The Trial!!
It was the morning of the hearing. They were to meet in the judges chambers to present their cases and hopefully hear a ruling soon after...
They all arrived at the same time. Victor with his lawyer, Michael Baldwin and his son Adam. Cane was there with Heather Stevens, his mother and Nikki who was still upset at being left out of the meeting the other day. They nodded at one another but didn't partake in small talk. Soon the judge arrived...
"Is council present?"
"Yes, your Honour." Both Heather and Michael replied.
"Then let's begin." And everyone took their seats.
"Council for the defence, please present you case."
Heather stood, she glanced at Adam who blatantly starred back at her, almost trying to unnerve her but Heather was very good at her job and she didn't stumble as she began...
"Your Honour, may I present to you exhibits A though E. Independent lab findings that all came to the same conclusion and that is that Natural Beauty infringed on the copy righted products of Jabot Cosmetics. May I also submit exhibit F, lists and dates of all our patents." Heather passed the judge all of the papers. "We are seeking punitive damages and all legal fees pertaining to this matter. Thank you, your Honour." Heather concluded as she took her seat.
Cane watched for Victor's reaction as he sat across from him at the table. If he didn't see it for himself he might not have believed it but he could have sworn he saw him flex his moustache...
Victor glanced at his son, who was visibly trying not to squirm. Victor believed that he was going to have to teach his youngest son a very valuable lesson when it came to business... that you don't mess with Victor Newman...
"Council for the plaintive, please state your case." The judge said as she gestured towards Michael to begin.
Michael stood and buttoned his suit jacket as he began. "Your Honour, while Miss Stevens presents a thorough case - all with a nice little bow on top. I must dispute her findings with ones of our own. Here are exhibits G through J, independent labs that we hired to run the formulas and we had opposite findings. There is no copy right infringement. We expect this lawsuit to be thrown out of court and we would like compensation in the matter of legal fees and court costs. We would also like written apologies for this ridiculous waist of our time and your Honour's valuable time."
"I see. Well I will be the judge of whose time was waisted Mr. Baldwin but thank you for your concern. I am going to need sometime to go over this evidence. We will take a three hour recess and I will have the bailiff call you in when I am ready. We are adjourned."
Everyone stood at the judges exit. No words were exchanged between the two parties but Nikki did look very smug as she starred at Victor while he dismissed her by turning and leaving the room with Adam and Michael in tow.
Cane and Jill decided to get some lunch while they waited for the judge to call them back in. They invited Heather and Nikki to join them. Heather agreed but Nikki declined stating that she was going to meet David instead but they all agreed to meet back at the court house in a couple of hours to await the judges decision...
Three hours later...
The bailiff told them all to come back into the chambers because the judge had reached her decision. After everyone was seated the judge read her verdict...
"After careful examination of all the evidence presented in this case I have reached a motion for summary judgement. And that is I find in favour of the defendant Jabot Cosmetics and its parent company Chancellor Industries for all punitive damages and legal costs. Thank you and that will be all."
"Thank you your Honour." Heather replied. She turned to accept Jill's thanks for a job well done and Nikki's congratulations.
That sure smile of Cane's slowly spread across his face, he stood and offered his hand to Victor and said, "well Mr. Newman. I hope that we can meet under much more mutually pleasant circumstances another time."
Victor chuckled and ignored Cane's outstretched hand in an obvious diss. Jill observed how her son handled Victor Newman as the exchange continued.
Victor leaned over the table slightly as if to intimidate Cane. Cane merely lowered his hand and waited. "If you think this is over, you have another thing coming. I will appeal and I will have this tied up in litigation for so long that you will never see any of my money for this ridiculous endeavor."
Cane bent his head and nodded slightly. "I see. Well we all know who has a more time to wait don't we? Remember Mr. Newman, I am just beginning. Have a good day." Cane escorted his mother, Nikki and Heather out of the room...
Victor clenched and flexed his left hand as a strange tingling sensation shot up his left arm...
Chloe Begone!!
Lily had been avoiding the campus house for the past few days. She didn't want to chance another unwanted visual but since she had spoken to Devon this morning and he explained his momentary laps in sanity and how it wouldn't happen again Lily felt it was ok to go back. She had to talk to Chloe. Lily had to tell her that she wouldn't be her meal ticket anymore...
Lily knocked on the door, just incase before she opened it. Chloe was coming down the stairs as she entered the campus house.
Chloe stopped at the bottom of the stairs and put her hands on her hips. "Where the hell have you been? I must have called you at least a dozen times and left at least that many messages. Do you not know how to answer your phone or return a call? God, when we are in New York you can not do any of this. I have to be in constant contact with you. You have to be available to me 24/7. You - "
Lily couldn't take it anymore. "CHLOE!" She shouted just to be heard over her bitching. "There isn't going to be any 'we' in New York. I'm not going."
"WHAT?" It was Chloe doing the shouting now. "Do you know something I don't? Did Apex turn you down? There are other agencies. I do have other contacts. I'll get on the phone right away." Chloe said already pulling out her cell.
Lily put out her hand and pulled Chloe's cell away from her ear. "No, Chloe. That's not it. Apex didn't turn me down, I turned them down. I've decided that the jet set life just isn't for me."
Chloe scowled at Lily. "This is because of Cane isn't it? You're going to ruin your career and mine because of a man?" Chloe extended her index finger and started pointing it in Lily's face. "Do you realize how stupid you are being? You are hot right now. This is it, your one chance, your one shot and I'll be damned if you are going to ruin it for either one of us."
Lily had had enough. She grabbed Chloe's jabbing finger she pulled it back and slightly to the side causing Chloe to wince. Lily didn't care, ever since she had decided to continue with school she felt as if a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders and Chloe, well Chloe was the last thing she needed to be finished with and then she was done.
Lily got up close and in Chloe's face just make sure she missed none of what she was about to say. "Chloe, you need to listen to me. I am only going to say this once. My decision whether it has anything to do with Cane or not, is still my decision. I want a career that I can enjoy for the rest of my life not one that is going to last for a couple of years - if that. You need to latch on to someone that is as self centered as you. Who is as career driven as you. Who doesn't give a crap about anyone else - like you. I am not that person nor will I ever be."
Chloe finally pulled her finger free from Lily's grasp. "Well we'll see about this when I have my weekly meeting with Nikki tomorrow."
Lily looked at the sad and pathetic form that was Chloe as she stood before her. She almost felt sorry for her - almost. "Chloe, sweetie." Lily said sarcastically. "Nikki already knows. I am not bowing out of my FOJ contract. I am finishing it and I am finishing school. And now Chloe, now I am finished with you." Lily turned to leave she was meeting her Dad for lunch and she didn't want to be late. As she reached the door she turned and said one more thing to a stunned Chloe still standing there. "Oh and Chloe, I want you out of mine and Devon's house. You have until tomorrow morning to do so. Bye."
With that Lily left and did not look back. If she had she probably wouldn't have been able to control her laughter at the slack-jawed look upon Chloe's face...
Cane was grinning. He had a plan for tonight. His lady love was twenty-one today and he planned on making it a day that she wouldn't forget. Cane's smile faltered for just a moment because he was nervous too...
Lily felt like everything was getting back on track. She and Cane were connecting on such a pure level. They grew closer everyday. Lily and Devon finally had their house back since Chloe had moved out, conveniently her apartment was ready when Lily had asked her to leave... a coincidence she didn't really want to think about. Lily wanted to concentrate on happy thoughts, today was her birthday and she wanted to share the joy of finally turning twenty-one with her family and with Cane...
Lily had decided she didn't want a big fancy party or anything, she just wanted to have dinner with her father, Devon and Cane. If Colleen had been there then she might have been in more of a party mood but her best friend wasn't but she did get a really sweet phone call from her that morning and she was glad to hear that her friend would be home soon. They were having dinner at her Dad's place at 7:00 pm, Cane was going to pick her up around six...
There was a knock at the door and Lily opened it, giddy with anticipation at seeing the man she loved. There stood Cane leaning against the door jam looking as sexy as sin. He was dressed in a mint green polo shirt and those fabulous grey slacks that fit him perfectly. Lily darted her tongue out and over her lips in anticipation while Cane's eyes tracked its progression...
Cane pulled a beautiful bouquet from behind his back of lilies and orchids, their fragrance filled Lily's senses as she brought them to her nose. She looked up at Cane and smiled.
"Happy Birthday, Lily. You look absolutely stunning." Cane said as his gaze traveled the length of her taking in the simple yet sexy mauve coloured summer dress she wore. He leaned in and kissed her at the corner of her mouth just getting a taste...
"Did you pack what I asked you to?" Cane asked.
"Yes and I think you will be pleasantly surprised." Lily replied mischievously. "Just let me put these in some water and we can go." Lily went and grabbed a vase from under the sink filled it with water and arranged the flowers in it all the while Cane watched her and anticipated the night to come. Lily grabbed the small bag by the door and they left for Neil's...
"To Lily." Neil toasted with a glass of cider.
"To Lily." Devon and Cane echoed. They all had glasses of cider. Out of respect for Neil, it was what Lily had wanted. Their glasses clinked together.
It was a wonderful meal and everyone was getting along beautifully. Neil gave Lily a lovely necklace that had belonged to her mother. He told her that Dru had planned to give it to her on her twenty-first birthday. This brought tears to Lily's eyes as she hugged her Dad in thanks. Devon gave her a stack of cd's that he had burned for her. All her favorite songs and ones that he knew she would like, it had taken him a good week and a half to put them all together for her. Lily saw the effort behind the gift and thanked her brother. She even joked that she may let him borrow them sometime. Cane gave Lily an astrology book that had a lot to do with the Southern Cross in fact it was what was on the cover. Lily smiled at the memory of that day and was glad that Cane had remembered too. Lily opened the cover to see a note inside, it read:
There is much more to come...
Lily glanced up and smiled secretly at him. She thanked him for the book with a lingering kiss on his cheek...
Soon it was time for them to go. Lily thanked her father and Devon once more. They said good night and closed the door. Once in the hall Cane pressed the button for the elevator then immediately brought Lily into his arms for a heated kiss. Pulling away slightly as the elevator door opened he said, "Are you ready to see what the rest of the night has in store for you Miss Winters?" Cane asked as he took her by the hand and pulled her into the elevator.
As the doors closed Lily said, "as long as it's with you I'm ready for anything." She said as she stood on the tips of her toes and once again pressed her lips to his...
When they arrived at the mansion the full moon was casting a beautiful glow over everything. Cane did not take Lily inside, instead he took her around the back to where the pool was located. Cane had called ahead and Esther being the dear that she was had put Cane's plan into action...
When they reached the pool Lily gasped at the sight in front of her. Soft glowing lanterns hung from nearby branches and torches were lit at the four corners of the pool. It made the water sparkle...
"Why don't you go get changed into your swim suit and I will do the same." Cane said as he slid his hand down her back and directed her to the pool house.
"Sure." Lily said and that secret smile returned once again. They went to separate rooms where Cane changed into a pair of low slung dark blue board shorts and Lily well... when Cane had asked her to bring a swimsuit along this evening Lily had decided to treat herself to a new one. Ever since that night at Indigo's she had felt like someone more daring had awakened and now was no exception. When she stepped out of the pool house Cane was already waiting and his quick intake of breath echoed in the night air. Lily stood before him in the briefest of bikinis. It was red and all that held it in place were four little bows that she had tied.
Cane's adams apple moved up and down as he swallowed. "You are so beautiful," he said in a ruff whisper.
Lily's confidence continued to grow as she walked toward Cane with a sultry sway to her hips. When she reached him her nipples had already pebbled partly from the night air but mostly from his heated gaze upon her.
Lily's hands found his waist. Her finger tips caressed their way up his chiseled abs and over his defined pecs. They continued their way up and over his shoulders until they twined together in his hair at the back of his head slowly pulling him down to her parted lips...
Cane splayed his hands across her back and groaned at the first taste of her mouth, their tongues dueling as their mouths joined...
Cane broke the kiss first. Breathing heavily and with his forehead pressed to hers he said, "come on lets get in the pool." He walked backwards, his fingers entwined with hers. In the one corner there were steps that went down in the water. Cane continued down them backwards as he guided Lily and watched as she slowly submerged herself in the warm water...
Lily slipped below the surface and came up with water streaming from her hair and droplets clung to her face, the light from the lanterns making them sparkle like diamonds. Cane backed up against the side of the pool taking Lily with him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist luxuriating in the feeling of the water lapping against her sensitive breasts. Cane moved his hands from her waist, his fingers leaving a heated trail as he moved them up to gently cup her aching breasts. He rubbed his thumbs over her tips making Lily bite her bottom lip. She never once looked away from his heated gaze. There was something about the way Cane would catch her eye, he had this way of looking at her, into her that Lily found she could never turn away from.
Cane leaned forward and sucked her bottom lip away from teeth. He soothed the bite mark with his tongue. Once he finished, Cane moved on to nibble at her jaw line then he moved slowly down her neck.
Lily lifted her hands from his body to pull at the four ties holding her suit in place. Cane watched as her suit floated away on the pool surface and there she was wrapped around him wearing nothing. Cane's arousal strained against his shorts. Lily could feel his need pressed against her. She reached down and freed him. Lily grasped his length and stroked him gently. Cane's head fell back and he swallowed hard trying to control his need. But it was Lily's words that pushed him over the edge.
"Cane," she said as he caressed her heated flesh. "I want you inside of me now. Make love to me."
Cane pressed up and into her heated core. He groaned, she moaned as they began to move together as one...
Wrapped in terry robes they lounged together by the pool. Cane reached over and opened a beautiful bottle of Veuve Clique, a very expensive bottle of Champaign. The pop of the cork echoed in the night. Cane handed her one of the glasses and he raised his own in toast to her...
"Happy Birthday, Lily. You have brought so much to my life. I feel complete for the first time. To your happiness and joy, always. I love you."
"I love you too." Lily said as their glasses clinked. She took a sip of the bubbly liquid, the warmth of the alcohol spreading through out her body.
Cane watched her as he sipped from his own glass. She watched him in return. When she had had enough Cane set both of their glasses aside. His hands shook ever so slightly as he did. When he turned back to look at Lily again he clasped her hands and pulled her up to sit on the edge of the lounge chair. Her breath caught as Cane moved back and dropped to one knee...
He reached into the pocket of his robe and pulled out a familiar black box that he had asked Katherine for again just this morning. Opening it Lily saw the beautiful family heirloom that Kay had sworn one day soon she would wear. Lily touched her shaking fingers to her lips as she starred at Cane...
"Lily, will you marry me?"
Lily said nothing for a moment, she just looked into his eyes. Then she nodded her head and whispered, "yes." She cleared her throat and said louder, "yes, I will marry you."
Cane took the beautiful sapphire surrounded by diamonds out of the box and slipped it on to the third finger of Lily's left hand, it was a perfect fit. "We can have as long an engagement as you want. I don't want to rush you. I just want to show you and the the world just how committed I am to you. I love you, Lily. So very much."
"I love you too." She said as Cane cupped her face in his hands and brought her lips to his in the most tender of kisses. It truly was the best birthday she had ever had.

Lily & Cane bringing the romance back to daytime...
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