Lily & Cane bringing the romance back to daytime...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Written Sept. 19th - Dec. 23rd 08 (Parts 20 - 24)
The car ride to Neil's was a relatively quiet one. Lily had called her father to let him know that she and Cane would like to join him for lunch today. While Neil had been thrilled at the prospect of having lunch with his daughter... Cane, well... not so much. But Lily was confident that her father would once again warm up to Cane after they explained everything to him. Thank God Karen and Aunt Liv would be their to, to help Neil see the light...
The heated discussion that they had had that morning had been a tough one to get through but they came through it with a new understanding of one another, a new appreciation...
In fact Lily felt so good about their current standing that she decided to broach another subject...
"Yes sweetheart?"
"What are we going to do about Chloe?"
"What do mean, what are we going to do about her? She is out of our lives. She is not my problem and she is most certainly not your problem anymore."
"But that's just it. She is still our problem and she is going to be apart of the rest of our lives. Or don't you want to have anything to do with the niece or nephew that she is carrying?"
Cane shot Lily a sideways glance as he continued to drive along the highway. "Of course I will have something to do with that child. I am its uncle after all but I'll be damned if I am going to have anything to do with her after what she did to us. That child will know it's family loves him. We will figure out a way to do that without involving her."
"Okay. If you say so."
Cane came to a stop at a red light and turned in his seat to face Lily. Leaning towards her he cupped her cheek and stroked it with his thumb. "I refuse to let her inter fear with our lives anymore. She will never hurt us again." His lips sought hers in a warm kiss, his tongue slipping into her mouth to stroke hers...
It was the honk of a car horn from behind that broke them apart and Cane gave a sheepish look in the rear view mirror before proceeding through the now green light...
They stood outside of Neil's apartment door about to knock...
"Are you ready for this?"
Cane reached for Lily's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. He kissed the corner of her mouth and said softly, "as long as you are by my side I can handle anything."
"Good because he is not going to be easy on you, he is my Dad after all."
"Well lucky for me I have a couple of secret weapons by the names of Karen and Olivia to help him see the light."
Lily elbowed him and whispered, "behave." And knocked on the door...
Karen opened the door and immediately wrapped Lily in a warm hug. "I am so glad that you are here." Smiling warmly at Cane over Lily's shoulder she said to him, "I am really glad you are here too, Cane. It has been to long since I have seen either one of you shinning with such happiness."
Cane leaned in for a quick hug of his own. "Believe me, Karen. Having you and Olivia in our corner is a Godsend. We need all the help we can get."
Karen tilted her head as she looked at him. "It will be fine. Just bulldoze past his over-baringness and you've got nothing to worry about."
Cane chuckled, "we'll see."
"I thought I heard voices." Neil said as he came into the room from the kitchen, Olivia coming in behind him. "Hey baby girl." He said as he gave Lily a big hug. Looking over her shoulder he said rather coolly, "Cane..." Neil's stank face was firmly in place as he glared at Cane.
"Neil," Cane replied with a steady stare.
Olivia decided to break the tension. "Why don't we all sit down at the table? Lunch is ready and I am sure these two have lots to tell us." Olivia said as she gestured towards the dining room.
"I'll just bet they do," Neil muttered as he continued to eye Cane.
Cane took it all in stride though even being so bold as to wrap a supportive arm around Lily after they had taken their seats at the table.
After everyone had filled their plates and took a couple of bites to fill the uncomfortable silence. Neil was the first to speak...
After putting down his napkin, Neil steepled his fingers in front of him and looked at each and every individual at the table. "All right, I smell a set up so who is going to start explaining to me what the hell is going on here?"
Lily opened her mouth to speak but Cane beat her to the punch. "I think that should be me, Neil. This all started because of me when I had one to many with a friend. I watched the love of my life walk away because of it. And now -" He placed a hand over Lily's in mutual support. "But now we have the most to gain if you will just hear me out. Will you Neil?"
Neil looked at everyone around the table, at Karen and Olivia's imploring gazes. He let out a big sigh and said, "I'm listening and this better be good..."
Cane and Lily told Neil everything from the beginning with Karen and Olivia interjecting some points here and there, their meals all but forgotten...
After everything was laid out on the table so to speak, Neil looked at Lily, Karen and Olivia and said, "Ladies would you mind giving Cane and I a few moments alone."
The women looked at one another, Olivia was the first to speak. "I think we could clear these plates and get started cleaning up the kitchen."
"Good idea," Karen replied as she and Lily gathered up their plates.
Lily looked at Cane and he gave her a nod in reassurance as she walked by him and into the kitchen. Cane waited...
"So, that was quite a story and it's all true?"
"Yes sir, every word of it."
"Why that conniving little tra-"
Cane cleared his throat to interrupt.
Neil clenched and unclenched his hands. "I just can't believe that she would do that to you both. To go so casually about messing up someones life so completely... And you never... slept with her?"
"No, sir. Thanks to that very enlightening conversation with your bartender, I found out I was so far gone that I was basically out cold by the time I was in the front seat. It would have taken a miracle for me to have been able to - well... let's just leave it at that."
"Well after everything that happened I never thought I would say this but I'm sorry Cane."
"That's unders- wait - WHAT?"
Neil let a little chuckle slip out. "Don't act so surprised. I do know how to say those words. I do know how to mean them as well." Neil said as he held out his hand for Cane to shake.
"Thank you Neil. At the very least from today I was hoping for cool acceptance, this goes so far beyond that. I swear to you that I will never place myself in such a vulnerable position again. I swore to Lily that day that I would never touch another drop of alcohol and I haven't - I never will. I love your daughter and I have every intention of finally doing right by her."
"I haven't seen Lily this happy in months, I won't stand in front of that. Just don't make me regret it."
"I won't..."
Olivia, Karen and Lily all had their ears pressed against the kitchen door...
"Do you hear anything breaking?" Karen whispered.
"No. And I don't hear any yelling either," Olivia replied.
"I have faith that everything is going to be okay," Lily added with a smile slowly spreading across her face...
Part Twenty-One!!
Two weeks had passed since that day at her father's and everyday got a little better, at home anyway. Things were rather stressful for Cane at work but he was managing...
Everyday that Lily and Cane shared together was another day they built a stronger relationship. They talked for hours about everything and anything. Sometimes they shared deep thoughts about one another while other conversations consisted of light hearted teasing...
And the nights... Oh, the nights were filled with such heat and passion that it caused a warm flush to spread through Lily's body just thinking about it...
Now on this day, a Tuesday in the middle of November. Lily found herself in the garage looking at the neatly stacked cans of paint that she and Cane had loving chosen to decorate their house. Here they sat covered in a thin film of dust. It was, Lily decided the perfect day to start this project. She was off from school for a few days and Cane was at work trying to juggle the internal family struggle going on there. So she thought what a perfect thing to surprise him with, if she only knew that through a burst of love bubbling to the surface that she had another surprise in store for them both...
Cane popped into Crimson Lights to grab an extra strong latte to give him an energy boost to tide him through the afternoon meetings he had with his Mum, Billy and Ashley. Thank God for Ashley, he thought - the voice of reason in all of this. Things were going relatively well in regards to running Chancellor and it's holdings with his mother but Jill after all was Jill and on occasion still had a hard time letting go. And Billy - well Billy was a whole hell of another story, with his little jabs and innuendos, it was enough to drive Cane crazy but he was managing somehow...
He was turning to go when the last person he ever wanted to see was standing directly in front of him. Cane was just going to keep on going when a hand on his arm brought him to a stop...
"Cane, wait. Please?"
"Chloe there is nothing in the world that would make me want to stop my day and spend a moment with you. So if you'll excuse me -"
"Not even if it's about your nephew?" She said placing a hand on her now very large stomach.
"My nephew?"
"That's right. I decided to find out what the little booger is. Couldn't stand the suspense any longer and I needed some sort of happy news to keep me going these days."
"I'll be sure to send a gift for him. Now I really must be going." Cane said trying to dislodge her hand that still clung to his arm.
"Fine! That's just great. Glad to know that I can't count on anyone but myself when it comes to raising this child."
Cane glared at Chloe before he responded. Pointing a finger at her he said, "and you have no one but yourself to blame for that. You tried to rob me of the one woman that I had searched my whole life for. Did you honestly for a split second think that I would ever grow to care for you - it was that child, it was never you. I will be a part of my nephew's life, he will know the love of his family and he can and will always be able to depend on me but you - you will never know any of that."
"Well isn't that just good to know." Chloe replied, her voice laced with sarcasm.
Cane shook his head in disgust. "You just don't get it, do you Chloe? If you had just been honest and upfront from the get go you would have had the love and support from so many different people. Instead your own mother can barely look you in the eye without showing her disappointment. That, dear Chloe is all on you." Cane turned and strode away leaving Chloe with her mouth hanging open...
Lily looked around the living room. The tarps that covered everything and the three out of four walls that she had already completed. It was going to look so beautiful when she was done, she couldn't wait for Cane to see...
Hoping to get the last wall finished before Cane got home, Lily got back to work. She was almost done when she heard the key turn in the lock...
Cane had thrown himself back into work after his not so pleasant confrontation with Chloe. He had even managed to pull Billy aside and told him to man up and step up to the responsibility that lay before him - who knows if that did any good. Now - now he was glad to be home. It was so wonderful to feel such joy at the thought of entering this house again, his and Lily's house...
"Hey sweeth-" His voice trailed off as he took in the sight of the freshly painted walls and the covered floors but it was the sight of the beautiful woman standing at the far wall, her clothes splattered with paint that took his breath away...
"Wow, you've been busy today." Cane said as he came up behind her and nuzzled her neck.
"Careful or you are going to get paint on your suit," Lily warned him playfully while she arched her neck to allow him better access.
"I'm not going to let a little paint keep me from showing you just how much I've missed you." He said between nibbles down the column of her throat. "Even covered in paint, I can't believe how beautiful you are. What made you decide to tackle this project today?"
"Well, when I found all the cans of paint sitting in the garage - I don't know, it just felt like the right thing to do." She turned towards him and placed her eager lips on his, they wrapped their arms around one another, her body arching into his as the kiss deepened...
When the two finally came up for air, Cane placed her closely in front of him and wrapped his arms around her from behind once again. Putting his head next to hers on her shoulder he said, "thank you. It does seem right, doesn't it? I'll help you with the other rooms this weekend." They both stared at the freshly painted wall, a blank canvas if you will. "It seems pretty blank now, doesn't it? We should hit an art gallery and pick out a few pieces. What do you think?"
Lily was silent for a moment as she thought about it. "We could do that but I was thinking, this would be a great wall to hang some family photos. You know like a feature wall? Pictures of your family and mine, pictures of us." Turning in her excitement Lily blurted out, "this would be the perfect spot for our wedding photo -" She clamped a hand over her mouth. "I mean - we aren't engaged or anything - we could be - if you want to?" Lily looked up at Cane from under her lashes and said softly, "do you want to?"
Cane took in her endearing look and started to laugh uncontrollably. He tried to respond but the laughter kept coming out instead.
Lily put her hands on her hips and said, "Cane Ashby! I understand after what we have been through if you don't want to rush into things with me and I am not even sure where those words came from - they just felt right coming out of my mouth but for you to laugh at me is just -
just -"
Cane coughed and cleared his throat. Waving his hands he said, "no Lily. It's not that, I wasn't laughing at you. I was laughing at the irony of it all, of you saying that."
"What is so ironic about me saying that?"
"This," Cane said dropping to one knee as he pulled out a velvet box from his pocket. Opening it, Lily gasped at the perfect pear shaped yellow diamond nestled inside. "Remember when I said I ran into your Dad last week and that it was a rather interesting conversation?"
Lily could only nod in response.
"Well we talked about a lot of things. He loves you so much and wants only the best for you and after pleading my case, that I only had your best interests at heart and how much I love you... well he grudgingly gave me his blessing once again for your hand in marriage. I didn't know when I was going to ask you, I guess I just wanted all my ducks in a row before I did. And when you basically asked me just now, I knew we were on the same page." Taking a deep breath Cane asked, "Lily Amanda Winters, once and for all will you marry me?"
"Tears spilled over and down her cheeks as she frantically nodded her head yes. Finding her voice she said, "yes! Yes I will marry you."
Cane slipped the ring on to her third finger of her left hand, he loved the way it sparkled on her hand as if it came to life at finding its rightful place. Standing, he cupped her face in his hands and brought his lips to hers, kissing her with all the love he possessed. "I love you," he whispered against her mouth.
"I love you too."
Cane pulled back and looked deeply into her eyes. "I don't want to just go and do this. This is the real deal and I want all the fan fair and hoopla that goes with it. So what do you say to going all out for this wedding of ours?"
Lily put her hands over his still holding her head and nodded. "This is the only one that counts and I want nothing more than to make it as amazing as possible."
Scooping her up in his arms, Cane spun Lily around the room as his mouth once again sought hers. Their need to celebrate apparent as he strode deftly towards their bedroom...
Part Twenty-Two!! (alright, alright all you Angel Hussies - this ones for you!! LOL!!)
Cane laid Lily down on the bed, he looked at her for a moment as he shed his suit coat, unbuckled his belt and pulled his shirt from the waist of his pants...
Lily lay sprawled on the bed, her gaze hooded, her breath coming in short pants. She spread her legs in a blatant invitation which Cane did not hesitate to accept...
Keeping his weight evenly distributed so as not to crush her, Cane nestled his hips between her open thighs. His rock hard erection pressed against her heated core leaving Lily no doubt about just how much he wanted her...
"Lily," he growled before his mouth captured hers. Cane's tongue slipped passed her lips to stroke hers and she met him eagerly stroke for tantalizing stroke...
Lily's foot was rubbing against Cane's thigh and he captured it in his warm hand and slowly followed the path up her calf, around her thigh and finally to capture her tight ass in his palm and need her taught flesh...
This made Lily moan in ecstasy...
They both felt the heat and restriction of the clothes they still dawned. So with great haste they each helped the other remove the clothing that still contained them...
Naked at last Cane entwined his fingers with Lily's and held them captured by her head. He stared into her eyes while his cock pressed against her slick entrance. Cane held himself in check, not yet he thought for he had every intention of thoroughly loving this woman...
He kissed each of her eyes closed, he placed his lips on every inch of her beautiful face and in between each kiss he whispered words of love and just what he intended to do to her...
Who knew the combination of soft lips and erotic words could send Lily to the brink of orgasm but that was where she was on the cusp and only this man could do that to her...
Cane kissed, licked and nipped his way along Lily's jawline to that oh, so sensitive spot at the shell of her ear. Cane moved her hands up above her head and clasped them together, with a command in his voice he told her to leave them there...
Down his hands slid along her arms to her sensitive sides and then he moved them up over her ribcage to her aching breasts. Lily arched off the bed as Cane's thumb and index finger tweaked her tips causing them to pebble even further. She made sounds, low in the back of her throat at the first touch of his hot mouth. His tongue licked, his teeth gently nipped before he drew as much of her breast into his mouth in a slow, long drawn out suck...
Lily didn't know how much more she could take. But Cane wasn't done with her yet as his hands continued to massage her breasts the rest of him slid tantilizingly slow down her body until his head was poised over the juncture of her thighs...
"Cane," gasped Lily. "Please..." She begged for release.
Cane was eager to oblidge. Dipping his head, he licked and sipped at her very nectare - her essance. Lapping at her folds, it was the first stroke of his tongue against her clit that nearly had Lily arching off the bed...
""Easy," Cane said. "I am going to make you cum so hard," he said right against her center. He slid his tongue back and forth across her clit. Her thighs tightened around his shoulders, she was close - so close...
With a final flick of his tongue, Cane sent Lily over the edge. She cried out his name as she came apart and Cane lapped it all up...
Slowly he moved up her body, kissing every inch of her along the way until he was poised above her.
""Look at me sweetheart."
Lily slowly opened her eyes to stare into his.
Sliding slowly into her tight sheath Cane said, "I have searched my whole life for you and I am going to spend the rest of my life showing you just how greatful I am. I love you Lily." Cane began to move more quickly, stroking her core with his thick cock.
Lily moved with him, meeting him thrust for thrust as her passion began to build again. She pulled his head down to hers and captured his mouth in a searing kiss, she tasted her love for him on her lips and eagerly kissed him even harder.
They moved together as one, their passion building and building until finally Lily tightened around him. She cried out his name. Cane followed as her spasms sent him over the edge and he filled her with his love, his life...
The two lovers lay curled up in one anothers arms basking in the after glow. Lily stroked Cane's cheek as she looked at him lovingly. "Is it always going to be like this?"
Cane returned her gaze and felt the love for this woman all the way to the very depths of his soul. "Only with you sweetheart, only with you..."
Part Twenty-Three!! (LOL!! Sorry for the delay...)
Four months later...
February 14th, 2009...
Valentines Day...
Cane and Lily's Wedding Day...
Once in awhile,
right in the middle
of an ordinary life,
love gives us a
fairy tale.
Together with their families
Lily Amanda Winters
Cane Ashby Chancellor
Request the honor of your presence at their wedding on Saturday February 14th, 2009...
"Is it just me or is this dress just a little tighter now than the last time we had it on you?" Amber asked as she peeked around from behind Lily and caught her gaze in the mirror.
Lily gazed at her reflection in the full length mirror. She took in the one of a kind creation that Amber had designed for her, since Amber had been such an integral part of the two of them finding their way back to one another, Lily couldn't think of a better way to thank her. She smoothed her hands over the ivory satin at her waist and said, "no Amber. It's absolutely perfect."
Amber's critical gaze swept over her back, taking in the deep V that went almost to her waist, the crystals that sparkled along the border of the V and throughout the rest of the gown. She looked at the train of the gown near her feet where she had designed two halves of a heart that entwined to make one in the same jewels. Amber's gaze met Lily's once again in the mirror, "Turn and face me please."
Lily did as she asked and wondered if Amber would figure out the truth.
It was a daring design. Bold, sexy and alluring. The bodice was simple yet low cut, emphacizing Lily's perfect and now slightly fuller breasts. Together they had decided against a vail, this dress spoke for itself. Instead Lily's hair was piled elegantly atop her head and adorned with two bejeweled combs that had belonged to her mother. Diamond studs adorned her ears and a simple yet very sentimental pendant hung at her neck.
"I don't know Lily. The bodice seems tighter. Are you sure it feels okay?"
"Amber, everything is perfect. You're probably just over annalizing things because it's your design."
"I guess you're right." She said as she reached out yet again to adjust something else.
Lily grabbed her hand. "Honestly Amber, I couldn't ask for a more perfect dress."
There was a knock at the door and Colleen entered the room. She eyed Amber coolly before giving Lily a warm smile. "Lily, you look absolutely stunning. Cane is going to be mesmerized."
"Thank you Colleen."
"Yes, thanks Colleen. I'll take that as a compliment too."
"Whatever, Amber." Colleen said coldly.
"Listen Colleen -"
"Seriously! You two are seriously going to do this now? Look, Amber has done her share of things... But Colleen you and I both know that it was never right between you and Daniel and you have to admit that you couldn't be happier now that Adrian is back in your life. So for me can you both just try and be civil to one another?"
"Fine," Colleen bit out grudgingly.
"Okay by me," Amber replied with pleasure tinging her voice.
There was another knock on the door and Neil stepped inside. "Sweetheart, we're ready if you are."
Colleen hugged Lily and said, "I'll just wait at the top of the stairs for you." Then she stepped outside.
Amber fussed over her dress one more time. Smiling she said, "perfect."
"Thank you Amber, for everything." Lily squeezed Amber's hand as she to left the room to join Daniel in the seats below.
Neil walked up to Lily and placed his hands on her shoulders. Gazing at her with fatherly pride he said, "your mother would have been so proud of you."
"I know Daddy. I feel like she is watching over me today and I believe she would approve."
"I know she would." Neil kissed her on the cheek. "Shall we?"
"I've never been more ready..."
Cane's breath caught in his throat at the sight of the most beautiful woman on the face of the earth. At this moment he couldn't be more blessed...
The vows...
"I Cane, take you Lily to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live."
"I Lily, take you Cane to be my husband, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live."
The rings...
Cane took the ring that J.T. handed him and slid it on to Lily's finger. "I give you this ring to wear with love and joy. As a ring has no end, neither shall my love for you. I choose you to be my wife this day and forevermore."
Lily smiled and placed the band Colleen handed to her on Cane's finger. "I give you this ring to wear with love and joy. As a ring has no end, neither shall my love for you. I choose you to be my husband this day and forevermore."
It was time for the Minister to speak. "Cane and Lily stand before you. They have spoken their vows and pledged their love and fidelity to one another. Does anyone here object to this union? Speak now or forever hold your peace." They waited the customery time for anyone to object. Billy cleared his throat but said nothing. "Well by the powers vested in my and by the grace of God. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Cane slid his hand along Lily's jawline, cupping her face. Dipping down he placed a warm kiss upon her lips. So no one would notice and no one would hear, he said against her mouth, "I love you so much, you are so breathtakingly beautiful. But I have to ask what made you decide to wear that pendant?"
Lily smiled against his lips and moved back just enough to look into his eyes and said, "because I am a mother with child."
"You're pregnant?" In Cane's shock he didn't realize that he nearly shouted the question. And the silence that spread across the group gathered to celebrate their day enlightened him to it.
"I knew it!" Blurted Amber. "I mean... congradulations."
Lily's cheeks warmed as she gazed at everyones expectant looks. "I hadn't planned to announce it this way but yes Cane and I are expecting."
Cane wrapped her in his arms as everyone broke into applause. "Oh, baby! I am over the moon right now. I love you so much."
"I love you too."
Cane swept Lily up into his arms and carried her over the thresh hold of their home. They were heading out on their honeymoon tomorrow but tonight - tonight they wanted to celebrate their union in their own bed.
Cane didn't put her down until they reached their bedroom and then he let her slide entisingly down his body to stand before him. He was already incredibly aroused and so was she. It had been such an incredible day at it had every promise of being an unforgetable night.
"Mr. Chancellor?" Lily was still getting used to his official name change but it was his and it was perfect.
"Yes, Mrs. Chancellor?"
"Make love to me..."
Part Twenty-Four!! (Some more lovin' for all you starved Lane fans followed by some more drama... Hope you like where I am going with this...)
Cane cupped Lily's face in his large hands. He stroked his thumbs along the outer corner of her mouth as he stared into her eyes. "It would be my absolute pleasure to do nothing but please you."
A thoughtful look crossed Lily's beautiful features as she said, "on second thought, scratch that idea."
Cane looked confused. "What?"
She put her hands to his chest and pushed him gently towards and then on to the bed. As she crawled up and over his prone body she said in a seductive voice, "I have just decided that I am going to pleasure you."
That slow seductive smile that only Cane could do slowly spread across his face. "Oh you are, are you?" He asked as he pulled her lips down to his and he explored there softness with his tongue.
"Mmm...Hmmm." She pulled away from his seeking mouth and slid her lips along his jawline where she nipped with her teeth and soothed with her tongue.
Cane groaned... in ecstasy.
Lily pulled at the bow tie at his neck and slid it slowly from his collar, she tossed it aside and started making quick work of his shirt buttons. Lily urged him up and slightly off the bed so she could remove the shirt from his body and expose his hard chest. She ate him up with her eyes and explored him with her hands. Running her nails over his pecs she got a mischevious gleam in her eyes as her fingers grazed the opening of his pants and the tremendous buldge that was barely contained underneith.
Lily moved her legs to one side and said, "turn over."
"Turn over?"
"Yes," she said with a gentle push. "Turn - over."
Cane did as she asked, adjusting his erection to accomadate her request.
Lily once again stradled him, just over the backs of his thighs her beautiful dress gathered high upon her waist. She began rubbing her hands over his muscular back, giving him a thorough massage. Making him moan...
"You know if someone were to have asked me a year ago what parts of a man first grabbed my attention I would have had to have said their smile and honey you do have an incredible smile. But when you turned and walked away from me the first time I had to throw that theory right out the window because you have -" Lily cupped and clenched his delectable and mouthwatering ass for emphasis. "The hottest ass I have ever seen."
Cane's chest shook with his chuckle. "Is that so? Well I must say you've got a pretty damn fine one yourself."
Lily giggled. "Ahhh... well yours was meant to be worshipped." And she punctuated that statement by pulling his waistband lower and not so gently biting his exposed left cheek.
Cane could take no more of her torturous teasing and he gently rolled and took her with him until she lay beneath him. Searching her gaze he said, "what am I ever going to do with you? Little hussie!" He growled before kissing the tops of her breasts.
They disolved into fits of laughter which quickly faded when Cane pressed his throbbing hardness against her core...
Much later...
The phone woke Cane from a deeply satisfying. Glancing at Lily she mumbled but did not wake from her exhaustion. Cane quickly grabbed it so as not to disturb her and quietly removed himself from the bed and stepped into the hallway. No one ever called with good news this late at night...
"Cane? It's Jill. I am so sorry to call you on your wedding night but - but -" Her words were lost as she choked out a sob.
"Mum? Mum what is it?" Cane had a really bad feeling.
Jill took a a breath so she could tell her son what had happened. "Cane, there was a car accident. Your grandmother has been acting so strange lately but I had no idea that she was drinking again - no one knew -"
"She's dead Cane. They found her down an embankment where her car had gone off the road, there was nothing anyone could do." Jill began crying uncontrolably again.
"Hang on Mum. We'll be there soon." The phone slipped from his ear to dangle forgotten in his fingers as tears slid down his face...
The phone might not have woken Lily but the heartwrenching sob coming from Cane certainly did. She sat up in bed clutching the sheet to her chest. "Cane?"
He opened the door and came in to sit beside her on the bed. She cupped his face in her hands and wiped the tears that fell with her thumbs.
"Cane, what is it? What's wrong?"
"It's Katherine, there was an accident and she didn't make it."
Lily wrapped her arms around Cane and he clung to her as they shed their tears together...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Written Sept. 19th - Dec. 23rd 08 (Parts 16 - 19)
The stage had been set and the players knew their roles by heart. It was time for Cane and Lily to regain what was rightfully theirs...
Crimson Lights...
Lily sat at a table with her back to the door. She heard the approaching footsteps and listened as they stopped behind her. A throat was cleared and a rose came round from behind, it's scent tickling her nostrils...
"Hello Sonny..." Lily stood quickly and spun around to face the man behind her. "Or should I say Billy, which name would you like me to use?"
The rose he held out fell to his side. "You knew?"
Lily batted her lashes at him and said, "next time you want to secretly hit on an old friend perhaps you shouldn't put so many familiar details into your profile."
Billy shrugged in his casual way and replied, "maybe I was hoping you would be smart enough to figure it out. Lily, you have grown into quite the attractive young woman and when Colleen told me that you had signed up on that silly dating site -"
"Ahhh... so my dear friend Colleen was the brains behind you contacting me... interesting..."
"Now, now don't get mad at C.C. she was, in her own way trying to help you out and cheer you up. And after I had heard about the number that Cane had done on you I felt it was my duty to go out of my way to make you feel better."
Lily looked him up and down. "Well, what can I do to ever repay you?"
Billy's gaze became hooded and predatory as he closed the distance between them. "Oh, I could think of one or two things..." And just like that he seized her mouth with his, his hands gripping her upper arms leaving her unable to push him away. But Lily didn't have long to wait before Billy was yanked away from her. "What the h-"
The resounding crack of a fist slamming into his jaw silenced the rest of that statement and sent Billy flying to the floor. He rubbed his jaw and looked up at the angry man standing over him... Cane...
Cane made to go for Billy again. "If I were you, I would stay down," he growled.
The commotion that the two men had caused did not go unnoticed by the people in the coffee house. Kevin and Jana among them stood with their mouths open staring at the scene on the patio.
Lily grabbed Cane's arm and spun him around, giving Billy a moment to recover. "What do you think you are doing?" She demanded.
Kevin cleared his throat and said, "nothing to see people. I'm sure that they have things under control and -" This was said even louder to make sure they heard, "that there won't be any further incidents that may cause damage to the coffee house." With that people resumed their conversations but still continued to shoot glances towards the patio - just in case...
Cane looked chagrined in her presence at what he had just displayed. "Lily I -"
"You what? How dare you pull the jealous boyfriend act when your WIFE waits for you at home."
By this time Billy had managed to get up and straighten himself out. Still rubbing his now slightly swollen jawline he said, "you have quite the right hook - brother."
Cane just turned a scowl on him before returning his gaze to Lily. "Lily, please he may be my brother but we both know he is a major player. He is just using you."
"I resent that."
"Shut up. Why don't you skulk off to your next conquest or better yet go find Amber and apologize because you can bet the fact that you were kissing Lily has already reached her ears."
"Alright. I'll go but not because of what you said."
"Yeah, right," muttered Cane.
Billy chose to ignore his rumblings. "I'll go because I don't want to be a part of causing anymore of a scene and I don't want to upset Lily any further. Perhaps you should consider doing the same. And Mother will hear of your ridiculous public display."
Cane took a menacing step towards him and Billy feeling the swelling on his jaw beat a hasty retreat out the back door...
Cane and Lily turned back to face one another, they were alone on the patio. To anyone who observed them they looked like they were involved in a heated discussion - thankfully no one was in ear shot or they would have heard...
A small giggle escape Lily's lips and she clamped a hand over them to prevent any further bursts. Sliding her fingers away she gestured at Cane and said, "you weren't supposed to hit him that hard."
Cane marked his points by touching each finger. "Well a) he had his hands on you, b) he had his mouth on you and c) it felt really, really good to do it." Thank goodness that Lily was the only one to see his face because a very self satisfying smile spread across it.
"Like I would have kissed him back." Lily said as she crossed her arms over her chest.
"I know you wouldn't because you love me."
"Wow, why don't you climb on the table and pound on your chest." Lily softened her remark with a smile of her own. "Well part one of our plan is complete."
"Yes the first act went off without a hitch. Now on to act two." They each made a point of storming off in separate directions...
Part Seventeen!!
Act Two...
Cane and Lily's house...
A few days later...
It was all set. Cane had movers come to his house and pack up each and every single item belonging to Chloe and her child. The boxes were stacked against the wall in the entry way, the movers were waiting in their truck around the corner for when Cane contacted them to come and move everything. They didn't mind, they were being paid very handsomely. The orange couch had also been removed, Cane requested it be burned. A new one was ordered...
The living room had been transformed into a mock courtroom. A desk sat at one end in front of the fire place where Cane sat as judge and jury. His executioners, Paul and Michael were waiting in the kitchen for when Chloe arrived. They would not have to wait long...
Chloe approached the front door with a triumphant smile upon her face. Cane had summoned her to their home with the promise of a wonderful surprise for her. She couldn't believe it, she had finally won him over...
She opened the door, walked inside and skidded to a halt as she gazed around and registered what she saw. "What -" her mouth hung open as she read the labels on the boxes: 'Chloe's Bedroom Crap', 'Chloe's Kitchen Junk' and 'Chloe's Clothing Garbage' were the ones she noticed before her eyes shot to across the room to Cane sitting calmly and coldly behind a desk. "What is going on? Why is my stuff here and why is it labeled this way?"
"Hello Chloe. You will find that a great deal has changed over the past week and a half. I have realized things." His hands clasped in front of him on the desk, he leaned forward and continued, "I have discovered things..."
Chloe visibly paled. She thought of turning and fleeing the house when a moment later that option was taken away from her. The door opened and three people entered...
Esther, whom Katherine and Jill had informed of what was to happen this evening so as not to be bombarded on the spot but it was still hurting her terribly at what her daughter had done.
Jill, who was there to stand by her son and welcome a change. Unfortunately Chloe would not be banished from her life, it was after all still her grandchild she carried.
And Katherine, she to was there for support but she was also there to make an announcement...
"Hello everyone. I hope we aren't to late." Jill said as she glared at Chloe.
"No Mum. You are just in time for the celebration. Gentlemen?"
Paul and Michael stepped from the kitchen to stand on either side of Cane, both with files and papers in their hands.
Chloe, having been edged closer to the middle of the room thanks to the arrival of the three women felt completely surrounded and terrified at what was to come. She cast a pleading glance towards her mother but Esther looked away although not before Chloe saw the shame in her eyes...
Michael began. "Ms. Mitchell it seems that you have been a very busy young woman in recent months. So in my hands I have two sets of papers. My left holds option number one: an annulment from Mr. Ashby and a document which you will sign stating that you will walk away from this with nothing from Mr. Ashby and he won't press charges. In my right hand option number two: I have documents that I will be filing with the police and the courts charging you with fraud, tampering with medical files and bribing medical personnel. Which will it be?"
Chloe's gaze darted to everyone in the room, it finally settled once again on Cane. "You're bluffing. You don't have any proof, all you have is speculation and here say."
Cane sighed at her utter ignorance and stupidity. "Chloe, do you really think I would hold a gathering such as this with an extensive guest list if all I really had was speculation and here say? I don't think so. Paul, if you would?"
"With pleasure." Paul walked over to where Chloe stood and proceed to put in her hand all of the security stills he had accumulated from the different hotels around New York that Chloe and Billy had stayed in along with credit card slips and room service bills. "And this is the signed statement from a Ms. Jennifer Armstrong."
Cane peered around Paul and said, "you remember Jennifer don't you Chloe? She was that thoughtful technician who gave me a copy of the ultra sound. It was also very thoughtful of her to alter the dates and measurements for you, wasn't it? For a fee of course. Funny she has recently had a change of heart or perhaps conscience and has decided that her skills would be better put to use with 'Doctors Without Borders' but before she left she was kind enough to give us a signed statement of what she did for you."
Paul pulled another piece of paper from his files. "I also have a signed statement from the bartender at Indigo who was contacted by you and asked that you be given only non-alcoholic drinks while you watched Mr. Ashby continue to indulge with his friend Bas - wasn't it?"
"Michael that reminds me. Can you add to the list of charges to be filed - attempted sexual assault? I am feeling rather violated right now."
"I think that can be arranged," Michael replied as he started to jot down some notes.
In a rage like watching a child have a tantrum Chloe grabbed the file from Paul and started ripping it to shreds. "So what? The DNA test shows that it's Cane's baby. This is all just circumstantial."
This made Cane laugh. "Chloe, Chloe, Chloe," he said while shaking his head at her. "Do you really think that is the only copies that I have and do you really think the only evidence I have is circumstantial? Tsk, tsk." Cane stood and reached into his pocket...
Billy arrived at the house to read a note on the door:
'Hey Billy. I'm just out back, come on in and grab a beer. Cane.'
"This apology better be good, Cane." Billy muttered as he turned the knob and stepped inside...
"Ahhh... Billy! Right on time."
Billy took in the scene in front of him. "Wow! Guess I'm not getting that beer or an apology after all. Why am I really here brother?"
"Well Billy, you are here for a couple of reasons. The first I was just about to reveal." Cane pulled a folded piece of paper out of his jacket pocket. "The blood work they did on you in the hospital sure came in handy when I had another much more thorough DNA test done, Chloe."
If it was possible Chloe paled even further and Billy began to shift back and forth on his feet.
"Oh, don't worry Billy you can thank Amber for your sample, it helps when brushes and razors are left lying around the apartment. She was really impressed to hear about you kissing Lily, this was her way of thanking you. But I have a pretty good idea that you won't be surprised by what these results say now will you?"
Billy's gaze touched on Chloe before it lowered to the floor.
"How could you, Billy? To your own brother." Jill scolded.
"Now Mum, don't be to hard on the lad. After all I don't believe he put it together until he arrived here and saw Chloe again. What he was wrong in was not stepping up and saying something. Instead he chose to see how he could use it to his advantage."
Chloe grabbed on to Cane's arm, her crocodile tears were flowing in full force. "Cane, you can't do this. I know you love this baby, I know you think of it as your baby. Billy will never be the kind of father that you would be. When I saw how you treated Lily when she was pregnant -" Chloe balked at what she had just let slip, she saw the look in Cane's eye's change to one of barely controlled rage but he wasn't the one to respond...
Lily had stepped out from the back hallway where she had been listening to everything. "Was that when you decided to manipulate Cane? I remember that botched trip to New York, you know the one that you were running upstairs to the bathroom every ten minutes - you suspected you were pregnant then, didn't you?" Lily was now standing beside Cane and for a moment her anger over came her and she lurched at Chloe. "DIDN'T YOU?!" She screamed.
Cane put a hand on Lily, instantly calming her and to every one's surprise Billy took a step in front of Chloe - as if to protect her...
Cane put his lips to Lily's temple and whispered, "it's ok sweetheart. It will be ok. Why don't you go sit beside Mum, alright?"
Lily nodded and with one last heated glance towards Chloe, did as Cane requested.
"It's always about Lily," Chloe spit out bitterly. "You never even gave us a chance, I was willing to give you a child - something she was unable to do. We could have been happy."
Cane came very close to Chloe, so close she could feel his breath hitting her face. "You don't get it do you?" He growled. "I love Lily, I will always love Lily and that child you tried to pass off as mine is just an innocent victim caught up in you web of lies and deceit. Don't make me regret giving you a chance to walk away unscathed here today. Sign the agreements and cut your losses. You are not my problem anymore."
Chloe finally admitted to herself that she had lost - she had lost everything. She walked up to the desk. Where Michael pointed to what she needed to read and sign:
'...it is decreed by the Court that the marriage contract heretofore entered into between the parties to this case, from and after this date, be and is set aside and dissolved as fully and effectually as if no such contract had ever been made or entered into...'
As Chloe scrawled her name beside Cane's already present signature, she realized that all of this had been for nothing... "What am I going to do now?"
Cane eyed her coolly and said, "I don't care, you're the Abbott's problem now. You brought this on yourself Chloe."
Chloe turned to find Katherine standing in front of her, looking very stern. "My dear, I gave you every opportunity because of who your mother was and I told you myself that you had better not make me regret that decision but you have. Oh, my dear you have. Before you go, there is just one more thing. That family heirloom you are wearing belongs to me and you will not have it on your finger for one minute longer." Katherine said as she held out her hand and waited.
Chloe struggled to get it off her swollen finger and a moment later dropped it into Katherine's palm. She grabbed her coat and Esther got up as well. Esther's gaze touched on everyone in the room. "I am so sorry for what my Kate has done to each and every one of you. I hope one day you will find it in your hearts to forgive her, to forgive me."
Cane walked over to her and touched her arm, "Esther, I have nothing but the up most respect for all that you have done in your life for yourself and your daughter. She did this to herself and there is no one to blame but her. You are an exceptional woman, don't ever forget that."
Esther smiled warmly at Cane before she turned and left behind Chloe. Billy thought it was best for him to leave as well but before he could make two steps towards the door, Katherine's voice stopped him...
"We are not finished with you yet, young man. I have an announcement to make, I'm just waiting for our final guests to arrive."
Billy sighed but the tone in his Grandmother's voice left no room for argument. Moments later a knock on the door...
Cane answered it to admit Jack and Gloria into the room.
"What the hell is this about, Cane?"
"Yes," Gloria chimed in. "What purpose would you have in calling us to a meeting at your house?"
"Cane may have sent you the invitation but it was I that wanted to speak to you." Katherine said as she stepped from behind Cane into their sight. "Please, I promise not to take much of your time."
Cane took a seat beside Lily and his mother while Katherine leaned against the desk in the center of the room commanding every one's attention. "Let me get right to the point. Gloria, we know about your exuberant purchases of Jabot stock with your husband Geoffrey." She held up her hand silencing Gloria's protest. "Don't bother trying to deny it, we have proof. And Jack we also know of your intent to take over Jabot using Gloria's stocks , your families proxies and your younger brother's gift for gathering inside information."
"Katherine -"
"Don't interrupt me! You are lucky that I am about to be as kind to you as I am. This was serious deception on your parts, all of you. But I am the majority owner of Jabot at your father's request Jack and that is the way it will stay. You will never get my stocks Gloria no matter how many times you say it is what John would have wanted - because we both know it was not. But what I do think you are right in is that an Abbott should be in charge of Jabot since it was an Abbott who began it all. Jack by the courts decree that can never be you but Billy it can be you. Unfortunately I do not trust you to do it alone, that is why your sister Ashley has agreed to return and be Co-CEO with you."
"What?" An astonished Jack asked.
"Oh, yes Jack. More than one can play at back door deals. What you were doing did not sit well with Ashley."
Billy glared at Cane, noting his calm demeanor. "So where does this leave Cane? I am sure he has no intention of stepping aside without a fight."
"There will be no need to fight. He is be promoted to join Jill in a joint Presidency of Chancellor Industries, where they will share in duties of over seeing all of Chancellor's vast holdings - including Jabot. So no, Cane won't be going anywhere. And when I retire to that great kingdom in the sky my Jabot stocks will be come part of Chancellor Industries. That will be all," Katherine said as she dismissed them.
Jack and Gloria were speechless. In fact they opened and closed their mouths several times but no words were uttered. They had gotten their wish, Jabot was once again being run by Abbott's but it would never be completely owned by them again. Numbly they gathered their things and walked out the door with Billy trailing behind - it was going to take some doing before his family forgave him and what the hell was going to do about Chloe...
Michael and Paul gathered up their materials and with a promise to file the Disillusion of Marriage Agreement right away, they shook Cane's hand and warmly said goodbye to the ladies before they left.
Katherine and Jill smiled warmly at the two people who were harmed most from all the lies and deceit they waded through today and they both had high hopes that they would manage to come to terms and get past all of this - that their love would become even stronger. With hugs and kisses for them both and best wishes too, Katherine and Jill left with their arms linked together. Finally leaving Lily and Cane alone in their home...
A shudder wracked Lily's body as the full magnatude of everything hit her full force as her eyes darted around the room finally landing on Cane. With tears in her eyes and her voice full of emotion she said, "it's finally over isn't it?"
Cane could not stand the space that separated them any longer and thought to hell with the movers, they could wait a while longer as he swept Lily up in his arms for a kiss that shook the very foundation of their home...
Part Eighteen!! (XXX... Per request from my wonderful galls at Ashby's Angels... Hee Hee!!)
Cane's tongue immediately delved into Lily's mouth. There kiss was strong and urgent, to long had they gone without the other...
Their hands roamed over one another's bodies, reaquainting themselves with the fire that only they could bring to each other. They immediately began removing each others clothing. Shoes were kicked away, Lily's black slacks and panties were next. Their mouths continued to explore as Lily pulled Cane's shirt from the waist of his pants and in her haste to touch his skin pulled it apart sending buttons flying as they continued to kiss, their tongues stroking one anothers. Cane continued to walk Lily back towards their master suite, towards the master bath with its enormous shower that had seemed so empty without Lily to join him in it - that was about to change...
Lily yanked the ruined shirt down and off Cane's arms. She reached for his belt buckle, her fingertips grazing his already straining cock. He groaned into her mouth as he reached around to cup her tight ass, pressing her very core against his hardness...
It was Lily's turn to moan. Blindly, Cane turned on the shower. The three seperate heads spraying deliciously warm water. Still half dressed, Cane pushed her the remaining way inside. Immediately her t-shirt became soaked and it clung to her aroused and heated flesh.
Cane removed his now damp trousers the rest of the way and threw them on to the bathroom floor. He watched through a hooded gaze as Lily leaned against the tile wall, watched as her t-shirt clung to all the right places. Lily bit her bottom lip in anticipation as she returned his gaze.
Cane stepped close to her. He soothed her caught lip with his tongue, he explored every inch of her soft, delectable mouth. Lily pressed her hips against his straining erection as Cane moved from exploring her mouth to her jawline and down along the column of her sensative neck. Lily's nipples pebbled in anticipation of Cane's touch and he did not disappoint...
Sliding his hands up and under her soaked shirt, his fingertips first grazed the undersides of her perfect breasts before moving up and over them to cup them, to squeeze them. He nipped and nibbled at her nipples before soothing them with his tongue through the wet material. Finally he lifted the shirt up and over her head, tossing it aside they both let out a sigh of longing as his mouth finally seized upon her perfect exposed tip. Drawing first one then the other into his mouth, he took great pleasure in hearing the satisfied little noises coming from her throat.
Lily needed to return the intense pleasure that Cane was giving her. She slid her fingers up and along his chiselled abs. Running her fingers over his taught flesh, leaving a trail of heat and fire in their wake. She played with his flat nipples coaxing them to hard nubs, leaning forward she nipped and licked them causing Cane a zing of pleasure straight to his groin.
Cane saught her mouth once again as his hand slid down to delve between her folds, his fingers slick with the moisture from the shower and her very essance. He placed first one then two fingers inside her tight sheath, stroking and moving inside her. His thumb found her clit and began a delicious circular movement causing Lily to clench uncontrollably around him...
Not to be outdone Lily reached for his long, hard, thick, length. Wrapping her deft fingers around it she began to stroke him in a long drawn out manner...
As they pleasured one another they were reaching the point of completion when Cane pulled Lily's hand from his aching flesh to pin it with his high on the shower wall. His other hand still wedged between her legs gave her clit just two more flicks as he felt her spasm and shudder around his fingers.
"Cane..." she groaned.
Removing his hand he grasped her other one and pinned it to high on the shower wall. "Look at me Lily."
She lifted her heavy and satisfied gaze up to meet his.
"I have every intention of taking you hard and fast against this wall. I have waited so long to feel your body surround mine."
"Now Cane. Don't make me wait a moment longer... fu-" Her grafic demand was swallowed by Cane's mouth as he lifted her legs and she wrapped them tightly around his waist. Grabbing his hard length , he guided it into her tight, slick sheath...
He moved with long steady strokes that gradually quickened and shortened with their growing need...
He pounded her willing flesh, each of them panting and making incoherant noises in the backs of their throats. Cane felt Lily tighten and begin to spasm around him, his pulsing release followed as they both cried out one anothers names with passion...
Breathing heaving, their foreheads pressed together as they recovered from such an intense and long over due release. Gently Cane slid Lily down the front of his body where he held her close, neither one of their legs very steady at the moment. Cane kissed Lily tenderly and said, "I love you. I love you so much I don't know what I was thinking to be away from you for so long. I am so glad this mess is finally behind us."
Lily stroked his cheek gently. "I love you too, more so now then I ever thought possible."
Between more kisses and gentle touching Cane and Lily washed one another and after drying off Cane scooped Lily up in his arms and walked to their bed where he placed her beneath the cool sheets. Joining her there, he drew her up against his body and they whispered sweet words and touched one another softly. In the shower, they had been rough and passionate as if cleansing and purging themselves of the past three months. Now in the warmth of their bed, in their room they made long, slow, sweet, passionate love to one another well into the night...
Part Nineteen!!
Can we talk...
Lily opened her eyes to find Cane gazing back at her, a slow, sultry smile spreading across his face.
"Mornin' baby." Cane said as he reached a hand out to caress Lily's face.
Lily stiffened and pulled away. She turned got up and pulled one of Cane's t-shirts up and over her head.
Cane sat up in the bed, the sheets pooled at his waist. His look grew concerned as he asked, "Lily what's wrong?"
"We need to talk. I - I think we may have rushed into things last night." At Cane's stricken look she put her hand up to continue, "now don't get me wrong last night was incredible. Like off the charts amazing but -"
"I mean there were - are a lot of hurt feelings between us." Lily started pacing back and forth in front of the bed when she stopped suddenly to demand, "why did you give her my ring? When she flashed it in my face I don't know how I remained standing, it was like my heart had been ripped out and she was wearing it as a prize."
Cane reached for her again. "Lily I -"
But Lily continued as though she heard nothing, "I mean we had plans for that ring. It was a family heirloom, something that we were going to pass on to our children someday. So how could you Cane, how could you?"
Cane had gotten out of the bed while she was pacing and hastily dawned a pair of boxer breifs. He finally grabbed her by the arms stopping her in mid stride, his hurt bubbling to the surface. Searching her gaze he said, "you want to know why I did that? Well I'll tell you, I was a walking talking zombie - I wasn't even close to thinking straight. I had just found out that she was apparently carrying my child and I wanted to stick by and you figure this out with you but no! You told me to marry her, you practically forced me to do so. So I did what you wanted, I did what you asked. Maybe subconsciously I thought by giving the ring to her it would have given you a wake-up call. All I needed was one word from you - one and I would have called it off, I don't know as I already said I wasn't thinking straight. I was willing to do anything to get through this with you and you walked away from me. You abandoned me..."
"Abandoned you? I did what was right for what I thought was your child. So you wouldn't have to choose between us because that child had to come first."
"That's all fine and dandy but it wasn't my child, you sacraficed yourself for nothing, you sacrificed us for nothing. Maybe if we had stuck it out together we would have figured out her lies and deception all the more sooner instead we lost all this precious time that we could have shared with each other."
"Stuck it out? If you hadn't gotten mind bending drunk that night she never would have been able to manipulate you in the first place!" Lily clamped a hand over her mouth as she saw Cane's eyes fill with shame. "Cane, I'm sorry. I've already told you that I didn't blame you for that. That I had forgiven you. I was out of line."
Cane turned from her to gaze out the window and he replied softly, "no, no you're right Lily. And I swore to you that I would never put myself in a position like that again, that I would never drink again." He turned back towards her, "and I haven't."
Lily touched his arm and said, "I have trust issues."
"With good reason and I am so sorry that I added to those. I swore to you that I wasn't Daniel and look how I proved that. And I - I have abandonment issues."
Lily gave a soft ironic chuckle as she replied, "with good reason. I should have faught harder instead of being so self-sacrificing."
Cane cupped her face in his large, warm hands. "And together we are going to work on this. There is no way that we are going to give up on us after working so hard to find our way back to one another. We have some big talks ahead of us but I'm confident that we are going to come out of this stronger then ever."
"Me too." Lily said as she reached up on the tips of her toes to plant a soft, heated kiss on Cane's eager mouth.
Cane moved his mouth up to her temple where his lips moved against her as he said softly, "let's get dressed and I'll make you a hearty breakfast." Stepping back slightly, he smiled ruefully at her. "After all we have some other big conversations ahead of us starting with your father."
Lily's groan turned into a giggle as Cane tapped her ass and told her to get a move on. No matter what from now on they were going to talk things through and face everything together...
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Written Sept. 19th - Dec. 23rd 08 (Parts 11 - 15)
You know how sometimes things unexpectedly fall into your lap, like for some reason you are in exactly the right place at exactly the right time? Well here are three different examples of exactly that...
Cane sighed and rubbed a hand over his beleaguered expression. Leaning against the bar at Indigo, he knew that he should have left right after Lily but she had made it quite clear that she did not want him to follow. Luckily it was Neil's night off or he was sure that he would have been thrown out on his ass already...
"What can I get for you this evening?"
The promise that Cane had made to Lily to never drink again flashed in his mind. Although he was tempted to try and numb his misery, Cane also had to many memories of another night swirling around his head. A night that had changed his life forever...
"Could I grab an ice tea, please?"
"Sure no problem." The bartender said as he went to grab it for Cane.
Setting it down in front of him the bartender asked, "taking it easy tonight?"
Cane gave him a small smile before he answered, "yeah, I guess you could say something like that."
"Well I guess it's better than the last time I saw you. If it wasn't for that girl and guy you were with, I probably would have been asked to carry you out of here." The bartender turned to go.
"Wait! You remember me from that night? That was like almost three months ago."
"Yeah, well when you see a guy shouting rugby cheers and something about needing more cow bell and on top of it all this little five foot nothing of a girl half carrying you out of here - well you tend to remember things like that or at least I do anyways."
"So I was really wasted, huh?"
"Hey man if you still can't remember it, what do you think? I'm just glad that girl was able to drive you home. Wouldn't have wanted you behind the wheel or anything."
Something popped into Cane's head...
"Don't freak out but we were seriously drunk..."
Cane took a couple of large bills from his wallet and slid them over to the bartender. "Thanks mate, you've given me lots to think about." Cane got up off the stool to leave.
The bartender looked at the money in his hands, it was twice the amount that girl had given him that night for giving her non-alcoholic drinks and there was something about the despondent look in the guys eyes that made him say this, "listen. I know that girl seemed pretty loud and crazy that night but it was all of her own accord."
"What do you mean?"
"She called ahead and asked that whatever was ordered for her that night be non-alcoholic. That's something else you don't forget. Thanks by the way."
Cane pulled out another bill and threw it on the bar. "No, thank you..."
Chloe sat on the couch in Cane's living room searching for some more baby stuff online that would be paid for by the Chancellor heir, only the best for her child...
She put a hand over her baby bump and remembered the first time she ran into Billy after all those years...
Chloe had contacts all over the fashion world. She had kissed a lot of asses for those. It was those contacts at Jabot that had gotten her exactly the right position there and it was her contacts at the House of Kim in Hong Kong that had told her when Billy had made his way State side to New York City. She had known where he was staying and it wasn't hard to take a trip there on supposed Jabot business...
It was her third day in the city when she saw her opportunity to make her first move. She had watched Billy come out of his hotel and head over to the news stand. He had just picked up the last copy of 'Sophisticate' when she made her move...
Walking briskly up the side walk she went right up to Billy and snatched the copy of the magazine right out of his hand...
"What the -?" Billy was shocked at the boldness of this tiny little woman standing smugly in front of him.
"Buy me a drink and I just might let you flip through my magazine."
"Your magazine? I was just about to buy it when you ripped it out of my hands."
"Well, I guess you should be a little quicker next time." She said as she handed the guy behind the counter the money for it. "So are you coming because I am one thirsty girl."
Chloe turned and started walking and wouldn't you know it Billy was right behind her...
Chloe looked down at the hand that covered her stomach and said, "yes I planned it out how I would meet your father but when I found out how he would end up treating me, my plans needed to change. And when I saw how your uncle treated little miss perfect, I knew what I had to do..."
The next day...
Lily was going through the last of the boxes that she had yet to unpack. Mostly they were school papers, old tests and what not. There was a knock on the door...
Opening it she was pleasantly shocked to find her Aunt Olivia standing on the other side. "Aunt Olivia!" Lily exclaimed and they both wrapped their arms around one another in a warm embrace.
Pulling back Olivia said, "Lily it is so wonderful to see you. You are as beautiful as always, so very much like your mother."
Lily smiled warmly at the compliment. "Thank you. Come in, come in. Dad said that you were coming back to town for a bit but he didn't tell me that it would be this soon."
"Yes, well it turns out that a doctor at the hospital had an emergency and it was perfect timing that they asked me to fill in for him while he was away."
"Well I am just so glad that you are back and I hope that you can stay for a while, I've really missed you. We have to have a nice family dinner while you are here."
"Definately. Sweetie, your Dad told me that you haven't been having the best time of things lately, I was hoping that you would maybe want to tell me about it."
"Did Dad tell you what's been going on?"
"No, he thought since I was coming for a visit that you might want to tell me yourself. That you might need a woman's point of view."
"Funny how Dad just seems to know what I need and I am glad that he didn't tell you. He was pretty mad so his version might have been majorly different then mine. Do you want something to drink?"
"That would be great. How about a glass of juice, please?"
Lily got up and when she did her knee hit the box of papers she was going through and knocked them to the floor. "Oh, shoot!" She said as she bent to pick them up.
"Don't worry about these. You just go grab us our drinks and I'll pick them up for you."
"Thanks Aunt Liv." Lily went to the kitchen and grabbed a couple of glasses and the juice from the fridge.
Olivia gathered up the papers and started putting them back in the box when one with a medical labs heading caught her eye. Pulling it out she started to read it. Lily returned with the drinks when she saw Olivia reading a paper she thought she would never lay eyes on again.
Turning Olivia said, "Lily why do you have a DNA report belonging to Cane Ashby and Chloe Mitchell?" ...
Part Twelve!!
"Well?" Olivia asked holding the paper in front of Lily.
Lily's throat closed up over the sight of that piece of paper so her voice came out in a hoarse whisper when she responded, "I - I didn't know I had it. I never wanted to see that piece of paper again. That piece of paper changed my life forever. I - I must have accidentally grabbed it when I was hastily packing all of my things."
"Hmmm... I see. Well maybe you were meant to grab it and maybe I was meant to see it. Before I tell you what I think why don't you tell me the whole story including how this came to be." Olivia set the paper down in front of her on the table and picked up the glass of juice that Lily had brought she took a sip and waited for Lily to begin...
Lily sighed and sat down beside her Aunt and told her everything from the beginning...
Cane had barely slept a wink the night before, so many thoughts kept running through his head. The conversation with the bartender, the cryptic words the doctor had said, the last bit of conversation he had caught between Billy and Chloe...
Separately they made know sense but putting them all together, pieces started falling into place. He needed to talk to Lily, so as quietly as he could he got dressed and left his house without disturbing Chloe. He needed proof before he saw her again even if that meant he slept in his office, he would because God help Chloe when he figured all of this mess out...
Lily had just finished telling Olivia everything, somehow she had managed to get through it with only a few tears shed.
Olivia looked at her niece with sympathy and with a comforting squeeze to Lily's hand she said, "that is truly horrible that someone would do that to you Lily. I can only hope that what I am going to tell you will help fix things. Just out of curiosity, did you have a technician read you these results?"
"Uh, no. Like I said an envelope arrived at our house."
"Well then perhaps you were too upset to fully understand what they said. Now technically this is a tricky spot for me because of doctor/pati-" Just then there was a knock at the door.
Lily got up to answer it to find Cane on the other side.
"Lily, I know your mad at me but we have to talk. Your not going to believe what I found out last night." Stepping passed a stunned Lily he saw the doctor that he had seen at the hospital only the day before. "Oh, ummm... why is a doctor here? Lily are you sick?"
"No, Mr. Ashby," Olivia said as she came forward her hand outstretched. "Sorry I didn't introduce myself yesterday. I'm Dr. Olivia Hastings, Drucilla Winters' sister. Nice to officially meet you."
"Your Lily's Aunt?!"
"Yes, I am. We were just having a very revealing conversation but I believe this conversation includes you too. Won't you sit down..."
Part Thirteen!!
Cane looked between the two women. "Lily what is going on?"
Cane stepped into the room and made his way over to the couch when he saw the paper that had changed his life sitting on the coffee table. Snatching it up he demanded, "where did you get this? Can someone please tell me what is going on?"
Olivia, with her ever present calmness smiled at him with understanding. "Lily was unpacking the last of the boxes from your house when she knocked it over, I picked it up and saw that paper. Lily didn't even know she had packed it up with her things. In fact she just finished telling me how all this came to be, about all of the wonderful things you shared and more recently the not so wonderful things..."
Cane and Lily shared a glance as Olivia continued...
"I was just about to tell Lily what I thought when you arrived. But I believe you had something to tell Lily that you just found out? Does it have to do with this current situation that you find yourselves in?" At Canes nod she continued, "well perhaps you wouldn't mind sharing it with me also because I think you will find that I may help you see things more clearly."
Cane once again looked to Lily and as she gave a slight nod in agreement he told them what he had learned over the last couple of days...
"Well that makes what I am about to say even more profound. May I have those DNA results?"
Cane looked down to find that he still clutched the now crumpled piece of paper in his hands, straightening it out he handed it to Olivia.
"Lily told me that you did not have a technician read these results for you and the way that it was worded and your emotions running as high as they were it is very understandable that you would read them incorrectly."
"But Aunt Olivia, it says Cane matched."
"Ah yes, it says he is in the matching group but what it does not say with 99.9% accuracy is that Cane is the father of Chloe's baby."
"I - I'm not the father of her child?"
Olivia leaned over and said, "no you're not but the matching markers would indicate that you are related to whom ever is."
Cane and Lily were both to stunned to speak.
"Cane you wouldn't happen to have a copy of the ultra sound with you?"
Cane glanced at Lily under his lashes before he nodded and reached into his inside pocket and retrieved it.
Olivia took it and studied it for a moment, she looked at Cane and said, "what I am about to say can never come back to me. As you know, I saw Ms. Mitchell as a patient yesterday so I am breaking doctor/patient confidentiality to do this but on the other hand I can't in good conscience allow this woman to continue to destroy your lives. When I was going over her chart yesterday I noticed that the measurements of the fetus and the conception and due dates didn't add up. When I suggested that we do another ultra sound to confirm she became very agitated. This picture is of a fetus that is 15 - 16 weeks gestation not the 8 - 10 weeks that is indicated by the conception and due dates."
"So that night that she said we conceived the baby she was already pregnant. No wonder she made sure to get non-alcoholic drinks - she already knew."
"In my professional opinion I would have to say yes. Unfortunately you will have to find your proof elsewhere, again what I told you here today can never be repeated."
This was all so overwhelming. All this time that he and Lily had been separated was for nothing, they had lost so much. And with these thoughts running through his mind Cane slid to his knees in front of Lily, his eyes glimmered with held emotion. Lily saw her own pain reflected there. She cupped his cheek in her palm.
Cane turned his head and placed the softest of kisses there. Placing his hand over hers he said, "I always knew in my heart of hearts that I could never betray you no matter how drunk I was. All this time I was trying to form a bond with this child and I could never quite get there. At first I thought it was my guilt over what I had done to you that prevented me from doing it but now I realize that deep down there was always something more."
Cane stood up and taking Lily's hand brought her to stand beside him, facing Olivia he said, "thank you for the gift you have given us today. Words can never express how much this means."
Olivia stepped forward and placed a hand on each of their shoulders. "Seeing the life return to my niece's eyes is thanks enough. I can only hope that you find the proof that you need to remove this woman from your lives once and for all."
"We'll find the proof together. Thank you Aunt Olivia. I'm just going to walk Cane out." Together they walked to the door and stepped outside. Lily closed the door behind them.
Cane turned to face her and they stared at one another for a moment and in the next they were in each others arms, their mouths fused together, they clung to one another and let all their pent up emotion and passion flow...
When they finally pulled their mouths apart Cane pressed his forehead to hers and he said, "Lily I swear to you, together we will find the proof we need to remove that conniving bitch from our lives and when that happens never again will I be separated from you."
Lily gave him one last lingering kiss then stepped back inside.
Cane turned and let the rage that had been bubbling under the surface flow free. Clenching his fists he growled one word, "Billy..."
Amber was coming down the stairs of her loft when she heard Billy on the phone, stopping she listened...
"Jack now that I am on the inside it is only a matter of time before Jabot is back where it belongs... Do I have a plan of action? You bet I do. Cane's personal life is all over the place, he is going to have no idea what hit him until it's to late... I have already figured out exactly what button to push and that button is Lily...
Amber let out a silent gasp as she continued to listen at the top of the stairs...
Part Fourteen!!
What should she do? Should she go to Cane and Lily with what she just heard? If Amber were honest with herself she would admit that she was only using Billy as a convenient liaison to make Daniel jealous but here was another guy who was throwing himself at Saint Lily - shouldn't she be mad? But to be honest, she wasn't. She wanted Daniel back... Maybe, just maybe if she told them the truth about Billy and helped Lily get back with Cane, Daniel would finally see that she had changed and would take her back...
Her thoughts were interrupted by the closing door, Billy had left. Cautiously, Amber crept down the stairs, grabbed her purse and headed out the door. She needed to clear her head and decide what to do...
Billy found her at Crimson Lights. He watched Chloe from across the room as she stuffed her face with a cranberry scone. She adjusted herself in her chair and Billy got an eyeful of her now suddenly very rounded stomach, it was like it had ballooned overnight or perhaps as he suspected it was something else. He made his way over to her table...
"Funny, isn't it?"
"What is?" Chloe asked around a mouthful of scone.
"Oh, just how we keep running into each other like this. Reminds me of the good old days of you stalking me..."
"Look, how many times do I have to tell you? I am not a stalker. I just know what I want and I go after it."
"Just like you went after my brother? How very thorough of you."
Chloe glared at Billy but said nothing to contradict his statement.
Billy was about to say something else when his blackberry buzzed. He excused himself and pulled it out and read the text message:
'What makes you think my story would be interesting?'
Billy chuckled to himself as he typed back:
'Well for one you stole my screen name. I may have to sue.'
Chloe tried to read what he was typing but couldn't so she asked, "texting your latest conquest?"
Billy looked up and said, "no for your information it is just an update on some investments I have, they are doing very well. But what if it was a girl, would you be jealous?"
Chloe wiped her fingers on her napkin and replied, "not in the least. I already have everything I could possibly want."
Billy set his blackberry face down on the table and looked right at Chloe. "You want to keep him? Then start working a little harder."
Chloe gave a little smirk before she replied, "I have his ring. I'm having his kid. I don't need to work at anything."
"Listen to me smart girl. When I left you at the GCAC, I went over to Indigo and got an eye full of the two of them kissing. So if you want to keep up this little charade that we both know you're playing I suggest you step up your game."
Chloe huffed and said, "you know I'm not that hungry anymore. I think I'll head home - to my husband!"
"You do that." Billy said as he watched her stalk out the back door. Once again his blackberry vibrated. He picked it up and read:
From: Fall Out Girl
To: Sonny Crawford
'I'll see you in court...'
Billy smiled with satisfaction as he turned his phone off...
A few days later...
Lily sat at her computer trying to finish a report for her Economics class but she continued to be distracted. She hadn't heard from Cane in three days - not a phone call, email or note. Lily desperately wanted to hear from him, to see if he had made any progress on the proof they needed. But she knew that they had to keep up the act of everything was still as Chloe thought it should be.
Lily sighed and minimized her report and brought up her messages from that stupid dating site that Colleen had convinced her join and again they were mostly from 'Sonny Crawford'. The thing was she had found his profile very interesting and very familiar. Two could play at this game. There was a reason for Cane not bringing up what Aunt Olivia had said about him being related to the man that actually fathered Chloe's child - he thought he was protecting her but he needed to realize that he didn't have to protect her from everything. Lily was a smart girl and she had figured it out that Billy was most likely the father of Chloe's child. She had also figured out that Billy was 'Sonny Crawford' and she had every intention of doing her part to bring this mess to an end...
Cane was stressed. After thinking about it and staying away for a day, he had decided to return home. The less suspicious Chloe was the better it would be to nail her and his good for nothing brother to the wall. To think he had welcomed that man with open arms...
Patience was a virtue - wasn't it? After he had left Lily's place he contacted Paul Williams and told him everything - except Olivia's involvement of course, he had no intention of breaking his word to the woman who had finally given him hope. So Paul was doing some backround checks on the hospital staff looking after Chloe's medical needs. He was also looking into Billy and seeing if he could find a link to Chloe and some proof that they knew one another. He was expecting a call from Paul anytime for an update of what he had discovered so far when there was a knock on the door...
"Come in."
The door opened and the last person he expected was standing in the doorway clutching her purse.
"Cane?" Amber asked nervously. "There's something I need to tell you. It's about Billy..."
Part Fifteen!!
Amber shut Cane's door and stepped into his office.
Cane let out a sigh and stood, he did not have time for this. "Listen, Amber if you are here to tell me about how you and my brother are dating you can save it. I already know, Chloe told me."
"Well no, I mean we are hanging out - I wouldn't call it dating. I mean I still love Daniel but it's complicated."
"Amber, I am really busy and I don't have time to listen to the trials and tribulations of your love life no matt-"
"Cane! Seriously listen to me. It's not about my love life." Amber stared at Cane for a moment and saw that he had finally stopped to listen to her.
"Ok. What is it about then?"
Amber started to pace and ring her hands as she told Cane what she heard. "I was coming down the stairs a couple of days ago and I over heard Billy talking to Jack."
"So? He is his brother."
Amber let out a frustrated sound and turning with her hands on her hips she nearly shouted at Cane. "If you would just keep your mouth shut for two seconds instead of interupting me I could tell you that Jack is planing a take over of Jabot and Billy is his inside man."
Cane paled and his mouth slid open. "What?"
"From what I overheard the Abbott's have some sort of plan to get Jabot back and Billy is working here to get inside information and to - and to undermind you."
Cane began pacing back and forth and you could literally see the anger rolling off of him in waves. He growled one word again, "Billy..."
Amber rung her hands again. "There is something else. He is going to get to you through Lily."
"Lily?" His fists began to clench and unclench.
"Yeah, I believe the direct quote was 'the key to your downfall was through Lily'"
Cane stopped pacing and stood facing Amber. He put his hands on her shoulders and said, "I - how can -" Cane brought her to him in a ruff embrace. "I won't forget this Amber."
"I have to go. Things must be set in motion."
Cane left a stunned Amber standing in the middle of his office. He was pulling out his phone to make a call when he nearly ran right into Paul.
"Cane! I was just coming to see you. We need to talk. I found some things that should really interest you."
Cane looked around at the staff miling about, nodded and brought Paul into the empty boardroom closest to them. "What do you have for me?"
"Well how is this for starters?" Paul asked as he pulled a security still photo from out of the file in his hand.
Cane looked at the image of Billy and Chloe leaving a hotel loby hand in hand.
"And here is another one of the two of them coinsiding with the dates you were looking at. Also the technician that took care of Chloe's lab work talked. Apparently the threat of jail time for committing fraud got her to fess up. I have her signed statement that she, at Ms. Mitchell's request altered dates on her ultra sound. She also received payments from Ms. Mitchell for doing so."
Cane nodded. "So you sent a copy of all this over to Michael Baldwin?"
"As you requested everything I found out has been sent to him, he is waiting for your call."
"Perfect. Thank you Paul you have hel-"
"There is one more thing. When I was going through the recent Jabot stock sails as you asked, I came across a company that has purchased a large amount in the last couple of months. A company called 'Agreeing Lovers' I traced it to the Cayman Islands but that is where the trail ends."
Cane shook Paul's hand. "Thank you Paul. Do you mind if I take this file?"
"Certainly. That is your copy and I will continue to see what I can dig up on that company."
"Please do. I need every bit of information I can get my hands on. I will check in with you later."
Cane left the boardroom. He grabbed his phone again. There were calls he needed to make. Michael Baldwin, to finalize those papers. Katherine and Jill, to set up a private meeting to figure out how they could keep Jabot safe. And Lily...he needed to hear her voice and he needed to bring her up to date so that they could put a plan into action and get Chloe out of their lives once and for all...