Part Thirty!! (Naughtiness Ahead..)
Billy rubbed a hand over his face in restless agitation. He eyed the appointment reminder for Chloe's latest check up and then eyed the assistant that kept swaying her hips past his open office door. Not surprised at how easy the decision was to make when he got up and headed out to turn on the charm...
"Is the father coming today?"
Chloe shifted uncomfortably on the exam table. Inside she seethed but outwardly she gave a brief but cool smile to the nurse and replied, "no sorry something came up and he had to stay at the office. You know how business men are. Work, work and more work."
"Well then lets get to checking your stats, weight and measurements." The nurse got to doing just that.
During the exam Chloe retreated into her mind. She wasn't a fool, she may have done a lot of stupid things but she knew what was what and she knew when she was being played. Chloe had overheard her mother gushing over Cane and Lily's ultrasound photo just this morning, she had also heard how proud and committed Cane was to this child - it infuriated Chloe to no end when she thought about how close she had been to having that. Now she wondered if Billy would even be around for any of it.
The nurse brought her back to the present. "All done. Everything appears to be normal. Please check with the nurse at the desk for your next appointment."
"I'll do that. Thank you..."
Cane stepped through the door of his and Lily's home. Emotionally drained all he wanted was his wife in his arms...
Lily caught his expression from across the room, she got up and met him halfway...
"Just you, just give me you. We'll talk later." Cane said as he wrapped her in his arms and his mouth covered hers in a demanding kiss that Lily willingly accepted.
She arched her body into his and slid her fingers into his hair pulling him even closer. "Cane," she gasped as his searching mouth caressed her jawline and down her sensitive throat.
"Lily, I need you so much." Cane rasped in the shell of her ear causing Lily to shiver with want and her core to melt.
Lily pushed him away to stare at him with a heated gaze. Cane watched as she pulled her fitted shirt over head and fling it to the side. She stole his breath when she turned and slowly lowered her pants to the floor giving him an eyeful of taught , round flesh in the briefest of panties. Turning back she pressed her now fuller breasts , nearly spilling over the cups of her bra against his chest and began to make quick work of the buttons at his throat.
Stripped to only his boxer-briefs, Cane slid his hands over her ass and cupped her fleshy mounds , lifting her until her legs wrapped around his waist. His mouth once again found hers, their tongues stroking, their teeth nipping, their lips never parting as he walked them to their room.
Once there Cane let Lily slid down his body until her feet touched the floor but Lily didn't stop there. In fact she kept right on going until her mouth was level with his hardness. She licked her lips in anticipation as Cane's eyes followed the path of her tongue.
Lily tugged at his underwear until they were at his feet and Cane kicked them aside. Lily wrapped her fingers around his length, stroking him from base to tip. Holding him still, Lily reached out with the very tip of her tongue to taste his essence that had pearled there. Swirling her tongue around the head of his cock she sucked and stroked until Cane thought he could take no more. But he did...
Lily teased and tormented while Cane caressed the back of her head, running his fingers through her hair unsure of whether he would endure this sweet torture much longer. Lily took that choice away with one last suck before she came back up to stand before him. She shed her bra and panties as quickly as she could and then gently pushed Cane back to lay on the bed.
Lily straddled his hips and Cane watched in awe as she captured her breasts in her hands and began to play. Not wanting to be left out Cane slid his own hands up over her waist to replace her hands with his. He plucked at her nipples and massaged her breast making Lily squirm against his hardness.
"You are so beautiful," he said before reaching up to take first one nipple and then the other into his mouth. Taking her with him as he rolled her gently beneath him, as his mouth continued to pleasure her breasts his hands slid down to delve between her folds.
His fingers, slick with her juices found the hard nub of her clit. He slid his fingers back and forth. He listened to the noises she made at the back of her throat, he felt her muscles begin to tense and he knew at any moment she was going to come apart in his arms and he wanted to be right there with her.
He filled her with his thick length and quickened his pace. Lily writhed beneath him and met him thrust for thrust. His mouth found hers and they swallowed their cries of passion and release as they went over the edge together...
Lily laid her head on Cane's chest, their hands caressing one another as she listened to the calming of his heart beat. She lifted her head and cupped his chin in her palm and directed his gaze towards her. "Are you okay?" She asked.
"I am now..."
A new day...
A knock at her door brought Jill out of her thoughts as she rushed to answer it. The private investigator that she had hired two weeks ago stood in the doorway, a large envelope in his hands.
"This is everything I could find out so far, it's not much but you read it over and give me a shout when you decide what you want to do next."
"Thank you," Jill said distracted by what was now in her hands. "I'll be in touch." She said and closed the door.
Immediately she tore into the envelope and hastily read the information inside. Her expression changed to one of confusion as she sat down in a chair and reread everything as if to see if it would say something different.
"This makes no sense. It all still leads back to Katherine but they did the DNA test three times and every time it said she wasn't my mother but everything here says she is. What the hell is going on here?" Something was just not adding up...
Part Thirty-One!!
After a night of no sleep and much thought Jill picked up the phone and dialed a number...
"Yes, this is Jill Abbott. I've made a decision about what I want you to do next... Yes... I want you to find Katherine Chancellor... No, I'm not out of my mind, I have never been more clear headed... Just do as I ask, you will be well compensated." Jill disconnected and immediately dialed another number...
"Put me through to Mitchell Sherman, now. This is Jill Abbott." Jill waited for the assistant to connect her. "Hello Mitchell, we need to talk..."
Chloe had barely slept a wink. The baby was tossing and turning, her back ached and to top it all off she had found newly formed stretch marks across her hips and waist - ugh!! Chloe had to wonder if this had all been really worth it. She rubbed her hand absently over her large protruding belly, the baby had finally stilled, had actually been strangely still for a couple of hours now. A thought popped into her head and she wondered if something could actually be wrong and then the first pain shot across her back...
Billy slipped from the bed as quietly as he could. What's her name - Donna or Deanna? Turned over but did not waken. He let out a soft breath as he gathered up his clothes. Last night had been a blast but he was so not a morning after kind of guy. He was seriously going to have to remember to stop dipping into the company uhhh... supply so to speak because he was going to have to spend the next couple of weeks playing avoid the girl. Closing the door to her apartment he turned his phone back on and saw that he had six messages all from Chloe. Knowing that they would be full of bitching him out for missing yesterdays appointment, he deleted them all without listening to them. He needed a hot shower and an even hotter cup of coffee before he dealt with that mess...
Marge had the early shift at the diner that day. She still mixed up her regulars names and an order or two but it was getting easier. Today was the day that she had to go through all of the papers left for the customers to read and throw out any of the old ones. She was sorting through the stack by the back door when she came across one with her picture on the front cover. Only it wasn't her name underneath. "The late Katherine Chancellor's will was read yesterday and left some colder than others..." Marge read aloud. Something foggy jarred in her memory and looking around her quickly to make sure no one else was near she took the stack of papers and stuffed them into her over sized purse to go through and read when she finished her shift. She took a deep breath to calm her racing heart.
"Marge!" Joe Jr. bellowed. "These orders aren't going to serve themselves."
"Coming, coming." Marge stashed her bag in a safe place and went back to drop off the food at her tables. But all the while the name Katherine Chancellor kept echoing in her mind...
"Jill, come in. I know you were cryptic on the phone but what is it that I can do for you today?"
"I will just get right to the point."
"By all means, please do." Mitchell said, taking a seat behind his desk.
"Mitchell, I need to know what the other part of the will said. The part that you have, that was to be read when the DNA results cam back positive."
"I'm sorry Jill but I won't be able to do that." He replied looking very uncomfortable.
"And why is that Mitchell?" Jill asked with her hands on her hips.
"Well for one, I am not in possession of it anymore."
"Who is?"
"No one. At Katherine's request it was destroyed upon receiving the results. Just as the other part would have been if the results had come back the other way. It was Katherine's desire to have it that way."
"Of course it was. And I have no choice but to contest the will."
"On what grounds?"
"On the grounds that Katherine is indeed my mother..."
Chloe screamed again but no one came, the house was empty. She had left so many messages for Billy but he had yet to return her call. With shaking hands she called the last person who would want to hear from her...
Cane picked up his cell on the second ring. "Hello?"
"Cane? It's Chloe." She bit out through the pain. "Something is wrong with the baby, no one is home and I can't get a hold of Billy. I wouldn't have called you if I didn't - oooohhh..." Her words were cut off as another pain wracked her body.
"Chloe? Chloe, can you hear me?"
"Just take some deep breaths. Have you called an ambulance?"
"Okay. I am going to call one for you. Just hang on and try to stay calm. And I'll make sure I get a hold of Billy to meet you at the hospital."
"Okay, I'll try. Please hurry."
"I'll do my best." Cane disconnected.
Chloe made her way to the top of the stairs when another pain hit her so suddenly that it caused her to miss a step, she screamed as she tumbled down the stairs to lay motionless at the bottom...
Part Thirty-Two!!
The paramedics banged on the door. No one answered.
"Are you sure this is the right address?"
"Positive. Try the handle, see if it's unlocked." It was and they rushed inside. "Ms. Mitchell?" They called out as they scanned the entry way. Spying her sprawled on the floor, one shouted, "over here." And rushed to her side.
"You got a pulse?"
"No. And her head is at such an odd angle, I think her neck is broken. And the baby?"
"I've got a faint detection of a heartbeat. Start manual ventilation on her right away. Let's call it in and see if we can save this kids life." They loaded Chloe's motionless body on to the gurney, all the while manually breathing for her trying to keep oxygen flowing to her unborn child...
Cane banged on Billy's door. "Billy!" He shouted through the wood. "Billy, I know you're home. I saw your car in the garage so open the damn door." Cane demanded, continuing to bang on it.
Billy had just gotten out of the shower when he heard the shouts and pounding coming from his front door. He wrapped a towel around his waste and descended the stairs. "Coming!" He shouted back. Jerking open the door he said, "this better be important."
"It's Chloe. She couldn't get a hold of you so she called me. Something is wrong with the baby and as we speak an ambulance is on it's way to take her to the hospital. For God's sake get dressed and let's go."
Billy, about to say something changed his mind and went back up stairs to to quickly throw some clothes on. His mind flashed back to earlier when he had deleted all of Chloe's messages. His gut twisted with guilt and he moved even quicker.
Cane waited for him at the bottom of the stairs, his phone hanging at an odd angle from his hand. He looked at his brother as if from very far away. "Billy..."
"What? Come on, lets go. I'll even let you drive." Billy stared at Cane as he remained motionless. "What is it?"
"That was the hospital. I guess Chloe never got around to changing who the father was on her file."
"Okay. We can fix that when we get there. So were they calling to say if she had it?"
"No, Billy." Cane swallowed hard, there was no easy way to say this. "They were calling because - because she died."
"The paramedics found her at the house - at the bottom of the stairs. They think she fell just before they got there. They couldn't save her, she was already gone."
"And the baby - what about the baby?"
"They are working on trying to save him. The paramedics manually breathed for Chloe to keep oxygen flowing to him - they are in surgery right now. We have to go, he needs his father."
"This is all my fault."
At the hospital...
Jill was trying her best to comfort Esther as they waited for news on their grandchild. So much devastation and loss, how much could one family take...
Lily met Cane and Billy by the doors and she rushed into his open arms. "I got here as fast as I could. Your mother and Esther are over by the nurses station waiting for any word." Lily reached over and squeezed Billy's limp hand. "I am so sorry."
Cane cast a worried glance at Billy. He hadn't said a single word since his ridiculous claim that it was all his fault. Cane had tried to talk to him during the drive to the hospital but all Billy did was stare out the window lost in thought.
Just then a doctor approached. Jill saw and brought Esther over to hear the news. "Are you Ms. Mitchell's family?" At Cane's nod he continued, "well as you've been told Ms. Mitchell was DOA but thanks to the quick thinking and actions of the paramedics we were able to save her son."
Esther sobbed and Cane wrapped an arm around her other side.
"Even with Ms. Mitchell's apparent fall he has no fractures but we don't know how long he went without oxygen, any permanent damage will only be known in time. Right now he is going to need all of your love and prayers for a full and speedy recovery. Which one of you is the father?" He asked as he looked between Cane and Billy.
Cane opened his mouth but it was Billy who spoke first. "He is," Billy said as he shoved Cane forward. "I need some air and that boy needs you." Billy started walking briskly down the hall.
"If you would come this way, you can see your son." The doctor said, not yet catching on to the confusion amongst the family.
"Whoa, wait." Cane said finding his voice. "Billy!" Cane shouted after him. Cane felt torn in two. He didn't know which way to go and his mother and Esther were shocked and speechless, they didn't know what to think.
"Go after him, I'll see to things here." Lily, ever the voice of reason said as she squeezed his hand.
"Thank you," Cane said and took off at a run to catch up to his grieving brother.
Directed by the nurses, Cane found Lily in the neo-natal unit and after he dawned a protective smock he joined her in the room...
He was still to stunned at what had happened earlier to even fully comprehend it or absorb it. Lily sensed his presence behind her.
"Your Mom took Esther home with some medication so she could try and get some rest. I told them I would stay here."
Cane put his hands on her shoulders and his face in her hair. Breathing her in he whispered, "thank you."
"Billy wants us to raise him, doesn't he?"
Cane peered over her shoulder at the tiny baby and watched as he wrapped his little fingers around one of Lily's - he might as well have wrapped them around their hearts. "I tried to make him see reason. I tried to tell him that this was only his grief and shock talking but I could not sway him. So yes, Billy wants us to raise him as are own."
Lily looked away from the tiny form in front of her to meet her husband's gaze. "But what do you want to do?" ...
Part Thirty-Three!!
"What do I want to do? That is quite the loaded question, isn't it?" Cane took a deep breath and rubbed a hand over his tired features. Spying a couple of chairs in the the corner of the room he collapsed into one of them, Lily joined him in the other.
She grabbed his hand and held it tight and waited. After a couple of minutes she said, "why don't you start with what transpired between you and Billy, maybe that will help make things clearer."
"It's not that Lily, he made things perfectly clear. I'll do what's right for this kid because he is family but that boy needs his father - his real father." Cane's mind flashed back to when he found Billy near the back exit of the hospital...
"Billy! Billy stop!" Cane grabbed him by the arm and spun him around. "What the hell man? You can't just drop that kind of bomb and take off. That is your son in there fighting for his life, you can't just walk away from that." Cane looked at his brother incredulously.
"Because Cane. I am a complete and utter screw-up. I didn't want that baby - hell I wanted nothing to do with his crazy mother and now she's dead and it's all my fault."
"Your fault? How is her falling down a set of stairs by accident your fault?"
"Because if I had been man enough and stepped up to the plate instead of diddling my latest assistant, she might be alive right now. That baby doesn't deserve me for a father. I don't know how to be a father - and I don't think I want to be one either. I gotta get out of here. He'll be better off with you." Billy turned and started walking away.
"Billy! Don't do this! Do you think I know how to be a father? It's not something you know, it's something you learn..."
Billy paused for a moment, his hand on the door. He shook his head, almost like a shudder and kept right on walking...
Lily cupped Cane's face and stroked his cheek. "This is all such a shock to him. I'm sure he didn't mean all that, he just needs some time."
"I don't know Lily. It seemed pretty final to -"
The door to the room opened interupting Cane in mid sentance and Billy walked in. Cane and Lily held their breath as they watched Billy approach the tiny bundle in the incubator.
"He's so tiny," Billy whispered. He reached out a shaking hand and gently stroked a finger along his little arm. Billy's breath hitched in his throat. "God, he's so beautiful."
Cane and Lily had come to stand behind Billy. "Yes he is and he really needs his father." Lily said.
Billy glanced behind him at his older brother. "What you said earlier, do you really think I can learn to be a good father?"
Cane reached out and squeezed his shoulder. "Yes I do and your family, Lily and I especially will be here to help you along the way. I know your scared but you won't have to do this alone."
"Okay, I'll take the plunge. Besides it's about damn time that I grew up and took some responsibility...."
Two weeks later...
Carter John Abbott came home from the hospital with a clean bill of health. Billy looked at his son as he squirmed in the bassinett in front of him.
"Okay, C.J. we're going to do this together right? You and I are in this for the long haul and I promise I am going to do the best that I can to raise you right." The doorbell rang. "Don't go anywhere. I'm just going to answer that."
Billy got up and went over to the door he figured it was probably one of his family members stopping by to make sure that he and C.J. were okay as they had been doing for the past couple of days. So it was with mild surprise that he opened the door to find a petite firery red head with a smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose and bright green eyes standing on his door step. "Yes?"
"Billy Abbott?" She asked sticking out her hand in greeting.
"Yes." He said as he enveloped her small hand in his.
"I'm Stacey Halloway, your new nanny..."
Part Thirty-Four!!
"She's doing what? ... Moving all your furniture around? ... Why? ... Oh, that I understand. Baby proofing is very important. ... What do you mean you can't even find you underwear anymore? ..." Lily choked back a laugh. "No I'm not laughing at you, honest." And then she snorted. "Billy? Billy? Huh." Lily said as she put down the phone. "I believe I was just hung up on." She said turning towards Cane.
"Gee, I wonder why?" Cane said eyeing her above the paper.
"Whatever do you mean?" Lily asked with fained inocense. "The thanks I get for finding someone qualified to help him out during this tough time."
Cane put his paper aside and walked over and wrapped his arms around his wife. Nuzzling her neck he said, "if I didn't know better Mrs. Chancellor, I'd say that you had ulterior motives choosing Ms. Halloway."
Lily moved her head, allowing him easier access to her sensative neck. "Nonsense. I knew as soon as I met her that she would be the one girl that wouldn't put up with his crap or fall all over herself the first time he turned on the charm."
"Ahhh... but what about the second or the third time that he does?" Cane asked as he nibbled a path to the shell of her ear and licked causing a shudder to run down Lily's spine.
"I don't care if it's the twenty-third time. I think Stacey is going to be the one to break that man." Lily turned and slid her hands up and into the nape of Cane's hair, tugging him down to her eager lips.
Breaking the kiss to stare into his wife's eyes. He smiled at her devilishly and asked, "care to bet on it?"
Lily giggled and said in a sultry voice, "what are you going to do to purswade me to take that wager?"
"Oh, I can think of a few different ways." And Cane took great pleasure in seducing his wife...
Jill opened the door of her suite at the GCAC to find Mitchell Sherman on the other side. "Mitchell, what are you doing here?"
"I came to see if you had changed your mind about contesting the will." He said stepping into her suite.
"No, I am going through with it."
"I don't get it Jill. I went down to the hospital myself and went over the results with the technician. He even ran it one more time and again it was the same conclusion. You're not Katherine's biological daughter."
"My private investigator says otherwise. Everything he has found leads back to Katherine Chancellor."
"Except Jill, the DNA still doesn't match."
"I know and that doesn't make any sense. I know I'm her daughter, I know I am. If I have to I will even exume her body because something is just not adding up."
"Is that what you really want to do, Jill? Hasn't your family and friends suffered enough?"
"One has nothing to do with the other." Jill said looking at anything in the room except Mitchell.
"Doesn't it Jill? The press is going to go crazy over this story. Are you sure there is nothing I can say to convince you to change your mind?"
"No Mitchell. No there isn't."
"Well then, are you going to tell your family or are you going to let the newspapers do your dirty work for you?"...
Marge had just got back to Murphy's after finishing another shift at the diner. Her back ached and her feet were killing her...
"Let me find you some epsin salts and you can soak your feet, Margie."
"Thanks Murph." She sat down at the kitchen table and scowered the latest paper for any tid bits about Katherine Chancellor or her family.
Murphy came out with a footbath and filled it with hot water. He added the salts as he watched Marge from the corner of his eye. "You know what's funny?"
"What's that?" She asked distractedly.
"Until a couple of weeks ago I don't think I ever saw you pick up a newspaper unless it was to throw it out at the diner or to use it for kindling to start a fire. I never saw you pick one up and read it from front to back."
"That's funny, I have memories of always reading the paper." She turned to look at him. "It's just so weird. I feel like a stranger in my own skin. I don't even remember you before a few weeks ago."
Murphy nelt down infront of her and placed her tired and aching feet into the soak. "Ever since you went on that major bender, I have to admit that I've found you different to but in a better way. Since you have laid off the booze I have liked getting to know you, the real you."
"I have these funny dreams sometimes but whenever I wake up I can't remember them, I just know they're about me. Maybe I should pawn this ring and move somewhere else that is more suitable for me."
Murphy grabbed her hand. "Ohhh... don't do that Margie. I think you're exactly where you should be. Right here with me..."

Lily & Cane bringing the romance back to daytime...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Written Sept. 19th - Dec. 23rd 08 (Parts 25 - 29)
Part Twenty-Five!!
The family gathered at the funeral home for a private viewing and a chance to say goodbye without the rest of Genoa City looking on. So many people were expected for the funeral on the following day. Katherine was loved by so many...
Jill, Cane, Billy, Brock and Esther gathered around the coffin as the funeral director lifted the lid and then excused himself. Lily had the unfortunate pleasure of waiting in the anterior room with Chloe while the family had a few moments alone with Katherine, they simply chose to ignore one another.
So many thoughts were running through Cane's mind out of all the different scenarios he thought of that he would meet his Uncle Brock under - he never considered this one...
They all gazed at Katherine's now lifeless body still not truly believing it was even her.
"She looks so different, like it's not even her." Jill choked back yet another sob.
Cane put his arm around her shoulders and his lips to her temple. "Ah, Mum. She was so vibrant and striking in life to see her so very still now... is just so wrong."
"I know what to expect with life. We are born, we live, we die but for some reason I thought my Mother would be around forever." Brock said as he reached out a shaking hand to touch Katherine's.
"No matter how many times I screwed up my life Grandmother was always there, always in my corner. What am I going to do without her?" Billy said, leaning on Jill's other side.
"What are we all going to do without her? Mrs. C. was such a big part of our lives. Everything seems so empty now."
The funeral director cleared his throat from behind them. "Mrs. Abbott? If you are ready, there are still a few more arrangements to be made."
Jill nodded. "Yes, of course. I will be right with you."
"Mum, is there anything we can do to help?"
"No, no. I want to do it myself, it will keep me busy."
"You're sure?" Asked Billy.
"Yes, you can all go ahead. I will see you at the estate later."
"I have some sandwiches and snacks ready if anyone is hungry. I'll just head back now to put everything out."
Brock squeezed her shoulder. "Esther, you don't have to cater to us. You are grieving just as much as we are."
"I want to. Come on Chloe, let's go."
Cane wrapped Lily in his arms. "Do you feel up to eating right now sweetheart? After all you need to keep your strength up for both you and the baby."
Chloe froze for just a moment as she was following her mother out the door. Baby! Cane and Lily are having a baby? Jeez could the day get any worse. And with those wonderfully sarcastic thoughts running around in her little head Chloe continued out the door.
"I could manage to eat something. How is your Mom holding up?"
"She's trying her best to keep it together for us but she is hurting so very much. I'm just going to check on her once more before we go. Billy, you'll be able to give Uncle Brock a ride?"
"Yeah, I'll see you both back at the estate."
"I wish it could have been better circumstances we met under, son. I am sorry I couldn't make it to your wedding. But I am so thankful that you are here for your Mother, she is going to need her family so much right now." Brock wrapped Cane in a warm hug before he followed Billy out the door.
"I'll wait for you here, sweetheart. I love you."
Cane kissed Lily tenderly and whispered, "I love you too. Thank you for being here for me."
Cane turned and went back into the viewing room where he found his mother sobbing over Katherine and begging her for forgiveness...
"I am so sorry Mother. This is all my fault. If I was just paying more attention and saw the signs for what they really were instead of thinking it was something to do with memory loss, maybe you would still be here now. Can you ever forgive me? Because I don't think I will ever be able to forgive myself."
Cane's warm hands gripped her shoulders from behind. "Mum, please don't blame yourself, Grandmum doesn't. In my soul I know she doesn't. She loved you, so much."
Jill turned and wrapped her arms around Cane and said, "do you think so?"
Cane pulled back and looked at his mother. "I know so..."
The next day at the funeral...
As Cane looked around the packed church he thought to himself that everyone in the city had turned out for the great Katherine Chancellor's funeral and he would be right and then some as many former residents and longtime friends of Katherine's had made the trip as well.
Many tears were shed but also many smiles shared as so many people stood to speak so fondly of Katherine. Everyone had such wonderful stories to tell about her that it truly turned into a celebration of her life, which Cane thought would truly be what she wanted...
At the end of the service there was some commotion as everyone turned in surprise to see Victor and Ashley in the doorway but before he could even say goodbye to his long time friend the police had been notified of his presence and he was arrested. It became even more uncomfortable when he vowed revenge against Adam Wilson, his own son...
Many of the guests who attended the service returned to the Chancellor Estates for an informal gathering to continue the celebration of Katherine Chancellor's life.
Funny how things would be turned upside down even more in just a matter of days...
Part Twenty-Six!!
A week after the funeral. The will about to be read...
A letter from the office of Mr. Mitchell Sherman had gone out to the following individuals as their presence was required at the reading of Katherine Chancellor's will...
Jill Abbott, Cane Ashby-Chancellor, Lily Winters-Chancellor, Billy Abbott, Esther Valentine, Kate Valentine a.k.a Chloe Mitchell, Brock Reynolds, Mackenzie Reynolds, Phillip Chancellor IV and Amber Moore.
Jill took a deep breath as she paced the outer office of Katherine's lawyer. This was all just a formality. Of course the grandchildren would get their token amounts and of course Katherine's many charitable causes but Jill knew without a doubt that the bulk of the Chancellor fortune was coming to her...
The reading of the will (part one)...
Mitchell Sherman cleared his throat as he leaned against the edge of his desk for everyone to take their seats. Not everyone was going to like what he had to say...
"So we are still waiting on a Mackenzie Reynolds and Phillip Chancellor IV?"
"Actually Mackenzie couldn't be here so I, her father will be here on her behalf and mine."
"And I am here to represent my son Phillip, who is serving over in Iraq." Nina said as she was the last one to step into the room.
"That is fine and since everyone is now represented in one way or another we shall begin." Mr. Sherman opened a large file and pulled out several legal documents. "As I mentioned to you at the service, Mrs. Chancellor had made some recent changes to her will. As recently as a few weeks ago."
Jill shifted slightly in her seat but for the most part remained outwardly calm.
Mitchell Sherman began. "I Katherine Chancellor, being of sound mind and body do solemnly swear that this is my final will and testament..."
There were final gifts in large amounts left to each and every charitable organization that Katherine supported.
"To my first born son, Brock. I leave you the sum of five million dollars to do with as you please but if I know you like I do it will find it's way into the hands of so many in need."
Brock smiled softly, looked up and said, "I will try my very best Mother to live up to your expectations."
"To my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Mackenzie, Billy and Phillip IV. Even though it may have occurred that not everyone is related by blood, you are still very much my family and the trusts that were made in your names at the time of your births are yours to do with as you wish."
Nina nodded in acceptance.
"To Esther Valentine. My dear Esther. You were never just my employee. You were my confident, my friend and my companion. You will never have to work a day in your life again - if that is your choice. My Estate will always take care of you for as long as you live and the Chancellor grounds will always be your home."
"Thank you Mrs. C." Esther said as a few tears slid unchecked down her cheeks.
Jill pursed her lips but managed not to say anything. Esther may drive her crazy but she would respect her mother's wishes on this.
"Kate Valentine a.k.a Chloe Mitchell. I made sure that you had the best education that money could by and because of your mother I will extend that same courtesy to your unborn child."
"To Ms. -"
"Wait, that's it!" Chloe exclaimed.
Several pairs of eyes turned and glared in her direction.
"I mean, thank you. How very generous of Mrs. Chancellor." Chloe bit out as she seethed inside.
"As I was saying. To Ms. Amber Moore. If it should come to pass that my time had come before my memoirs had been published, I leave all drafts and there rights to you. Please see that my story is told."
"I will Mrs. C." Amber whispered.
"You will do no such thing. I will contest that."
"Ummm... yes Mrs. Abbott. Mrs. Chancellor anticipated your reaction to that so she took extra precautions and went through thorough legal channels to make sure that you could not. She says and I quote, 'I want my story told and I have taken every measure to insure that it will.'"
"Well I will be going over those documents with a fine tooth comb and if there is a way to stop it, I will."
"By all means go right ahead but I can assure you, you won't find one." Replied Mr. Sherman.
"There is only one other matter to address today. A stipulation, if you will before I can read the rest of the contents of the will." Mr. Sherman fidgeted with the papers in front of him, becoming more uncomfortable with what he had to say next. "A DNA test."
"A DNA test? For whom?"
Mr. Sherman cleared his throat. "For you Mrs. Abbott. Mrs. Chancellor has stipulated that she wants you to submit to another DNA test before the rest of the will is read..."
Part Twenty-Seven!!
"WHAT!" Jill exclaimed, jumping up from her chair. "That is absolutely preposterous. It was established decades ago that I was her daughter."
Mr. Sherman shifted again. "She was very specific in her requests, Mrs. Abbott. I am not permitted to read the rest of the will until I have been given the results."
"Fine. What do I have to worry about anyway? I am Katherine Chancellor's daughter, of that I have no doubt. I will go over to the hospital after I leave here. The sooner I do this ridiculous request, the sooner all of this will be over and we can all try to move on with our lives." Jill said as she gathered up her purse and coat.
Cane cleared his throat before he said, "I am not sure I understand, Mr. Sherman. Why was I asked to be here if my grandmother didn't even mention me?"
Lily squeezed his hand in support.
"Oh, you are mentioned Mr. Chancellor. When your mother has completed your grandmother's request, you, your wife and Mrs. Abbott will return here to hear the remainder of the will. As for the rest of you, as Mrs. Katherine Chancellor has already bestowed upon you all that she will your presence won't be required for the second half. Good day." Mitchell Sherman returned to his desk dismissing them all.
Billy pulled his mother aside. "What do you think this all about Mom?"
Jill pursed her lips together before she said, "my guess is that eccentric old woman is trying to drive me crazy from the great beyond."
Cane took a deep breath and got up to leave with the Lily and the rest. This was all so strange he thought. He hadn't actually expected anything from his grandmother. Finding his family and accepting their love had been such a gift as it was. And having been promoted to Co-CEO of Chancellor Industries - well he wasn't hurting financially anyways but why would Katherine ask this of his mother? He really wish he had had the time to figure out their complex relationship better...
Two days later...
Mitchell Sherman sat at his desk thoroughly perplexed as he stared at the DNA results he had just received. When he had heard Katherine ask him to include this in her will, he had honestly thought it was one last dig at Jill - something to drive her crazy since he was well aware of their stormy and sometimes volatile relationship. But still these results were the last thing he expected. So as per Katherine's instructions he took the envelope marked #2 and put it with her file and the envelope marked #1 he set on fire and destroyed. He didn't know what exactly was written in the one he just destroyed but when he read the other one in an hour he thought he would have a pretty good idea....
Jill, Cane and Lily once again took a seat in Mr. Sherman's office. Jill had done the test right after she had left his office two days prior. The hospital expedited the results as quickly as they could since these results were given top priority and with samples taken from Mrs. Chancellor's body the test had been done three times to ensure complete accuracy. Now here they sat again and waited for the rest of her will to be read...
Mitchell cleared his throat and began. "To Cane Ashby-Chancellor. The child I traded away out of anger and spite, please forgive me for what I did. Your father was such a wonderful and extraordinary man and I am so sorry that I robbed you of time that you could have spent with him."
Cane blinked back tears and he held on to Lily's hand just a bit tighter.
"Since you are the last living heir of Phillip Chancellor II, I am giving you all that is rightfully yours. The entire Chancellor fortune."
"What? I don't understand. I am my mother's direct heir, aren't I?" Jill paled as it hit her. "No!"
"Mrs. Abbott, if you could just wait a moment all will be explained." Mitchell continued reading. "This includes all of the properties, holdings and money. My collection of jewels minus a few sentimental pieces for Jill will all go to you, may your beautiful bride Lily wear them with pride. Everything is yours Cane, everything except for Jabot. Jill when I requested that you take another DNA test I will admit it was to get under your skin one last time. I had my moments of doubt over all these years but I always came back to the same conclusion for better or worse you were mine. I only wrote this version as an after thought - a what if, if you will but if Mitchell is reading this now then it must be true. You are not my daughter - you never were. If I were there I must say that I might even regret having you do the test but it is far to late for regrets. So what's done is done and I leave you Jabot back in the hands of an Abbott where it belongs. I leave it up to you how much or little you want to involve the rest of the Abbotts. I am sorry Jill. Signed, Katherine Chancellor."
Cane reached out to Jill. "Mum?"
Jill wiped at the tears on her cheeks avoiding Cane's hand. "She really knows how to make a grand exit, doesn't she? I'm sorry but I need some air."
"Mum!" Jill once again moved away from Cane's grasp. "I'll talk to you later." Jill left the office quickly wiping at her eyes as she went...
Part Twenty-Eight!!
Cane and Lily had been quiet on the drive home. Shock and stunned doesn't even begin to describe how they were feeling especially Cane.
Closing the door to their home, Cane leaned back against it for a moment. "This is all so, so - heck I don't even know."
Lily turned to face her husband. "Surreal? Unbelievable? Crazy?"
"Ummm... yeah all of the above and more." Stepping away from the door he removed his trench coat and shrugged out of his suit jacket, he pulled his tie free and undid the first couple of buttons of his shirt. He walked up to Lily and wrapped his arms around her. Burying his face in her hair he said, "what about Mum? She wouldn't even let me touch her, comfort her. This must be all so confusing and overwhelming for her, much more than it is for me. Her whole identity - just like that gone."
Lily pulled back enough so that she could look up at Cane. "Your mother is such a strong and resilient woman and when she is ready I am sure that she will turn to you. She must have a lot of internal questions that she is wrestling with and both you and I can understand that from our own experiences. When she is ready, she will come to us. So what happens next?"
"Well Mr. Sherman said that he would be releasing a statement to the press, another request of Katherine's."
"I see. Wow, our lives seemed to be filled with lots of complications."
Cane kissed her temple. "I know sweetheart, I know. I just want to be with you and shut out the rest of our complicated world for a while."
Lily reached up and brought Cane's lips to hers in a heated kiss. "Lead the way Mr. Chancellor."
Cane swept Lily up into his arms and carried her to their bedroom. Just for a little while longer he wanted his world to just revolve around her...
Jill knelt at Katherine's grave. She wiped at the tears that still clung to her lashes with the pad of her thumb. "Well Katherine, I don't know what you expected to accomplish with this. Was it to lash out at me for pressing you to see that specialist? Were you drunk when you came up with this crazy idea? I was your daughter. I believed I was your daughter. Who am I?" She looked up at the sky and screamed it, "WHO AM I?"...
Murphy shuffled around his and Marge's small but functional apartment. He fixed Marge a cup of coffee just the way she liked it. She had been so lucky that he happened upon her almost two weeks ago. She had a pretty nasty bump on the head and a few other scratches and bruises but being the stubborn woman that she was she had refused to go to the hospital. So instead he had made it his job to nurse her back to health. Talking to her about her life and their life together, everything from her regulars at the diner to what the two of them liked to do most together. At first Margie had been pretty confused about things and that worried him but everyday she seemed to get a bit better and she seemed to like hearing him talk and well he surely liked to talk as well. Heck Marge even mentioned that she would like to go back to the diner pretty soon - she must be feeling like her old self...
After making tender love to his wife Cane wrapped his arms around her from behind and pulled her tightly to his warm body. "Thank you."
Lily turned slightly in his arms and touched her hand to his cheek. "Thank you? Thank you for what, sweetheart?"
"For just being you. I love you so much and everything that has happened recently just really puts into perspective just how precarious life is. I want to treasure every moment I have with you because you just never know."
"I couldn't agree more. I love you too, so very much."
Cane was silent for a few minutes as he gently caressed her body, his hand coming to rest of the slight mound of her belly where their child slept. "Why do you think Katherine did what she did? I mean knowing how many lives this would change, what was her motive?"
"I don't know Cane. Katherine was one of a kind with an agenda all her own. And as it stands now we probably will never know..."
Part Twenty-Nine!!
No matter what happens in life, time still keeps moving forward and everyone must move with it...
Now the second week of March, Katherine had been gone for almost a month now but the time had not lessoned anyones pain. Cane made his way to the mansion. He had been trying to catch his mother around the office but she was getting really good at avoiding him and frankly he was sick of it. What was done was done and they had to somehow move beyond it. He took a deep and calming breath before opening the door...
And he walked into to stacks of boxes and suitcases. "What the - ?" Confused he looked around and spied Esther sitting in the living room. "Esther what's going on here? Are you moving out?"
Esther sniffed and wiped at her eyes. "No, but your mother is."
"What? Why? This is her home. Where is she going to go?"
Jill walked up behind them. "It's not my home, it never was. It's yours Cane and I can no longer stay in it. The memories of what I thought were my life are just to much to - to continue to live here."
"Mum, that is crazy. Of course this is your home. I don't want you to leave here, that thought never even crossed my mind. Mum, please... when are you going to stop pulling away from me? I need you,our family needs you."
"Jill, Cane is right. Mrs. C. wouldn't want you to go either no matter what the will brought about. I'll just give you two some privacy to work this out." Esther said as she left the room.
"There is nothing to work out, my mind is made up." Jill said as she continued to gather up some things in the living room.
"Mum, please," pleaded Cane. "Where are you going to go?"
Keeping herself busy so as to avoid looking her son in the eye she replied, "the GCAC until I can find permanent accommodations."
"Mum, I just don't understand."
"Hum... and here I thought you would be the one person that would. You searched for years to find me, you needed that connection. Well I need to find out who I really am and I can't do it in this house."
Cane's old insecurities surfaced and he reached out and wrapped his arms around his mother.
Jill felt it, she felt his fear. She knew that feeling all to well, it all but consumed her these days. Her arms reached around Cane and held him equally as tight. "I'm not turning my back on you, son. I just need some time to figure some things out."
"And I'll be here for you Mum, whenever you need me." Cane pulled back and reached into his pocket. "Here," he said as he handed her a folded piece of paper.
"What's this?" Jill asked as she unfolded it and her breath caught. "Is this -?"
"Yes, Mum. Lily had her first ultrasound yesturday. We're having a daughter - your granddaughter."
Tears shone in Jill's eyes as she once again wrapped her arms around her son. "Congratulations. I am so happy for you both."
Cane squeezed her back. "Don't keep your distance for to long. She will be here before you know it."
Jill nodded and wiped at her eyes. She tried to hand Cane back the picture but he refused.
"No, Mum. That's your copy, the first of what I am sure is to be so many. Think of it as a reminder that even though you might not know where you come from anymore, you should know exactly where you are and that you are loved so very much."
Jill nodded again and with a sad smile made her excuses and went upstairs to finish packing.
Cane sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. Looking around the quiet room he said, "Katherine. If only you were here to make everything right again. We are all so lost without you..."
"Come on Marge. Quit your chatting and get a move on, these orders won't serve them selves. If you don't shape up, you're fired!"
"You will not speak to me in such a manner. I am doing the best that I can."
"Well law-dee-daw!! What are you the Queen of England? I swear I don't know what my old man saw in you all those years ago when he hired you but I am just not seeing it."
"Oh yeah. Give me two turkeys on white, hold the tomato on one and give me an apple pie with a hat on it - that means ice cream," Marge said as she slapped the order slip on the table. She turned and Murphy gave her a wink. Marge leaned over and told him, "if a waitress is what I am then I'm going to be the best damn one around..."
The family gathered at the funeral home for a private viewing and a chance to say goodbye without the rest of Genoa City looking on. So many people were expected for the funeral on the following day. Katherine was loved by so many...
Jill, Cane, Billy, Brock and Esther gathered around the coffin as the funeral director lifted the lid and then excused himself. Lily had the unfortunate pleasure of waiting in the anterior room with Chloe while the family had a few moments alone with Katherine, they simply chose to ignore one another.
So many thoughts were running through Cane's mind out of all the different scenarios he thought of that he would meet his Uncle Brock under - he never considered this one...
They all gazed at Katherine's now lifeless body still not truly believing it was even her.
"She looks so different, like it's not even her." Jill choked back yet another sob.
Cane put his arm around her shoulders and his lips to her temple. "Ah, Mum. She was so vibrant and striking in life to see her so very still now... is just so wrong."
"I know what to expect with life. We are born, we live, we die but for some reason I thought my Mother would be around forever." Brock said as he reached out a shaking hand to touch Katherine's.
"No matter how many times I screwed up my life Grandmother was always there, always in my corner. What am I going to do without her?" Billy said, leaning on Jill's other side.
"What are we all going to do without her? Mrs. C. was such a big part of our lives. Everything seems so empty now."
The funeral director cleared his throat from behind them. "Mrs. Abbott? If you are ready, there are still a few more arrangements to be made."
Jill nodded. "Yes, of course. I will be right with you."
"Mum, is there anything we can do to help?"
"No, no. I want to do it myself, it will keep me busy."
"You're sure?" Asked Billy.
"Yes, you can all go ahead. I will see you at the estate later."
"I have some sandwiches and snacks ready if anyone is hungry. I'll just head back now to put everything out."
Brock squeezed her shoulder. "Esther, you don't have to cater to us. You are grieving just as much as we are."
"I want to. Come on Chloe, let's go."
Cane wrapped Lily in his arms. "Do you feel up to eating right now sweetheart? After all you need to keep your strength up for both you and the baby."
Chloe froze for just a moment as she was following her mother out the door. Baby! Cane and Lily are having a baby? Jeez could the day get any worse. And with those wonderfully sarcastic thoughts running around in her little head Chloe continued out the door.
"I could manage to eat something. How is your Mom holding up?"
"She's trying her best to keep it together for us but she is hurting so very much. I'm just going to check on her once more before we go. Billy, you'll be able to give Uncle Brock a ride?"
"Yeah, I'll see you both back at the estate."
"I wish it could have been better circumstances we met under, son. I am sorry I couldn't make it to your wedding. But I am so thankful that you are here for your Mother, she is going to need her family so much right now." Brock wrapped Cane in a warm hug before he followed Billy out the door.
"I'll wait for you here, sweetheart. I love you."
Cane kissed Lily tenderly and whispered, "I love you too. Thank you for being here for me."
Cane turned and went back into the viewing room where he found his mother sobbing over Katherine and begging her for forgiveness...
"I am so sorry Mother. This is all my fault. If I was just paying more attention and saw the signs for what they really were instead of thinking it was something to do with memory loss, maybe you would still be here now. Can you ever forgive me? Because I don't think I will ever be able to forgive myself."
Cane's warm hands gripped her shoulders from behind. "Mum, please don't blame yourself, Grandmum doesn't. In my soul I know she doesn't. She loved you, so much."
Jill turned and wrapped her arms around Cane and said, "do you think so?"
Cane pulled back and looked at his mother. "I know so..."
The next day at the funeral...
As Cane looked around the packed church he thought to himself that everyone in the city had turned out for the great Katherine Chancellor's funeral and he would be right and then some as many former residents and longtime friends of Katherine's had made the trip as well.
Many tears were shed but also many smiles shared as so many people stood to speak so fondly of Katherine. Everyone had such wonderful stories to tell about her that it truly turned into a celebration of her life, which Cane thought would truly be what she wanted...
At the end of the service there was some commotion as everyone turned in surprise to see Victor and Ashley in the doorway but before he could even say goodbye to his long time friend the police had been notified of his presence and he was arrested. It became even more uncomfortable when he vowed revenge against Adam Wilson, his own son...
Many of the guests who attended the service returned to the Chancellor Estates for an informal gathering to continue the celebration of Katherine Chancellor's life.
Funny how things would be turned upside down even more in just a matter of days...
Part Twenty-Six!!
A week after the funeral. The will about to be read...
A letter from the office of Mr. Mitchell Sherman had gone out to the following individuals as their presence was required at the reading of Katherine Chancellor's will...
Jill Abbott, Cane Ashby-Chancellor, Lily Winters-Chancellor, Billy Abbott, Esther Valentine, Kate Valentine a.k.a Chloe Mitchell, Brock Reynolds, Mackenzie Reynolds, Phillip Chancellor IV and Amber Moore.
Jill took a deep breath as she paced the outer office of Katherine's lawyer. This was all just a formality. Of course the grandchildren would get their token amounts and of course Katherine's many charitable causes but Jill knew without a doubt that the bulk of the Chancellor fortune was coming to her...
The reading of the will (part one)...
Mitchell Sherman cleared his throat as he leaned against the edge of his desk for everyone to take their seats. Not everyone was going to like what he had to say...
"So we are still waiting on a Mackenzie Reynolds and Phillip Chancellor IV?"
"Actually Mackenzie couldn't be here so I, her father will be here on her behalf and mine."
"And I am here to represent my son Phillip, who is serving over in Iraq." Nina said as she was the last one to step into the room.
"That is fine and since everyone is now represented in one way or another we shall begin." Mr. Sherman opened a large file and pulled out several legal documents. "As I mentioned to you at the service, Mrs. Chancellor had made some recent changes to her will. As recently as a few weeks ago."
Jill shifted slightly in her seat but for the most part remained outwardly calm.
Mitchell Sherman began. "I Katherine Chancellor, being of sound mind and body do solemnly swear that this is my final will and testament..."
There were final gifts in large amounts left to each and every charitable organization that Katherine supported.
"To my first born son, Brock. I leave you the sum of five million dollars to do with as you please but if I know you like I do it will find it's way into the hands of so many in need."
Brock smiled softly, looked up and said, "I will try my very best Mother to live up to your expectations."
"To my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Mackenzie, Billy and Phillip IV. Even though it may have occurred that not everyone is related by blood, you are still very much my family and the trusts that were made in your names at the time of your births are yours to do with as you wish."
Nina nodded in acceptance.
"To Esther Valentine. My dear Esther. You were never just my employee. You were my confident, my friend and my companion. You will never have to work a day in your life again - if that is your choice. My Estate will always take care of you for as long as you live and the Chancellor grounds will always be your home."
"Thank you Mrs. C." Esther said as a few tears slid unchecked down her cheeks.
Jill pursed her lips but managed not to say anything. Esther may drive her crazy but she would respect her mother's wishes on this.
"Kate Valentine a.k.a Chloe Mitchell. I made sure that you had the best education that money could by and because of your mother I will extend that same courtesy to your unborn child."
"To Ms. -"
"Wait, that's it!" Chloe exclaimed.
Several pairs of eyes turned and glared in her direction.
"I mean, thank you. How very generous of Mrs. Chancellor." Chloe bit out as she seethed inside.
"As I was saying. To Ms. Amber Moore. If it should come to pass that my time had come before my memoirs had been published, I leave all drafts and there rights to you. Please see that my story is told."
"I will Mrs. C." Amber whispered.
"You will do no such thing. I will contest that."
"Ummm... yes Mrs. Abbott. Mrs. Chancellor anticipated your reaction to that so she took extra precautions and went through thorough legal channels to make sure that you could not. She says and I quote, 'I want my story told and I have taken every measure to insure that it will.'"
"Well I will be going over those documents with a fine tooth comb and if there is a way to stop it, I will."
"By all means go right ahead but I can assure you, you won't find one." Replied Mr. Sherman.
"There is only one other matter to address today. A stipulation, if you will before I can read the rest of the contents of the will." Mr. Sherman fidgeted with the papers in front of him, becoming more uncomfortable with what he had to say next. "A DNA test."
"A DNA test? For whom?"
Mr. Sherman cleared his throat. "For you Mrs. Abbott. Mrs. Chancellor has stipulated that she wants you to submit to another DNA test before the rest of the will is read..."
Part Twenty-Seven!!
"WHAT!" Jill exclaimed, jumping up from her chair. "That is absolutely preposterous. It was established decades ago that I was her daughter."
Mr. Sherman shifted again. "She was very specific in her requests, Mrs. Abbott. I am not permitted to read the rest of the will until I have been given the results."
"Fine. What do I have to worry about anyway? I am Katherine Chancellor's daughter, of that I have no doubt. I will go over to the hospital after I leave here. The sooner I do this ridiculous request, the sooner all of this will be over and we can all try to move on with our lives." Jill said as she gathered up her purse and coat.
Cane cleared his throat before he said, "I am not sure I understand, Mr. Sherman. Why was I asked to be here if my grandmother didn't even mention me?"
Lily squeezed his hand in support.
"Oh, you are mentioned Mr. Chancellor. When your mother has completed your grandmother's request, you, your wife and Mrs. Abbott will return here to hear the remainder of the will. As for the rest of you, as Mrs. Katherine Chancellor has already bestowed upon you all that she will your presence won't be required for the second half. Good day." Mitchell Sherman returned to his desk dismissing them all.
Billy pulled his mother aside. "What do you think this all about Mom?"
Jill pursed her lips together before she said, "my guess is that eccentric old woman is trying to drive me crazy from the great beyond."
Cane took a deep breath and got up to leave with the Lily and the rest. This was all so strange he thought. He hadn't actually expected anything from his grandmother. Finding his family and accepting their love had been such a gift as it was. And having been promoted to Co-CEO of Chancellor Industries - well he wasn't hurting financially anyways but why would Katherine ask this of his mother? He really wish he had had the time to figure out their complex relationship better...
Two days later...
Mitchell Sherman sat at his desk thoroughly perplexed as he stared at the DNA results he had just received. When he had heard Katherine ask him to include this in her will, he had honestly thought it was one last dig at Jill - something to drive her crazy since he was well aware of their stormy and sometimes volatile relationship. But still these results were the last thing he expected. So as per Katherine's instructions he took the envelope marked #2 and put it with her file and the envelope marked #1 he set on fire and destroyed. He didn't know what exactly was written in the one he just destroyed but when he read the other one in an hour he thought he would have a pretty good idea....
Jill, Cane and Lily once again took a seat in Mr. Sherman's office. Jill had done the test right after she had left his office two days prior. The hospital expedited the results as quickly as they could since these results were given top priority and with samples taken from Mrs. Chancellor's body the test had been done three times to ensure complete accuracy. Now here they sat again and waited for the rest of her will to be read...
Mitchell cleared his throat and began. "To Cane Ashby-Chancellor. The child I traded away out of anger and spite, please forgive me for what I did. Your father was such a wonderful and extraordinary man and I am so sorry that I robbed you of time that you could have spent with him."
Cane blinked back tears and he held on to Lily's hand just a bit tighter.
"Since you are the last living heir of Phillip Chancellor II, I am giving you all that is rightfully yours. The entire Chancellor fortune."
"What? I don't understand. I am my mother's direct heir, aren't I?" Jill paled as it hit her. "No!"
"Mrs. Abbott, if you could just wait a moment all will be explained." Mitchell continued reading. "This includes all of the properties, holdings and money. My collection of jewels minus a few sentimental pieces for Jill will all go to you, may your beautiful bride Lily wear them with pride. Everything is yours Cane, everything except for Jabot. Jill when I requested that you take another DNA test I will admit it was to get under your skin one last time. I had my moments of doubt over all these years but I always came back to the same conclusion for better or worse you were mine. I only wrote this version as an after thought - a what if, if you will but if Mitchell is reading this now then it must be true. You are not my daughter - you never were. If I were there I must say that I might even regret having you do the test but it is far to late for regrets. So what's done is done and I leave you Jabot back in the hands of an Abbott where it belongs. I leave it up to you how much or little you want to involve the rest of the Abbotts. I am sorry Jill. Signed, Katherine Chancellor."
Cane reached out to Jill. "Mum?"
Jill wiped at the tears on her cheeks avoiding Cane's hand. "She really knows how to make a grand exit, doesn't she? I'm sorry but I need some air."
"Mum!" Jill once again moved away from Cane's grasp. "I'll talk to you later." Jill left the office quickly wiping at her eyes as she went...
Part Twenty-Eight!!
Cane and Lily had been quiet on the drive home. Shock and stunned doesn't even begin to describe how they were feeling especially Cane.
Closing the door to their home, Cane leaned back against it for a moment. "This is all so, so - heck I don't even know."
Lily turned to face her husband. "Surreal? Unbelievable? Crazy?"
"Ummm... yeah all of the above and more." Stepping away from the door he removed his trench coat and shrugged out of his suit jacket, he pulled his tie free and undid the first couple of buttons of his shirt. He walked up to Lily and wrapped his arms around her. Burying his face in her hair he said, "what about Mum? She wouldn't even let me touch her, comfort her. This must be all so confusing and overwhelming for her, much more than it is for me. Her whole identity - just like that gone."
Lily pulled back enough so that she could look up at Cane. "Your mother is such a strong and resilient woman and when she is ready I am sure that she will turn to you. She must have a lot of internal questions that she is wrestling with and both you and I can understand that from our own experiences. When she is ready, she will come to us. So what happens next?"
"Well Mr. Sherman said that he would be releasing a statement to the press, another request of Katherine's."
"I see. Wow, our lives seemed to be filled with lots of complications."
Cane kissed her temple. "I know sweetheart, I know. I just want to be with you and shut out the rest of our complicated world for a while."
Lily reached up and brought Cane's lips to hers in a heated kiss. "Lead the way Mr. Chancellor."
Cane swept Lily up into his arms and carried her to their bedroom. Just for a little while longer he wanted his world to just revolve around her...
Jill knelt at Katherine's grave. She wiped at the tears that still clung to her lashes with the pad of her thumb. "Well Katherine, I don't know what you expected to accomplish with this. Was it to lash out at me for pressing you to see that specialist? Were you drunk when you came up with this crazy idea? I was your daughter. I believed I was your daughter. Who am I?" She looked up at the sky and screamed it, "WHO AM I?"...
Murphy shuffled around his and Marge's small but functional apartment. He fixed Marge a cup of coffee just the way she liked it. She had been so lucky that he happened upon her almost two weeks ago. She had a pretty nasty bump on the head and a few other scratches and bruises but being the stubborn woman that she was she had refused to go to the hospital. So instead he had made it his job to nurse her back to health. Talking to her about her life and their life together, everything from her regulars at the diner to what the two of them liked to do most together. At first Margie had been pretty confused about things and that worried him but everyday she seemed to get a bit better and she seemed to like hearing him talk and well he surely liked to talk as well. Heck Marge even mentioned that she would like to go back to the diner pretty soon - she must be feeling like her old self...
After making tender love to his wife Cane wrapped his arms around her from behind and pulled her tightly to his warm body. "Thank you."
Lily turned slightly in his arms and touched her hand to his cheek. "Thank you? Thank you for what, sweetheart?"
"For just being you. I love you so much and everything that has happened recently just really puts into perspective just how precarious life is. I want to treasure every moment I have with you because you just never know."
"I couldn't agree more. I love you too, so very much."
Cane was silent for a few minutes as he gently caressed her body, his hand coming to rest of the slight mound of her belly where their child slept. "Why do you think Katherine did what she did? I mean knowing how many lives this would change, what was her motive?"
"I don't know Cane. Katherine was one of a kind with an agenda all her own. And as it stands now we probably will never know..."
Part Twenty-Nine!!
No matter what happens in life, time still keeps moving forward and everyone must move with it...
Now the second week of March, Katherine had been gone for almost a month now but the time had not lessoned anyones pain. Cane made his way to the mansion. He had been trying to catch his mother around the office but she was getting really good at avoiding him and frankly he was sick of it. What was done was done and they had to somehow move beyond it. He took a deep and calming breath before opening the door...
And he walked into to stacks of boxes and suitcases. "What the - ?" Confused he looked around and spied Esther sitting in the living room. "Esther what's going on here? Are you moving out?"
Esther sniffed and wiped at her eyes. "No, but your mother is."
"What? Why? This is her home. Where is she going to go?"
Jill walked up behind them. "It's not my home, it never was. It's yours Cane and I can no longer stay in it. The memories of what I thought were my life are just to much to - to continue to live here."
"Mum, that is crazy. Of course this is your home. I don't want you to leave here, that thought never even crossed my mind. Mum, please... when are you going to stop pulling away from me? I need you,our family needs you."
"Jill, Cane is right. Mrs. C. wouldn't want you to go either no matter what the will brought about. I'll just give you two some privacy to work this out." Esther said as she left the room.
"There is nothing to work out, my mind is made up." Jill said as she continued to gather up some things in the living room.
"Mum, please," pleaded Cane. "Where are you going to go?"
Keeping herself busy so as to avoid looking her son in the eye she replied, "the GCAC until I can find permanent accommodations."
"Mum, I just don't understand."
"Hum... and here I thought you would be the one person that would. You searched for years to find me, you needed that connection. Well I need to find out who I really am and I can't do it in this house."
Cane's old insecurities surfaced and he reached out and wrapped his arms around his mother.
Jill felt it, she felt his fear. She knew that feeling all to well, it all but consumed her these days. Her arms reached around Cane and held him equally as tight. "I'm not turning my back on you, son. I just need some time to figure some things out."
"And I'll be here for you Mum, whenever you need me." Cane pulled back and reached into his pocket. "Here," he said as he handed her a folded piece of paper.
"What's this?" Jill asked as she unfolded it and her breath caught. "Is this -?"
"Yes, Mum. Lily had her first ultrasound yesturday. We're having a daughter - your granddaughter."
Tears shone in Jill's eyes as she once again wrapped her arms around her son. "Congratulations. I am so happy for you both."
Cane squeezed her back. "Don't keep your distance for to long. She will be here before you know it."
Jill nodded and wiped at her eyes. She tried to hand Cane back the picture but he refused.
"No, Mum. That's your copy, the first of what I am sure is to be so many. Think of it as a reminder that even though you might not know where you come from anymore, you should know exactly where you are and that you are loved so very much."
Jill nodded again and with a sad smile made her excuses and went upstairs to finish packing.
Cane sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. Looking around the quiet room he said, "Katherine. If only you were here to make everything right again. We are all so lost without you..."
"Come on Marge. Quit your chatting and get a move on, these orders won't serve them selves. If you don't shape up, you're fired!"
"You will not speak to me in such a manner. I am doing the best that I can."
"Well law-dee-daw!! What are you the Queen of England? I swear I don't know what my old man saw in you all those years ago when he hired you but I am just not seeing it."
"Oh yeah. Give me two turkeys on white, hold the tomato on one and give me an apple pie with a hat on it - that means ice cream," Marge said as she slapped the order slip on the table. She turned and Murphy gave her a wink. Marge leaned over and told him, "if a waitress is what I am then I'm going to be the best damn one around..."
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