A Moment in Time!!
Part Six!!
Billy knocked on the door and waited. He cast a glance up and around the outside of the house and the more he thought about it the more he liked being back in Genoa City. The door opened...
"Well, well, well. What an unexpected but very pleasant surprise. Welcome home Billy." Jack said as he embraced his brother warmly.
"Oh, how wonderful."
Billy stepped in to the entry way to find his sisters Ashley and Tracey standing in the parlor. "What is this, some sort of family reunion that I stumbled upon?"
Jack placed a hand upon Billy's back and ushered him in. "Actually it's a family business meeting. I thought you were still abroad or I would have called you but I am actually really glad that you are here."
"Oh?" He asked as he greeted Ashley and Tracey each with a warm kiss on the cheek. "And why is that Jack?"
"Well as I was just explaining to your sisters, I think it's time we put Jabot back in it's rightful place - with us."
"And I was just reminding Jack that he can't have anything to do with the ownership of Jabot." Ashely said interjecting.
"You're right Ash. Technically I can't hold any Jabot shares but I can hold your proxy. With my plan we can regain Jabot. Don't you realize how devastated Dad would be if he were here to see the state of the company he started?"
"He would be heartbroken," agreed Tracey. "But if you want us to help you, you are going to have to tell us in greater detail what you have planned."
"Yes, Jack. You created a mess when you held Jabot through Ji Min. If I am to agree with this I will need more details. For instance who else is involved with this because I know you have something or someone up your sleeve." Ashley said as she stared at Jack intently.
Jack conceded. "There is someone else involved but I don't want to tell you - not yet. You just have to trust me and trust that I will do right by you." Jack looked at Billy for a moment as an idea started to take shape he said, "would it make you feel anymore at ease if we had someone we could trust on the inside?"
"Possibly but it depends on who that is."
Billy caught Jack's eye and he sat up straighter. With a hand to his chest he asked, "me? You want me to go and work for my half brother?"
"Yes Billy. Yes I do. So you've met Cane Ashby have you?"
The image of Cane sitting so comfortably behind the CEO's desk flashed in his mind. He felt the resentment of seeing him there bubble under the surface. "Uh, yes. I met him yesterday."
"I don't care if he is my brother he has no place running Jabot." Billy was decided, he was staying in Genoa City. "You want me to be your inside man? You got it."
Billy knocked on another door. This time it was Cane's. His brother had given him his home address and Billy thought there was no time like the present to pay him a visit and set things in motion. Except it wasn't Cane who answered the door...
Chloe stood frozen in the doorway. Her complexion pale as she fought to control the sudden onslaught of nausea. "Liam?!"
Billy too was starring at a girl that he had had a fling with a couple of months ago in LA. He stepped back and looked at the house number and said almost to himself, "yup this is the right place. Ummm... ahhh... Chloe? What exactly are you doing in my brother's house?" ...
Part Seven!!
"Your brother's house!" She almost shrieked the words but managed to catch herself just in time. "This is Cane Ashby's house."
"Uh, yeah I know. Cane Ashby also known as Jill Abbott's son." Billy eyed her as if willing her to put the pieces together on her own but then he realized that she didn't exactly know who he was after all just like Amber and so many others he had given her the alias of Liam. "Wait, wait. Let me properly introduce myself. I'm William Abbott also known as Billy or as I told you Liam. Is my brother here?" Billy stepped forward and into the house causing a still shocked Chloe to step back in retreat.
"No ummm... Cane is still at the office."
"Well in that case," Billy said a certain light entering his eyes. "How about we have a little fun - for old times sake." He stepped in to her personal space intent on dragging her in to his arms when she stuck her left hand in his face. It was hard to miss the glittering sapphire on her third finger.
"Sorry I don't do that anymore. I'm married."
"Well you never seemed like a girl who moved slow." Billy made himself comfortable on the couch before he asked, "so who's the lucky guy?"
Chloe just looked at him.
"Oh, hell no. My brother is just full of surprises. And here I thought he was still mooning over Lily."
"Yeah, well he's not. In fact we are having a baby."
Billy just looked at her for a moment. "Ahhhh... so you are the one who broke up my brother and Lily. So who's the real baby daddy because from what I have seen and heard so far, you would need a crowbar to pry those two apart." He looked at Chloe and waited for an answer. He knew her type and scamming a dude seemed like right at the top of her list of things to do.
If Chloe had been standing she probably would have fell to the floor at the shock of his question. Luckily she had already been sitting so she hoped she covered her disbelief well. "For your information it is Cane's baby. Would you like to see the DNA results?"
"Ok. Ok. It's just a little hard to believe that's all."
Chloe fidgeted and fussed. She wanted this man out of here as quickly as possible. "So ummm... Billy, how long do you plan on staying in town?"
"Staying in town? Oh, darling I'm not just visiting - I'm back."
Oh, crap she thought. "Well listen, I know this is a lot to ask of you but ummm... do you think that maybe you could keep our past liaisons from your brother? I mean I just think it would be best for all of us."
Billy chuckled. "Best for all of us or just best for you?"
Chloe didn't have a chance to answer. They both turned as they heard the door open...
Cane walked in. "Billy, good to see you again." His voice changed to one of cold civility when he continued, " I see you've met Chloe."
Billy glanced between the two, taking note of the uncomfortable chill that had entered the room. "Uh, yes I just arrived and your wife was just keeping me company until you got here. She was an unexpected surprise."
Chloe cleared her throat and with one last meaningful glance toward Billy she said, "I'll just go to my room and give you both some privacy."
Cane barely spared her a glance as she left the room. "So what brings you by?"
Billy went with the shift in gears since this is why he had come by. "Actually, I have been doing some thinking and I have decided to stay in Genoa City for good."
A classic Ashby smile spread across Cane's face. "That's great. Mum is going to be so happy that you have decided to stick around. I think she has missed having you near by."
"Well I was thinking that not only would I like to stay around here I would like to come back to Jabot. I think I could be a great value to you and the company."
Cane stood and held out his hand to his brother and said, "and I would like nothing more to welcome you aboard."
They shook and Billy thought this couldn't have gone any better...
In her room...
Chloe had her ear pressed against the door during their whole conversation and then it hit her...
Brothers! Cane and Liam or uh Billy were brothers! Chloe slid to the floor. So it wasn't some sort of devine fluky mix up at the lab. The reason that Cane matched was because Billy was the baby's father. Damn it! He could ruin everything that she had schemed so hard to get...
Part Eight!!
Chloe sat in her room lost in thought...
The shower was running and Billy - she still couldn't believe he had given her the alias of 'Liam' was getting clean after their latest romp at some hotel he had told her to meet him at. Chloe was basking in the afterglow and she was loving every minute of it. On the one hand she was a little ticked that he hadn't recognized her after all they had lived in the same house for a little while - before she had been shipped off to boarding school that is. But on the other hand it was working in her favor. She was going to land herself a big fish - one way or another...
Chloe shook herself from her thoughts. A lot had transpired over the last couple of days. It had been quite a shock to see Billy at Cane's door but she was realizing that she was one hell of an actress and she played the part well of not knowing who he really was. Yesterday she had run into Billy again at Crimson Lights and he had taken great joy in calling her his 'crazy little stalker' once again - like she knew that he was going to be there and with Amber showing up to meet him no less, boy was she a step down from what Chloe used to do for him. Once upon a time she would have known where he would be and who he would have been with...
Billy was making his way through all the files for Jabot when he got distracted by an old memory...
"Jesus Christ, Chloe! What are you doing here? Better yet how did you know how to find me?"
Chloe slithered up against him , grabbed his tie and pulled him close before she said, "I always know where you are and that's right where I want to be." She nipped at his chin with her sharp little teeth.
Billy grabbed her by her shoulders and put her at arms length. "Well that isn't creepy at all is it? Look I'm heading back to Hong Kong. I've been neglecting business and I think it's for the best."
Chloe's look turned from pouting to anger in a flash. "Are you dumping me, Liam? I thought you cared about me, the way I care about you."
"Look Chloe, it's been a slice but well... shit happens. Oh and here is a piece of advice for the next guy you decide to sink your teeth into - try not to be so stalkerish." With that Billy turned and walked away but he cringed a little when he heard her shriek:
"I am not a stalker!"
Billy shuddered as he brought himself back to the present and it was with a sickening intuition that he wondered if all of this was connected and if it was did he want to do anything about it or use it to his advantage...
It had been a ruff couple of days for Lily also. After having that intense moment in the elevator with Cane she realized that she could no longer continue with FFOJ. It had been devastating when she had walked into Cane's office and told him but in her self-sacrificing way she thought it was for the best.
It had been a tremendous blow to find out later that day that he had offered her position to Colleen and it had hurt just as much to find out that she had taken it. After thinking about it for a night she realized that being angry at Colleen was misplaced and she now directed her anger towards Cane. If only Colleen had told her what she believed was the real reason that Cane had chosen her. It might have helped with understanding and made the intense pain she was feeling now well... a lot less...
Now despite her reservations she found herself creating a profile on a dating site. Crazy as it was Colleen had convinced her to give it a try again despite what had happened with Kevin a few years ago. But she was so dejected and - and just so bombarded from all sides that she needed some sort of distraction. She was willing to try anything for just one moment to try and forget about Cane. Lily let out a long sigh. Oh, who was she kidding anyway that would be like trying to cut off her own arm... impossible...
Colleen watched her friend and the sad expression that clung to her face. She got an idea and stepped away to make a phone call...
"Hey, it's me."
"Why hello to you too, CC. What can I do for you?"
"Listen, I just wanted to thank you again for for keeping Amber occupied but I kind of have another favor to ask you."
"Well Amber is quite a handful - a pleasurable handful but I suppose I could spare a moment to do something else for you. What is it?"
"No visuals, please. Remember when I told you in New York how I thought you could maybe be the one to cheer Lily up?"
"Yes. Go on."
"Well I convinced her to sign up with an online dating site to help her get over Cane and I was wondering if you would send her a message or two to boost her self esteem."
"Seriously! You want me to go online and pose as some stranger and flirt with her? Why couldn't I just do that in person?"
"Because you're her friend and she will think you are doing it out of pity but-"
"But if I do it anonymously I'll make her feel better? I don't know CC. It's really not my style."
"Please? Her screen name is 'Fall Out Girl' think about it. I gotta go. Bye."
Billy closed his cell phone. Genoa City had a lot more going on in it than he thought...
Part Nine!!
Cane rubbed a hand over his face. Something was niggling at the back of his mind. He had only caught the last couple of words Billy had said to Chloe a couple of nights ago and he had covered it well - they didn't think he had overheard anything but he would bet his salary at Jabot that Chloe and Billy had met before that night...
Jack had finally managed to pin down Gloria. He had Ashley and Tracey's proxy and with the stock that Jeffrey and Gloria owned and the 5% she had acquired from Katherine, he was ready to make a move...
"Gloria, I think the time is right for us to start our take over of Jabot."
"No Jack. I think we should wait and take slow after all we don't want to make any mistakes."
"Why? We have enough stock thanks to you getting those shares from Katherine and I have my sister's proxy. Billy is on the inside now and I think we should do this before they begin to suspect someone."
"Let me talk it over with Jeffrey and we will get together later."
"Well make it fast. I want to make a move - now. Don't even think of trying to double cross me."
"Nonsense Jack. We are doing this together, it's what your father would have wanted. Now if you'll excuse me." Gloria got up and left the mansion.
Outside the front door she hastily reached for her cell and dialed Kevin's number, he picked up on the third ring.
"Kevin? Have you got the goods on Katherine yet? Can we prove she's lost her mind?"
"No, Mom. She seems to have all her wits about her."
"Well hurry up and find a way to prove that she is crazy - even if you have to make it up. I need that stock, I can't stall Jack for much longer." With that Gloria hung up...
Billy had just entered the GCAC for a workout when he spied Chloe on her way out. Without even a greeting he grabbed her arm and dragged her over to a discreet corner where they could talk. Something was still bothering him and he wanted some answers...
"Ow! Try not to be so ruff would you, I am carrying your niece or nephew you know." Chloe said as she rubbed her arm.
"Yeah about that, I know you told me that Cane was the father and that you have DNA proof but I need to know the truth. Who is the real father of this baby, Chloe?"
"Why, what's it to you? Are you saying that if it was yours you'd step up like your brother Cane?" Chloe held her breath as she waited for his answer, a twinge of hope that it would be the one she wanted.
Billy shifted his feet as he became uncomfortable. "Well I would make sure the bills were paid but I'm not really father material."
Chloe's tiny last bit of hope died and was replaced with an iron resolve. She had made the right choice and secured the right brother - the one that would actually take care of this child cause Lord knows she doubted she could do it on her own.
So looking Billy squarely in the eye she gave him what she thought was her best performance yet. "Well luckily you don't have to worry about that now do you? Cane is this baby's father, of that there is no doubt. So if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment that I have to get to." With that she brushed past him.
Billy watched her go. Chloe may have thought she put on a good act but Billy was even better at reading people and he knew without a doubt that she was lying but having Cane continue to think this baby was his could help Billy out in more ways than one...
Part Ten!!
Chloe sat on the exam table in the sterile exam room clutching the paper gown around her. She was startled when a very distinguished woman entered the room studying Chloe's chart.
"Hello, I'm Dr. Olivia W-"
"Ummm... yeah that's nice. Where is my doctor?"
Olivia gave her a slight smile before she continued, "he had a family emergency and had to leave for a couple of weeks. I am filling in for him while he is away. So, I have been going over your chart and -"
Chloe held up her hand and once again interrupted her. "So why wasn't I informed about this? What if something happened? I am used to my doctor, I want my doctor."
"Well there is no need to worry Ms. Mitchell, he will be back long before you need him to deliver your child. But in the mean time I was going over your chart and I noticed -"
Chloe had hopped off of the table and was gathering her clothing to get dressed. "For your information it is Mrs. Cane Ashby and I would really appreciate it if you would just forget whatever it is you think you saw in my file and I would also appreciate you remembering that doctor/patient confidentiality applies here."
Confused, Olivia tried to explain. "Of course Mrs. Ashby but I was studying your chart and the dates and measurements of your fetus don't add up. I think -" Chloe slammed the door to the bathroom. "We need to do another ultrasound to confirm..."
Ten minutes later an apologetic Cane arrived for Chloe's latest check up. Opening the door he said, "sorry I'm late. Traffic was awful." Spying only a doctor he had never seen before he continued, "I'm sorry I must have the wrong room."
"Are you Mr. Ashby?"
"Yes. Where is Chloe?"
"Mrs. Ashby has decided to reschedule when her regular physician returns."
Confused Cane replied, "oh, ok." Cane turned to go but stopped when the woman continued.
"Mr. Ashby, I do not know what your personal circumstances are here and do to doctor/patient confidentiality I can't actually say anything but may I suggest that you keep a closer eye on your wife."
"What do you mean?"
"Only that perhaps not everything is as it seems." With that Olivia left the room and Cane felt another tiny piece of the puzzle fall into place. He took off, he wanted - no he needed to find Lily...
Lily had just left the washroom at Indigo when Cane came around the corner. She was about to slip back behind the door when he spied her.
"Lily! I have been looking for you everywhere. Please can I talk to you, it's really important."
Damn it! She was supposed to be angry with him for giving Colleen her job but one look into his eyes and her anger was disolving. Would this spell that was woven between them ever be broken? Could she ever find a way to move on? Tearing her glance away from his she nodded and quietly said, "ok."
Moving to a more private corner of the hallway she asked, "what is it?"
Cane placed his hands on her arms, she stiffened but didn't pull away. Looking into her eyes he said, "Lily there are some things that have been bugging me lately, some things that no matter how hard I try just haven't been adding up."
"What do you mean, what things?" Lily asked as she searched his face, more like drank in every detail.
They were so close, just inches apart. Cane's nostrils flared as he took in her scent. They were both fighting the inevitable, so starved were they for the other. The next thing they both knew, their bodies were pressed tightly together, their hands stroking where they could reach, their mouths gliding over one anothers, their tongues exploring...
All at once it was to much, to intense and Lily pulled away. "We can't keep doing this, it doesn't solve anything - it doesn't change anything. I have to go." Lily basically bolted down the hall.
Cane tried to grab her hand to stop her and explain. "Lily, wait! Somethings not right - there is more going on here then the both of us realize -" But she had already turned the corner...
Billy leaned against the wall at the other end of the hallway. He had just witnessed one of the most intensely passionate embraces that he had ever seen and he decided then and there that Lily was the key to Cane's downfall...
After taking the hottest shower that she could stand, Lily sat down in front of her laptop and sighed. She had to keep her distance from Cane, they were still so drawn to one another that they couldn't be in the same space without wanting to consume one another. As she turned her computer on she wondered if that would ever change. She was just going to check her email before going to bed when a new message caught her eye. Opening it she read:
Fall Out Girl,
There must be a story behind your screen name because it doesn't seem to go with your profile. I bet there is a very interesting story there and I think I would like to find out what that is. Send me a message back if you find my profile interesting and perhaps we can chat...

Lily & Cane bringing the romance back to daytime...
Friday, September 26, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Written Sept. 19th - Dec. 23rd 08 (Parts 1 - 5)
A Moment in Time!!
Lily sighed as she waited for the elevator to arrive. It had been a long day with the photo shoot to launch the Holiday Campaign, so far she had managed to avoid running in to Cane. Lily looked down at her shoes as she continued to wait and saw some very familiar black leather shoes step beside hers...
She turned her head up and to the side and her gaze locked with Cane's. "Hey."
"Hey, yourself. I just finished looking at the proofs from today's shoot and you looked positively breathtaking."
Lily blushed and looked away. "Thank you," she replied softly. Just then the elevator chimed and after gesturing for Lily to go first they both stepped in and the doors closed behind them...
The silence surrounded them. Lily placed her back against one corner while Cane eyed her under his lashes from the other. They both longed to say so much to the other but where do you begin when the one you love most in this world stands so close yet so far from you...
Cane took a deep breath. "Lily I -" Just then the elevator lurched to a sudden stop and they were cast in to darkness.
With fear in her voice Lily said, "Cane?"
"I'm right here sweetheart," Cane said reaching for her in the darkness.
"What happened are we stuck?"
"I think the power went out." A moment later the emergency lights kicked on casting a soft glow upon them.
Lily blinked as her eyes refocused on a gaze that was only inches from hers. In the sudden darkness Lily had reached out for Cane and her hands were still on top of his arms where she could feel his muscles tensing under her touch. When she went to step back Cane stopped her by tightening his hold on her.
"Lily, please don't." Casting his gaze around the 8x10 dimly lit enclosure he continued, "we may only have seconds or minutes before the power comes back on. Please," he whispered again. "Just give us this moment, I have missed you so much. I feel like the very essence of me has disappeared since the moment you walked out of my life."
Lily swallowed hard but no longer tried to pull away. She realized that this was a very precious stolen moment in time - one that she would cherish later.
Cane watched closely as the emotions played across her expressive face and he knew the moment when she surrendered to this, to him...
His hand slowly glided up her back laying a blazing trail of heat where ever he touched. Up over her shoulder, his fingers scorched her neck as his large hand finally reached her jawline and he slid it along there cupping her face in his warm palm. Tilting her face up so that there wasn't anyway that she could avoid his gaze, both watched as their eyes changed to pools of molten chocolate...
Cane lowered his head towards her, stopping just before his lips could touch hers. Their eyes never leaving one another, their breath coming in short heated pants intermingled with one anothers. It was like they were literally taking each other in to the very depths of their souls...
Cane was waiting...
Lily knew that she had to make the last step - that it had to be her decision. She knew that she was powerless to resist, this was the other half to her soul standing before her. Lily took that last step and pressed her body flush against his, she was home...
God, Cane thought he was home. Energy and life flowed through him again. If just for this moment he was alive again...
He watched as Lily moistened her bottom lip with the tip of her tongue, he followed its path and when it retreated, he followed the path with his own...
Lily slid her hands up and around Cane's neck, sliding her fingers in to his hair and holding on for all that she could.
Cane deepened the kiss, exploring every hidden recess of her mouth, memorizing her taste, her texture because he didn't know if or when he would ever get this chance again...
For every stroke of Cane's tongue, Lily met it with one of her own. She moaned, he groaned and tightened his grip on her. As he pressed her back against the elevator wall, the power suddenly returned and the elevator again began to move startling them apart...
Their breathing heavy, their lips swollen with passion they stared at one another but their gaze was broken as the doors began to open. Lily moved towards them and Cane grabbed her hand to stop her.
"Lily, wait." Cane's fingers entwined with hers.
Lily looked down at their joined fingers for just a moment before her sad gaze returned to his. "I can't. That was a precious moment in time that I will always cherish but you're still married to - to her and we can't change that." Tears shone in her eyes as she turned and stepped out of the elevator, their joined fingers sliding along one anothers until they finally fell away...
Cane watched her go with tears of his own...
Part Two!!
Each step that she took tore at Lily. It took her further and further away from Cane. Hastily she wiped at the tears falling down her cheeks. Stopping to lean against a wall out of sight to collect herself, a shudder ripped through her body causing Lily to wrap her arms around herself to keep from shaking. If she only knew...
At that very moment having watched the doors slide close cutting off his view of her retreating back, Cane fell against the elevator wall, hard. He wiped at the moisture at his eyes and as a shudder of his own rippled through his body he let out an anguished moan at the utter emptiness that once again consumed him...
After a few moments Lily felt like she had collected herself enough to make her way home. Letting out a sigh she kept her head down in case she passed anyone so they wouldn't see her red rimmed eyes. It was because of that moments later she found her arms gripped by unfamiliar hands, stopping her in her tracks...
"Hey you should walk with your head up so as not to run into anyone."
Startled Lily began to apologize to the man she had almost run into. "I am so sorry I wasn't paying attention, if you'll -" She looked up at the man's face. "Billy? What - what are you doing here? I thought you were jetting off again from New York." Lily said as she tried to step out of Billy's grasp, he was in her personal space - space that had just been occupied by Cane and she wanted no one else in it.
Billy liked the feel of Lily in his arms but he didn't stop her when she tried to pull away. "Well Miss Lily Winters I thought it was high time that I met this brother of mine face to face and it wouldn't hurt for me to visit with the rest of my family since it has been a while since I have seen them. And I am sure that CC told them that she saw me in New York and I can't have them hanging me out to dry for not stopping in Genoa City before taking off again."
"Oh, well I am sure that your family will be very excited to see you and Cane... well Cane is a wonderful man who treasures family above all else. I am sure you will like him very much."
Billy crossed his arms as he looked down at Lily, taking in her shaken appearance and puffy eyes he said, "look CC told me about you and my brother."
"She did, did she." Lily said crossing her own arms defensively in front of her.
Billy raised a hand and said, "now don't get to upset with her she only told me that you had thought he was IT for you but that you had just broken up." Billy chuckled before he continued, "she actually thought that I could help cheer you up."
"Well thank you but that isn't necessary. Sorry to rush off but I really have to get home, I have some studying to do. It was great seeing you again." Lily stepped around him and continued on her way.
"It was better seeing you." Billy said as he watched her go. There was more to this story with Lily and his so called brother than he knew but he had every intention of finding out, in fact he thought he would just head on up to Cane's office right now...
Part Three!!
"Lily..." Breathing heaving and cupping her face, he didn't know how much longer he could keep his mouth from hers...
He felt her surrender then their mouths were fused together. Tasting, touching, stroking...
Cane mentally shook himself, jarring him away from that all to resent, intense memory. He started to shrug his jacket off when something fell from the pocket, bending over to pick it up he found himself starring at the one reason he and Lily couldn't be together. The ultrasound picture of the baby, his and Chloe's baby...
"Knock, knock."
Startled, Cane shoved the picture under some files on the corner of his desk as a tall, familiar looking young man stepped in to his office. Thanks to the photos he had seen around the mansion he would know this man anywhere...
"Billy!?" Cane exclaimed, his problems momentarily forgotten at the sight of seeing his younger brother for the first time. He came round the desk and strode towards him and warmly embraced his brother. In his enthusiasm he didn't notice that the embrace was returned rather stiffly.
"Easy, bro. That's a little tight."
Cane chuckled as he stepped back and said, "sorry. I'm still new to this family thing and I have never had a sibling - that I knew of before and I'm just a little excited to meet you face to face finally."
"Well, I suppose that is understandable." Billy said as he took in his older brother.
"Wow. I can't believe my little brother is standing in front of me. Please come in and sit down, I really can't wait to get to know you." Cane turned and headed back to his desk and sat down behind it.
Billy winced as he followed and said, "could we maybe lay off the 'little' brother part - just a bit?" Billy also took note of the casual yet authoritative way that Cane was sitting behind the CEO of Jabot's desk and he didn't like it, not one bit.
"Sure anything for you little - I mean Billy. Seriously, I can't wait to get to know you and for you to get to know me. Have you seen Mum and Grandmum yet?"
Billy shifted in the chair. "No actually, not yet I really wanted to meet you first. It's not everyday that you get to meet your older brother for the first time. I'll go see them when I leave here."
"I'll go with you then. I'm almost done here for the day anyways and besides that way we can all go out to dinner and celebrate your homecoming together."
"Let's just call it an extended visit, there is still to much of the world out there for me to see." Billy shifted in his seat again this time his leg hit some files on the edge of Cane's desk knocking them to the floor. "Oh, sorry about that," Billy said as he reached down to pick them up.
Cane had stood as well to come round and help when he saw the confused look on Billy's face as he starred at two items in his hands. The gorgeous proofs of Lily from the Holiday Campaign and the ultrasound picture.
Billy's glance raised to Cane's as he said, "man is this why you and Lily broke up? She's pregnant?"
The smile that had been on Cane's face since his brothers arrival vanished...
Part Four!!
Billy caught sight of the look on Cane's face and tried to back track upon his callous remark. "I mean there is no way that I would want to be saddled with a kid either but if I had knocked up someone as hot as Lily I might reconsider my bachelor ways."
Cane's face darkened further before he snatched the two items from Billy's hands. He cleared his throat trying to calm himself before he said, "Lily isn't pregnant. But that baby is the reason we broke up." Cane looked at the ultrasound a moment longer before he placed it in a nearby drawer but there was no missing the look of longing that passed over his features as he looked at Lily's proofs before carefully putting them back in the file folder.
"Oh," Billy said before it dawned on him. "Oooohhhh! Got it. It's not Lily's but it is yours. Tough break man."
"Yeah, well I never walk away from my responsibilities. Look, can we maybe save this conversation for another day? It's not exactly what I would have picked for the first conversation to have after meeting my brother face to face for the first time."
Billy placed a hand on the back of Cane's shoulder as they turned and headed out of the office. "You're right bro. This is a conversation we will save for another day after all brothers are supposed to be there for each other." Wow! Billy thought something major had gone down and he was determined to find out exactly what that was...
"Thanks. Let's go see Mum and Grandmum. They are going to be so happy to see you." And the two brothers left Jabot...
"Look I already gave you a hefty down payment to change that conception date... Don't threaten me... My husband is stinking rich, you stick with your end of the deal and I will make sure that you are handsomely rewarded... Whatever but you better not screw me over, we have a deal. Don't forget how much you owe in student loans and how I can make all of that go away... Yeah, well just don't forget." Chloe disconnected and threw her cell ruffly on to the couch.
"Damn it! It would be so much easier to keep my deception in check if people weren't so darn greedy." Chloe put her hand on her already rounded stomach and continued to herself, "no one can find out the truth about you little booger. It would cost us everything if they did..."
Lily had made it back to the campus house. She was so emotionally drained, all she wanted to do was to head upstairs, draw a bath and loose herself in the memory of what happened in the elevator. When she closed the door behind her she found Devon going over some work for his new course load.
Putting on a false expression of being ok she said to him in an overly bright tone, "hey stranger. I didn't expect you to be home."
Devon didn't glance up when he replied, "yeah well Roxanne is going out of town for the week to visit her folks so your stuck with me." It was then that he looked up and caught sight of Lily's pale complexion and slightly puffy eyes. He stood and walked towards her. "Lily..."
Lily held up a hand and said, "Devon please don't." She was quickly loosing the battle against the tears that she was so far managing to keep at bay - she just wanted to be alone so she could let it all out.
Devon persisted. "Lily, did Cane do something else to you cause I swear I'll -"
Saying his name was all it took for the floodgates to open and on a choked sob she said, "no. No, Cane did nothing wrong. It's just - it's just... Oh, Devon please can you just bite your tongue for a moment and just be here for me. Understand me or at least try." Lily said wiping uselessly at the tears that continued to fall.
Devon hurt to see Lily this way and he wrapped his arms around her in a comforting hug. "Of course sis. Anything for you."
Lily let the tears fall, soaking Devon's sweater. "I just love Cane so much and I don't know how I am supposed to go forward without him by my side..."
"It's ok Lily. Your family is here for you and together we will figure it out..."
Part Five!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjtOav-GWak (a little music to listen to while you read)
It had been an exhausting day. Cane had just gotten back home after having dinner and conversation with his family and he was relieved to find that Chloe had already retired for the evening so he didn't have to deal with her on top of everything else. He decided on a hot shower before crawling in to bed where he listened to the radio as he fell asleep...
After crying her heart out on her brother's shoulder Lily was emotionally spent. Hoping that a hot bath would relax her enough to get some sleep she had soaked in the the tub for half an hour but it had only helped a little. Lily had a feeling that her sleep would be filled with dreams and not all of them good...
Cane tossed and turned as images filled his head from a blurry memory...
"Let's buy her a drink." Bas said leaning back in his chair.
"I'm sure Chloe has to be some where else," replied Cane.
"No, I don't." Chloe said, jumping in.
"What would you like?" Bas asked.
"Surprise me..."
"I don't think I have ever seen you this drunk before." Chloe said around the straw in her mouth.
Pointing his finger and beer bottle at her Cane replied, "who says I'm drunk?" ...
"You're just jealous," Cane said slurring his words even more.
"Sooooo... jealous," replied Chloe sarcastically...
"He's wasted. A little help please." Chloe said as she tried to support Cane's weight. "Just help me get him to my car," she said to Bas...
He wasn't quite sure how he got there but he found himself sitting in Chloe's car and mumbling to her, "Isn't Bas just great... Lily's coming home...You know there is someone out there for you..."
Now the next part he never remembered hearing before and it was almost like it was coming from a great distance away. His face twisted in his sleep as he strained to make out the words...
"It's a good thing I called the bartender after work and told him to give me virgin cocktails..."
Virgin cocktails? What the -? But his mind was already racing ahead and he didn't have time to dwell...
"Get off me. What are you doing? What are you doing?" A startled Cane demanded as he pushed a very naked Chloe off of him in disgust. "I don't remember leaving Indigo."
"Don't freak out but we were seriously drunk."
Panicked and searching for his clothes he exclaimed, "no, no, no, no... We didn't do this. No matter how messed up I was, we didn't do this..."
"Lily, I swear to you nothing happened. I swear to you." He reached for Lily but she wouldn't let him touch her in fact she told him to get out...
Cane's mind skipped through his racing thoughts settling once more on something else...
"You said 'I do' because the DNA test showed you were the father of this baby." Chloe said before handing Cane 'her rights as a mother'...
Lily stared at the test results dumbfounded. "You're not excluded! It says you're in the matching group?" Lily shoved the results back at him before getting up and storming out...
Lily slept fitfully, images of Cane were running through her head. Her mind was cruel and she couldn't get away from the images that floated in front of her closed lids...
Lily stared at the test results dumbfounded. "You're not excluded! It says you're in the matching group?"...
Something about that bothered Lily and she tossed in her sleep, her mind already on to something else...
"It should have been our baby." Cane said as he cast his eyes downward in shame.
"Yeah, I ah... I know." Lily replied softly.
"It's kind of crazy huh? How Chloe is Esther's daughter?"
"Yeah, this proves even more what a liar she is. Yeah, I don't know how but she definately scamed you that night."
"I shouldn't have let myself be so vunerable." Again the shame consumed him.
"I don't blame you for what happened. I blame that manipulative bitch!"
'"I've missed you," Cane said reaching for her.
Avoiding his grasp she replied, "no Cane. Please don't. It only makes it harder..."
"I'm sorry, I'm, sorry, I'm sorry," he said over and over. They walked towards the door where he tried once more. "Ummm... thank you for coming over. It means a lot to me."
Lily faced him in the doorway and said, "I meant every word."
"You always know what I need don't you." And just like that neither could resist as they were drawn together like magnents in a kiss so heated and so full of passion that if one of them didn't stop it, then it would never end...
Breathing hard, Lily pulled away. "Wait... we can't do this." Lily turned and fled. But she caught Cane's look of pain and devistation before she did.
It was that look that woke her...
Cane too jolted awake but to the sound of a beeping alarm clock...
Each others names were on their lips. Rubbing their heads each tried to recall their fading dreams in their lonely rooms. Somehow they both knew that it was extrememly important that they did, answers to questions were just under the surface but it was getting harder and harder to recall as each second past...
Cane barked out a reply to the tapping that was now at his door. Chloe opened it and stuck her head inside. "Hey did you know that you are a loud sleeper? I swear I could hear you talking all the way in the back of the house."
Cane rubbed a hand over his face. "Chloe, if the only reason you are bugging me before I even get out of bed is this? Well can you just save it for later?
"Geeze, you're obviously grumpy too."
"Chloe," Cane said with an angry warning in his tone.
"Actually no it's not the reason I knocked. I have another follow up visit at the doctors next week and I wanted to see if you would come."
"Just put it on the calender and I will do my best to be there."
"Well thanks for all your support." A reply dripping with sarcasm as she once again closed the door to his and Lil - to his room.
Something niggled at the back of his mind. Something that he needed to remember...
Lily sighed as she waited for the elevator to arrive. It had been a long day with the photo shoot to launch the Holiday Campaign, so far she had managed to avoid running in to Cane. Lily looked down at her shoes as she continued to wait and saw some very familiar black leather shoes step beside hers...
She turned her head up and to the side and her gaze locked with Cane's. "Hey."
"Hey, yourself. I just finished looking at the proofs from today's shoot and you looked positively breathtaking."
Lily blushed and looked away. "Thank you," she replied softly. Just then the elevator chimed and after gesturing for Lily to go first they both stepped in and the doors closed behind them...
The silence surrounded them. Lily placed her back against one corner while Cane eyed her under his lashes from the other. They both longed to say so much to the other but where do you begin when the one you love most in this world stands so close yet so far from you...
Cane took a deep breath. "Lily I -" Just then the elevator lurched to a sudden stop and they were cast in to darkness.
With fear in her voice Lily said, "Cane?"
"I'm right here sweetheart," Cane said reaching for her in the darkness.
"What happened are we stuck?"
"I think the power went out." A moment later the emergency lights kicked on casting a soft glow upon them.
Lily blinked as her eyes refocused on a gaze that was only inches from hers. In the sudden darkness Lily had reached out for Cane and her hands were still on top of his arms where she could feel his muscles tensing under her touch. When she went to step back Cane stopped her by tightening his hold on her.
"Lily, please don't." Casting his gaze around the 8x10 dimly lit enclosure he continued, "we may only have seconds or minutes before the power comes back on. Please," he whispered again. "Just give us this moment, I have missed you so much. I feel like the very essence of me has disappeared since the moment you walked out of my life."
Lily swallowed hard but no longer tried to pull away. She realized that this was a very precious stolen moment in time - one that she would cherish later.
Cane watched closely as the emotions played across her expressive face and he knew the moment when she surrendered to this, to him...
His hand slowly glided up her back laying a blazing trail of heat where ever he touched. Up over her shoulder, his fingers scorched her neck as his large hand finally reached her jawline and he slid it along there cupping her face in his warm palm. Tilting her face up so that there wasn't anyway that she could avoid his gaze, both watched as their eyes changed to pools of molten chocolate...
Cane lowered his head towards her, stopping just before his lips could touch hers. Their eyes never leaving one another, their breath coming in short heated pants intermingled with one anothers. It was like they were literally taking each other in to the very depths of their souls...
Cane was waiting...
Lily knew that she had to make the last step - that it had to be her decision. She knew that she was powerless to resist, this was the other half to her soul standing before her. Lily took that last step and pressed her body flush against his, she was home...
God, Cane thought he was home. Energy and life flowed through him again. If just for this moment he was alive again...
He watched as Lily moistened her bottom lip with the tip of her tongue, he followed its path and when it retreated, he followed the path with his own...
Lily slid her hands up and around Cane's neck, sliding her fingers in to his hair and holding on for all that she could.
Cane deepened the kiss, exploring every hidden recess of her mouth, memorizing her taste, her texture because he didn't know if or when he would ever get this chance again...
For every stroke of Cane's tongue, Lily met it with one of her own. She moaned, he groaned and tightened his grip on her. As he pressed her back against the elevator wall, the power suddenly returned and the elevator again began to move startling them apart...
Their breathing heavy, their lips swollen with passion they stared at one another but their gaze was broken as the doors began to open. Lily moved towards them and Cane grabbed her hand to stop her.
"Lily, wait." Cane's fingers entwined with hers.
Lily looked down at their joined fingers for just a moment before her sad gaze returned to his. "I can't. That was a precious moment in time that I will always cherish but you're still married to - to her and we can't change that." Tears shone in her eyes as she turned and stepped out of the elevator, their joined fingers sliding along one anothers until they finally fell away...
Cane watched her go with tears of his own...
Part Two!!
Each step that she took tore at Lily. It took her further and further away from Cane. Hastily she wiped at the tears falling down her cheeks. Stopping to lean against a wall out of sight to collect herself, a shudder ripped through her body causing Lily to wrap her arms around herself to keep from shaking. If she only knew...
At that very moment having watched the doors slide close cutting off his view of her retreating back, Cane fell against the elevator wall, hard. He wiped at the moisture at his eyes and as a shudder of his own rippled through his body he let out an anguished moan at the utter emptiness that once again consumed him...
After a few moments Lily felt like she had collected herself enough to make her way home. Letting out a sigh she kept her head down in case she passed anyone so they wouldn't see her red rimmed eyes. It was because of that moments later she found her arms gripped by unfamiliar hands, stopping her in her tracks...
"Hey you should walk with your head up so as not to run into anyone."
Startled Lily began to apologize to the man she had almost run into. "I am so sorry I wasn't paying attention, if you'll -" She looked up at the man's face. "Billy? What - what are you doing here? I thought you were jetting off again from New York." Lily said as she tried to step out of Billy's grasp, he was in her personal space - space that had just been occupied by Cane and she wanted no one else in it.
Billy liked the feel of Lily in his arms but he didn't stop her when she tried to pull away. "Well Miss Lily Winters I thought it was high time that I met this brother of mine face to face and it wouldn't hurt for me to visit with the rest of my family since it has been a while since I have seen them. And I am sure that CC told them that she saw me in New York and I can't have them hanging me out to dry for not stopping in Genoa City before taking off again."
"Oh, well I am sure that your family will be very excited to see you and Cane... well Cane is a wonderful man who treasures family above all else. I am sure you will like him very much."
Billy crossed his arms as he looked down at Lily, taking in her shaken appearance and puffy eyes he said, "look CC told me about you and my brother."
"She did, did she." Lily said crossing her own arms defensively in front of her.
Billy raised a hand and said, "now don't get to upset with her she only told me that you had thought he was IT for you but that you had just broken up." Billy chuckled before he continued, "she actually thought that I could help cheer you up."
"Well thank you but that isn't necessary. Sorry to rush off but I really have to get home, I have some studying to do. It was great seeing you again." Lily stepped around him and continued on her way.
"It was better seeing you." Billy said as he watched her go. There was more to this story with Lily and his so called brother than he knew but he had every intention of finding out, in fact he thought he would just head on up to Cane's office right now...
Part Three!!
"Lily..." Breathing heaving and cupping her face, he didn't know how much longer he could keep his mouth from hers...
He felt her surrender then their mouths were fused together. Tasting, touching, stroking...
Cane mentally shook himself, jarring him away from that all to resent, intense memory. He started to shrug his jacket off when something fell from the pocket, bending over to pick it up he found himself starring at the one reason he and Lily couldn't be together. The ultrasound picture of the baby, his and Chloe's baby...
"Knock, knock."
Startled, Cane shoved the picture under some files on the corner of his desk as a tall, familiar looking young man stepped in to his office. Thanks to the photos he had seen around the mansion he would know this man anywhere...
"Billy!?" Cane exclaimed, his problems momentarily forgotten at the sight of seeing his younger brother for the first time. He came round the desk and strode towards him and warmly embraced his brother. In his enthusiasm he didn't notice that the embrace was returned rather stiffly.
"Easy, bro. That's a little tight."
Cane chuckled as he stepped back and said, "sorry. I'm still new to this family thing and I have never had a sibling - that I knew of before and I'm just a little excited to meet you face to face finally."
"Well, I suppose that is understandable." Billy said as he took in his older brother.
"Wow. I can't believe my little brother is standing in front of me. Please come in and sit down, I really can't wait to get to know you." Cane turned and headed back to his desk and sat down behind it.
Billy winced as he followed and said, "could we maybe lay off the 'little' brother part - just a bit?" Billy also took note of the casual yet authoritative way that Cane was sitting behind the CEO of Jabot's desk and he didn't like it, not one bit.
"Sure anything for you little - I mean Billy. Seriously, I can't wait to get to know you and for you to get to know me. Have you seen Mum and Grandmum yet?"
Billy shifted in the chair. "No actually, not yet I really wanted to meet you first. It's not everyday that you get to meet your older brother for the first time. I'll go see them when I leave here."
"I'll go with you then. I'm almost done here for the day anyways and besides that way we can all go out to dinner and celebrate your homecoming together."
"Let's just call it an extended visit, there is still to much of the world out there for me to see." Billy shifted in his seat again this time his leg hit some files on the edge of Cane's desk knocking them to the floor. "Oh, sorry about that," Billy said as he reached down to pick them up.
Cane had stood as well to come round and help when he saw the confused look on Billy's face as he starred at two items in his hands. The gorgeous proofs of Lily from the Holiday Campaign and the ultrasound picture.
Billy's glance raised to Cane's as he said, "man is this why you and Lily broke up? She's pregnant?"
The smile that had been on Cane's face since his brothers arrival vanished...
Part Four!!
Billy caught sight of the look on Cane's face and tried to back track upon his callous remark. "I mean there is no way that I would want to be saddled with a kid either but if I had knocked up someone as hot as Lily I might reconsider my bachelor ways."
Cane's face darkened further before he snatched the two items from Billy's hands. He cleared his throat trying to calm himself before he said, "Lily isn't pregnant. But that baby is the reason we broke up." Cane looked at the ultrasound a moment longer before he placed it in a nearby drawer but there was no missing the look of longing that passed over his features as he looked at Lily's proofs before carefully putting them back in the file folder.
"Oh," Billy said before it dawned on him. "Oooohhhh! Got it. It's not Lily's but it is yours. Tough break man."
"Yeah, well I never walk away from my responsibilities. Look, can we maybe save this conversation for another day? It's not exactly what I would have picked for the first conversation to have after meeting my brother face to face for the first time."
Billy placed a hand on the back of Cane's shoulder as they turned and headed out of the office. "You're right bro. This is a conversation we will save for another day after all brothers are supposed to be there for each other." Wow! Billy thought something major had gone down and he was determined to find out exactly what that was...
"Thanks. Let's go see Mum and Grandmum. They are going to be so happy to see you." And the two brothers left Jabot...
"Look I already gave you a hefty down payment to change that conception date... Don't threaten me... My husband is stinking rich, you stick with your end of the deal and I will make sure that you are handsomely rewarded... Whatever but you better not screw me over, we have a deal. Don't forget how much you owe in student loans and how I can make all of that go away... Yeah, well just don't forget." Chloe disconnected and threw her cell ruffly on to the couch.
"Damn it! It would be so much easier to keep my deception in check if people weren't so darn greedy." Chloe put her hand on her already rounded stomach and continued to herself, "no one can find out the truth about you little booger. It would cost us everything if they did..."
Lily had made it back to the campus house. She was so emotionally drained, all she wanted to do was to head upstairs, draw a bath and loose herself in the memory of what happened in the elevator. When she closed the door behind her she found Devon going over some work for his new course load.
Putting on a false expression of being ok she said to him in an overly bright tone, "hey stranger. I didn't expect you to be home."
Devon didn't glance up when he replied, "yeah well Roxanne is going out of town for the week to visit her folks so your stuck with me." It was then that he looked up and caught sight of Lily's pale complexion and slightly puffy eyes. He stood and walked towards her. "Lily..."
Lily held up a hand and said, "Devon please don't." She was quickly loosing the battle against the tears that she was so far managing to keep at bay - she just wanted to be alone so she could let it all out.
Devon persisted. "Lily, did Cane do something else to you cause I swear I'll -"
Saying his name was all it took for the floodgates to open and on a choked sob she said, "no. No, Cane did nothing wrong. It's just - it's just... Oh, Devon please can you just bite your tongue for a moment and just be here for me. Understand me or at least try." Lily said wiping uselessly at the tears that continued to fall.
Devon hurt to see Lily this way and he wrapped his arms around her in a comforting hug. "Of course sis. Anything for you."
Lily let the tears fall, soaking Devon's sweater. "I just love Cane so much and I don't know how I am supposed to go forward without him by my side..."
"It's ok Lily. Your family is here for you and together we will figure it out..."
Part Five!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjtOav-GWak (a little music to listen to while you read)
It had been an exhausting day. Cane had just gotten back home after having dinner and conversation with his family and he was relieved to find that Chloe had already retired for the evening so he didn't have to deal with her on top of everything else. He decided on a hot shower before crawling in to bed where he listened to the radio as he fell asleep...
After crying her heart out on her brother's shoulder Lily was emotionally spent. Hoping that a hot bath would relax her enough to get some sleep she had soaked in the the tub for half an hour but it had only helped a little. Lily had a feeling that her sleep would be filled with dreams and not all of them good...
Cane tossed and turned as images filled his head from a blurry memory...
"Let's buy her a drink." Bas said leaning back in his chair.
"I'm sure Chloe has to be some where else," replied Cane.
"No, I don't." Chloe said, jumping in.
"What would you like?" Bas asked.
"Surprise me..."
"I don't think I have ever seen you this drunk before." Chloe said around the straw in her mouth.
Pointing his finger and beer bottle at her Cane replied, "who says I'm drunk?" ...
"You're just jealous," Cane said slurring his words even more.
"Sooooo... jealous," replied Chloe sarcastically...
"He's wasted. A little help please." Chloe said as she tried to support Cane's weight. "Just help me get him to my car," she said to Bas...
He wasn't quite sure how he got there but he found himself sitting in Chloe's car and mumbling to her, "Isn't Bas just great... Lily's coming home...You know there is someone out there for you..."
Now the next part he never remembered hearing before and it was almost like it was coming from a great distance away. His face twisted in his sleep as he strained to make out the words...
"It's a good thing I called the bartender after work and told him to give me virgin cocktails..."
Virgin cocktails? What the -? But his mind was already racing ahead and he didn't have time to dwell...
"Get off me. What are you doing? What are you doing?" A startled Cane demanded as he pushed a very naked Chloe off of him in disgust. "I don't remember leaving Indigo."
"Don't freak out but we were seriously drunk."
Panicked and searching for his clothes he exclaimed, "no, no, no, no... We didn't do this. No matter how messed up I was, we didn't do this..."
"Lily, I swear to you nothing happened. I swear to you." He reached for Lily but she wouldn't let him touch her in fact she told him to get out...
Cane's mind skipped through his racing thoughts settling once more on something else...
"You said 'I do' because the DNA test showed you were the father of this baby." Chloe said before handing Cane 'her rights as a mother'...
Lily stared at the test results dumbfounded. "You're not excluded! It says you're in the matching group?" Lily shoved the results back at him before getting up and storming out...
Lily slept fitfully, images of Cane were running through her head. Her mind was cruel and she couldn't get away from the images that floated in front of her closed lids...
Lily stared at the test results dumbfounded. "You're not excluded! It says you're in the matching group?"...
Something about that bothered Lily and she tossed in her sleep, her mind already on to something else...
"It should have been our baby." Cane said as he cast his eyes downward in shame.
"Yeah, I ah... I know." Lily replied softly.
"It's kind of crazy huh? How Chloe is Esther's daughter?"
"Yeah, this proves even more what a liar she is. Yeah, I don't know how but she definately scamed you that night."
"I shouldn't have let myself be so vunerable." Again the shame consumed him.
"I don't blame you for what happened. I blame that manipulative bitch!"
'"I've missed you," Cane said reaching for her.
Avoiding his grasp she replied, "no Cane. Please don't. It only makes it harder..."
"I'm sorry, I'm, sorry, I'm sorry," he said over and over. They walked towards the door where he tried once more. "Ummm... thank you for coming over. It means a lot to me."
Lily faced him in the doorway and said, "I meant every word."
"You always know what I need don't you." And just like that neither could resist as they were drawn together like magnents in a kiss so heated and so full of passion that if one of them didn't stop it, then it would never end...
Breathing hard, Lily pulled away. "Wait... we can't do this." Lily turned and fled. But she caught Cane's look of pain and devistation before she did.
It was that look that woke her...
Cane too jolted awake but to the sound of a beeping alarm clock...
Each others names were on their lips. Rubbing their heads each tried to recall their fading dreams in their lonely rooms. Somehow they both knew that it was extrememly important that they did, answers to questions were just under the surface but it was getting harder and harder to recall as each second past...
Cane barked out a reply to the tapping that was now at his door. Chloe opened it and stuck her head inside. "Hey did you know that you are a loud sleeper? I swear I could hear you talking all the way in the back of the house."
Cane rubbed a hand over his face. "Chloe, if the only reason you are bugging me before I even get out of bed is this? Well can you just save it for later?
"Geeze, you're obviously grumpy too."
"Chloe," Cane said with an angry warning in his tone.
"Actually no it's not the reason I knocked. I have another follow up visit at the doctors next week and I wanted to see if you would come."
"Just put it on the calender and I will do my best to be there."
"Well thanks for all your support." A reply dripping with sarcasm as she once again closed the door to his and Lil - to his room.
Something niggled at the back of his mind. Something that he needed to remember...
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