Part Thirty-Five!!
Mary looked at the closed doors to Mr. Chancellor's office. She shook slightly with trepidation. Had he read this mornings paper? Had he spoken to his mother? Or was she about to hand over the devastating news herself...
She gathered up his messages, many from reporters already asking for a comment and she picked up the morning paper that lay folded on her desk. Walking up to the double doors she took a deep breath and knocked before entering...
"Mr. Chancellor?"
Cane looked up from the files he had been going over. "Good morning Mary. Lots of messages today?"
"Um, yes sir quite a few actually." Mary hesitated for a moment before she asked, "did you have a chance to read this mornings paper?"
"No actually I was running a - er - a little late this morning and didn't have a chance." A blush heated Cane's cheek bones as thoughts of the delicious way his wife had awoken him this morning flooded his mind. "I actually wanted to read the financial pages this morning and I happen to have a few minutes now. Do you have it with you?"
"Yes." Mary all but squeaked. "You didn't happen to talk to your mother this morning did you?"
Cane looked at her wonderingly. "No, I haven't spoken to her for a few days." In fact he was beginning to wonder if she was avoiding him again when they had just started to bridge the gap. "Why, is there something wrong?"
"Ummm... well Mr. Chancellor it's just that there is an article in this mornings paper that concerns your family. I didn't think that I would be the one that would have to give you this kind of news..."
"Give me the paper, Mary." Cane said as he held out his hand.
She shoved it in his hand hastily and turned to go. Cane heard her mumble how sorry she was as she closed the door...
Cane opened the paper to the bold black and white heading on the front page...
Jill Abbott to Contest Katherine Chancellor's Will, Wants Body Exhumed...
Lily had just finished having a wonderful soak in the tub, waking Cane up that way gave her muscles a delicious tenderness that only a hot bath could relieve. Dressed and ready to start her day, Lily grabbed her morning tea and hot cereal and sat down at the table to flip through the paper while she ate. Her spoon stopped midway to her mouth as she read the shocking headline and article that followed. Her food forgotten and her concern only for her husband, Lily grabbed her jacket and her keys and headed out the door...
Marge sat at the counter in the diner. Her customers all but forgotten as she reread the article for the third time. She gazed at the photo that accompanied it, a family photo apparently and taken in happier times if this article gave any indication. Her face stared back at her, seated in the middle of a striking woman and a very handsome young man. Was this her family? Was this who she was?
"Marge! Get these orders out pronto!" Joe Jr. shouted from the kitchen.
Who was she kidding she was Marge, a waitress, an alcoholic but what if it were possible...
"Coming, coming..."
Cane was staring out his office window lost in thought, the paper still held in his hands. When his door opened he didn't even turn until he heard her breathless voice calling his name. Slowly he turned around...
"Sweetheart?" Lily approached the desk. "As soon as I saw that article I rushed over here. So you've read it? Are you okay?"
Cane shook his head in disbelief. "Oh, yeah I've read it. I just - I just don't -"
"Hey. Come here." Lily coaxed him into her arms and wrapped them tightly around him.
Feeling wrapped in her warmth and her love Cane said, "I just don't understand why she didn't come and talk to me first. I don't care about the money - I've never been about that but for her to let me find out about this from a paper and not from her personally just cuts, you know?"
"I know. I'm sure she had her reasons." Lily lifted her head as a movement by the door caught her eye and she saw Jill standing there hesitantly. Stepping back and to Cane's side she said, "and maybe you can ask her what those are..."
Part Thirty-Six!!
Lily squeezed Cane's hand. She kissed the corner of his mouth and said, "I'll just give you two some time alone. I will be at home if you need me."
"Okay. Love you."
Lily touched his cheek. "Love you too. Hear her out okay?"
"I will try."
Lily stopped by Jill, who was still standing in the doorway. She put her hand on Jill's arm. "Don't shut him out, Jill. He needs you just as much as you need him." Then Lily left, shutting the door behind her.
"So?" Cane asked as he crossed his arms in front of him.
"I had my reasons for doing what I did." Jill said coming further into the room.
"And did any of those reasons concern me?"
"Of course they did. The last thing I wanted to do was to hurt you or Billy or anyone else for that matter. I had to do this for myself. I've been going out of my mind trying to figure out why this isn't adding up. I know she is my mother, I know she is. Every piece of evidence that I have leads me back to her all except the DNA test. Please understand Cane, I had to do this for my own sanity, for my own peace of mind."
Cane closed the rest of the distance between him and Jill. "Mum, what made you think that I wouldn't understand any of that? That I wouldn't support you?" He put his hand on her shoulder.
Jill caught her breath on a sob. "I don't know. It seems so foolish now as I stand here. I thought you would try to stop me. I thought if I told any of you that you would try and stop me from finding out what I think is the truth."
A flash of hurt crossed Cane's face. "I thought you would have known me better than that by now, Mum."
"Oh, sweetheart that's not what I meant. It's just that there has been so much going on. Everything, everything has been turned upside down since your grandmother died. I just don't know which way is up anymore."
"Then let me be here for you. Stop shutting me out. Stop shutting your family out. Grandma is gone, we need each other now more than ever. We need to grieve together. Please Mum, I'm hurting too."
"I know Cane. And please don't think that this has anything to do with the money or the running of this company, you are doing a fine job and if Katherine were here she would be so proud of you. This has to do with me and what I believe in the depths of my soul to be right."
Jill wrapped her arms around her son and she heard him sigh as he wrapped his arms around her in return. "I promise, I promise you I will never again shut you out of something so life changing again."
"Okay. I'm going to hold you to that Mum and you can start with telling me everything that you have found out so far..."
Billy stared out the window, a cup of coffee forgotten in his hand, today's paper spread out on the counter behind him. Stacey came down the stairs humming a soft tune, she stopped suddenly when she spied him across the room.
"Oh, hey. I thought you were already gone to work, I - a hope I didn't hurt your ears with that. C.J. seems to like it when I sing to him and that song was stuck in my head."
Billy turned and put his now cold cup of coffee on the counter next to the paper. "No, no. Actually you have a beautiful voice and it was a lovely sound to fill the silence."
"Ummm... thanks, I guess. Is there anymore of that coffee?" She asked as she approached the counter.
"Sure, let me just grab you a cup."
While Billy did that, Stacey scanned the headlines of the paper. "Oh, my." He didn't hear her silent approach but he certainly felt the small hand that touched his arm. "Billy, are you okay?"
Billy spun to face her and they were so close. Their gazes caught and held, their breath came in shallow gasps. They had been fighting their growing attraction for weeks and Billy was done fighting.
"I will be," he said as his mouth descended to hers...
Marge couldn't get that picture in the paper out of her mind, in fact she had torn it from the pages and stuffed it in her pocket where she would pull it from to stare at when no one was around. She had finished her shift at the diner in mostly a daze, she wasn't even sure if she gave everyone the right orders. Right now she didn't care...
"You're awfully quiet today Marge. Are you sure that you still want to come with me to that food drive that I told you about? Cause if you're to tired I can just go by myself."
"What? Oh, no, no, Murph. I'll go with you, for a little while anyways. I promised Pearl that I would work a couple of hours for her tonight while she has dinner with her daughter. Besides I want to help out. Charity work is something I feel like I've always liked to do."
Murphy grunted at that. "Did anyone ever tell you how good you are Margie?
"Not that I can remember." She said with a chuckle.
"Well get used to it cause ever since you've been off the booze you've become a good person, a different person."
"You're telling me Murph, you're telling me...."
After a very long but good and informative talk with his mother, Cane decided to clear his schedule for the rest of the day. He made a quick call to Lily to let her know he wouldn't be home for a while and he got in his SUV and hit the highway heading out of town to clear his head. A highway that would lead him to a little diner outside of town...
Part Thirty-Seven!!
"Wow, that was -"
"Yeah, that was..." Billy trailed off his thought as he gazed at Stacey. His head rested on one hand while his other played with the soft curls of her fiery red hair. Just then C.J. let out a cry to let them know that he was up from his nap and ready to be fed. Close to starting round two they broke apart with awkward chuckles. "Well, nothing like the little man's cry to alter a mood. Let me just go get him."
Stacey put her hand on Billy's arm, stopping him. "No, I'll get him and I will be back before you know it." She slipped from the sheets and turned to watch Billy watch her as she dawned his discarded shirt and did up a couple of buttons.
Billy stared at her with a hooded gaze. "You are so beautiful."
Stacey came back on to the bed and crawled across to him until she hovered above his face. She nipped at his lips. "Keep talking to me like that, Billy Abbott and I might think you care."
Billy cupped her cheek and said, "I do." Their eyes caught and held for a moment until C.J. let out another cry, letting them know he was losing patience. Billy laughed as he watched Stacey wiggle her delectable tush as she walked across the hall to get his son...
Cane found the winding road a salve to his churning thoughts. There wasn't much traffic so he found he could just drive and allow the road to take him where it pleased. After a couple of hours it was the growl of his empty stomach that had him taking the next exit and pulling into a little diner with a flashing neon sign...
"Thanks again Margie, for all your help this afternoon. I don't know what it is but you seem to have a real knack for getting people to give, especially in these tough economic times." Murphy said as he took Marge into the diner to cover for Pearl for the next couple of hours.
"Nonsense, Murphy. It was all you. You have quite a rapport with the local community. But thank you just the same." Marge said as she patted his arm affectionately.
"Well, lets just chalk it up to our great teamwork. What do you say we go out and celebrate tonight, just you and me?"
"Are you asking me out on a date, Murph?"
Murphy blushed and shuffled around on his feet. "Yeah, Margie. I am. So what do you say?"
"I would love to Murphy."
"Okay. Well I'll see you after your shift. Just call me when Pearl gets back." Smiling to himself, he watched her head to the back to put her purse away. When she was out of sight he turned to go and nearly collided with a well dressed young man that was coming through the door.
"Pardon me." They both said at the same time.
Murphy chuckled and said, "no worries. By the way, I recommend the apple pie, they make it homemade here."
Cane smiled at the man and said, "thanks. I'll definitely keep that in mind." He watched the man walk out the door then turned and found a booth near the back...
Cane slid into the cracked leather seat and grabbed one of the folded menus tucked in between the salt and pepper shakers. Looking it over, he quickly decided then looked around for an available server. It was a burly man with a stained apron that approached.
"Sorry 'bout the wait. Don't have the most reliable help 'round here. What'll yeah have?"
"That's okay. I just got here. I'll have your club on brown, a coffee and a slice of your apple pie."
"You got it." The man turned and walked away.
Cane looked around for something to occupy his time with until his food arrived. He spied a magazine on the next table that someone had left behind and he reached over and grabbed it to read. It was hard to concentrate on the article when all he heard was...
"Marge! Table twelve needs to be cleaned pronto."
"Marge! Get a move on. I'm not the waitress you are, so start acting like one and serve this food."
"Put a lid on it, Joe. I am going as fast as I can."
Cane froze. That voice, that tone... He shook his head. Good grief after that huge talk with his mother today about Katherine, he must really have her on the brain cause he would swear to God that he had just heard her voice. He looked around the restaurant just in time to catch a glimpse of the back of a woman as she carried a tray full of dishes into the kitchen. You know on second thought maybe he would just get his food to go and head home to his wife because now he was seeing things to because no one had hair like his grandmothers and he didn't feel like losing his mind tonight.
He got up and approached the kitchen window where he saw whom he assumed was Joe just plating his food. "Actually do you mind if I just get that to go. I need to be getting home to my wife."
"Sure what ever you want." Joe Jr. said as he took Cane's plate of food and dumped it into a 'to go' carton. "That'll be fifteen even." He said putting the containers into a paper bag.
Cane placed two twenty's on the counter. "Here you go. The extra is for the waitress." Cane said as he took the bag from Joe.
Joe Jr. sputtered. "What? Why? She couldn't even get her lazy butt out in time to serve you."
"Ahh... well perhaps if she didn't have to deal with a guy like you for a boss everyday, she would enjoy doing her job more. Have yourself a good day now." Cane turned and walked away leaving Joe with his mouth hanging open.
Marge had been listening to the exchange at the kitchen door. That voice and accent, they were so familiar. She caught a glimpse of his face when he turned to go - the man from the newspaper article. She charged out of the kitchen, rushing to catch him before he left...
Cane felt good about what he had just done. That guy needed to know that he couldn't treat people that way. He had just stepped through the door when someone gripped his arm, for a second he thought that Joe guy might want to start some trouble but when he looked down he caught sight of an emerald sparkling in the lights of the parking lot, an emerald that he saw everyday on his grandmother's hand. His gaze shot up to stare at a face he thought never to see again. His mouth opened but no words came out as she too stared at him in return. In fact she was the first to speak...
"Do I know you? Phillip?..."
Part Thirty-Eight!!
"No, no. Not Phillip but Phillip. This doesn't make any sense."
Cane watched her as she started to flail her hands about the way his grandmother would when she got animated about something and was really trying to make a point.
"You, you go by ummm... Cane." She snapped her fingers as she got it. "But your real name is Phillip, Phillip Chancellor the III. Oh, dear I think I did something terrible to you didn't I?"
Cane finally snapped out of it enough to find his voice. "What? Grandma, no." Tears filled his eyes, blurring his vision. He reached out and touched her shoulders and when he felt the warmth under his fingers, he gasped and clutched her to him in a hug so tight that if he could he would never let her go.
Still gripping her shoulders Cane moved back enough so that he could peer down at her again. "What? How? Am I dreaming? Your - your alive!"
Katherine put her fingertips to her temples. "So many thoughts, so many places, names and faces running through my mind." Katherine staggered a bit with the weight of it all.
"Oh, hey it's okay. I got you. Do you want to go back inside the diner?"
Katherine glanced back at the diner that she had been working at over the last couple of months and gave a slight shudder. "No, that is the last place that I want to go. I think, I think I want to go - home. To the - to the Estate. Can you take me there?"
Cane smiled for the first time and said, "I don't know what kind of miracle brought me here today - to you. But you have no idea how happy and over joyed I am to see you beautiful face again. I would like nothing more than to take you home." Cane put his arm around his grandmother for support and escorted her over to his waiting SUV. "Well we have a bit of a drive ahead of us so it will give us lots of time to try and put together what happened." Cane helped her in and went around the front to get in the drivers side. Starting the engine, he pulled out and got back on the highway heading to Genoa City...
Murphy was just pulling back into the parking lot of the diner when he saw the handsome young man helping Marge into his vehicle. "What the hell?" He brought his pick-up to an abrupt stop and jumped out as quickly as he could. But it was to late the man was already driving away with Marge. He shouted her name but it was to no avail, they were gone...
Cane kept glancing over at Katherine as he drove, still not quite believing she was really there. His eyes fell to the name tag on her sweater. "Marge? Who is Marge?"
Katherine looked down and fingered the tag on her sweater. "Marge..." Her mind flashed to a woman that looked just like her - but wasn't. A woman down on her luck, drinking herself into a stupor on a daily basis, begging for help. Katherine had offered it, a rehab centre that she would pay for. Her mind jumped ahead to driving in a terrible storm, the squeel of tires and the loss of control...
"Oh, my God! Marge, she - where is she? She needed my help, oh no -" Katherine put a hand over her mouth.
Cane glanced at his grandmother with intense concern. "What? What is it?"
Katherine's hand slid slowly from her mouth. "If - if I was living her life then she had mine and that means she's dead." Her eyes filled with tears. "That poor woman. All she ever wanted was my help." Katherine looked up towards the heavens and said softly, "I am so sorry Marge."
"I don't understand. How could she be you and you her? Unless that is you looked exactly alike."
"We did, there was a striking resemblance."
"I ummm... see. I don't want to overwelm you or upset you further but can you tell me everything that you remember?"
"I'll try and perhaps you can help me fill in the blanks."
They talked as Cane drove. His SUV eating up the miles back to the city. When they were about an hour outside of town Cane asked if it was okay to call the family and arrange for them to meet them at the mansion and at Katherine's nod he dialed his home number. He heard Lily's voice after the second ring. He thought it was best not to tell her over the phone who was sitting at his side but he asked her if she could arrange for herself, Jill, Billy and Esther to meet him at the Estate in forty-five minutes. She said she would do her best to make sure that everyone was there. Then she asked if he was okay and Cane was more than happy to tell her that everything was beyond good and that everyone should brace themselves for some very big news.
Cane hung up the phone and looked at his grandmother. "Are you ready?"
"To get my life back? You bet I am..."
Part Thirty-Nine!!
Cane had seen everyone's vehicles as he had pulled into the circular drive in front of the mansion, so he knew that Lily had been able to accomplish what he had asked. He went around the front of his SUV to help his grandmother from the vehicle. He watched her closely as she took in all the familiar surroundings.
"Oh, my favorite flowers have started to bloom. I feel like I have missed so much."
Cane tucked her hand in the crook of his elbow to escort her to the door. "You have but it goes both ways. We have missed your pressence so much this place has felt more like a tumb than the family home but all of that is going to change, starting today. Let's go, everyone is waiting."
Cane took Katherine up the front steps but stopped before opening the door. "Maybe I should go in first and explain, you know sort of ease them all into this. They are all going to be so shocked."
That decision was taken away when Jill opened the door. "Cane, I could hear you voice all the way in the living room. Who are you talking to and why did you need us all to meet - Mother?!" Jill had finally opened the door wide and when she spied Katherine standing on the front step, her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she started heading for the floor in a faint. Luckily for Cane's quick reflexes, he caught her before she did.
"Hey, Mum. I got you. It's okay."
"Huh? What?" Jill mumbled. "Did I really see what I think I saw?"
"Yes, Jill. It's me and it's so good to be home. Glad to see you still have a flare for the dramatic dear." Katherine said as she patted her daughter on the cheek and stepped past her into the entry way.
"Really, grandma? Do the two of you have to start things up already? Can't we all just rejoice in the fact that your still alive?"
"Oh, Cane. You dear sweet boy. It just wouldn't be home if we weren't."
By this time Jill had recovered although still pale and in shock she now managed to stand on her own. "So I'm not dreaming?"
"No Jill. You are not."
Jill now had tears streaming down her face. as she closed the distance between the two of them and joyfully wrapped her arms around Katherine. Katherine returned the hug with just as much love.
"Ohhh... woman! You have a lot of explaining to do."
"Yes and a few things to make right as well."
"All in good time mother, I'm just so glad that your alive. What happened? Cane, how did you find her?" So many questions needed to be asked and answered but they would have to wait because all the commotion had drawn the other three into the entry way.
"Mrs. C.?" Billy also possessed some quick reflexes because he had to catch Esther as she was over come with shock.
"Mrs. Chancellor?" Lily blanched and Cane rushed to her side.
"I'm okay, Cane. But next time when you say brace yourself for some big news, could I perhaps have a little more detail than that?"
"Sorry, Lily. I wanted to tell you, to tell all of you but I didn't want to say something like this over the phone. I thought it was better to do it in person but maybe I was wrong. I don't know it's all still a pretty big shock to me as well."
"That's okay, it's understandable when you put it like that." Lily put her hand to her rounded belly.
Cane's hand covered hers. "Is it the baby? Maybe you should sit down."
Lily smiled up at Cane. "She's okay. Just excited too, I think. There are some major summer saults going on in here. Perhaps we should all go in and sit down. Obviously there is much to discuss."
By now Esther had also regained her wits only to blubber all over Katherine in her excitement at her being alive.
They all sat down and began to discuss, recount and even argue a little about everything that had happened in the past few months. They shared another sad moment when Esther and Billy told Katherine about Chloe but the mood was lifted when Billy called Stacey to bring little C.J. over to meet his great-grandmother. Despite everything that was going on no one missed the long looks shared between them or the way they touched one another.
After such an emotional and trying day Katherine, now exhausted was the first to call it a night. They all decided to stay at the mansion so that they could continue their discussion the next day. Also, it would seem that everyone wanted to stay close by as if testing the waters that this indeed was real and not just a dream...
A few days later...
A new headline domintated the newspaper...
The Dutchess Returns...
It was that very headline that glued Murphy to his seat. He reread the article that went with that headline so many times that it was now memorized. And tears shone in his eyes as he stared at the photograph of the woman he had thought was his Marge. But deep down if he was to truly admit it to himself, he knew that the woman whom he had grown to care for so much over the past few months wasn't the woman he knew before that. Were their feelings real? Could this Katherine Chancellor still care for him? Or was it all just an illusion of her confusion about the whole situation. There was only one way to find out...
A week later...
The doorbell at the mansion rang. "Esther? Esther, are you going to get that?" Katherine shouted as she desended the stairs. "Glad to know some things still haven't changed," she muttered to herself and went to answer the door.
Murphy stood on her doorstep with his hat in his hand looking very unsure of himself. "Hello M- I mean Mrs. Chancellor. I saw the paper, so I know who you really are but I just wanted to make sure you were okay."
"Murphy, you old coot. Mrs. Chancellor, my ass. It's Katherine but from you I would prefer Kay."
"Alright, Kay." Murphy said as he tested the name on his lips. He looked her up and down, taking note of just how much was the same but maybe a little fancier. "It's quite the place you got here."
"It's four walls and a roof. I felt just as comfortable in your trailer as I do here."
"Yes, really. Now are you going to stand out there all day or are you going to come in?"
"Oh, I don't know Kay. Really all I wanted to do was to see for myself that you were okay and maybe..." Murphy trailed off and he shifted from foot to foot.
"And maybe what? You know Murph a lot of things happened on that day just over a week ago. I got my memory back and I found my family again but I also recall that you asked me out on a date. And due to those crazy circumstances I stood you up. I would like to make it up to you."
"You would?" Murphy's heart warmed at the thought of spending some more time with this wonderful lady.
"Yes, I would. Now come on in..."
Part Forty!!
July, 2009...
"Wow, Can you believe Stacey and Billy eloped to Chicogo?" Lily asked as she and Cane entered their house. As Cane helped her remove her shawl she continued, "although I had to admit I thought something was up when they invited us over to the loft for a BBQ. I mean who has a backyard BBQ party at a loft. Only to show up and be told it's a surprise reception. Did you see your mother's face?"
Cane chuckled at Lily's continuous chatter and gave her large belly an affectionate rub. She was due in approximately two weeks but the doctor said it could be anytime. "Yes, her expression was hard to miss but she was only upset because she couldn't plan another lavish wedding. Thankfully she loves Stacey."
"Yes, Stacey has brought out the best in your brother, hasn't she?" Lily looked at Cane with a smug expression. "Your welcome, by the way. I think I would like to collect on that bet now, Mr. Chancellor."
"You would, would you?" Cane asked as he wrapped his arms around her from behind and linked his fingers with hers around her belly. They took a moment to bask in just being together as each reflected back over the past year and all that had happened. Cane kissed a path down Lily's neck and breathed in her scent that was hers and hers alone."
Lily giggled and turned around in his arms. She wrapped her arms around Cane's neck and delved her fingers into his hair. "Did you notice your grandmother and Murphy tonight? I swear they must have snuck away from the crowd at least three times only to reappear later all glowing and adjusting clothing items. Do you think we will be as frisky as they are at their age?"
Cane swooped down and plucked at her mouth with his. "Honey with you at my side, I'll be damned if I can ever keep my hands off you." Cane's mouth found hers again only this time he lingered to taste her and stroke her tongue with his. When they finally separated it was with short panting breaths and looks of longing. Cane wiggled his eyebrows at Lily and said, "now about that bet..."
Lying in bed together and Cane ever mindful of Lily's delicate condition had found new more gentler ways to make love to his wife while still having her come apart in his arms. He spooned her from behind and stroked his hands over her full breasts. They were so sensative now that he could make her moan with just the graze of his fingertips.
Lily raised her hands above and behind her head to grip and pull at Cane's hair as he worked his mouth down and over her oh, so sensatized skin. "Cane, I need you inside me. Now."
Just as eager to join with her, Cane slid his burgioning erection between her drenched folds to find her very core. He stroked her from within while his fingers found her hard clit and administered their own sweet torture. It wasn't long before Lily belly clenched and an orgasm shook her whole body. Cane quickly followed finding his own soul wrenching release.
"That was..."
"Yeah, that was."
"I love you, Lily." Cane whispered against her temple.
"I love you, too." Lily said kissing his fingertips. They settled down and wrapped in one anothers arms they slept...
In the middle of the night it was a different kind of wetness that woke Lily from her sleep. "Ummm... Cane?"
"Remember when the doctor told us that different things could help bring the baby on? Like spicy food, long walks and sex?"
Cane was wide awake now. "Lily?"
"My water just broke. She's on her way..."
They stared down at the precious bundle snuggled in Lily's arms. Cane kissed her temple and put his hand over Lily's as she held their daughter close. Cane's heart nearly escaped his chest with the love he felt for these two, his family.
"What shall we name her?"
"Well ummm... last time we had decided on the name Drucilla Jill and even though we never got to find out what that baby was, in my heart of hearts I believe it was a girl and that was her name. It's not this baby's name."
Cane squeezed her hand. "I agree. So do you have any ideas for this little one?"
"How about... Emma... Emma Kay Ashby-Chancellor?"
Cane looked down at his daughter and she peeked up at his with large chocolate brown eyes. "She looks like an Emma doesn't she? Welcome to the world Emma Chancellor, welcome to the world."
Well folks I hope you enjoyed my latest fanfic but it is time to wrap it up. Thank you everyone for all their wonderful comments and feedback. My next goal is that I would like to write a romance novel of my very own, with my own characters that I have created. I enjoy writing about Cane and Lily and their love affair so very much but it is time that I do something for myself. Call it a New Years Resolution if you will. But I won't stay away forever as I watch theses actors portray these wonderful characters as the soulmates that they are, and as they find there way back to one another I am sure something will spark for me again. Take care and thanks again.

Lily & Cane bringing the romance back to daytime...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
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