Cane and Lily arrived back at the campus house after their amazing evening by the pool. Lily was about to put the key in the lock when she felt Cane's hands slide up her bare arms to her shoulders, she shivered at his touch and gasped softly when his lips found the nape of her neck. She spun around in his embrace and wrapped her arms around his neck. They searched one anothers eyes as Cane dipped his head, his lips seeking hers...
Lily smiled against his lips. She was so unbelievably happy. Lily was now engaged to the man of her dreams. Funny but at that same time Cane was thinking that he was engaged to the woman of his...
Lily pulled back in his embrace to stare up at her future husband. Her hands had moved to rest on his chest her sapphire and diamond ring glinted in the moonlight on her left hand.
"Would you like to enter my now Chloe free home, Mr. Ashby?"
"I could think of nothing I would rather do. Devon must be a happy man."
Lily giggled at the memory. "I believe he startled the customers at Crimson Lights with his shouts of joy."
"I think I know how he may feel. With your decision to concentrate on school and just fill your obligations to your FOJ contract we should hardly ever see Chloe anymore." Cane thought for a moment and then continued, "maybe she will even take the hint and decide to go and work for someone else."
"We can only hope." Lily said as she unlocked the door. She opened it and stepped into the darkened room. "That's strange I thought Dev - " Lily was cut off by a very loud...
Startled, her gaze found Devon's. He had a very large fake smile plastered to his face as he darted his eyes towards a very brightly dressed Chloe in the corner of the room.
Talking through his teeth he said, "yes, Lily isn't it such a great surprise. Look what the canary - I mean Chloe planned for you. You're not the only who is surprised. I thought you kicked crazy to the curb. Why is she throwing you a surprise party?"
"I - I did and I don't know why she would do something like that."
"I guess we are about to find out." Cane said as the three of them watched Chloe approach...
Chloe did her best to look meek and contrite. "Hi everyone. Happy Birthday, Lily. I - I hope you don't mind but I wanted to do something special for you to make up for my foolishness." Chloe leaned in and hugged Lily awkwardly which Lily did not return.
"Uh... thanks. I think." Cane and Devon just glared at her but said nothing.
Chloe looked down and sighed. "Look, Lily I just want to say that I'm sorry for everything and - "
Lily put up her hand to stop Chloe. "Chloe it wasn't me you assaulted. If I were you and believe me I am glad that I am not, shouldn't you be apologizing to the ones that you did?"
Chloe's eyes flashed but she bit back a retort. She looked up at Cane and Devon and said, "I'm really sorry about what I did to you both."
Funny but Cane and Devon's only response was to grunt. The rest of this conversation would have to wait until later as Lily turned at a tap on her shoulder...
"Oh, my God! Karen, what are you doing here?" Lily asked as she embraced her warmly. It was her Dad who answered.
"Well after you and Cane left, there was a knock on the door and there she stood. And since Chloe had told me what she wanted to do for you earlier today I thought I would bring Karen along."
"Happy Birthday, Lily."
"Thanks Karen. I am so glad that you are back. We all missed you very much." Karen and Lily shared a look of understanding.
"Chloe ran into me at the coffee house." Came Colleen's voice from right behind Lily.
She spun around to find her best friend and immediately was wrapped in her arms. "Oh Colleen, I have missed you so much but I thought you weren't getting back until later this week."
"I caught an earlier flight and I am really glad that I did because I really didn't want to miss your 21st birthday."
Lily looked over her friends shoulder and asked, "Where is Adrian? I would assume after having you back after all this time that he wouldn't want you out of his sight." Lily felt her friend sigh...
Colleen pulled back from their embrace and slid her hands down Lily's arms to clasp her hands. "I have decided to end my relationship with Adrian but I don't want to spoil your day for you so I will tell you about it later."
Just then as Colleen held on to Lily's hands she felt something that wasn't there before she left for China. Her eyes grew large as she looked down at the sparkling ring. "Oh my God, Lily! But you, have to tell us about this!" Colleen exclaimed as she held up Lily's left hand for all to see...
Lily blushed and Cane squeezed her shoulder in support. "Well, Cane asked me to marry him and I said yes."
Everyone offered up their congratulations, all but one that is... as Chloe stood there with a scowl upon her face and hatred in her eyes...
Why Are You Being So Nice?!!
The party continued. Everyone was having a great time, everyone except Chloe. She was in the kitchen pealing the label off of her beer, thinking...
Devon got some music going and the sounds of The Pogues, 'Love You Til The End' began to play. Cane's eyes lit up as he recognized one of his favorite songs. He spun Lily around in his arms and swayed with her while he whispered the lyrics to her in her ear... 'I love you til the end. I love you til the end. All I can say is I'll love you til the end...'
As Lily swayed in his arms, she smiled up at him and said, "this is a great song but I've never heard of it before."
Cane returned her smile and said, "well Miss Winters allow me to introduce you to a fabulous Irish band called The Pogues. I think I am going to enjoy enlightening you to my wide and varied taste in music."
"Well if this song is any indication, I think I am going to enjoy your ummm... taste as well." Lily said as she brought his head close to hers again. She pressed her lips to the corner of his mouth - to anyone else it looked like an innocent kiss but Cane felt her tongue dart out to taste him, to sear him...
Chloe watched everyone enjoying themselves but her eyes never strayed far from Cane and Lily, her guts twisted further as she watched the tender exchange between the two. It should be her...
The song was over and another one came on. Cane pulled Lily to his side by the refreshment table. He grabbed two beers out of the ice and offered her one after he had opened it for her. Cane took a sip and looked around the living room...
"Is it just me or is Chloe's stuff still cluttering up this house?" Cane asked as he spotted several of her items lying about including a couple of those atrocious clowns that she hadn't puked on.
"I had noticed that too."
"Lily could I talk to you for a moment?" Chloe asked. She just hoped this worked...
"I'll be over there if you need me." Cane said as he pressed a kiss to Lily's temple. He didn't even spare Chloe a glance as he went over to talk to Neil and Karen.
Chloe pointed at Lily's ring. "Congratulations by the way. You must be really happy."
"I am. Listen Chloe, this was a really nice gesture and all but you were supposed to be out of this house. You even told me that your apartment was ready. Why haven't you packed up your stuff and moved out?"
"Well, about that. My landlord did some renovations when he repaired the pipes and now he wants to double my rent and I can't afford the place anymore and I haven't had a chance to look for another." Chloe held up her hand to stop Lily from interrupting her. "Please, hear me out. I'll find another place, I promise but I have no where else to go until I do. Could you give me a couple of weeks to do it? I will stay out of yours and Devon's way as much as possible. I know I don't deserve this after what I did but please I'm begging you."
Lily glanced across the room at Devon who gave her a look that seemed to say, 'can you please get crazy out of here?!' Lily sighed. Devon was not going to like what she was about to say.
"Ok, Chloe. You can stay but you have one week not two and I only want to see you at work. And for God's sake stay away from Devon. He's going to be mad enough at me as it is."
"Thanks, Lily."
Chloe walked away and Cane and Devon came over to see what was going on.
"Chloe sure looked happy. Please tell me you didn't do what I think you did."
Lily cringed. "It's only for one more week Devon, I promise."
"Oh, hell no! I'm going to stay at Roxanne's. It's either that or sleep with a baseball bat. You owe me big time Lily."
"I didn't know what else to do. Her landlord is doubling her rent and she can't afford the apartment anymore."
Cane looked at both Lily and Devon. "You guys if I have to I will find that girl an apartment myself. She won't be here for very long."
The next day...
Cane was at Jabot when he spotted Chloe in the hall. "Chloe, can I talk to you for a minute?"
Chloe secretly smiled and said, "sure boss. What is it?"
"How is the apartment search coming?"
"I haven't started yet. I am so busy with Lily's schedule - well I am not sure when I will have time to get to it."
"Well we can't have that now can we? That is why I have cleared your afternoon schedule and," Cane took a folded paper out from under his arm and handed it to her. "Here is a list of apartments in your price range all circled in red felt. I also took the liberty of calling them and setting up viewing appointments for you this afternoon."
Chloe smiled up at him. "Why are you being so nice to me?"
Cane leaned forward to make sure that Chloe missed nothing of what he said. "I'm not being nice to you, Chloe. I want you to stay the hell away from me and I want you out of Lily's house by tonight. She might be nice enough to give you a week but I am not." With that Cane walked away.
Chloe glared after him with her mouth hanging open in disbelief. "Well Mr. Ashby. I wonder who is going to pay for that," she said...
Headed for the Right Career!!
Unfortunately thanks to Cane's help, Chloe found a place right away. A secluded lake side guest house, That was perfect in so many ways...
Lily and Devon couldn't be happier watching her go, they both would thank Cane for helping them get her out of their hair so quickly. They slammed the door at her retreating back and high-fived each other in celebration at having their house back to themselves...
The next day...
Cane was hard at work at Jabot. They were launching a new 'green' cosmetic line and it appeared so was Newman at the same time. But Victor was distracted with his impending nuptials and Cane thought it was to Jabot's advantage that they move on things quickly.
He was headed back to his office when he ran into his mother. "Hey Mum. I'm glad I ran into you actually we should discuss the new products and perhaps moving up the launch date."
Jill looked a little troubled. "Yes we do need to discuss that. Tell me you have been working with Heather Stevens quite a bit lately, right?"
"Yeah, she seems to really know what she is doing and is fitting in quite well at Jabot. Why?"
"Have any of your discussions ventured into personal."
Cane looked very confused now. "Uh, no Mum. I may have gone on a couple of dates with her a long time ago but we keep things pretty professional."
Jill waved her hands. "No, no. I don't mean in a bad way. I was just wondering if she talked about who she was dating or if she was happy."
"No Mum, I would have to say she has never told me anything about that. Why, do you want to know?"
"I went to see Victor at the ranch to catch up and wish him well at the wedding later today when I saw Heather with Victor's son Adam."
"Adam?" Cane's eyes narrowed at the mention of that guy.
"Yes, and with us both launching new products -"
"And Adam being in charge of the Newman launch, you think this could compromise us?"
"I don't know but I do know that I don't want to take that chance..."
At Indigo...
Lily found her father in his office. He was fussing with his tie that for some reason just wouldn't tie right for him today.
"Need a little help?"
Neil caught Lily's eye in the mirror. "Hey sweetheart. Would you mind? I swear with work at Newman, running this club and Karen being back, I just don't have time to get things right anymore."
Lily stood in front of her father and started to redo the knot. "Funny you should say that because I wanted to talk to you about something that could ultimately give you a lot more free time."
Neil looked at her with interest. "You have my attention with that statement. I'm listening."
"Well you know how I have been taking those marketing and management classes at school?"
"And that I only have two semesters left before I graduate with a degree in business management?"
"Yes. Lily what exactly are you getting at?"
Lily let out a sigh as she finished tieing her father's tie. "There," she said. "Perfect," and turned Neil to face the mirror. "Dad, I really like it when I help you out at the club and what with finishing up my FOJ contract and just two classes this summer, I thought... well..." Lily took a deep breath and just said it. "Dad if you'll let me, I want to take over your duties of running the club this summer and maybe when I graduate I would like to run it full time."
Neil starred at his daughter for a long moment. "I see. You know running a place like this is a lot of work. It's a big responsibility. And this place is my escape, I don't know if I could just walk away."
"I'm not asking you to walk away. I will need your expertise and experience. I'm just asking you to step back and give yourself some free time to see where things will go with Karen and to give me a chance to prove to you that I can do this."
"Honey, you don't have to prove that to me. I already believe in you and that you would be more than capable. So ok, lets give it a try."
Lily embraced her father and he returned it with just as much exuberance. "Thank you Dad, you won't regret this..."
Big News, Hot Love!!
Lily found Cane in his office. His assistant was away from her desk, probably on her lunch break. Perfect Lily thought as she knocked softly on his door...
Cane was busy working on some files concerning the new product launch when there was a knock on his door. He didn't look up from his work as he said, "come in," to whom ever was there. It was a soft sound of a throat being cleared that caught his attention. He looked up to find his lady love leaning against his closed office door...
His eyes darkened from hazel to brown as he took in the sight of her. From her glowing smile to the three quarter length jacket that was cinched tightly at her small waste to the achingly high black heels that she wore at her feet.
"Hi." She said softly from her position at the door. Lily had discreetly turned the lock as she stood there. She didn't know what it was but every time she was around Cane she felt herself becoming more and more daring. Like he had truly woke the seductress within her for the first time in her life. And she liked it - no wait she thought, she loved it...
"Guess what?" Lily asked as she stepped away from the door and started to walk slowly towards Cane, her hips swaying seductively as she did.
Cane pushed his chair away from his desk but didn't stand. Instead he leaned back in his chair. His legs falling open in a relaxed pose. His dimples deepened as he continued to watch her and said, "what?"
Lily put her hands on either side of his office chair and said, "you are looking at," she placed her knees on either side of his hips, "the new manger," she settled herself on top of him, "of Indigo's." Lily pressed her lips to Cane's, stroking the inside of his mouth with her tongue, eliciting a groan from him.
Cane cupped her face within his large hands, his touch sending shivers down her spine. He pulled his mouth from hers and looked into her eyes. "And you're here to celebrate. Congratulations, sweetheart. I knew Neil would take to your idea."
"Thank you and thank you for convincing me that I should talk to him in the first place."
"Anything that is going to make you happy makes me happy. So how should we celebrate your new career?"
Lily leaned back a bit further and said, "why don't you untie the belt holding my jacket closed and find out."
Cane skimmed his fingers from her face down over her shoulders and lightly caressing her sensitive breasts on his way to the belt at her waist. Slowly he untied it and parted her jacket. If it were even possible, Lily watched his eyes darken even further as he took in her completely naked form.
He growled in response and pushed her jacket off her shoulders, trapping her arms. Cane picked her up as he stood. Lily slid her legs around his waist and hooked her ankles behind him. His mouth devoured hers with such hunger, he had to have her this instant. Cane removed one of his hands from exploring her body and in one swipe had cleared his desk of everything. Laying her gently upon it, he made quick work of removing his clothes as she watched. Joining her again on the desk his mouth once again sought hers as he filled her body with his, muffling their cries of passion...
Chloe had been a busy girl. She had unpacked all of her things and the guest house looked like a cosy place for her to call home. But as she walked down the steps to the basement, it looked like she had stepped into a different world - her secret world...
"When I have you here, I will make you mine. You will have no choice in the matter." She said as she ran her fingers over the chair specially fitted with shackles. Chloe spun in a slow circle, taking in everything of her erotic dungeon. "Soon, very soon," Chloe turned and headed back upstairs the sooner she implemented her plan the sooner her guest would arrive...
The New Guy in Town!!
Lily was loving her new role at Indigo. She went home tired at night but in a good way. Neil still took part in the day to day running of things but he was allowing Lily free reign to make staffing decisions, book new acts and try out new menu ideas. In fact she was conducting interviews today for a new bartender...
Outside of Indigo's...
Chloe saw him coming and yanked him aside as he started to walk by her. "You were supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago so we could go over everything." Chloe hissed at the gorgeous young man. "Chase, you have to make a great first impression on her. It is vital for you to get this job."
"Sorry, Chloe but I got lost. You know it's not easy finding your way around a new city."
"Well you should have thought of that before and given yourself more time to get here. Now, you know what you have to do right?"
Chase looked down at Chloe and said, "you want me to get close to and try and seduce this Lily Winter's right?"
Chloe slid her hand up Chase's arm as she said, "darling there is no trying. You will succeed or I will send you back where you came from. I arranged for your visa to get you here and if you want to get your green card and the exclusive contract for the new Jabot men's line then you will do exactly as I say." Chloe emphasized this with a slightly stinging tap to his cheek.
This may be going against Chase's ethics but he wanted - no needed a new life here in the States and he was willing to do almost anything for it. So if Chloe wanted him to seduce some woman, he would. "Ok. I'll do it."
"That's my boy. Now get in there and if you know what's good for you, you'll be coming back out with that job."
Chase, resolved to do this. He left Chloe at the side of the building and headed for the door...
The interview...
Lily had interviewed half a dozen candidates so far and she had seen only one that had potential. The rest well... she would leave it at that she thought with a sigh. She had two more interviews today and she was hopeful yet that she would find the right person for the job.
She looked up as her next appointment walked in. Lily was rendered momentarily speechless. This man, this - Lily glanced down at her papers, Chase Edwards should be walking the runways of Milan or Paris. Not wanting to sling drinks behind a bar. Lily stood as he approached her. Her hand stretched out to greet him.
"Hello, Chase right?" Lily asked taking in the young man that stood before her. He was tall, not as tall as Cane but pretty close. He had striking features framed with golden coloured hair. His eyes were a light shade of gray almost silver in their clarity. His body dressed in a dark t-shirt and slacks looked fit but not overly muscular.
"That's me. You must be Lily Winter's." He said with a smile just as beautiful as the rest of him. He leaned forward slightly and said, "if I may be so bold as to say your pictures don't do you justice. After you," Chase said gesturing for her to take her seat first.
Lily blushed. "Ummm... thank you. I didn't know they carried Restless Style in... Australia, isn't it?" Lily asked guessing at his familiar accent.
Chase chuckled. "Good guess. We get a little offended when you think we are from New Zealand. To my knowledge they don't carry it there but someone had left a copy in the cab I took from the airport and it passed the time to flip through it."
"My fiance grew up in Australia. You are a long way from home. What brings you to Genoa City?"
"Well this isn't my first trip to the States and I have a friend that moved here recently from L.A. So this time when I came back with a visa to stay and work for a while, they gave me a place to crash. It works out well enough. I know I'm not here for the long hall but I am really good at slinging drinks and charming the customers. I really hope you will give me a shot." He said handing over his resume, which included a vast amount of bar tending and serving experience.
Lily perused his resume and he did indeed have a lot of experience. "Do you have the references that I will require as well?"
"I do," he said handing over another piece of paper containing the names and numbers that Chloe had provided for him from some people in L.A.
"Well if you'll excuse me for a moment, I will go check these out."
"Certainly." Chase was thinking that he was going to enjoy seducing Lily Winters, fiance or not.
Lily was just getting off the phone when Cane came in to meet her. He snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her from behind. With a kiss to her temple he said, "so love how is your day going?"
Lily turned and smiled up at him. "Not so promising at first but I believe I just found my new bartender." Lily said with a nod indicating Chase. "He's from Australia as well."
Cane eyed the younger man across the room and chuckled at Lily. "Sweetheart it's not that small of a country - I don't know everyone that lives there."
Lily elbowed him in the ribs. "That is not what I meant, silly. I just thought it was neat and that maybe you could make him feel welcome."
Cane was thoughtful for a moment before he said, "sure. I think that I could manage that. Come on and introduce me."
Chase's eyes had widened ever so slightly. When he spotted Cane Ashby entering the club. Shit, he thought. Shit, shit, shit. What kind of freakishly small world was this. He took a deep breath, he had to play it cool. Chase watched Cane talk to Lily and when he had looked over at him he noted no signs of recognition. He had changed a lot from the little kid who used to try and tag along with his much older brother and his friend, Cane. His name had changed too. He needed this job, this opportunity but at what cost...

Lily & Cane bringing the romance back to daytime...
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