ok...
Drew Phillip Ashby-Chancellor, weighing 6lbs. 9oz. came into the world with a hearty cry two hours after Lily and Cane had arrived at the hospital. Cane entered the waiting room to share the joyous news will all that had gathered there. He told them that mother and child were doing just fine and that they could all see Lily and Drew very soon...
A little while later...
Jill, Katherine, Neil, Karen, Devon, Langley and Colleen stood in front of the window of Lily's hospital room. They all gazed in love and amazement at the wonderful gift that lay in her arms. Cane kissed her temple softly then leaned over to kiss his son. Love poured from his gaze as he took in the sight of his family. Ever so gently he lifted Drew from Lily's arms and held him for the first time. He walked to the window where everyone stood and proudly introduced them to the next generation...
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Written April 5th - May 6th '08 Part Five
Decisions Made!!
Cane sat alone in the hospital chapel. He sat in the front pew his head was bent, his shoulders slumped. He fingered the charm bracelet he had given Lily. The miniature rattle rolled between his thumb and first finger...
This was how Neil found him. He stood at the back of the chapel and listened as Cane began to speak...
"To say I am not angry would be a lie. To say I am not devastated would be another. Please understand that I am so grateful that Lily is ok. And because of the sacrifice of - of -" Cane shuddered. "I know that the child that has remained with us will be stronger because of it." Cane's shoulders shook with the effort to contain his emotions. It was a battle he was losing...
Neil could not let him suffer alone any longer and approached Cane. He put his hand on his shoulder and could feel the tremble under his palm...
Cane nodded his head in acknowledgement of Neil's presence. Neil sat down beside him in the front pew.
"You made the right decision, son. There was no other way, we would have lost them both..." Neil's voice trailed off as he looked at Cane and let his words sink in.
"Yeah, I know Neil. It was the only way." Came Cane's whispered response. He finally lifted his head to look at Neil, anguish lined his face. "But how do I tell Lily, Neil? How do I tell her about the decision that I had to make? A decision that she should have been a part of but couldn't be due to her state of unconsciousness."
"Maybe that was for the best. This is hard on all of us Cane."
Cane looked back down at the charm bracelet. "You know I knew that it was twins. As soon as the technician suspected, I knew. I knew with all of my heart. I didn't tell Lily but I had bought a second charm for that baby. When I was listening to their heartbeats, I had decided to put it on the bracelet for Lily so that it would be there when she woke up but then the alarm started going off..."
"We will recover from this, Cane."
"Will we, Neil? Will you? Because I am not sure that I will ever get over having to make such a life altering decision without Lily."
Neil sighed because he knew Cane was going to feel what he was going to feel. But right now Neil had something more pressing to tell Cane. He had to tell Cane about the accident...
"Cane, there is something else I need to tell you. It's about the accident. And I want you to hear me out before jumping to any conclusions."
Cane once again looked at Neil. "I'm listening."
"You and Lily weren't the only ones in this family to be hurt." Neil took a deep breath and just said it. "Cane, Devon was driving the other vehicle. He was the one that hit you and Lily."
"Devon?" Canes eyes glittered.
Neil raised his hand. "Now before you get the wrong idea, no Devon was not drinking that night. Someone - someone cut his brake line and messed with his steering. Cane what I am trying to say is - this was no accident."
"Is - is Devon ok?"
"He will be. The emotional scars are going to take sometime though. He really blames himself for what happened to you and Lily."
"I will go see him later and let him know that I don't blame him."
"I appreciate that and I think he will too."
"Do the police have any leads as to who has done this?"
"No, they're working on it though."
Cane looked at Neil and Neil could see the storm brewing in Cane's eyes. "Well they better find who did this before I do because if I find them first they are dead..."
A shadowed figure watched outside of Lily's room as her eyes fluttered then opened...
Someone Has Been Very, Very Bad!!
Hands shook causing the keys that were held to jingle loudly in the quiet hallway. It took three tries before they successfully got the proper key into the lock. Thoughts continued to run through their head like rapid fire...'I didn't kill them, I didn't kill them. It will be ok. No one knows it was me, no one. Is the baby still alive? They could have another... What was I thinking? Stupid, stupid, stupid... Got to have an alibi... No one knows it was me, know one knows it was me, no one knows...' Lips began to quiver as hysteria began to take over. The door finally opened and the shadowy figure stepped in and closed the door behind them...
Cane slipped into Lily's room and eased himself back into the chair at her side. He looked at her battered and bruised form. He listened to the single heartbeat, that seemed somehow lonely without the other. Cane took Lily's small hand in his and kissed her fingertips...
"Cane?" Lily whispered.
Cane searched her now open eyes. A smile of utter joy and relief spread across his face. "Lily. Shhh...sweetheart. You're ok. We're ok." Cane said as he gently stroked her hair.
"We - we were in an accident? Wait -" Lily touched her stomach with shaking hands. "The baby - is the baby, ok?"
Cane couldn't tell her. He didn't have the words to tell her that there once were two...
"Lily - Lily listen. Do you hear that?"
The sound of a strong and steady beat slowly penetrated her ears and tears slipped from her eyes...
"I've never heard something more beautiful, more precious."
Cane had, he had heard two but he didn't tell Lily that and the more he thought about it he wasn't sure that he ever would be able too...
Cane stood up a little to quickly and grimaced at the sudden jab of pain. It did not go unnoticed by Lily.
"Cane, you're hurt?"
Cane played down the seriousness for her. "It's nothing, honestly. Just some ummm... bruised ribs. I fine. I am just so glad that you are ok. I 'm going to go get the doctor and let him know that you are awake and there are some very excited people that have been keeping vigil outside that will be anxious to hear it as well."
Cane kissed her once more and said, "I'll be right back, I promise."
As Lily was left momentarily alone she wondered at what Cane was avoiding telling her...
The police had been examining the parking lot and surrounding area at Indigo's because they had concluded that, that was where it was most likely that Devon Winters brakes were cut...
"Sir, I found this next to the spot that Mr. Winters was parked in." The officer said as he held up an evidence bag containing a purple handled nail file.
Another officer approached and said, "we found gum and wrappers in the bushes right over there." He said, pointing to some bushes with a clear view of the parking spot.
"Well, it might be something, it might not. We'll see if we can get some DNA off of those items and go from there..."
Amber jumped out of her skin as Daniel came down the stairs of the penthouse demanding, "Amber, where the hell have you been? You left the office yesterday saying you had to run some errands and it was like you disappeared. I must have left you like - six messages. Amber, where were you?"
"I - I just lost track of time and drove around and took care of some things." Amber was jumpy and stuttered out a feeble answer.
"Amber, lost track of time? You didn't come home last night. What the hell is going on?"
"Listen, Daniel I - I can explain. I - I didn't mean - just please Daniel you have to promise, if anyone asks I was here with you all night." Amber grabbed Daniel by the shoulders. "Please Daniel, please promise me that you'll say I was with you all night. I - I didn't mean to do anything, I -"
Daniel looked right at Amber when he asked. "Amber, what did you do?"
Amber began to sob. "Daniel if I tell you, you will never forgive me. You will hate me. I don't know what I was thinking - I wasn't thinking. Please Daniel. Please -" With that Amber ran upstairs and left a bewildered Daniel standing there.
He wasn't bewildered for long when he noticed that days paper sitting on the table, the headline caught his eye and as he began to read further it dawned on him...
"My God, Amber. What did you do..."
Truth be Told!!
With the newspaper still in his hand Daniel ran up the stairs after Amber. He opened the door to her room and found her in front of the mirror at her dressing table applying another coat of the reddest lipstick that he had ever seen. There were mascara tracks down her cheeks, that she had yet to repair. Daniel was taken back by her appearance. She looked like some hideous and scary clown. Her eyes seemed blank and empty. Daniel realized that she wasn't right, perhaps she had never been...
"Amber, please tell me that you had nothing to do with this accident."
"What accident? I don't know what you are talking about. I was here with you all night remember?"
Daniel sat down on the bed behind her. "No Amber, no you weren't. I haven't seen you since yesterday. Did you go to Indigo last night? Did you see Lily, Cane and Devon there? Did something happen to Devon's car?"
Amber's lips began to tremble again. Fresh tears once again slide down her face. "Please Daniel, please don't make me say it. Don't make me tell you what happened. You'll hate me I know you will. You just have to promise to say that I was with you all night. That's all."
Daniel's stomach twisted with knots but he managed to say, "I won't hate you Amber but you have to tell me what happened last night."
Amber started nodding her head up and down. "Ok, ok I'll tell you. You see yesterday I overheard Sharon and Jack talking about some big to do at Indigo last night and I thought it might be fun to go but when I asked them about what it was for they just kind of looked at me funny and sort of brushed me off. So I decided when I went to run those errands that after I was done I would just head over there and see what was up. I saw Devon help Lily out of his car and then I heard them talking about how excited he was about becoming an uncle and it just dawned on me you know - Lily was pregnant with Cane's baby."
"Lily is pregnant?" Daniel asked in astonishment.
"Well I don't know if she still is after...after what happened but yes she was. Anyway I was just so shocked and then I started to get angry, really, really angry. So I decided to cut Devon's gas line and mess around with his steering so that when he and Lily left they would get stuck on the side of the road somewhere for a while."
"But it wasn't his gas line that you cut was it? You cut his brake line didn't you?"
"Well you know I am not very mechanically inclined so yeah, yeah I think that is what I did." Amber sobbed, "I swear Daniel I didn't mean to do that. I wasn't thinking. I was just so hurt and angry about their baby that I just - I just lost it. Please Daniel, please say you will help me."
Daniel didn't answer, the doorbell had just rang...
Cane knocked on Devon's hospital room door before he entered. Devon watched him silently as he came in...
"Hey Devon. How are you feeling?"
Devon had a hard time looking Cane in the eye but he did. "I've been better but they say I am going to recover. Cane listen, I am so sorry for -"
Cane held up his hand stopping Devon from going further. "Devon, it's ok. I know it wasn't your fault, that someone had messed with your car so there is no need to apologize. Did your Dad tell you that Lily is awake?"
"Yeah, I am really happy to hear that," Devon said while trying to blink back tears. "I am so sorry that one of the twins didn't make it. I am just so glad that the doctors were able to save the other one."
Pain clouded Cane's eyes momentarily. "Yeah, yeah me too," he said quietly. "I haven't told Lily about that yet. I haven't figured out how, so if you wouldn't mind not saying anything to her until I have had the chance to tell her, I'd appreciate it."
"Sure, of course. I understand."
Changing the subject Cane said, "the doctor said that Lily might be able to sit up in a wheel chair in a little while and I would be happy to bring her by to see you. I know she is really anxious to see you."
"That would be great. I really want to see her too."
"Well then it's all set. I will let you get some rest before we come by later." Cane said as he gave
Devon's shoulder a squeeze before he left Devon once again alone...
Daniel had gone to open the door to find two police officers standing in the hall...
"Yes? Can I help you, officers?"
"We hope so. We are looking for a Ms. Amber Moore. This is listed as her current address. Is she here? We need to ask her some questions."
Daniel knew that in good conscious he could not protect Amber from this, no matter how much he cared for her. She had gone to far this time. She had nearly killed people that he still cared for very much. So Daniel did the only thing that he could, he nodded his head yes and stepped aside...
"Yes officers she's just upstairs. Just let me go get her..."
Justice Will Be Served!!
Daniel went up stairs to get Amber. The two officers waited in the living room, casually looking around...
"Who was at the door, Daniel?" Amber asked as soon as he reached her room.
Daniel sighed. "It's the police Amber. They want to ask you some questions."
"But you told them I wasn't here right? You told them that I was with you all last night, right?" Amber asked while ringing her hands.
Daniel looked at her for a moment then shook his head no. "No Amber I didn't do either one of those things. You nearly killed three people last night. I can't protect you from this. I can't lie about this, not about this Amber."
"Well then - then just stall them for five minutes ok? I will go down the fire escape and - and just leave town. Please Daniel," Amber pleaded with more tears spilling from her eyes.
"No Amber." Daniel grabbed a tissue and handed it to her. "Lets go see what they have to say. What they have to ask you? You have to accept your responsibility in this. For you, for me and everyone else involved." With that he escorted her down the stairs to the waiting officers...
Cane was sitting with Lily and talking softly with her when a nurse came in with a wheel chair...
"Ms. Winters, would you like to get out of that bed for a bit?"
Lily smiled. "Yes I would like that very much. Can I go and see my brother Devon?"
"As long as you promise to only visit for a few minutes, I don't see any harm in it." The nurse helped Lily ease into the chair from the bed.
"If it's ok, I would like to take her there."
"Mr. Ashby, you know as well as I that you should be resting yourself but I can see that it is pointless trying to tear you away from this woman so if you feel up to it then it is fine by me." And with that the nurse left the room.
"What was that all about?" Lily asked.
"Oh, um...well my injuries might have been a touch more serious then what I told you...but I swear I am ok. I'm ok."
Lily looked at him for a moment before saying, "Cane Ashby, if I didn't love you so much I -"
"I know sweetheart, I know." Cane chuckled and kissed Lily softly on her lips. "Now lets go see Devon..."
Amber sat down on the couch beside Daniel. She was shredding the tissue Daniel had given her into tiny pieces in her nervousness. The officers continued to stand before them.
"Ms. Amber Moore?"
"Yeah, that's me."
"We have a few questions to ask you."
Amber looked pleadingly at Daniel one more time but when he silently told her no she resigned herself to facing what she had done.
"Maybe I should have a lawyer present."
"Alright," said the officer. "Lets go down to the station and you can have your lawyer meet you there."
"Daniel, will you call Michael for me? Please. And if he won't do it could you ask him to recommend someone and have them meet me at the station. Just as long as someone is there."
"I will. And I will come down to the station too just as soon as I've done that."
Amber looked back at Daniel and said, "for what it's worth Daniel, I really am sorry." Then she walked out the door...
At the station Amber ended up confessing to everything before Michael even got there. The police had it pretty much figured out anyway because they had found her finger prints on the handle of the nail file and brake fluid on the metal end. The security cameras at Indigo had also caught her leaving the parking lot. Amber was being booked when Daniel arrived. There was nothing that Michael could do except try to get her a lighter sentence at her hearing next week. Amber was finger printed, her mug shot taken. She was stripped searched and given an orange jump suit to wear. She was placed in a cell with a woman named Birtha - Big Birtha...
Cane, Lily and Neil were all in Devon's room when Neil's cell phone rang. It was the detective informing him that there had been a confession and arrest in their case...
Stunned, Neil said, "yes thank you detective. We'll be in touch." Neil closed his phone and looked at the expectant faces around the room.
"That was the detective. There has been an arrest made." He looked directly at Cane when he said, "it was Amber. Amber Moore is the one who did this. The detective said she confessed."
Cane's hands closed into fists as he absorbed this information. He looked at everyone in the room and took in all the devastation that was caused. All the hurt that was caused. All the pain that was caused...
"Excuse me, everyone. There is something I have to do..."
And before anyone could say anything Cane had left the room...
Strength Comes From Within!!
Cane knew that everyone thought he was headed to the police station but he didn't go there. He knew if he had he would not have been able to resist reaching through those steal bars and wrapping his hands around Amber's throat...
Instead he ended up standing at the railing of the roof top garden of the hospital. He looked out over Genoa City and thought about everything that brought him to this point in his life, trying to calm his inner rage and turmoil...
He blamed himself for this current set of circumstances. If only he had known then what he knew now, he never would have gotten involved with Amber. He, Lily and Devon never would have been hurt and both of his unborn children would still be safe within their Mother's womb...
All of these thoughts were running through his head when his Mum approached...
"Sweetheart?" Jill gently touched Cane's arm. "Are you ok?"
"I - no Mum, no I'm not. How did you find me?"
"I saw you take the stairs in this direction and then Neil had come looking for you thinking that you might do something rash. He seemed relieved when I told him where I thought you were."
Cane looked at his mother and holding his finger and thumb an inch apart he told her, "I was this close, Mum. This close to heading down the stairs and over to the police station. This close to doing something I may or may not have regretted." Cane sighed and dropped his hands once again looking out over the city.
"Neil also told me that it was Amber who did this to our family. You are not the only one who was that close to doing something." Jill said with anger lacing her voice.
This made Cane grunt. "Now Mum..."
"Well thank God for our impeccable restraint. Now why don't you come with me, I believe there is a wonderful young lady who is waiting for you back in her room." Jill held Cane's arm as they began to walk back to the stairs.
Cane stopped for a moment and looked down at his Mum. "How am I going to tell her Mum? How am I going to tell her about the other baby?" Cane asked, pain once again haunting his eyes.
Jill looked up at her son for a moment before she said, "don't under estimate her inner strength and understanding. Don't under estimate her love for you." And they went back downstairs, Jill knew her son needed to rest too...
Later that week...
Devon was still in the hospital but he would be released in a few more days, he was going to stay at his father's place while he continued to recuperate.
Lily and Cane were allowed to go home but under strict instructions to rest and Lily was to keep her feet up as much as possible. They decided, with the insistence of their parents that they would stay at the Chancellor Estate for a while. Even Cane's uncle Langley extended his stay and was invited to join them at the estate as well, since there was plenty of room. Besides it did not go unnoticed by everyone that he and Jill were growing closer everyday...
Amber's sentencing hearing was taking place but they all thought it best not to attend. Cane, Lily and Devon all submitted victim impact statements to be read before the judge. The court room was empty except for Daniel who sat alone in one of the rows...
Daniel lowered his head as he listened to everything. The judge sentenced Amber to twenty years in the state penitentiary with no chance of parole for ten years. Amber cried hysterically in her seat beside Michael. She looked back at Daniel but he would not meet her gaze. Instead he got up and walked out of the court room. Leaving Amber very much alone in the world. Michael said he would appeal...
At the mansion...
The day after the sentencing hearing Lily and Cane were enjoying a quiet breakfast on the terrace. Cane was startled when Lily said...
"I almost feel sorry for Amber. Don't you?"
"No." Came Cane's quick reply.
Lily studied Cane for a moment. "But why? I know what she did was horrible but were all ok. We all survived." Lily said as she placed her hand lovingly on her rounded stomach.
Cane knew he had no choice. The time had come to tell Lily the truth...
"Lily there is something that I have to tell you..."
Cane sat alone in the hospital chapel. He sat in the front pew his head was bent, his shoulders slumped. He fingered the charm bracelet he had given Lily. The miniature rattle rolled between his thumb and first finger...
This was how Neil found him. He stood at the back of the chapel and listened as Cane began to speak...
"To say I am not angry would be a lie. To say I am not devastated would be another. Please understand that I am so grateful that Lily is ok. And because of the sacrifice of - of -" Cane shuddered. "I know that the child that has remained with us will be stronger because of it." Cane's shoulders shook with the effort to contain his emotions. It was a battle he was losing...
Neil could not let him suffer alone any longer and approached Cane. He put his hand on his shoulder and could feel the tremble under his palm...
Cane nodded his head in acknowledgement of Neil's presence. Neil sat down beside him in the front pew.
"You made the right decision, son. There was no other way, we would have lost them both..." Neil's voice trailed off as he looked at Cane and let his words sink in.
"Yeah, I know Neil. It was the only way." Came Cane's whispered response. He finally lifted his head to look at Neil, anguish lined his face. "But how do I tell Lily, Neil? How do I tell her about the decision that I had to make? A decision that she should have been a part of but couldn't be due to her state of unconsciousness."
"Maybe that was for the best. This is hard on all of us Cane."
Cane looked back down at the charm bracelet. "You know I knew that it was twins. As soon as the technician suspected, I knew. I knew with all of my heart. I didn't tell Lily but I had bought a second charm for that baby. When I was listening to their heartbeats, I had decided to put it on the bracelet for Lily so that it would be there when she woke up but then the alarm started going off..."
"We will recover from this, Cane."
"Will we, Neil? Will you? Because I am not sure that I will ever get over having to make such a life altering decision without Lily."
Neil sighed because he knew Cane was going to feel what he was going to feel. But right now Neil had something more pressing to tell Cane. He had to tell Cane about the accident...
"Cane, there is something else I need to tell you. It's about the accident. And I want you to hear me out before jumping to any conclusions."
Cane once again looked at Neil. "I'm listening."
"You and Lily weren't the only ones in this family to be hurt." Neil took a deep breath and just said it. "Cane, Devon was driving the other vehicle. He was the one that hit you and Lily."
"Devon?" Canes eyes glittered.
Neil raised his hand. "Now before you get the wrong idea, no Devon was not drinking that night. Someone - someone cut his brake line and messed with his steering. Cane what I am trying to say is - this was no accident."
"Is - is Devon ok?"
"He will be. The emotional scars are going to take sometime though. He really blames himself for what happened to you and Lily."
"I will go see him later and let him know that I don't blame him."
"I appreciate that and I think he will too."
"Do the police have any leads as to who has done this?"
"No, they're working on it though."
Cane looked at Neil and Neil could see the storm brewing in Cane's eyes. "Well they better find who did this before I do because if I find them first they are dead..."
A shadowed figure watched outside of Lily's room as her eyes fluttered then opened...
Someone Has Been Very, Very Bad!!
Hands shook causing the keys that were held to jingle loudly in the quiet hallway. It took three tries before they successfully got the proper key into the lock. Thoughts continued to run through their head like rapid fire...'I didn't kill them, I didn't kill them. It will be ok. No one knows it was me, no one. Is the baby still alive? They could have another... What was I thinking? Stupid, stupid, stupid... Got to have an alibi... No one knows it was me, know one knows it was me, no one knows...' Lips began to quiver as hysteria began to take over. The door finally opened and the shadowy figure stepped in and closed the door behind them...
Cane slipped into Lily's room and eased himself back into the chair at her side. He looked at her battered and bruised form. He listened to the single heartbeat, that seemed somehow lonely without the other. Cane took Lily's small hand in his and kissed her fingertips...
"Cane?" Lily whispered.
Cane searched her now open eyes. A smile of utter joy and relief spread across his face. "Lily. Shhh...sweetheart. You're ok. We're ok." Cane said as he gently stroked her hair.
"We - we were in an accident? Wait -" Lily touched her stomach with shaking hands. "The baby - is the baby, ok?"
Cane couldn't tell her. He didn't have the words to tell her that there once were two...
"Lily - Lily listen. Do you hear that?"
The sound of a strong and steady beat slowly penetrated her ears and tears slipped from her eyes...
"I've never heard something more beautiful, more precious."
Cane had, he had heard two but he didn't tell Lily that and the more he thought about it he wasn't sure that he ever would be able too...
Cane stood up a little to quickly and grimaced at the sudden jab of pain. It did not go unnoticed by Lily.
"Cane, you're hurt?"
Cane played down the seriousness for her. "It's nothing, honestly. Just some ummm... bruised ribs. I fine. I am just so glad that you are ok. I 'm going to go get the doctor and let him know that you are awake and there are some very excited people that have been keeping vigil outside that will be anxious to hear it as well."
Cane kissed her once more and said, "I'll be right back, I promise."
As Lily was left momentarily alone she wondered at what Cane was avoiding telling her...
The police had been examining the parking lot and surrounding area at Indigo's because they had concluded that, that was where it was most likely that Devon Winters brakes were cut...
"Sir, I found this next to the spot that Mr. Winters was parked in." The officer said as he held up an evidence bag containing a purple handled nail file.
Another officer approached and said, "we found gum and wrappers in the bushes right over there." He said, pointing to some bushes with a clear view of the parking spot.
"Well, it might be something, it might not. We'll see if we can get some DNA off of those items and go from there..."
Amber jumped out of her skin as Daniel came down the stairs of the penthouse demanding, "Amber, where the hell have you been? You left the office yesterday saying you had to run some errands and it was like you disappeared. I must have left you like - six messages. Amber, where were you?"
"I - I just lost track of time and drove around and took care of some things." Amber was jumpy and stuttered out a feeble answer.
"Amber, lost track of time? You didn't come home last night. What the hell is going on?"
"Listen, Daniel I - I can explain. I - I didn't mean - just please Daniel you have to promise, if anyone asks I was here with you all night." Amber grabbed Daniel by the shoulders. "Please Daniel, please promise me that you'll say I was with you all night. I - I didn't mean to do anything, I -"
Daniel looked right at Amber when he asked. "Amber, what did you do?"
Amber began to sob. "Daniel if I tell you, you will never forgive me. You will hate me. I don't know what I was thinking - I wasn't thinking. Please Daniel. Please -" With that Amber ran upstairs and left a bewildered Daniel standing there.
He wasn't bewildered for long when he noticed that days paper sitting on the table, the headline caught his eye and as he began to read further it dawned on him...
"My God, Amber. What did you do..."
Truth be Told!!
With the newspaper still in his hand Daniel ran up the stairs after Amber. He opened the door to her room and found her in front of the mirror at her dressing table applying another coat of the reddest lipstick that he had ever seen. There were mascara tracks down her cheeks, that she had yet to repair. Daniel was taken back by her appearance. She looked like some hideous and scary clown. Her eyes seemed blank and empty. Daniel realized that she wasn't right, perhaps she had never been...
"Amber, please tell me that you had nothing to do with this accident."
"What accident? I don't know what you are talking about. I was here with you all night remember?"
Daniel sat down on the bed behind her. "No Amber, no you weren't. I haven't seen you since yesterday. Did you go to Indigo last night? Did you see Lily, Cane and Devon there? Did something happen to Devon's car?"
Amber's lips began to tremble again. Fresh tears once again slide down her face. "Please Daniel, please don't make me say it. Don't make me tell you what happened. You'll hate me I know you will. You just have to promise to say that I was with you all night. That's all."
Daniel's stomach twisted with knots but he managed to say, "I won't hate you Amber but you have to tell me what happened last night."
Amber started nodding her head up and down. "Ok, ok I'll tell you. You see yesterday I overheard Sharon and Jack talking about some big to do at Indigo last night and I thought it might be fun to go but when I asked them about what it was for they just kind of looked at me funny and sort of brushed me off. So I decided when I went to run those errands that after I was done I would just head over there and see what was up. I saw Devon help Lily out of his car and then I heard them talking about how excited he was about becoming an uncle and it just dawned on me you know - Lily was pregnant with Cane's baby."
"Lily is pregnant?" Daniel asked in astonishment.
"Well I don't know if she still is after...after what happened but yes she was. Anyway I was just so shocked and then I started to get angry, really, really angry. So I decided to cut Devon's gas line and mess around with his steering so that when he and Lily left they would get stuck on the side of the road somewhere for a while."
"But it wasn't his gas line that you cut was it? You cut his brake line didn't you?"
"Well you know I am not very mechanically inclined so yeah, yeah I think that is what I did." Amber sobbed, "I swear Daniel I didn't mean to do that. I wasn't thinking. I was just so hurt and angry about their baby that I just - I just lost it. Please Daniel, please say you will help me."
Daniel didn't answer, the doorbell had just rang...
Cane knocked on Devon's hospital room door before he entered. Devon watched him silently as he came in...
"Hey Devon. How are you feeling?"
Devon had a hard time looking Cane in the eye but he did. "I've been better but they say I am going to recover. Cane listen, I am so sorry for -"
Cane held up his hand stopping Devon from going further. "Devon, it's ok. I know it wasn't your fault, that someone had messed with your car so there is no need to apologize. Did your Dad tell you that Lily is awake?"
"Yeah, I am really happy to hear that," Devon said while trying to blink back tears. "I am so sorry that one of the twins didn't make it. I am just so glad that the doctors were able to save the other one."
Pain clouded Cane's eyes momentarily. "Yeah, yeah me too," he said quietly. "I haven't told Lily about that yet. I haven't figured out how, so if you wouldn't mind not saying anything to her until I have had the chance to tell her, I'd appreciate it."
"Sure, of course. I understand."
Changing the subject Cane said, "the doctor said that Lily might be able to sit up in a wheel chair in a little while and I would be happy to bring her by to see you. I know she is really anxious to see you."
"That would be great. I really want to see her too."
"Well then it's all set. I will let you get some rest before we come by later." Cane said as he gave
Devon's shoulder a squeeze before he left Devon once again alone...
Daniel had gone to open the door to find two police officers standing in the hall...
"Yes? Can I help you, officers?"
"We hope so. We are looking for a Ms. Amber Moore. This is listed as her current address. Is she here? We need to ask her some questions."
Daniel knew that in good conscious he could not protect Amber from this, no matter how much he cared for her. She had gone to far this time. She had nearly killed people that he still cared for very much. So Daniel did the only thing that he could, he nodded his head yes and stepped aside...
"Yes officers she's just upstairs. Just let me go get her..."
Justice Will Be Served!!
Daniel went up stairs to get Amber. The two officers waited in the living room, casually looking around...
"Who was at the door, Daniel?" Amber asked as soon as he reached her room.
Daniel sighed. "It's the police Amber. They want to ask you some questions."
"But you told them I wasn't here right? You told them that I was with you all last night, right?" Amber asked while ringing her hands.
Daniel looked at her for a moment then shook his head no. "No Amber I didn't do either one of those things. You nearly killed three people last night. I can't protect you from this. I can't lie about this, not about this Amber."
"Well then - then just stall them for five minutes ok? I will go down the fire escape and - and just leave town. Please Daniel," Amber pleaded with more tears spilling from her eyes.
"No Amber." Daniel grabbed a tissue and handed it to her. "Lets go see what they have to say. What they have to ask you? You have to accept your responsibility in this. For you, for me and everyone else involved." With that he escorted her down the stairs to the waiting officers...
Cane was sitting with Lily and talking softly with her when a nurse came in with a wheel chair...
"Ms. Winters, would you like to get out of that bed for a bit?"
Lily smiled. "Yes I would like that very much. Can I go and see my brother Devon?"
"As long as you promise to only visit for a few minutes, I don't see any harm in it." The nurse helped Lily ease into the chair from the bed.
"If it's ok, I would like to take her there."
"Mr. Ashby, you know as well as I that you should be resting yourself but I can see that it is pointless trying to tear you away from this woman so if you feel up to it then it is fine by me." And with that the nurse left the room.
"What was that all about?" Lily asked.
"Oh, um...well my injuries might have been a touch more serious then what I told you...but I swear I am ok. I'm ok."
Lily looked at him for a moment before saying, "Cane Ashby, if I didn't love you so much I -"
"I know sweetheart, I know." Cane chuckled and kissed Lily softly on her lips. "Now lets go see Devon..."
Amber sat down on the couch beside Daniel. She was shredding the tissue Daniel had given her into tiny pieces in her nervousness. The officers continued to stand before them.
"Ms. Amber Moore?"
"Yeah, that's me."
"We have a few questions to ask you."
Amber looked pleadingly at Daniel one more time but when he silently told her no she resigned herself to facing what she had done.
"Maybe I should have a lawyer present."
"Alright," said the officer. "Lets go down to the station and you can have your lawyer meet you there."
"Daniel, will you call Michael for me? Please. And if he won't do it could you ask him to recommend someone and have them meet me at the station. Just as long as someone is there."
"I will. And I will come down to the station too just as soon as I've done that."
Amber looked back at Daniel and said, "for what it's worth Daniel, I really am sorry." Then she walked out the door...
At the station Amber ended up confessing to everything before Michael even got there. The police had it pretty much figured out anyway because they had found her finger prints on the handle of the nail file and brake fluid on the metal end. The security cameras at Indigo had also caught her leaving the parking lot. Amber was being booked when Daniel arrived. There was nothing that Michael could do except try to get her a lighter sentence at her hearing next week. Amber was finger printed, her mug shot taken. She was stripped searched and given an orange jump suit to wear. She was placed in a cell with a woman named Birtha - Big Birtha...
Cane, Lily and Neil were all in Devon's room when Neil's cell phone rang. It was the detective informing him that there had been a confession and arrest in their case...
Stunned, Neil said, "yes thank you detective. We'll be in touch." Neil closed his phone and looked at the expectant faces around the room.
"That was the detective. There has been an arrest made." He looked directly at Cane when he said, "it was Amber. Amber Moore is the one who did this. The detective said she confessed."
Cane's hands closed into fists as he absorbed this information. He looked at everyone in the room and took in all the devastation that was caused. All the hurt that was caused. All the pain that was caused...
"Excuse me, everyone. There is something I have to do..."
And before anyone could say anything Cane had left the room...
Strength Comes From Within!!
Cane knew that everyone thought he was headed to the police station but he didn't go there. He knew if he had he would not have been able to resist reaching through those steal bars and wrapping his hands around Amber's throat...
Instead he ended up standing at the railing of the roof top garden of the hospital. He looked out over Genoa City and thought about everything that brought him to this point in his life, trying to calm his inner rage and turmoil...
He blamed himself for this current set of circumstances. If only he had known then what he knew now, he never would have gotten involved with Amber. He, Lily and Devon never would have been hurt and both of his unborn children would still be safe within their Mother's womb...
All of these thoughts were running through his head when his Mum approached...
"Sweetheart?" Jill gently touched Cane's arm. "Are you ok?"
"I - no Mum, no I'm not. How did you find me?"
"I saw you take the stairs in this direction and then Neil had come looking for you thinking that you might do something rash. He seemed relieved when I told him where I thought you were."
Cane looked at his mother and holding his finger and thumb an inch apart he told her, "I was this close, Mum. This close to heading down the stairs and over to the police station. This close to doing something I may or may not have regretted." Cane sighed and dropped his hands once again looking out over the city.
"Neil also told me that it was Amber who did this to our family. You are not the only one who was that close to doing something." Jill said with anger lacing her voice.
This made Cane grunt. "Now Mum..."
"Well thank God for our impeccable restraint. Now why don't you come with me, I believe there is a wonderful young lady who is waiting for you back in her room." Jill held Cane's arm as they began to walk back to the stairs.
Cane stopped for a moment and looked down at his Mum. "How am I going to tell her Mum? How am I going to tell her about the other baby?" Cane asked, pain once again haunting his eyes.
Jill looked up at her son for a moment before she said, "don't under estimate her inner strength and understanding. Don't under estimate her love for you." And they went back downstairs, Jill knew her son needed to rest too...
Later that week...
Devon was still in the hospital but he would be released in a few more days, he was going to stay at his father's place while he continued to recuperate.
Lily and Cane were allowed to go home but under strict instructions to rest and Lily was to keep her feet up as much as possible. They decided, with the insistence of their parents that they would stay at the Chancellor Estate for a while. Even Cane's uncle Langley extended his stay and was invited to join them at the estate as well, since there was plenty of room. Besides it did not go unnoticed by everyone that he and Jill were growing closer everyday...
Amber's sentencing hearing was taking place but they all thought it best not to attend. Cane, Lily and Devon all submitted victim impact statements to be read before the judge. The court room was empty except for Daniel who sat alone in one of the rows...
Daniel lowered his head as he listened to everything. The judge sentenced Amber to twenty years in the state penitentiary with no chance of parole for ten years. Amber cried hysterically in her seat beside Michael. She looked back at Daniel but he would not meet her gaze. Instead he got up and walked out of the court room. Leaving Amber very much alone in the world. Michael said he would appeal...
At the mansion...
The day after the sentencing hearing Lily and Cane were enjoying a quiet breakfast on the terrace. Cane was startled when Lily said...
"I almost feel sorry for Amber. Don't you?"
"No." Came Cane's quick reply.
Lily studied Cane for a moment. "But why? I know what she did was horrible but were all ok. We all survived." Lily said as she placed her hand lovingly on her rounded stomach.
Cane knew he had no choice. The time had come to tell Lily the truth...
"Lily there is something that I have to tell you..."
Written April 5th - May 6th '08 Part Four
A Time For Celebration!!
It was only a couple of hours before the party was to begin. Cane and Lily were enjoying some quiet time together as they were getting ready...
"Lily?" Cane called as he entered the bathroom. He came in just in time to see Lily step from the shower, the question he was about to ask her lay forgotten on his lips.
"Yes, what is it Cane?" Lily asked reaching for her towel. Cane reached it first and gently wrapped it around her body and staring into her eyes began to seductively dry her off.
"Cane," Lily groaned as he began to kiss her heatedly down the side of her neck. Lily turned in his arms the towel dropped to the floor, forgotten as their lips fused together...
A little while later...
Cane and Lily were cuddling on the bed. At some point during their lovemaking they had made there way there.
"So much for getting ready on time."
"So we'll be fashionably late," Cane replied.
"By the way was there something you wanted to ask me when we got distracted earlier?"
"Yeah, actually there was. Do you mind going to the party with Devon?"
"What? Why?"
Cane looked sheepish as he replied, "well I can't tell you why exactly because it's a surprise."
Lily looked intrigued. "A surprise, huh? Well I suppose I could forfeit a ride with you, if the surprise is worth it!"
"Believe me it will be worth it," Cane replied. Then he kissed her again.
Lily was the first to break away and said, "Cane we are never going to get to the party if we keep this up."
"Hmmmmm," Cane contemplated as he loomed over Lily. "Making love to you or going to a party with all of our friends and family."
"Cane!" Lily said as she slapped him playfully on the chest.
"Ok, ok. We'll go to the party. But I am making love to you the minute I get you back inside this condo."
Lily giggled and said, "baby you got a deal." With that Cane finally allowed Lily up, after one more kiss and they got ready to go. Devon would be there in an hour and Cane would be off to collect his surprises for Lily...
Devon and Lily pulled into the parking lot at Indigo an hour and half later. Luckily they had a reserved spot because there wasn't an empty spot in the place. Devon opened the car door for Lily and helped her out of his car. Lily was wearing a turquoise coloured satin dress. It was strapless and had an empire waist allowing the rest of the material to float gently over her to rest just above her knees. She wore a set of earrings that grazed her shoulders and the only other piece of jewellery was her sparkling engagement ring. Lily positively glowed.
Devon looked at his sister, noting how truly happy she looked. "You look beautiful tonight, sis. By the way I want you to know that I am getting really excited at the prospect of becoming an uncle. In fact I'll be known as the favorite uncle."
This made Lily laugh.
"Come on. Let's go in. I promised Cane to get you here by (Devon glanced down at his watch) right now actually."
Lily looked at Devon curiously. "O-kay. Anything you want to tell me?"
"Nope. I am sworn to secrecy. Come on let's go." And they headed inside. Neither one noticing the dark figure lurking near by...
Cane met Lily and Devon just inside the door. "You're late," he said looking at them both.
"Hey man, don't look at me I wasn't the one with twenty questions outside."
Lily elbowed Devon in the stomach causing him to grunt. "It was one question Devon, one."
Cane chuckled and took Lily by the hand. "You look positively breathtaking tonight." Cane said then he kissed her...
"Thank you." Lily whispered against his lips. "And you are beyond handsome, yourself."
Someone cleared their throat behind Cane.
Cane stepped back from Lily and turned towards the noise. A ruggedly handsome looking older man with salt and pepper hair grown slightly wild stood before them.
"Lily, I'd like you to met my uncle. Langley Ashby this is my fiance, Lily Winters."
"Bloody hell, Cane when you said you'd gotten yourself a fancy sheila, you weren't lyin'. If I'd have known they grew 'em like this over here, I might have made the trip sooner."
Cane cringed. Lily blushed. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Ashby. Cane has told me a lot about you."
"Call me Lang and the pleasure is mine," he said as he clasped Lily's hand in his.
"I can't believe you came all this way. Thank you for coming."
"Well when the boy told me he was looking to get hitched. I figured it was time to come and see what his life was like here."
"Well we are both very happy that you have come. Shall we go in and introduce you to everyone."
Cane and Langley exchanged glances. "Naw, don't worry about me I'm pretty good at introducin' myself." And he turned and headed into the party, leaving Cane and Lily momentarily alone.
Cane turned to Lily and said, "sorry about that. My uncle is a little on the eccentric side."
"No need to apologize. I thought he was great and what a wonderful surprise to have the man who raised you, here to celebrate with us."
Cane looked at Lily with such love, that for a moment she forgot to breath.
"That wasn't your only surprise," Cane said as he reached into the pocket of his dark suit jacket and retrieved a slim rectangular box and handed it to Lily.
Lily looked down at the box and then back at Cane. "What is it?"
"Open it and see." Cane said with a soft smile.
Lily opened the box to find a beautiful charm bracelet. Tears shone in her eyes as she removed it from the box. "Oh, Cane it's lovely."
"I took the liberty of starting you off with a few charms," he said as he took the bracelet from her grasp and put it on her right arm. Cane held her arm in his and explained. "This one here is a heart with an arrow through it to symbolize Valentine's Day because that day holds great meaning to us both. This one, the miniature wedding rings symbolizes my commitment to you. And this last one, the baby rattle - well this is the first gift for our child."
"Or possibly children," Lily reminded him.
"Well right now we only no of the one for sure. If there is another, then I will get you a second rattle but for now we'll just stick with one."
"Well it's beautiful and I can't wait to add more charms to it." Lily said and kissed him in thanks.
"Me, too." Cane looked up and caught Neil signaling to him. Cane placed Lily's hand in the crook of his elbow and said, "shall we join our family and friends?"
"Yes, lets celebrate the start of the rest of our lives." And they both headed on in...
A Time For...!!
The party was wonderful. All of their friends and family had come out to join them for this joyous occasion. There were toasts and there were speeches. Some made everyone laugh until they cried and some just made them cry with their sweetness. Neil surprised them by booking Robin Thicke to perform and at Lily and Cane's request he sang 'Lost Without You' for them to dance to. It was a magical night and a wonderful time was had by all...
As the party wound down Lily found herself sitting at the piano and as she grazed the keys with her finger tips she found herself thinking back to a different party...
"Quite a party, isn't it?" Lily asked.
"Lets not do this again, huh?"
"Deal," Lily said as they shook on it...
"You know, I meant it."
Lily was brought back to the present by Cane's low voice in her ear. "What?"
Cane looked at her with a knowing smile as he snuggled up next to her on the piano seat. "The deal, I have no intention of ever breaking it." Then he kissed her, tenderly.
Lily was still thrown by how in sync they were sometimes. "Good because I'm not going to break it either."
"Hey you two," Neil said as he and Karen approached. "Did you have a good time tonight?"
"Yes, Dad thank you so much, especially for getting Robin Thicke to perform. That was amazing."
"No need to thank me, sweetheart. I just provided the place, Colleen did all the work and well Karen got you Robin Thicke."
"Really Karen. How did you do that?"
"Oh, it was nothing really. I'm friends with his wife, it's a long story." Karen said modestly.
"We really appreciated it," replied Cane.
Just then Devon came over to join them. "So if I can just pry your uncle away from flirting with Jill. I might be able to get him back to his hotel sometime tonight."
Everyone looked over at the bar where they saw Lange talking intimately with Jill and Jill looking receptive in return. Cane chuckled and shook his head.
"That is my uncle for you, always the charmer. Go ahead and drag him away from my mum. Tell him he can see her tomorrow when we all get together for brunch. And by the way thanks for dropping him off at his hotel, I really appreciate it."
"No problem." And with that Devon went over to do just that.
"So 9:30am good for you guys?" Lily asked.
"Sounds great. I'll make sure that Gina has a table for us. We will see you then." Neil kissed his daughter, congratulating her again. He gave Cane a firm handshake. And Neil did not miss the sweet hug that Lily and Karen shared. Cane and Lily left Indigo's hand in hand...
As they drove home, they chatted warmly about the nights events. Cane kept Lily's small hand firmly in his grasp and every once and a while would stroke her fingers with his thumb or would bring her hand to his lips for a soft kiss. He had just finished doing just that when he noticed a car in the other lane suddenly crossed the center line and was headed right for them.
"What the he-," Cane shouted as he slammed on the brakes and tried to swerve out of the way but it was to late. Lily's scream was the last thing he heard before everything went black...
The scene looked like a war zone. There was broken glass everywhere. Pieces of crumpled metal littered the street. The two vehicles were in the middle of the street, joined together by their crushed front ends. Smoke filtered into the night sky. Cane could be seen lying back in his seat, blood seeping from a large gash on his forehead. His deflated airbag in front of him...
Lily lay slumped over to the side. Blood trickling from her lips. Her hands over her stomach in an unconscious protective gesture...
The other driver could be seen slumped over the steering wheel through the car's shattered windshield...
Sirens could now be heard in the distance...
A Moment Changes Everything!!
Officer Clarke was the first to arrive on the scene. He took in all the damage and devastation. He approached the vehicles and managed to get his hand inside to check for pulses. All three involved were alive. He didn't know how but they were.
He radioed headquarters and said, "Yeah, this is officer Clarke. We are going to need the fire department and three ambulances. There has been a serious accident here on Hwy 16. Yeah, we're going to need the jaws of life to get these folks out of their mangled vehicles. I'll set up road blocks and see what else I can do until help arrives..."
Five minutes later the fire trucks arrived followed by the ambulances. Everyone immediately set to work...
The firemen cut through the metal of the two vehicles, the sickening crunch of the jaws of life splitting the doors open echoed in the night...
Cane, Lily and the other driver were all fitted with neck braces and strapped to back boards before being loaded onto gurneys and taken separately in ambulances to the hospital. All had suffered severe injuries...
Tow trucks and investigators started to clear the wreckage off the road...
After closing up Indigo, Neil and Karen were on their way back home. Chatting about Lily and Cane and when they thought they were going to set a wedding date. They were chuckling about Cane's uncle when they came upon the accident scene that was in the process of being cleared up. Neil slowed his car right down so that he could move cautiously by the accident and the people who were cleaning it up.
Karen was looking out the passenger window and caught sight of what was left of Cane's SUV. She was just wondering how anyone could have survived that when realization dawned. She grabbed Neil's arm and said, "Neil? Isn't that - isn't that C-Cane's SUV?"
Neil looked at the wreckage but before he could answer, his phone rang...it was the hospital...
Neil and Karen arrived at the hospital first, followed closely behind by Jill, Katherine and Langely. Whom the ladies had picked up on the way there. All were visibly upset and wondering what was going on. The emergency room was a controlled chaos as doctors and nurses worked on the three individuals in the exam rooms...
Neil and Jill approached the nurses station to see if they could find out anything on the condition of their children...
"Excuse me? Can you tell me if my daughter, Lily Winters is ok?" Neil demanded.
"And her fiance Cane Ashby, he is my son. Can you tell me what is going on with him, please?" Jill visibly upset, asked.
The frazzled nurse on duty looked at them both with sympathy and replied, "I am sorry the doctors are working on them as we speak. The only thing I know is that they were involved in a two vehicle accident and that they were in serious condition when they were brought in. Please I know it is hard but if you just wait I am sure there will be a doctor out shortly to give you their prognosis."
The nurse was about to step away when Neil put his hand out to stop her and said, "Please, my daughter is pregnant. Can you tell them that?"
The nurse nodded and walked away. Neil and Jill embraced one another then went back to tell the other three what they found out...
Cane regained consciousness in the exam room. There were nurses and doctors all around him. There were monitors attached to him as well as an i.v. His neck brace had been removed as they had found no injuries to his neck and back. But he did have a large gash on his forehead and he had two broken ribs and some internal bruising. He was very lucky. As the moments leading up to the accident came back to him and he looked around trying to see Lily amongst the faces in front of him he knew he had to find her...
"Lily, I have to see Lily," he said as he tried to sit up. He was in a state of shock and didn't feel the pain. He started ripping the monitors off and tried to rip the i.v. from his arm. This made the alarms go off and the medical staff in the room try and restrain him.
"No," Cane shouted. "I have to see Lily. I have to find her."
"Sir, you are going to have to calm down. You have been in an accident and you are injured." The doctor gave the nurse directions to set up an injection to sedate him.
Cane looked about him wildly. "No, you don't understand. I have to find Lily. I need to know if she is ok."
Everyone could hear the commotion in the waiting area. Cane's uncle Lange pushed his way into the room. "Boy," he shouted. "You better be listening to these folks that are trying to look after you."
Cane deflated for a moment and tears started to seep from the corners of his eyes. "But you don't understand. I need to find Lily. I need to see if she is ok. She is the other half of my heart. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to her."
The doctors gave him the injection and as the drug started to take over the last thing Cane heard before slipping back into unconsciousness is his uncle saying, "Cane, son it will be ok..."
Langley stepped back into the waiting area. A frantic Jill and Katherine met him half way.
"Well? How is he?" Jill and Kay asked.
"He's a feisty one that son of yours. Wanted to see Lily. Never seen a man that head over heels in love before. I think he is going to be hurting for a while but will eventually be ok."
"Oh, thank God."
Just then the doctor that had been tending to Lily came out and approached Neil. "Are you Lily Winters father?"
"Yes. How is she?" The rest of the group had gathered around to hear the doctors response.
"Well, Ms. Winters received a blunt force trauma to the head. She has still not regained consciousness. Along with several cuts and bruising, she has a dislocated shoulder and sprained wrist. She was very lucky that she had her seatbelt on, her injuries could have been much worse."
They were all relieved at that news.
"And her baby? Is her baby ok?"
"Well with the trauma she suffered - " The doctor was cut off by another doctor who approached.
"Excuse me? Mr. Winters?"
Neil reluctantly turned away from the doctor who was about to give him news of his grandchild and said, "yes?"
"Sir it's about the driver of the other vehicle. He -"
"Look I don't care if that other driver is rotting in hell. It's where he belongs for what he did to my daughter."
The other doctor looked stricken at what he had to say next. "But sir. The other driver is your son Devon Winters..."
Keep the Faith!!
Neil was stunned. Before him stood two men who had information on the fates of two of his family members and he didn't know who should speak first. The doctors made that decision for him...
"Yes sir, Devon Winters was the other driver. He's in serious but stable condition. He suffered a broken pelvis and he has several lacerations from when his windshield shattered. Um, he has already been moved to his own room. You can see him if you like."
Neil was stunned if it wasn't for the strong arms of Langley helping him to sit in a chair he probably would have collapsed from the shock. Devon? He thought, how could this have happened?
"Was there alcohol involved?"
"We have done the blood work but we haven't received the test results back yet," replied the doctor.
Neil looked at Karen. "Did you see Devon drinking tonight?"
Karen thought for a moment before replying, "no. To my knowledge he only had soda."
Langley cleared his throat and spoke up. "When the lad dropped me off at the hotel his car seemed to be acting up a bit and he mentioned he was going to take it to the mechanics in the next day or two."
Neil rubbed a hand over his face. "I just don't understand. How could this happen?"
"Hopefully the investigators will be able to give us the answers we seek." Katherine said.
The other doctor who had been waiting for the family to absorb this news, now informed them of the fate of Lily's babies...
"In regards to the unborn fetuses. They-"
"Wait, fetuses as in more than one?" Jill asked in astonishment.
"Yes, actually. I received Ms. Winters medical file and she was scheduled for another ultrasound to determine whether or not it was a multiple pregnancy. So we did one to check on the status of her pregnancy and discovered that there is indeed two. And so far they are still viable but with the amount of trauma and bruising she received to her abdominal area well - I would be very cautiously optimistic because she could still miscarry at anytime. But we will try and do our best to make sure that both mother and babies will pull through this."
The group standing before him were stunned. Twins!!
Neil looked up at the doctor. "Can I see my daughter?"
"Not tonight. As I have said she is still unconscious. We will monitor her and the fetuses very closely tonight and hopefully you will be able to see her tomorrow. Now if you will excuse me I better go and check on Ms. Winters. I will let you know of any changes in her condition." And with that he left.
"I better go and see Devon now. Can you take me to his room?"
"Certainly," said the other doctor.
"We will be waiting here for any news Neil. I am just glad everyone survived that horrible accident." Karen said as she squeezed Neil's arm.
Neil looked at Karen for a moment before he said, "so far, Karen. They have survived so far." Neil turned and followed the doctor down the hall...
Neil looked at his son through the window of the door. Taking in his swollen and cut face before he entered the room and quietly closed the door...
He approached the bed and sat down in the chair beside it. He clasped Devon's hand in his.
Devon turned towards his father and immediately broke down...
"Dad, I - I'm so sorry. I overheard a couple of nurses talking... I know it was Cane's SUV that I hit. Did I - I mean is Lily -" Devon could no get the words past his throat.
Neil squeezed his hand. "Shhhhh... Devon, they are alive. They are in serious condition and it's still iffy about the babies but we are going to pray that they are ok. But I have to ask you something... Were you drinking tonight before you got behind the wheel?"
Devon looked startled. "What dad? No, no. I would never do something like that."
"Well can you tell me what happened? Do you remember?"
Devon thought for a moment. "I remember dropping off Langley at his hotel and I remember how my brakes felt a little soft and my steering wheel was kind of sticking. I thought it was strange because I had just had my car in for service just last month so I thought I would take it back in. When I was driving back to the campus house I went around that curve on Hwy 16 and I tried to use my brakes to slow down a bit and - and that was when I realized they weren't working. I tried to move my steering wheel but it had locked. I saw the other vehicle and there was nothing I - I could do. I tried Dad I swear I did. That's the last thing I remember." Devon said as tears continued to slide down his face.
"Son, it's ok. We'll try and figure out what happened." Neil sat there for a long time trying to comfort Devon, trying to come to terms with everything that had happened...
Cane woke up in a room alone. He groaned in pain as he brought himself up to a sitting position. He started to remove the monitors attached to him when he remembered what happened last time and leaned over and flicked the machine off before he continued to do so. He staggered to his feet and made it to the door. He looked out to make sure no one was in the hall. Seeing that it was clear he crept out and and started making his way down the hall in search of Lily's room. He didn't have to look far as she was placed just down the hall from him. He looked through the window in her door and his breath caught, his eyes filled with tears at the sight before him...
He entered Lily's room quietly. Lily was attached to several monitors and there was oxygen tubes at her nose. Her face was covered in bruises and there was a large bump near her right temple. Cane approached her bed and could not help the sob of anguish that escaped his lips.
He eased himself down into the chair at her side. He reached out his fingers to gently stroke her hand. "Lily?" He whispered.
Lily did not stir.
Cane brought her hand up to meet his lips. "Oh, sweetheart I am so sorry. I tried to avoid that car but it was coming to fast - I." Cane took a deep breath. "Please don't die Lily, please. I love you so much."
Cane looked up towards the heavens and began to pray...
"God I know that we haven't talked in a really long time but please, I beg of you don't let this woman die. I can't live without her. Please...please...please"
Cane put his forehead against her hand that he still held and a sound began to register within his mind...
'Ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump...'
Cane looked towards Lily's face then at her stomach. He tenderly pulled back the blankets exposing her black and blue stomach and the two disk like heart monitors strapped there, keeping track of the two distinctive beats of the unborn children that still slept there.
His hand shook as he reached out to place it softly on her belly. Tears streamed unchecked down his face...
"Lily, do you hear that? You kept our children safe. Please, please wake up so that you can hear this miraculous sound yourself."
Cane looked at her face and watched her eyes move back and forth under her closed lids...
Cane continued to watch Lily. He did not move. He did not even realize how much time had past when a nurse came in to check on Lily...
The nurse had to clear her throat to get Cane's attention. "Mr. Ashby, what are you doing in here?"
"I had to see Lily. I had to make sure she was ok." Cane finally dragged his gaze away from Lily to look pleadingly at the nurse. "Please don't make me leave her." Cane begged hoarsely and fresh tears glittered in his eyes.
"But sir, you are running the risk of injuring yourself further. You need to be in bed, you need your rest."
"I'm fine, honestly." But he could not hide the grimace of pain that marred his face as he shifted in the chair.
The nurse looked at him knowingly.
"Please. Bring another bed in here. I'll lie down, I swear. I just have to be here, be near her. See her breathing, hear our babies heartbeats. Please."
The nurse sighed. "Alright, I will have an orderly bring in a bed. But you better make use of it as soon as he does or I will have to insist that you are moved back to your room. And believe me you don't want to see me insist."
"Thank you. I will, I promise. Just thank you for letting me stay..."
Meanwhile in Devon's room...
Neil had not left his side and was there when a police officer knocked and entered the room...
"Excuse me, Devon Winters? I'd like to ask you a few questions if I may."
"Is that necessary right now, officer?"
"Dad, it's ok. Ask me whatever you want officer. I have nothing to hide."
"Well, we got your blood work and we have ruled out alcohol as being a factor in this crash. Tell me Devon, do you have any enemies?"
"What? Not that I know of. Why?"
"Well, during our examination of your vehicle we discovered that your brake line had been cut and your steering tampered with."
"I - " Neil and Devon exchanged looks. This was confirming what they had already started to suspect...
"To my knowledge officer the answer to that would be no. Who could have done this?"
"That's what we would like to know and we are going to do our very best to find out," replied the officer. "Thank you for your time. I won't keep you any longer as you need your rest but if you remember anything else please let us know. We'll be in touch."
"Thank you," Neil said as the officer let himself out.
"Who could have done this Dad...and why?"
"I don't know son, I don't know but I am going to do my very best to find out..."
Cane continued to watch Lily and listen to the steady beats of his unborn children's hearts. A bed had been brought in but he still hadn't climbed into it yet. He couldn't seem to drag himself away from Lily's side. He watched as Lily's eyes continued to move beneath her lids. "Lily? Please open your eyes for me, baby." Cane wondered if she was dreaming...
Lily was enjoying the sunshine on her face as she walked through the park. She didn't know how she got here, she just knew it was better than where she was. As screeching tires and squealing brakes echoed somewhere in the back of her mind. Lily shivered but couldn't quite recall why she felt uneasy. Instead she kept walking. Towards something she knew, something familiar...
Lily came to a clearing and watched as a girl was playing quietly by herself. She was a beautiful little girl no more than five or six years old, she looked very familiar...
"You shouldn't be here you know," the little girl said as she continued to play with her dolls.
"What? Why? I like it here."
The little girl finally looked directly at Lily. "You're not supposed to be here. He needs you."
Lily looked directly at the girl. "Do I know you? Are - are you my daughter?"
The girl went back to playing with her dolls.
"Who needs me? Who are you?" Lily asked with mounting frustration.
The girl once again looked at Lily with knowledge far beyond her years. "I'm you silly."
"Yes and I am here to tell you that decisions must be made. Choices must be made that are going to devastate many. Devastate you. But most of all devastate Cane because he has to make them..."
"What choices? Please tell me." Lily said as she began to cry and the images before her began to fade. Her child like self was fading away without telling her. Lily was once again surrounded by blackness...
Suddenly an alarm went off. Doctors and nurses came running into the room. One took a struggling and resistant Cane and moved him out into the hall...
"What's going on? Is it Lily? The babies?" Cane asked, panic lacing his voice.
"Sir please, we must insist that you go back to your room now. Someone will come and talk to you when we know more."
What Cane heard coming from the room before the door closed chilled him to the core.
"Baby A is in severe distress. It's heart rate is falling rapidly. If we don't do something quickly we are going to lose them both..."
It was only a couple of hours before the party was to begin. Cane and Lily were enjoying some quiet time together as they were getting ready...
"Lily?" Cane called as he entered the bathroom. He came in just in time to see Lily step from the shower, the question he was about to ask her lay forgotten on his lips.
"Yes, what is it Cane?" Lily asked reaching for her towel. Cane reached it first and gently wrapped it around her body and staring into her eyes began to seductively dry her off.
"Cane," Lily groaned as he began to kiss her heatedly down the side of her neck. Lily turned in his arms the towel dropped to the floor, forgotten as their lips fused together...
A little while later...
Cane and Lily were cuddling on the bed. At some point during their lovemaking they had made there way there.
"So much for getting ready on time."
"So we'll be fashionably late," Cane replied.
"By the way was there something you wanted to ask me when we got distracted earlier?"
"Yeah, actually there was. Do you mind going to the party with Devon?"
"What? Why?"
Cane looked sheepish as he replied, "well I can't tell you why exactly because it's a surprise."
Lily looked intrigued. "A surprise, huh? Well I suppose I could forfeit a ride with you, if the surprise is worth it!"
"Believe me it will be worth it," Cane replied. Then he kissed her again.
Lily was the first to break away and said, "Cane we are never going to get to the party if we keep this up."
"Hmmmmm," Cane contemplated as he loomed over Lily. "Making love to you or going to a party with all of our friends and family."
"Cane!" Lily said as she slapped him playfully on the chest.
"Ok, ok. We'll go to the party. But I am making love to you the minute I get you back inside this condo."
Lily giggled and said, "baby you got a deal." With that Cane finally allowed Lily up, after one more kiss and they got ready to go. Devon would be there in an hour and Cane would be off to collect his surprises for Lily...
Devon and Lily pulled into the parking lot at Indigo an hour and half later. Luckily they had a reserved spot because there wasn't an empty spot in the place. Devon opened the car door for Lily and helped her out of his car. Lily was wearing a turquoise coloured satin dress. It was strapless and had an empire waist allowing the rest of the material to float gently over her to rest just above her knees. She wore a set of earrings that grazed her shoulders and the only other piece of jewellery was her sparkling engagement ring. Lily positively glowed.
Devon looked at his sister, noting how truly happy she looked. "You look beautiful tonight, sis. By the way I want you to know that I am getting really excited at the prospect of becoming an uncle. In fact I'll be known as the favorite uncle."
This made Lily laugh.
"Come on. Let's go in. I promised Cane to get you here by (Devon glanced down at his watch) right now actually."
Lily looked at Devon curiously. "O-kay. Anything you want to tell me?"
"Nope. I am sworn to secrecy. Come on let's go." And they headed inside. Neither one noticing the dark figure lurking near by...
Cane met Lily and Devon just inside the door. "You're late," he said looking at them both.
"Hey man, don't look at me I wasn't the one with twenty questions outside."
Lily elbowed Devon in the stomach causing him to grunt. "It was one question Devon, one."
Cane chuckled and took Lily by the hand. "You look positively breathtaking tonight." Cane said then he kissed her...
"Thank you." Lily whispered against his lips. "And you are beyond handsome, yourself."
Someone cleared their throat behind Cane.
Cane stepped back from Lily and turned towards the noise. A ruggedly handsome looking older man with salt and pepper hair grown slightly wild stood before them.
"Lily, I'd like you to met my uncle. Langley Ashby this is my fiance, Lily Winters."
"Bloody hell, Cane when you said you'd gotten yourself a fancy sheila, you weren't lyin'. If I'd have known they grew 'em like this over here, I might have made the trip sooner."
Cane cringed. Lily blushed. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Ashby. Cane has told me a lot about you."
"Call me Lang and the pleasure is mine," he said as he clasped Lily's hand in his.
"I can't believe you came all this way. Thank you for coming."
"Well when the boy told me he was looking to get hitched. I figured it was time to come and see what his life was like here."
"Well we are both very happy that you have come. Shall we go in and introduce you to everyone."
Cane and Langley exchanged glances. "Naw, don't worry about me I'm pretty good at introducin' myself." And he turned and headed into the party, leaving Cane and Lily momentarily alone.
Cane turned to Lily and said, "sorry about that. My uncle is a little on the eccentric side."
"No need to apologize. I thought he was great and what a wonderful surprise to have the man who raised you, here to celebrate with us."
Cane looked at Lily with such love, that for a moment she forgot to breath.
"That wasn't your only surprise," Cane said as he reached into the pocket of his dark suit jacket and retrieved a slim rectangular box and handed it to Lily.
Lily looked down at the box and then back at Cane. "What is it?"
"Open it and see." Cane said with a soft smile.
Lily opened the box to find a beautiful charm bracelet. Tears shone in her eyes as she removed it from the box. "Oh, Cane it's lovely."
"I took the liberty of starting you off with a few charms," he said as he took the bracelet from her grasp and put it on her right arm. Cane held her arm in his and explained. "This one here is a heart with an arrow through it to symbolize Valentine's Day because that day holds great meaning to us both. This one, the miniature wedding rings symbolizes my commitment to you. And this last one, the baby rattle - well this is the first gift for our child."
"Or possibly children," Lily reminded him.
"Well right now we only no of the one for sure. If there is another, then I will get you a second rattle but for now we'll just stick with one."
"Well it's beautiful and I can't wait to add more charms to it." Lily said and kissed him in thanks.
"Me, too." Cane looked up and caught Neil signaling to him. Cane placed Lily's hand in the crook of his elbow and said, "shall we join our family and friends?"
"Yes, lets celebrate the start of the rest of our lives." And they both headed on in...
A Time For...!!
The party was wonderful. All of their friends and family had come out to join them for this joyous occasion. There were toasts and there were speeches. Some made everyone laugh until they cried and some just made them cry with their sweetness. Neil surprised them by booking Robin Thicke to perform and at Lily and Cane's request he sang 'Lost Without You' for them to dance to. It was a magical night and a wonderful time was had by all...
As the party wound down Lily found herself sitting at the piano and as she grazed the keys with her finger tips she found herself thinking back to a different party...
"Quite a party, isn't it?" Lily asked.
"Lets not do this again, huh?"
"Deal," Lily said as they shook on it...
"You know, I meant it."
Lily was brought back to the present by Cane's low voice in her ear. "What?"
Cane looked at her with a knowing smile as he snuggled up next to her on the piano seat. "The deal, I have no intention of ever breaking it." Then he kissed her, tenderly.
Lily was still thrown by how in sync they were sometimes. "Good because I'm not going to break it either."
"Hey you two," Neil said as he and Karen approached. "Did you have a good time tonight?"
"Yes, Dad thank you so much, especially for getting Robin Thicke to perform. That was amazing."
"No need to thank me, sweetheart. I just provided the place, Colleen did all the work and well Karen got you Robin Thicke."
"Really Karen. How did you do that?"
"Oh, it was nothing really. I'm friends with his wife, it's a long story." Karen said modestly.
"We really appreciated it," replied Cane.
Just then Devon came over to join them. "So if I can just pry your uncle away from flirting with Jill. I might be able to get him back to his hotel sometime tonight."
Everyone looked over at the bar where they saw Lange talking intimately with Jill and Jill looking receptive in return. Cane chuckled and shook his head.
"That is my uncle for you, always the charmer. Go ahead and drag him away from my mum. Tell him he can see her tomorrow when we all get together for brunch. And by the way thanks for dropping him off at his hotel, I really appreciate it."
"No problem." And with that Devon went over to do just that.
"So 9:30am good for you guys?" Lily asked.
"Sounds great. I'll make sure that Gina has a table for us. We will see you then." Neil kissed his daughter, congratulating her again. He gave Cane a firm handshake. And Neil did not miss the sweet hug that Lily and Karen shared. Cane and Lily left Indigo's hand in hand...
As they drove home, they chatted warmly about the nights events. Cane kept Lily's small hand firmly in his grasp and every once and a while would stroke her fingers with his thumb or would bring her hand to his lips for a soft kiss. He had just finished doing just that when he noticed a car in the other lane suddenly crossed the center line and was headed right for them.
"What the he-," Cane shouted as he slammed on the brakes and tried to swerve out of the way but it was to late. Lily's scream was the last thing he heard before everything went black...
The scene looked like a war zone. There was broken glass everywhere. Pieces of crumpled metal littered the street. The two vehicles were in the middle of the street, joined together by their crushed front ends. Smoke filtered into the night sky. Cane could be seen lying back in his seat, blood seeping from a large gash on his forehead. His deflated airbag in front of him...
Lily lay slumped over to the side. Blood trickling from her lips. Her hands over her stomach in an unconscious protective gesture...
The other driver could be seen slumped over the steering wheel through the car's shattered windshield...
Sirens could now be heard in the distance...
A Moment Changes Everything!!
Officer Clarke was the first to arrive on the scene. He took in all the damage and devastation. He approached the vehicles and managed to get his hand inside to check for pulses. All three involved were alive. He didn't know how but they were.
He radioed headquarters and said, "Yeah, this is officer Clarke. We are going to need the fire department and three ambulances. There has been a serious accident here on Hwy 16. Yeah, we're going to need the jaws of life to get these folks out of their mangled vehicles. I'll set up road blocks and see what else I can do until help arrives..."
Five minutes later the fire trucks arrived followed by the ambulances. Everyone immediately set to work...
The firemen cut through the metal of the two vehicles, the sickening crunch of the jaws of life splitting the doors open echoed in the night...
Cane, Lily and the other driver were all fitted with neck braces and strapped to back boards before being loaded onto gurneys and taken separately in ambulances to the hospital. All had suffered severe injuries...
Tow trucks and investigators started to clear the wreckage off the road...
After closing up Indigo, Neil and Karen were on their way back home. Chatting about Lily and Cane and when they thought they were going to set a wedding date. They were chuckling about Cane's uncle when they came upon the accident scene that was in the process of being cleared up. Neil slowed his car right down so that he could move cautiously by the accident and the people who were cleaning it up.
Karen was looking out the passenger window and caught sight of what was left of Cane's SUV. She was just wondering how anyone could have survived that when realization dawned. She grabbed Neil's arm and said, "Neil? Isn't that - isn't that C-Cane's SUV?"
Neil looked at the wreckage but before he could answer, his phone rang...it was the hospital...
Neil and Karen arrived at the hospital first, followed closely behind by Jill, Katherine and Langely. Whom the ladies had picked up on the way there. All were visibly upset and wondering what was going on. The emergency room was a controlled chaos as doctors and nurses worked on the three individuals in the exam rooms...
Neil and Jill approached the nurses station to see if they could find out anything on the condition of their children...
"Excuse me? Can you tell me if my daughter, Lily Winters is ok?" Neil demanded.
"And her fiance Cane Ashby, he is my son. Can you tell me what is going on with him, please?" Jill visibly upset, asked.
The frazzled nurse on duty looked at them both with sympathy and replied, "I am sorry the doctors are working on them as we speak. The only thing I know is that they were involved in a two vehicle accident and that they were in serious condition when they were brought in. Please I know it is hard but if you just wait I am sure there will be a doctor out shortly to give you their prognosis."
The nurse was about to step away when Neil put his hand out to stop her and said, "Please, my daughter is pregnant. Can you tell them that?"
The nurse nodded and walked away. Neil and Jill embraced one another then went back to tell the other three what they found out...
Cane regained consciousness in the exam room. There were nurses and doctors all around him. There were monitors attached to him as well as an i.v. His neck brace had been removed as they had found no injuries to his neck and back. But he did have a large gash on his forehead and he had two broken ribs and some internal bruising. He was very lucky. As the moments leading up to the accident came back to him and he looked around trying to see Lily amongst the faces in front of him he knew he had to find her...
"Lily, I have to see Lily," he said as he tried to sit up. He was in a state of shock and didn't feel the pain. He started ripping the monitors off and tried to rip the i.v. from his arm. This made the alarms go off and the medical staff in the room try and restrain him.
"No," Cane shouted. "I have to see Lily. I have to find her."
"Sir, you are going to have to calm down. You have been in an accident and you are injured." The doctor gave the nurse directions to set up an injection to sedate him.
Cane looked about him wildly. "No, you don't understand. I have to find Lily. I need to know if she is ok."
Everyone could hear the commotion in the waiting area. Cane's uncle Lange pushed his way into the room. "Boy," he shouted. "You better be listening to these folks that are trying to look after you."
Cane deflated for a moment and tears started to seep from the corners of his eyes. "But you don't understand. I need to find Lily. I need to see if she is ok. She is the other half of my heart. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to her."
The doctors gave him the injection and as the drug started to take over the last thing Cane heard before slipping back into unconsciousness is his uncle saying, "Cane, son it will be ok..."
Langley stepped back into the waiting area. A frantic Jill and Katherine met him half way.
"Well? How is he?" Jill and Kay asked.
"He's a feisty one that son of yours. Wanted to see Lily. Never seen a man that head over heels in love before. I think he is going to be hurting for a while but will eventually be ok."
"Oh, thank God."
Just then the doctor that had been tending to Lily came out and approached Neil. "Are you Lily Winters father?"
"Yes. How is she?" The rest of the group had gathered around to hear the doctors response.
"Well, Ms. Winters received a blunt force trauma to the head. She has still not regained consciousness. Along with several cuts and bruising, she has a dislocated shoulder and sprained wrist. She was very lucky that she had her seatbelt on, her injuries could have been much worse."
They were all relieved at that news.
"And her baby? Is her baby ok?"
"Well with the trauma she suffered - " The doctor was cut off by another doctor who approached.
"Excuse me? Mr. Winters?"
Neil reluctantly turned away from the doctor who was about to give him news of his grandchild and said, "yes?"
"Sir it's about the driver of the other vehicle. He -"
"Look I don't care if that other driver is rotting in hell. It's where he belongs for what he did to my daughter."
The other doctor looked stricken at what he had to say next. "But sir. The other driver is your son Devon Winters..."
Keep the Faith!!
Neil was stunned. Before him stood two men who had information on the fates of two of his family members and he didn't know who should speak first. The doctors made that decision for him...
"Yes sir, Devon Winters was the other driver. He's in serious but stable condition. He suffered a broken pelvis and he has several lacerations from when his windshield shattered. Um, he has already been moved to his own room. You can see him if you like."
Neil was stunned if it wasn't for the strong arms of Langley helping him to sit in a chair he probably would have collapsed from the shock. Devon? He thought, how could this have happened?
"Was there alcohol involved?"
"We have done the blood work but we haven't received the test results back yet," replied the doctor.
Neil looked at Karen. "Did you see Devon drinking tonight?"
Karen thought for a moment before replying, "no. To my knowledge he only had soda."
Langley cleared his throat and spoke up. "When the lad dropped me off at the hotel his car seemed to be acting up a bit and he mentioned he was going to take it to the mechanics in the next day or two."
Neil rubbed a hand over his face. "I just don't understand. How could this happen?"
"Hopefully the investigators will be able to give us the answers we seek." Katherine said.
The other doctor who had been waiting for the family to absorb this news, now informed them of the fate of Lily's babies...
"In regards to the unborn fetuses. They-"
"Wait, fetuses as in more than one?" Jill asked in astonishment.
"Yes, actually. I received Ms. Winters medical file and she was scheduled for another ultrasound to determine whether or not it was a multiple pregnancy. So we did one to check on the status of her pregnancy and discovered that there is indeed two. And so far they are still viable but with the amount of trauma and bruising she received to her abdominal area well - I would be very cautiously optimistic because she could still miscarry at anytime. But we will try and do our best to make sure that both mother and babies will pull through this."
The group standing before him were stunned. Twins!!
Neil looked up at the doctor. "Can I see my daughter?"
"Not tonight. As I have said she is still unconscious. We will monitor her and the fetuses very closely tonight and hopefully you will be able to see her tomorrow. Now if you will excuse me I better go and check on Ms. Winters. I will let you know of any changes in her condition." And with that he left.
"I better go and see Devon now. Can you take me to his room?"
"Certainly," said the other doctor.
"We will be waiting here for any news Neil. I am just glad everyone survived that horrible accident." Karen said as she squeezed Neil's arm.
Neil looked at Karen for a moment before he said, "so far, Karen. They have survived so far." Neil turned and followed the doctor down the hall...
Neil looked at his son through the window of the door. Taking in his swollen and cut face before he entered the room and quietly closed the door...
He approached the bed and sat down in the chair beside it. He clasped Devon's hand in his.
Devon turned towards his father and immediately broke down...
"Dad, I - I'm so sorry. I overheard a couple of nurses talking... I know it was Cane's SUV that I hit. Did I - I mean is Lily -" Devon could no get the words past his throat.
Neil squeezed his hand. "Shhhhh... Devon, they are alive. They are in serious condition and it's still iffy about the babies but we are going to pray that they are ok. But I have to ask you something... Were you drinking tonight before you got behind the wheel?"
Devon looked startled. "What dad? No, no. I would never do something like that."
"Well can you tell me what happened? Do you remember?"
Devon thought for a moment. "I remember dropping off Langley at his hotel and I remember how my brakes felt a little soft and my steering wheel was kind of sticking. I thought it was strange because I had just had my car in for service just last month so I thought I would take it back in. When I was driving back to the campus house I went around that curve on Hwy 16 and I tried to use my brakes to slow down a bit and - and that was when I realized they weren't working. I tried to move my steering wheel but it had locked. I saw the other vehicle and there was nothing I - I could do. I tried Dad I swear I did. That's the last thing I remember." Devon said as tears continued to slide down his face.
"Son, it's ok. We'll try and figure out what happened." Neil sat there for a long time trying to comfort Devon, trying to come to terms with everything that had happened...
Cane woke up in a room alone. He groaned in pain as he brought himself up to a sitting position. He started to remove the monitors attached to him when he remembered what happened last time and leaned over and flicked the machine off before he continued to do so. He staggered to his feet and made it to the door. He looked out to make sure no one was in the hall. Seeing that it was clear he crept out and and started making his way down the hall in search of Lily's room. He didn't have to look far as she was placed just down the hall from him. He looked through the window in her door and his breath caught, his eyes filled with tears at the sight before him...
He entered Lily's room quietly. Lily was attached to several monitors and there was oxygen tubes at her nose. Her face was covered in bruises and there was a large bump near her right temple. Cane approached her bed and could not help the sob of anguish that escaped his lips.
He eased himself down into the chair at her side. He reached out his fingers to gently stroke her hand. "Lily?" He whispered.
Lily did not stir.
Cane brought her hand up to meet his lips. "Oh, sweetheart I am so sorry. I tried to avoid that car but it was coming to fast - I." Cane took a deep breath. "Please don't die Lily, please. I love you so much."
Cane looked up towards the heavens and began to pray...
"God I know that we haven't talked in a really long time but please, I beg of you don't let this woman die. I can't live without her. Please...please...please"
Cane put his forehead against her hand that he still held and a sound began to register within his mind...
'Ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump...'
Cane looked towards Lily's face then at her stomach. He tenderly pulled back the blankets exposing her black and blue stomach and the two disk like heart monitors strapped there, keeping track of the two distinctive beats of the unborn children that still slept there.
His hand shook as he reached out to place it softly on her belly. Tears streamed unchecked down his face...
"Lily, do you hear that? You kept our children safe. Please, please wake up so that you can hear this miraculous sound yourself."
Cane looked at her face and watched her eyes move back and forth under her closed lids...
Cane continued to watch Lily. He did not move. He did not even realize how much time had past when a nurse came in to check on Lily...
The nurse had to clear her throat to get Cane's attention. "Mr. Ashby, what are you doing in here?"
"I had to see Lily. I had to make sure she was ok." Cane finally dragged his gaze away from Lily to look pleadingly at the nurse. "Please don't make me leave her." Cane begged hoarsely and fresh tears glittered in his eyes.
"But sir, you are running the risk of injuring yourself further. You need to be in bed, you need your rest."
"I'm fine, honestly." But he could not hide the grimace of pain that marred his face as he shifted in the chair.
The nurse looked at him knowingly.
"Please. Bring another bed in here. I'll lie down, I swear. I just have to be here, be near her. See her breathing, hear our babies heartbeats. Please."
The nurse sighed. "Alright, I will have an orderly bring in a bed. But you better make use of it as soon as he does or I will have to insist that you are moved back to your room. And believe me you don't want to see me insist."
"Thank you. I will, I promise. Just thank you for letting me stay..."
Meanwhile in Devon's room...
Neil had not left his side and was there when a police officer knocked and entered the room...
"Excuse me, Devon Winters? I'd like to ask you a few questions if I may."
"Is that necessary right now, officer?"
"Dad, it's ok. Ask me whatever you want officer. I have nothing to hide."
"Well, we got your blood work and we have ruled out alcohol as being a factor in this crash. Tell me Devon, do you have any enemies?"
"What? Not that I know of. Why?"
"Well, during our examination of your vehicle we discovered that your brake line had been cut and your steering tampered with."
"I - " Neil and Devon exchanged looks. This was confirming what they had already started to suspect...
"To my knowledge officer the answer to that would be no. Who could have done this?"
"That's what we would like to know and we are going to do our very best to find out," replied the officer. "Thank you for your time. I won't keep you any longer as you need your rest but if you remember anything else please let us know. We'll be in touch."
"Thank you," Neil said as the officer let himself out.
"Who could have done this Dad...and why?"
"I don't know son, I don't know but I am going to do my very best to find out..."
Cane continued to watch Lily and listen to the steady beats of his unborn children's hearts. A bed had been brought in but he still hadn't climbed into it yet. He couldn't seem to drag himself away from Lily's side. He watched as Lily's eyes continued to move beneath her lids. "Lily? Please open your eyes for me, baby." Cane wondered if she was dreaming...
Lily was enjoying the sunshine on her face as she walked through the park. She didn't know how she got here, she just knew it was better than where she was. As screeching tires and squealing brakes echoed somewhere in the back of her mind. Lily shivered but couldn't quite recall why she felt uneasy. Instead she kept walking. Towards something she knew, something familiar...
Lily came to a clearing and watched as a girl was playing quietly by herself. She was a beautiful little girl no more than five or six years old, she looked very familiar...
"You shouldn't be here you know," the little girl said as she continued to play with her dolls.
"What? Why? I like it here."
The little girl finally looked directly at Lily. "You're not supposed to be here. He needs you."
Lily looked directly at the girl. "Do I know you? Are - are you my daughter?"
The girl went back to playing with her dolls.
"Who needs me? Who are you?" Lily asked with mounting frustration.
The girl once again looked at Lily with knowledge far beyond her years. "I'm you silly."
"Yes and I am here to tell you that decisions must be made. Choices must be made that are going to devastate many. Devastate you. But most of all devastate Cane because he has to make them..."
"What choices? Please tell me." Lily said as she began to cry and the images before her began to fade. Her child like self was fading away without telling her. Lily was once again surrounded by blackness...
Suddenly an alarm went off. Doctors and nurses came running into the room. One took a struggling and resistant Cane and moved him out into the hall...
"What's going on? Is it Lily? The babies?" Cane asked, panic lacing his voice.
"Sir please, we must insist that you go back to your room now. Someone will come and talk to you when we know more."
What Cane heard coming from the room before the door closed chilled him to the core.
"Baby A is in severe distress. It's heart rate is falling rapidly. If we don't do something quickly we are going to lose them both..."
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